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UNSHAKABLE (Able Series Book 4)

Page 19

by Aceves, Gigi

  Finally reaching our bed, I pull back the comforter as she climbs on while I take my pants off. Pulling the covers over us, I take her panties off tossing them over my shoulder as she unbuttons my shirt; thankfully I had the brains to take my tie and jacket off in the car. Her damn bra is the next to go, followed by her sundress, landing somewhere on the floor as my lips continue their assault on her hot skin.

  Knowing this part of the plan is the part she’ll hate the most makes it all the harder for me to do. I completely stop kissing her, my heart at a standstill. I spear my fingers through her hair as I look into her eyes with as much intensity as I can muster, letting her know that I feel the same way.

  “We need to set the stage for our fake break up tomorrow. Tonight will be our last night together, baby.”

  She tenses under me as I hold my breath. “I hate this! Is this the only way? This is the most dangerous part, isn’t it?” She cries. Her voice is quivering with true sadness.

  Her hands snake around my neck as I bury my face into her neck not wanting to see her cry. “It needs to be done, baby. This is the only way. My leaving town without any reason cause suspicion that we might be onto them.”

  She grabs my face this time, her eyes lock with mine as fresh tears drown her green ones. God knows caving in isn’t an option . . . crushing the enemy is. My desire for my wife ramps up and the hardness she feels is evidence of that. At this very moment, I want to demolish the person ruining our lives because for now, they dictate our every move. Redirecting myself, I match her stare with a determined one of my own.

  “This isn’t the start to the happy life I’d planned for us, but this is what we’ve been dealt. My main concern is finding a way to end this. As hard as this is for me, I’ll sacrifice a few weeks for a lifetime of peace without looking over my shoulder, checking to see if you’re safe . . . if we’re safe.”

  “Weeks, not days? That’s too long.” Her quivering lips touch mine as another set of twin tears fall on her face.

  “Don’t think about the time. It’ll be over before you know it. It could be just days, depending on what our source says. Just remember, if I’m saying something or doing something that I normally wouldn’t do or say, you should know that it’s all part of the game, alright?”

  Silence covers us as I sheath myself inside her warmth. My lips capture hers in a sensual dance of pure love and fucking heartbreak, accepting the unwanted separation we’re about to face. This separation to some may seem trivial, but it isn’t to us. We waited so long to be together that every time we’re apart is as painful as it is unbearable. Every thrust of my hips is mirrored by my tongue while her lips comfort my own with each nip and butterfly kisses. Her fingers glide across my back, every touch conveying a message of understanding accompanied with pain as she shares my deep anguish of separation from her.

  “I love you, Wildflower,” I breathe out as I rest my forehead on hers. “We’ll love each other from a far for a while, but know I’m counting every hour, down to the very minute to the very last second until my arms hold you, until my lips do this . . .” I kiss her, I just can’t help it. “. . . . and until you feel every beat of my heart against yours just as it is now.”

  Fight—I’ve done it all of my life. It’s nothing new, but the desire to defeat the enemy is more ferocious than I’ve ever felt it before. My reason is the person underneath me, who’s warming my body, loving my lips, and strengthening my heart.

  Flight—Not a fucking chance.


  WE’RE BACK AT THE WHITE House having dinner with my parents, Ms. Viv, Darcee, Bryanna, and Joe. Surprisingly enough, Nicole isn’t present. According to Joe, she has business she needs to attend to in Ohio. Something she always does once a year and planned a long time ago. What a relief! I don’t think her services are needed since my father’s approval rating only suffered a one percent hit. There’s no fire she needs to douse at the moment, thankfully.

  Just as we’re all getting comfortable, Joe turns on the TV and my husband’s voice fills the air while his face is once again epically plastered on the screen. His words completely shatter my heart even though the venom of its shock hasn’t fully sunk in. The poison is already spreading, cutting all reason and logic to my brain. My eyes remain on the television as the audible gasp of my mom keeps me tethered to my reality, while my brain tries its hardest to just escape.

  Damien reaches for my hand, but I refuse to return the squeeze of love . . . not this time. There’s no explaining his side on this because his words already did just that. Divorce? Why would he imagine it ever entered my mind? My eyes focus on his tie and a gasp leaves my lips realizing he wore that yesterday. . . . a day when he loved me so sweetly, only to break my heart today.

  “Sophia. . . .” He starts as my head shakes like a damn bobble head.

  “Don’t Sophia me! Why didn’t you tell me about this? Why?”

  My eyes land on Darcee, then Bryanna who both look at me with utter shock in their eyes. They get to witness this momentous break up, up close and personal. Break up? Those two words tickle my mind, taunting me to remember something. Remember what? But, my mind is too far gone. Anger is over ruling everything inside me.

  I must have stood up at some point since Damien is too. His face is a flurry of emotions. “You have to calm down, Sophia.”

  “Oh, and your solution is to say if I want a divorce it’s up to me. That you’re just giving her space, but eventually will seek her out?” I glare at him, not caring who’s watching us.

  “I only answered a question with what I thought was a logical answer. If you’ll stop and calm down, you’ll get what I’m trying to do here.” He’s speaking firmly but slowly, as if he’s talking to a child. It’s the same tone he uses when he wants me to know I’m not acting right.

  My parents are still glued to their seats, probably as shocked as I am. He adamantly denied that he couldn’t have been the father, but now he owns up to it? I’m confused as hell! I gaze at my mother’s face mirroring my own, her sadness in complete sync with my heart while my dad remains stoic, perhaps confounded by the revelation of his son-in-law.

  “If you were thinking about it, why didn’t you tell me? Why do I have to find out like everyone else that my husband is contemplating talking to the woman who has been a thorn on our side? You know as well as I do she wants to destroy us, and thanks to you she has succeeded! I hate you!”

  His eyes glaze over as disbelief and shock of what I just said hits him hard. “I didn’t tell you precisely because of this reaction! Think, Sophia! Why am I saying all this? Ask yourself that, or are you too immature to comprehend anything?”

  “Enough!” My dad growls out.

  My palm makes contact with his face. The sting of which is still vibrating on my skin. Pain lances its way through my soul, the gaping hole created by his revelation will take years to cover up . . . if ever. When Bryanna’s voice reaches my ears calling for my husband, I make my escape.

  I seek the comfort of my old room knowing full well in a matter of seconds the reprieve I long for will be replaced by another painful confrontation with Damien.

  “Listen. . . .” His voice makes me glare back at him, stopping him where he stands. “Take deep breaths, babe. I need you to listen to me now. Think back on what I told you last night.”

  His imploring, soft, beseeching voice coats my heart long enough to push the clouds of anger at bay. “What you just saw was staged, Sophia. Joe and your dad are in on it. The reporter who asked me those questions is someone who knows my family really well, specifically my uncle. We needed to set up our break up, and this was the best way for it to be played out. It’s out there for everyone to see my own words being used against me. Your reaction needed to be as authentic as possible for it to be convincing in Bryanna’s eyes. She needs to believe we’re not just setting her up. Remember, I told you that there might come a time where I couldn’t explain myself before shit happens.”

  My face softens
as his words finally sink in. Regret for slapping him hits me the hardest, then self-loathing for not being in sync with him. Why can’t I get shit straight?

  “Ugh! I’m so frustrated right now! Who can live like this? Something is always being set up for a specific result or to fool someone. I know you warned me, but God! I feel like I’m losing my mind because I don’t know when something is real or fake!” I blow out an exasperated breath.

  “I’m just as frustrated as you. I don’t particularly enjoy doing this. But in order to get to the bottom of all this quickly, I’ll do whatever it takes. Nicole isn’t alone in this based on the information we’ve gotten so far. We know Bryanna’s connected somehow, which leads us to believe her father is, too. How they’re connected to Nicole and all this is what we’re trying to piece together. You also know we can’t start arresting people without hard evidence. That’s why it’s important that you trust me, implicitly.”

  Even with all the information he just said, all that’s running through my mind is when will it all stop? While I’m afraid of what he might face or be up against when he meets his informant, I want to get to the bottom of this.

  “I just want it all to end.” I don’t disguise the frustration in voice.

  “I want that, too, babe. It’s going to get tricky as we get more information. The information we get will dictate our moves. I may not have the luxury to explain my actions to you before it happens, especially when I’m gone. There’s no way for me to predict how this will all pan out.”

  “What about Nicole? Do you think she’s trying to escape? I mean how coincidental that she needed to go somewhere.”

  He reaches for my hand, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. “She’s being watched, but she takes a vacation at this time every year. It’s not out of the ordinary so I don’t think we’ll tail her all the way to Ohio. She’ll keep a low profile and milk the media’s attention for her benefit until she’s told to do otherwise. Don’t worry about her, okay? I’m meeting my source in California in two days. So tonight I’m leaving, and I don’t want to leave you like this.” His worried eyes meet my sad ones.

  Not wasting any time Damien pulls me into the hold I love, and I melt into him. I savor our last moments willing time to stop and wishing a magic wand could fix this. I have to think that there are people out there suffering far greater and painful things compared to mine if only to stave off my own hurts.

  Lips I know I’ll thirst to kiss find their home on mine, my eager fingers grab onto the body I know I’ll miss to hold, and the nearness of him I know I’ll long for I bottle up, hoping to take small doses each time loneliness sets in.

  How long? I don’t want to know. A second of separation is too long. Anything after that will uproot the only seed of hope that this will end quickly, so this moment will stay vividly clear until he comes home.

  “I love you,” he mumbles over my lips.

  “I love you . . .” I whisper back, and the countdown begins.

  Aches—an emotional soreness that doesn’t go away with time or memories. Its only relief is being in the presence of that person whose absence creates a chasm so wide you ache endlessly.

  Pains—a mental torment that no amount of Tylenol can cure or a lifetime of therapy can mend. Its only elixir is one simple kiss, two strong arms, three words uttered, and the entirety of the man I love.


  As I board the red eye to California, my mind plagues me every chance it gets. What plays in my head like a damn broken record is the image of Sophia when I stepped out of her room. The sadness in her eyes doesn’t match the courage her physical stance embodies. This is killing her just as much as it’s killing me. After our passionate kiss and the promise of always remembering how much we love each other, I left and our separation timer began ticking.

  I remember Darcee and Bryanna stopping me as soon as I exit Sophia’s room asking if she’s okay. While Darcee goes inside to check on my wife, Bryanna stays behind making sure to get my side of the story.

  “Are you okay, Damien?”

  “I will be. I just need time off from all of this. With everything going on, it’s driving both of us insane. It’s to the point that I don’t know what to say anymore.” I state, making sure everyone in the room hears me correctly.

  “That’ll be the last time you talk to my daughter in that manner! Do you understand me?” Sophia’s mom yells as I nod in response.

  “Take all the time you want,” Sophia’s dad says and walks off with his wife.

  I leave before Bryanna can even say another word; otherwise, I might’ve said something that would jeopardize what needs to be done.

  The voice of the pilot announcing our arrival in California pulls me back to the present. As soon as I see Lucas, I force a small smile on my face even though it’s the last thing I want to do.

  “Glad to finally meet you.” Lucas greets.

  “Wish I could say the same thing,” I mumble back.

  “I totally get what you’re saying. We’ll find a way to end this, Damien.”

  “So, we’re going straight to the hotel?”

  “Yeah, unless you want to go somewhere else.”

  I look out of the window. Sophia’s face plays in my mind. “No place I wanna be but home.”

  After what I said, there’s nothing anyone can say. It spells out loud and clear how much I detest what’s going on. But it’s happening, so I have to forge forward to do whatever it takes to win this. If only I knew who I was dealing with, but damn, I’m blind as a fucking bat.

  The moment we get to the hotel, Lucas and I are both in work mode. We set up two cameras in my room equipped with audio. Lucas’ room is where everything will be recorded. He makes a call to the Secret Service’s local office to check in, so I take a break and call my wife.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Thank God you got there fine. How are you?”

  Hearing her voice eases some of the tension, but not much. Holding her is what kills everything negative inside me. I have to constantly remind myself that she’s the reason I’m here. Why I want this to end.

  “I should ask you that. You’re staying with your mom and dad the whole time I’m gone, right? No deviating from the plan. I need peace of mind only if it’s knowing there are more eyes around. And I don’t want you to be alone with Bryanna or Nicole or anyone for that matter. Do you understand?”

  “Stop worrying. I’m following your instructions to the letter. Besides, do you think Luke would let me leave or be alone?”

  Exhaling loudly I mutter, “So, did we make the late night news?”

  “Ha! You could say that. The press bought your leaving the White House without me and going straight to the airport as our official separation—hook, line, and sinker. I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow the headlines will say I filed for divorce.”

  “Who do I love?” I whisper, my longing for her intensifies a notch.


  “Don’t forget that.”

  I hate to bring this up, but I just want to escape my reality for just a moment. I want to discuss this while I’m holding her close, in bed after we’ve shared ourselves to each other, but our reality is far from that.

  “Damien? Hello? Hey, talk to me.”

  Going for broke I confess, “After this I . . .” Pausing again I take in two deep breaths. “. . . . I want us to start a family. I’m done waiting. I’m tired of seeing everyone around me happy with the family they’ve created. I want what they have. I want it so badly, especially now.”

  The same timer that started its countdown when I left is the same damn sound my mind hears as silence from her greets me. Tick, tock, tick, tock . . . it rattles in my brain. Not once have we talked about kids, but I never thought she’d have this reaction.

  “I. . . .” She manages to croak out one word.

  Her reluctance hits my chest like a damn bullet train. Thank God Lucas walks into my room just in time to save my sorry ass from begging. I’m sure he
wants to discuss and walk through our plan for the meet.

  “Um, I have to go. Lucas is here.” I try to sound unconcerned with her lack of verbal response.

  “Oh . . . but I . . .”

  “It’s okay, Sophia. We’ll talk about it later.”

  “Will you let me finish? Yes, I would like to start a family soon too, okay? Now please stop with the pouting.”

  A smile appears instantly on my face with what she just said. My mind blows up snippets of what she’d look like carrying our child, and how crazy overprotective I’d be. I’m on cloud nine, but seeing Lucas standing in front of me brings me back to the reality of my truth. Danger is still too close.

  I go to the bathroom to get some privacy. “Thank you, baby,” I can’t even disguise the excitement in my voice. “I don’t know what to say. I’m happy and fearful at the same time.”

  She sighs heavily. “No fear, just you and me, remember?”

  After a few I love you’s, I reluctantly hang up. Was it hard? Too damn hard.

  I find Lucas looking out the window in deep thought. Our training makes sure we take every threat to the President and he’s family seriously. As soon as he feels my presence, he turns around and looks at me pensively. “You say everything you needed to say to your wife?”

  I walk toward the window and gaze out as I simply nod in agreement. I’ve been in frightening situations many times, but never have I feared the silence surrounding me. Now with the uncertainty of everything plus our new plan, the stillness doesn’t just shake me, it rocks me.

  “It’s always tough dealing with the unknown. It’s a buzz killer, ya know?”

  “It sure is, but it is what it is. Everything will fall into place, believe me. It always does.”

  A comfortable silence ensues, and the beep from my phone that signals an incoming text, interrupts it.

  Meeting moved up. . . . tomorrow same time, same place.


  “I haven’t said a word! You’ve got to get a hold of your shit.”


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