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Seduced By Moonlight

Page 2

by Lexie Davis

  It wasn’t long before he spotted the house. He stopped, staring at the sight before him. It was a nice two-storey Victorian style house with vinyl siding. Woods surrounded the entire property line, making it impossible to see predators coming upon the land. That was something to take into consideration.

  He narrowed his eyes and took in the lay of the land. The driveway was on the north side, gravel covered and easy to hear a car approaching. A small storage building sat off to the right side of the house. Max sniffed the air. No sign of other creatures around, the cat long gone now.

  The moon was beautiful, the light shining down on the land below. Max couldn’t resist howling one time, the sight bringing out the beast from within. He quit the moment he saw headlights. Gravel crunched beneath the tires of the car that pulled in the youngling’s driveway. He stayed in the shadows, fighting his urge to continue howling. He waited, watching as the headlights clicked off. He heard her soft footsteps creep across a concrete walkway then climb wooden steps to what he assumed was the door. He heard keys jingle and the soft rattle of the door opening. The lights flicked on but he sensed no movement. Tilting his head to the side, he listened and waited.


  Max immediately shifted and pulled the clothes out of his bag. After dressing, he ran across the yard and around the house, slowing when he came to the porch. The young woman lay in her doorway, completely immobile. He approached her with caution and bent to feel her pulse. Weak, but steady.

  He cursed softly, knowing she had begun the process. He lifted her from the floor and carried her inside. He laid her on the soft plush couch, pausing briefly to admire her. Then, he went to grab his bag and lock the measly deadbolt on her front door, flicking the lights off when he was through.

  Her scent wafted through the air and his dick immediately hardened. His hands clenched into fists at his sides. This would be nothing but pure, rotten hell. And he hadn’t even touched her yet.

  Chapter Two

  Chloe woke in complete darkness on her couch. The last memory she had was opening the door and flipping on the light. The electricity must be out. It wasn’t something uncommon living this far out in the middle of nowhere. She yawned and stretched before sitting up.

  “How long have you been sick, Chloe?”

  A dark figure turned on the lamp next to her recliner, and she let out a scream. He came to her, trying to cover her mouth with his hand.

  “Shh. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m actually here to help. Please stop screaming.” She struggled against him, but he was stronger. Overpowering her, he pulled her to him. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”

  Chloe took a few deep breaths, staring into his eyes. Who was this intruder? What did he want? She nodded, signalling she’d be quiet. The man pulled his hand from her mouth but didn’t bother to step away from her. He smelt like the woods, earthy and manly. She swallowed hard as she stared at his face, the chiselled features luscious and mouth-watering. She’d never seen a man so gorgeous in all her life, and that included the Hollywood stars she often lusted after. Chloe clasped her legs together when moisture developed between her legs. A surprise reaction, she determined, since her sex life was basically nonexistent.

  “Who are you?” she asked when she found her voice. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me. I don’t have anything of value. If you want money, all I have is cheques from clients in my purse. I don’t have any cash. I—”

  He covered her mouth again with his hand, though this time not as hard. “Shh. I’m here to take care of you. That’s all you need to know right now.”

  She pulled back from his hand and scooted away from him. “Take care of me? What does that mean?”

  He sat in the chair and faced her. “You’ve been feeling sick, am I right? Perhaps joint pain? Bones aching like arthritis? Headaches? Skin itching or possible rashes? You passed out in your doorway. When’s the last time you ate?”

  How did he know about her sickness? “Have you been spying on me?”

  He shook his head. “No. I’ve been there and I know what’s happening to you. I’m here to see that you make it through it alive.”

  Alive? Bile rose in Chloe’s throat. “Are you some kind of doctor?”

  That got a small grin from him. “Not exactly.”

  “Then how…?”

  He cursed. “Damn Quinn for doing this to me.”

  “Who’s Quinn?” she asked. “And what the hell is going on?”

  The man took a deep breath and huffed it out. “You are different from normal humans. You’re part of a species called lycans, and what you’re going through is what happens before your first change.”

  Lycans? First change? “Are you serious? Lycans are werewolves.”

  He said nothing.

  “You’re insinuating I’m a werewolf?”

  Again, nothing.

  Chloe sat back against the couch. She had to be dreaming. That was what happened here. She passed out in the doorway and fell asleep. Now she was in a horrid dream with some sexy-hot stud who is telling her she’s a werewolf. A shape-shifting human. Chloe couldn’t help it, she laughed.

  “Dare I ask what is funny?” He sat patiently, waiting for her to regain control over her giggles.

  “You. This. The whole thing.” She fanned her face. “God, I needed a good laugh.”

  The man stared at her narrowing his eyes. “So you’re going to be one of those types.”

  “What types?”

  “The kind that is ignorant to their surroundings.” He shook his head. “Fine. I can deal with that. There’s so much you don’t know, and I guess we’ve got all night to settle it.”

  That stopped her cold. “All night? Excuse my rudeness, but you’re not staying here all night long.”

  “I’m staying here until after the full moon, then you’re coming back to my house with me.” He held up a hand before she could protest. “I’ll explain everything within reason, but right now you need some food.”

  Chloe felt a sudden wave of nausea that had her running down the hall to the bathroom. She made it just in time to hug the porcelain bowl of the toilet before she emptied the contents of her stomach.

  “What did you eat tonight?” the man asked, helping himself to a wash cloth. He wetted it, rung out the excess, then pressed it against the back of her neck.

  “Not much. I ate a cupcake and some tea cookies to be sociable.” She groaned, laying her cheek against her arm. “I probably should have eaten a decent meal, but I didn’t think about it. I was nervous.”

  He sighed. “I’ll go fix you something then. Do you have any red meat in the kitchen?”

  “I’m not hungry.” It was a lie but eating after puking didn’t sound like a great idea.

  “Honey, yes you are. I’ll fix whatever you have, and you’ll eat it all. I promise you’ll feel a lot better.” He left the room without waiting for her comment.

  Chloe leaned back against the wall, understanding what he meant by her coming out of this alive. At this moment, she honestly felt like she was dying.

  The stranger came back sometime later with a plate sporting a pork chop and mashed potatoes. “I thought you’d rather eat at the table but since you didn’t come back, I brought it to you.”

  “What’s your name?” Chloe asked, taking the plate.

  “Maxim. But only my brother, Quinn, calls me that. Everyone else calls me Max.” He leaned against the doorframe, the small half bath unable to hold them both.

  “Oh.” She looked at the food on the plate and her mouth watered. “Uh, I’m Chloe.”

  His lips quirked. “Are you feeling better, Chloe? Would you like to go to the kitchen where I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable eating?”

  She let him help her stand and support her weight while her legs wobbled. He was caring, she had to admit, even though she knew nothing about him. He walked her to the kitchen, and they sat at the table. He helped Chloe get situated before she started scarfing down the food, Max w
atching her every move. God, a pork chop never tasted so good. When she was done, she wiped her mouth with a napkin he’d placed beside her plate.

  “Okay. Stop staring at me and spill. I’m giving you the benefit of doubt and am willing to listen to your story. If I don’t believe you, you’re out and I’m calling the police.” She crossed her arms, amazed at how much she felt better.

  “Fair enough.” He stood to collect her dishes and carried them to the sink. “Both you and I were born as wolf-shifters. You can’t possibly understand that because you weren’t raised by your real parents. You weren’t privy to the information you needed to know.” He filled the sink with water and added some dishwashing liquid. “You’re approximately twenty-five because you are getting ready for your first change. I will inform you now, you are putting off strong pheromones and I’m only male, sweetheart. You’re body is primed for mating, and when the full moon rises, you will be fertile and ready. This is called the ‘needing’ phase, and since you’re a virgin, every male within a twenty-mile radius will pick up on your sweet scent.”

  Chloe held up her hand. “Whoa, buddy. I’m not a virgin. Cole Masters relieved me of that status our senior year during the homecoming game in the back seat of his Mustang. He missed the first quarter of the game, and he was the quarterback.”

  He blinked at her. “Not what I’m talking about. You’ve never fucked a man in wolf form—that’s what I’m talking about. Your body secretes a scent that attracts males for miles, a dog in heat per se. They’ll come, and they’ll fight to be with you. And you won’t be unaffected. You’ll be horny as hell, in such a painful state while you wait for some dick to fuck you. It’s not pleasant I’m told—the need, that is. The sex… Well, how could sex not be pleasant?”

  It was Chloe’s turn to blink. “If this is some ploy for you to get into my pants, I’m calling the cops right now.”

  He stood there, frowning. “Relax, Chloe. I’m not going to jump you. You’ll come to me during the needing phase, and then I’ll teach you how to shift.”

  “Shift?” She poked her finger into her chest. “I’m human. I’m not some mythical animal that is a figment of the imagination. I don’t shift. I’m human.”

  “Fine. You don’t believe me. Quinn was stupid to think an ignorant human werewolf would accept me during her first change. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen as usual.” Max pushed away from the counter. “I’ll leave. Have a nice life, Chloe. I truly hope you make it out alive.”

  Dread filled Chloe. It all sounded too ridiculous to believe, completely irrational. She couldn’t possibly be a werewolf. They didn’t exist. She sat there, watching Max move about. Her body physically ached when he entered the room, a deep longing she couldn’t explain. She loved his scent. It was unlike anything she’d ever smelled before. Wolves naturally used scent as a guide to their boundaries. That didn’t mean… Her pussy clenched when his eyes met hers, hot moisture soaking her panties. Could there really be something to this? Was she crazy for considering it? Why didn’t she walk over to the phone and dial nine-one-one?

  He said it would get worse.

  “Wait. Just wait a minute, Max.” She stood and met him in the living room. “You said people would come after me. Is that what you meant about keeping me alive? I thought you meant my illness. Am I in danger?”

  He stopped. “Yes. You are in danger, because some of the packs around here love to kill for no reason. The Black Wolves, mainly. They don’t have females to attend to their needs and use younglings like yourself for their own twisted desires. When the needing phase begins, it will seem like a normal state of arousal. It’s when you don’t have sex that it becomes painful, literally within seconds as you wait. After a while, you’d invite any willing male between your legs to relieve the pain of need. And the Black Wolves will be waiting.”

  Chloe’s stomach lurched again, rolling in a wave of nausea. “What about the illness? If I am what you say I am—not that I believe it—why am I sick? Sex doesn’t normally make people sick.”

  “It’s only pre-change sickness. Sort of like when you went from being a girl to a woman. Your bones are contorting, preparing to morph. Your organs are preparing to intake raw food. Your sight and hearing are probably better than they were. It’s your body’s way of alerting you to it being overwhelmed right now with the pre-change happenings. That’s why you are sick and passing out. If you keep eating protein, plenty of red meat, then you’ll be okay for the most part.”

  Chloe couldn’t help the slight relief she felt. “So, I’m not dying then?”

  The idea of him knowing so much about her illness concerned her. Why was this guy here? She didn’t believe for one moment he spoke the truth about her ‘shifting’. But what he spoke of her illness was exactly what she felt, what she was going through.

  “Good question.” His lips tightened into a thin line as his eyes met hers. In all seriousness, he said, “Ask me that after the full moon.”

  * * * *

  Max stared out Chloe’s back window, taking in the moonlight. She still wasn’t convinced, and he hadn’t a clue as to how he could persuade her to believe the truth. He knew he sounded like a nut and cursed Quinn for sending him here. He wasn’t ready for this. Not this soon. Janie had only been gone a few months, and her memory was still branded in his mind. He couldn’t stop the haunting pictures that filled his head of her turning on him. He couldn’t stop the hurt in his chest knowing he couldn’t save her.

  Max leaned his forehead against the cool glass of the window, closing his eyes to the world that surrounded him. Everyone kept saying it wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t have prevented Janie from going ballistic, and he’d done what he had to do. He’d killed her, and as much as he wanted to forget, to put it all in the past, it remained right there before him, reminding him of the vivid details every single day of his life.

  Opening his eyes, Max forced the past from his mind. He needed to stay in the present or he’d be good for nothing. Another day and Chloe would be in the process of full transition. He listened to the soft sounds of her feet pattering on the hardwood floors upstairs as she moved about. He hadn’t any idea what she was up to, but knew with all his being, she really had no clue what she was in for. Making her see the reality of her life would take some intensive persuading, and he wasn’t so sure they had the time for it.

  He took a seat in the recliner and flipped on her TV. Her scent drifted throughout the house, making it impossible to concentrate on anything but her. Her body was preparing, ripening for mating and calling to him. His hard-on was becoming a permanent state in his pants, and the more he thought about her, the worse it got.

  “Here are some blankets and pillows,” Chloe said, drawing his attention to her. He hadn’t even realised she’d come downstairs. “The couch pulls out into a full-sized bed. I’ve never used the thing but that’s what the furniture store told me.”

  “I’m not sleeping on the couch.”

  “What?” She dropped the linins on the coffee table and propped her hands on her hips. “Where do you suppose you’ll sleep?”

  “In your bed, Chloe.” His eyes raked over her skimpy white nightgown, one he could completely see through. He held in a groan as his cock grew impossibly harder in his pants. “You’re putting out pheromones like crazy. I need to try and mask the scent.”

  Her eyes widened the slightest bit as if she was scared of him. “By sleeping with me?”

  He nodded. Humans always had to rationalise everything.

  “No, Max. I know you’re convinced of this little theory you’ve got going but sleeping with me is not going to happen. I think you’re just using the whole ‘my life is in danger’ ploy to get in my pants. It’s not going to work. The only reason I’m allowing you to stay is because your eyes aren’t that of a cold-blooded killer. I have several questions to ask you but I’m too tired to do so now. I want to pick up this conversation tomorrow morning.”

  Max pursed his lips. “Do yo
u really think I have nothing better to do than come to your home, spread stupid lies with the hope of fucking you senseless? I have a life too, and I’m taking time out of it to be here. If you don’t want me here, say the word and I’m happily gone. You can pretend you never met me and live up your last days in your human-like fantasy land for all I care.”

  She stared at him, he knew, trying to take everything in. “Can’t you see this from my point of view? What am I supposed to do?”

  “Just let me do my job. I’m here to protect you and help you through the needing phase. I need to teach you how to shift. After all of that, you’ll come back with me to my house and become a part of my pack.” He came to her and brushed a stray hair from her cheek. “I’ll get you through it, if you let me. But you’ve got to trust me enough to keep my word.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “If you are what you say you are, why don’t you shift right now? Prove to me that you are a werewolf.”

  “That’s a request I can’t allow.” He huffed. “We can’t be around humans, and right now, your scent is too powerful. I can’t control myself in wolf-form. If I shifted for you right now...I don’t even want to think about what could happen.”

  She didn’t say anything for a moment. Max watched her closely, wanting to solve everything yet having no answers. He knew she had no reason to believe him. She had no reason to think what he said was the truth. God, if it were him, he probably would have called the cops and been done with it. But she didn’t, so that gave him a bit of hope to cling to.

  “Please don’t lie to me.” Her words were whispered in the dark. “I have a list of men in my past who used stupid excuses to screw me. Please don’t add your name to that list.”

  “I’m not. I promise you.” He took her hand and led her to the stairs.

  Neither one of them said a word as they ascended. Chloe wasn’t like Roni or Sasha or Janie. She was delicate, smart and completely vulnerable to the unknowns of the world. You don’t have the eyes of a cold-blooded killer. Her words lingered in his mind. You have no idea.


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