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Alien Morsels: Short Tales from Zerconian Warrior Series

Page 3

by Sadie Carter

  Darac thrust one finger deep, and she cried out as she clenched around him.

  “More. More.”

  Another finger entered her. In and out. He continued to run his tongue around her clit until she knew her orgasm was close. So close.

  Suddenly, he pulled away, letting her leg go. His breath came heavily as he watched her.

  “No! I was so close.” She glared up at him as he grinned.

  “Yes. I know. But I wish to come with you.” He licked the fingers that had just been deep inside her, and she shuddered. How the hell was that so sexy?

  Darac flipped her over onto her hands and knees. He settled behind her. His cock slid through her slick warmth, knocking against her clit and making her shudder.

  Slowly, he entered her. Inch by staggering inch.


  “I will not harm you.”

  “Darac, please, I am not delicate.”

  “No.” He nipped her neck, and she cried out. Finally, he settled inside her. “But you are mine. Precious to me. Mine to protect. To love. Mine.”

  He pumped his hips, moving in and out of her. Faster. Faster. Heat swamped her, filling her from the inside out.

  “Darac!” Reaching around, he flicked her clit.

  She exploded. Air rushed from her lungs in a huge whoosh as she dropped her head. Behind her Darac paused, letting out a loud cry of release.

  Shuddering, her skin so sensitive it almost hurt to be touched, Willa attempted to bring herself under control as she collapsed to the bed. Darac curled around her back, running his hand over her arm.

  “Never doubt my need for you.”

  Worry gnawed at her. “Why have you been so distant lately? I’m usually the one telling you to give me some space. But the last few days, I’ve hardly seen you. So what’s up? What is going on?”

  He stilled his hand. “I am sorry if I have not been around enough.”

  “You only block me when something is going on that you don’t want me to worry about.”

  “It is not that.” He rolled her to face him. “I am keeping something from you.”

  “What?” She held her breath.

  “It would be best to show you.” Standing, he reached down for her, picking her up in his arms. He carried her down the stairs and walked towards the front door.

  “Ahh, where are we going? Cause if we’re leaving the house we could really use some clothes.”

  He paused, glancing down at her. “We also need to bathe. I will put pants on then speak to Thor. I will join you soon.”

  She nodded. “All right.”

  When he entered the bathing area a few minutes later, he was frowning. “Thor is bringing it.”

  “Bringing what, Darac?”

  He simply shook his head then took over bathing her. When they were dressed, he led her down the stairs. She enjoyed having their own space. A place where they could be alone. There wasn’t much room on Betsy for privacy. Her brothers and crew mates were always close by. The only privacy available in her small village on Joyadan had been in her tiny cabin. Even then her brothers had been known to walk in without knocking.

  Darac stopped outside the door to one of the store rooms. She couldn’t believe how many rooms this place had considering there was just two of them.

  “I have kept it at Thor’s, not wanting you to discover it.”

  “What is it?” All sorts of scenarios ran through her head. What had he done? What could he possibly be keeping a secret from her? Was it illegal? Was it a dead body? Did he need her help to get rid of it?

  They could carry it down to the ocean after the ceremony when everyone was busy. Borrow a boat, weigh the body down and toss it over.

  She needed to sort out his alibi.

  Darac turned giving her a strange look. “It is not a dead body.”

  “Ahh, caught that thought, did you?” Sometimes he caught her thoughts through their bond.

  “I would not bring a dead body to our home. And I certainly would not expect you to help me get rid of it.”

  She shrugged. “Well, if you ever do have a body to get rid of, you know where to come.”

  He simply shook his head. “I do not know what to say. You are an unusual woman.”

  Unusual wasn’t bad, right?

  “I got you a present.”

  “Huh. Really?” A present? That was unexpected. Were they supposed to get presents for each other for the mating ceremony? What the hell could she get him? There was no time to run to the marketplace, even if the stalls were still open.

  Plus, she had no idea what to get him.

  “Stand back. It has to be trained.”

  Protective as always, he placed his large body in front of hers. What the hell had he gotten her?

  Darac opened the door, and something tumbled out in a whirlwind of fur and paws. It bounced against Darac’s legs, landing on its ass on the smooth floor and spinning. Even sitting the top of its head would nearly reach her waist. The creature had white, shaggy fur, four legs and a thick tail that swung with enthusiasm. It stood, running around the two of them. Darac reached for it, but it flew out of his hold.

  “Sit,” Darac commanded. The animal stared up at him and farted.

  “Oh God.” Willa pinched her nose, her eyes watering as the scent of rotten eggs filled the passage.

  Darac grimaced.

  The animal scratched at his ear, unconcerned at the stench.

  “What is it?” she asked. Was this her present? A woolly, clumsy, farting animal?

  “It is a dog,” he said proudly.

  It was? She stared down at the animal, still itching at its ear. It was like no dog she’d ever seen. Not that she’d seen one in person.

  But she was pretty certain dogs didn’t have thick horns sticking out of their heads, or large, bright yellow tongues. She walked over and put out her hand. The not-dog stopped itching and sniffed her hand. Finally, it gave her hand a huge lick. Staring up at her, suddenly it let out a loud whine then pounced.

  Willa slammed back onto the ground as Darac yelled out. The not-dog licked her face enthusiastically, even as Darac dragged it back. She lay there for a moment, eyes closed, just getting her breath back.

  “Willa, are you all right?” Darac knelt beside her as the not-dog let out a mournful yelp.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Do not move. I will get Thor.”

  She grabbed his hand. “Darac, I’m not hurt.” She glanced around as Darac helped her sit.

  “Where is it?”

  “I put it back in the storeroom. I am sorry. I will return it. I should never have gotten one so large. I shall ask for a smaller one. Who will not jump and hurt you. I—”

  Willa threw her arms around him. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

  “You like the dog?” he said hesitantly.

  “I love it.”

  “But it pushed you over.”

  “It was just enthusiastic.”

  He watched her skeptically.

  “Darac, it didn’t hurt me. Promise. You know I’m tougher than I look.”

  “You do not want me to get rid of it?”

  “Get rid of it? No way.”

  “It is much too large. It could hurt you.”

  Lines of worry crossed his forehead. Reaching up, she smoothed them. “So he needs some training. I can handle that.”

  She stood then opened the door to the storeroom again, bracing herself as the not-dog raced out at her. This time, she was ready for his enthusiastic greeting. She pushed him down, giving him a stern look.

  “Sit,” she ordered in Zerconian. She’d found the language relatively easy to pick up, and now used it most of the time when talking to Darac. “Do you know what sex it is?”

  “I was told that he is male. I must admit he looks different from what I expected, but the traders assured me he is a dog from Earth. They said many dogs have their horns clipped and that is why he looks different.”

  Uh-huh, and she bet thos
e traders sold magic beans and flying pigs.

  The not-dog lay down on the floor, his huge tail swishing from one side of the hall to the other. He stared up at her, then let out another loud fart.

  “He could use some diet changes.” She waved her in front of her face. “Do you guys have dog food?” Would he even eat dog food?

  “No, I was told to feed him raw meat. He arrived two days ago, and I hid him at Thor’s. I have not been around because he does not like being alone. He cries a lot.”

  “Aww, poor boy.” She sat next to him. Immediately, the not-dog climbed onto her lap like a hundred-pound baby.

  “When you reached for me, I must have been with him. I blocked the bond because I wished to keep his presence a secret.”

  This was so not a dog, but as she looked up at Darac, she didn’t have the heart to tell him. What did it matter if it was a dog or not? He had remembered what she’d said about wanting a dog as a child. What other man would do something so sweet? She wasn’t a girl who wanted jewelry or flowers. One who needed romantic picnics or gestures.

  What Darac had given her was so much more special.

  “You are crying. Do not cry. This was supposed to make you happy.” Panic filled his face as he dropped to his knees beside her. The not-dog growled at him.

  “Stop that,” she scolded gently before turning to Darac. “These are happy tears.”

  “Happy tears? You cry because you are happy?”

  “I know, it sounds stupid.” She wiped her eyes. “I can’t believe you remembered. I can’t believe you did this.”

  “You are certain you are happy?”

  She nodded. “Give me a minute. I’ll be good in a minute.”

  “And you like this dog?”

  “He’s perfect.”

  “What will you call him?”

  “Hmm.” She stared down at the not-dog. “Norman. He looks like a Norman to me.” Leaning over, she gave Darac a soft kiss. “I love you. Thank you for the best present anyone has ever given me. I wish I had something to give you.”

  His gaze grew purple, an indication of his happiness. “I have you. That is worth more than any gift.”

  Chapter Five

  Dex pulled on his ceremonial clothes. He hated wearing the long robe. It scratched at his skin. But he was the Crown Prince and ceremonies such as Darac and Willa’s mating meant he had to dress for his status.

  “Are you sure you will not come?” He turned to where Zoey lay on the bed. He worried about his mate. She seemed so unlike herself. Thor had placed her on bed rest after some spotting. But he had eased that restriction for special occasions such as this one, as long as she didn’t tire herself out.

  Dex would ensure that did not happen.

  “No, I’m tired.”

  He could understand her fatigue. She found it hard to sleep and the dark circles under her eyes attested to her exhaustion. But it was the disinterest in everything around her that truly worried him.

  Normally, she was loud, funny, a bit nosy. She would usually never miss an occasion like this. To celebrate. Socialize. His Zoey loved to socialize.

  But as her pregnancy progressed, she had become more and more withdrawn. Their bond enabled him to sense her unhappiness, but he couldn’t break through to her and find out what he could do to help.

  He sat next to her on the masic, feeling it adjust beneath him. “Zoey, I worry about you.”

  She raised her gaze from her tablet to stare at him. “I’m okay. Really. Just tired. I’ll sit here, eat more and get fatter.”

  He gave her a stern look. “We have talked about this. You are carrying our baby. You are not fat.”

  She snorted and rubbed her stomach. “Tell that to my ass. It thinks it’s storing up for a winter hibernation. All I need is a bit of body hair, and I could be mistaken for Fat Bastard. I’m dead sexy.”

  The last three words were spoken with a strange accent. “Yes, you are dead sexy.”

  “No, I’m not.” She patted his hand and gave him a smile that didn’t meet her eyes. “You better go. Can’t have the Crown Prince being late.”

  “I will stay with you.” He hated leaving her. At least Boris and Giz would be with her. He trusted Boris to watch over her.

  “We will talk when I return.”

  “I’ll probably be asleep.”

  “Then in the morning. I also want Thor to check you over again.”

  “I feel fine. There’s no reason to call in Thor. He’s got actual patients to look after.”

  “They can wait. You are pale, and you are not sleeping well. You have not left our quarters in weeks.”

  “I’m on bed rest, remember?”

  “That is why I got you the hover chair.” He pointed at the chair in the corner. It hovered above the ground and could be easily controlled by the person sitting in it. It would allow her freedom to move around without stressing her body.

  She gave the hover chair a dark look. “I’m not an invalid.”

  Dex stood. Zoey reached out and grabbed his hand, surprising him.

  “Don’t get sick of me, Dex.”

  Tears swam in her eyes, alarming him. He immediately sat and drew her close against his chest. He missed touching her. He had not joined with her in months. At first, he worried he would harm the baby. Then Thor had placed a ban on any joining. But while he missed joining with her, it was the way she used to snuggle into him at night he missed most. Her small touches, caresses and secret looks in public. His mother often complained about Zoey’s lack of decorum, but he secretly loved how affectionate she was.

  How affectionate she had been.

  She was pulling away from him. There was a distance he didn’t know how to traverse. Even their bond felt strained.

  “Never. Never, my own. Why would you say that?”

  Pulling back, she shrugged. He saw a hint of tears in her eyes before she closed them for a long moment. When she opened her eyes, she offered him a small smile. “Hormones.”

  Hormones again. They were something that plagued her often. He had asked Thor if he could rid her of these hormones, but unfortunately, it was impossible.

  He cupped her face between her hands. “I will stay.”

  “No. Go. I’m being silly. One of us should be there, or your mother will come searching, and I really don’t need a visit from her right now.”

  Despite being kidnapped together, Zoey and his mother still argued. Although he thought they actually enjoyed much of their bickering. It was why he had not interfered. Well, not much anyway.

  “Zoey, I wish I knew what to do to make you happy.”

  “Hey, I am happy. Really. I just wish this baby would make an appearance soon. Go to the ceremony, congratulate our friends and keep the old bat off my back. That will make me happy.”

  Dex knew she was trying to placate him. But he really did need to make an appearance at Darac and Willa’s mating ceremony. He kissed Zoey gently and rubbed her stomach.

  “Rest. I will be home soon.”

  He moved out of their quarters into the passage. He paused, leaving her didn’t feel right. He glanced over to Boris, who stood guard. “Send a message that I will be late to the mating ceremony.”

  Dex moved back into their quarters, walking quietly into the bedroom. Zoey sat with her back to him, sniffling.

  “Zoey? My own, are you crying?” He moved swiftly to her side. Panic unfurled in his stomach. No matter how often she cried—and lately it had been a lot—he still panicked, wanting to fix whatever was wrong, but often having no idea how. Half the time, it seemed as though there was nothing he could do, except hold her.

  The misery on her face pulled at him. He sat next to her, pulling her close as she sobbed into his shoulder. “What is it, my own? Tell me.”

  “You d-don’t find m-me attractive a-anymore.”

  “What?” Not find her attractive? He kneeled in front of her and clasped her face in his hands. “I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
  “I feel fat. Blobby. You don’t want me. You barely touch me.”

  Because he hadn’t wanted to hurt the baby. But perhaps he had gone too far. The last thing he ever wanted was to make her think he didn’t want her.

  “I am sorry, my own. I have made a mistake.”

  Her eyes widened. “About mating me?”

  “No. Never. I would never change my mind about that. You know that I have worried about harming the baby.”

  “You’ve mentioned it once or twice,” she replied dryly.

  “I didn’t mean to make you believe I did not want you. I want you so much that I fear losing control. That is why I have kept some distance between us. But I was wrong if I made you feel undesirable.”

  Leaning in, he kissed her. He poured all of his love into the kiss. He kissed her hard, clasping her face in his hands.

  When he pulled back, her eyes were cloudy, her breath coming quickly. “Let me show you just how much I desire you.”

  He sat her back on the masic, making certain there were plenty of pillows behind her back, knowing she couldn’t lie flat on her back comfortably.

  “Dex, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” she said uncertainly, grabbing at her dress as he attempted to pull it off her.

  “Why not?”

  “You haven’t seen me without my clothes for a while. I’m not the person I once was.”

  “You are not fat,” he growled. Enough. If she were not pregnant, she would be over his knee right now.

  “I’ve put on weight and not just in my belly. I have stretch marks. What if you don’t find me attractive after I’ve had the baby?”

  This insecurity wasn’t like her. He had done this to her. Now he had to fix it.

  “I will always find you attractive. You will always be beautiful. No extra weight or stretch marks will ever change your beauty.”

  A tear dripped down her cheek, and he caught it with his thumb. “This upsets you?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m not upset.”

  Ahh, human emotions were difficult to understand.

  This time she allowed him to strip her bare. She wore nothing underneath and he sunk in her beauty. Her large, rounded stomach, full, plump breasts. The pale globes were topped with nipples that had grown darker and larger during her pregnancy. There were marks on her stomach. Stretch marks, she called them. He ran his fingers over her stretch marks then leaned in and kissed each one.


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