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Loving Two Highlanders

Page 20

by Loving Two Highlanders (lit)

  “Well, little Meggie, that could create some complications.”

  She drew back, frowning. “I don’t see why. Campbell can’t possibly leave until he fulfills the bargain, and if I don’t—”

  Sam sat up, hauling her with him. He took her hand. “Now that MacGregor’s health has improved, he may want to get you with child himself. I think the time of the bargain with the Scot might be coming to an end.”

  “Oh, no.”

  She shook her head, denying Sam’s words, but his big head nodded each time she shook hers. The bottom dropped out of her happiness. She remembered Alex’s words. She’d thought at first he spoke out of confusion, maybe a little bit of fear, but he was trying to prepare her.

  “They’ve already discussed this?”

  “Aye, several times. MacGregor is trying to come up with something, though what he thinks that will accomplish…There doesn’t seem a way to make everyone happy in this.”

  She looked down at their linked hands as she rubbed her thumb across Sam’s rough skin. “Why are you telling me this, Sam?”

  Sam looked startled for a minute, then offered her a shy smile. “’Cause I love you, Meggie, and though I know you’re going to be hurt, I’d like to lessen it if I can.”

  She wound her arms around his neck, loving this man with all her heart. Her tears fell into the warmth of his beard as his arms enveloped her, and she allowed them to cocoon her from the thoughts she refused to think.

  Chapter 13

  The bell above the shop entrance tinkled merrily when the door opened. A warm breeze swirled through the room holding a scent that made Alex glance up from his stitching. He inwardly groaned at the sight of Diana Hendley and dropped his head, focusing intently on work. He’d promised he’d talk to Sam, and so far he hadn’t. Though he’d whored himself out for a bid at freedom, pandering had never been in his nature.

  Megan tidied a stack of papers, rose from her desk, and went toward the gate, sliding her hand on the banister. He didn’t miss the look she cast his way or the pouty little frown her face.

  “Diana.” Megan’s casual, breezy tone made him snap the string he held in his fingers.

  “Afternoon, Meg,” the woman said, trying to see around the human obstacle blocking her view.

  “And what can I do for you today? Have you come about your father’s order? We should be finished—”

  “No.” Diana darted sideways. Megan darted as well. Peering through strands of hair, Alex watched Diana caress the skin above her bodice. “I actually came to talk to Alexander for a moment.”

  Alex couldn’t see Megan’s face, but he swore he saw a column of smoke swirl around her head. She suddenly turned to Sam and with a bright smile said, “Sam, about that favor. Free this afternoon?”

  When Sam burst into hearty laughter and Megan doubled over in giggles, nearly falling on the floor, Diana cocked her hip and smacked the wooden railing. “Excuse me, Meg, but if you don’t mind, I’d really like to talk to Alexander.” She wiggled her fingers toward Sam and gave him a smile. Sam returned the greeting with a nod and went back to work, still chuckling.

  Megan wiped some tears from her eyes and ran her hands across her work apron, straightening nonexistent wrinkles. “Of course, Diana. Excuse the private joke. Alexander!”

  Alex scraped his chair back, wiping his sweaty hands on a piece of cloth.

  I’d be more excited to go to my own funeral.

  As he neared the women, too late he realized Megan had put her foot out. He tripped and fell against the banister and practically into Diana’s arms. Megan caught his arm.

  “Watch yourself, Alexander. We wouldn’t want you to damage anything important.”

  She turned in a flounce of skirt, huffed her way to her chair, and dropped down with a grunt that promised trouble later. She slammed some things around, and a sheath of parchment drifted to the floor and sailed toward his feet. When he bent to pick the papers up, his head smacked into the railing. Megan fell into another fit of giggles.

  “Bloody hell!” He rubbed his forehead and tried to focus on the woman across the banister, but Megan’s laughter seriously distracted him. He walked to the desk, tossed the sheets toward her, then leaned down and whispered, “You’ve earned a real paddling this time, madam.”

  She gave him her sweetest smile, then ran her fingernails across his groin. The sound of the scraping seemed very loud, and Sam made some kind of strangled noise. Alex felt his face flame in heat. Diana’s fingers tapped a haphazard rhythm against the wood.

  “You’re keeping your guest waiting,” Megan said, nodding toward the impatient woman. She then lowered her voice and continued, “Or is that client? I can never keep that straight when we’re dealing with procurement.”

  “Procurement? That’s a bit harsh against the lady.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the lady,” she said with a smile.

  “Alexander.” Diana’s voice had taken on a different tone, apparently tired of waiting. “About that favor?”

  Alex dug a finger into the collar of his shirt. “Well, Diana, I…As you can see”—he spread his arms out to encompass the workshop—“we’ve been a bit busy and…oh, hell. Sam, Diana would like you to escort her on a walk this afternoon.”

  Sam choked, and Alex had the satisfaction of seeing Megan’s mouth drop open. Diana clutched the wooden railing, and her face blazed with color.

  “I see no reason to be coy,” Alex said, clapping Sam on the shoulder. “Take a break. Diana’s a lovely lady. You’ll enjoy her company.”

  Sam lumbered to his feet and grabbed his hat from the hook. He tossed a dubious glance toward Megan, then lowered his head and moved toward the gate. He crooked his elbow, and Diana laced her arm through his.

  “Thank you, Alexander,” she said.

  When the door closed behind them, Megan tossed her arms around Alex’s neck. “You let me think—”

  “You jumped to conclusions.”

  Megan smashed her mouth against his, and Alex tightened his arms around her. Alex was thoroughly enjoying his kiss when he heard the clearing of a throat. They pulled away from each other slowly and both turned their faces toward the storage room.

  “I think the three of us should have a talk,” Trevor said. “Campbell, lock the shop, please. I’d rather we not be disturbed.”

  * * * *

  Campbell and Megan stared at him for a moment. He almost laughed at the looks on their faces. They looked like children caught stealing sweetmeats, but he noticed their fingers wrapped around each other’s, a sign that, no matter what the consequences, they stood together. He was happy to see it.

  After Campbell locked the door and put the sign in the window, they followed him into the keeping room, took a seat at the table, and waited patiently while he poured wine into glasses.

  “That was Diana Hendley?” he asked.

  Megan smiled. “Aye, Trevor. Apparently she’s interested in Sam.”

  “’Tis about time. Sam’s been eyeing that girl for two years, but he never acted on it. I imagine because of his worry over me. I’m glad she’s taken it into her own hands. ’Tis good to know what you want in life.” He placed the decanter on the table and put his hands on his hips. “Now I just need to know what the two of you want out of life.”

  They glanced at one another.

  “I want you to stay well,” Megan said.

  “And I will. Campbell has made a supply of his medicine that will last quite a while. New flowers have been planted…What are they called again?”

  “Lily of the valley,” she said.

  “Aye, a beautiful name.” He caressed the side of Megan’s face. “Lovely and delicate, like you. I feel like a new man thanks to Campbell. I owe you my life, sir.”

  Alex flushed slightly. “You didnae deserve the one you had. I’m happy to play any part in giving your life back to you.”

  “Aye, I know that, which is why I’ve made a decision. It concerns all of us.” He sat at the tab
le and scooped up one of Megan’s hands but focused on Alex. “Campbell…Alex…often a man reaches the end of what he can do, or what he can sacrifice for a cause. ’Tis my fear that should you return home, it wouldnae be for long, or end in a good way. Though I know Scotland rests deeply in your blood, and always will, I would ask you to reconsider leaving us. You can make a difference in this place. You can make a difference to our lives.”

  “MacGregor, I cannae possibly—”

  “I know. You cannae possibly stay here without Meg in your life.” He watched them carefully, preparing for their reactions. “That’s why I’m willing to share her.”

  Megan didn’t surprise him. She pulled her hand from his grasp and lurched back in her chair. “Trevor, that’s not bloody possible, and you know it. We’re married. I can’t be married to two men.”

  Campbell, however, sat back in his chair, more relaxed now. He rubbed his fingers across his chin as he gazed at Trevor thoughtfully. “Share. What exactly does that mean?”

  Megan bolted up and began to pace around the table. “It means I was right all along. He’s lost his damn mind.”

  Campbell glanced her way but returned his gaze to Trevor. “Now, Megan, I don’t think you’re giving the man enough credit. The idea sounds rather intriguing. Care to explain?”

  Trevor shrugged. “’Tis simple enough. Meg appears to love both of us. She enjoys our company, both in and out of bed. ’Twould seem she would be sad if you left Virginia.”

  Megan made a strangled noise. “Stop talking about me like I’m not standing right here.”

  “Then sit down and discuss this.” Trevor waited until Megan slid onto the bench. “I’m correct, am I not?”

  “You might be, but—”

  “I would miss Alex as well. I’ve enjoyed his company, he’s an excellent worker, and, if you weren’t so busy trying to hide your feelings from me, I’m fairly certain I could say he’s able to keep you in a good mood.”

  “Right now you’re both irritating the hell out of me.”

  He patted her hand. “Because you’re confused, love, but you have to admit the idea is sound.”

  Alex leaned forward. “I’m most concerned about the fucking because ’tis not in my nature to sit idly by while another man fucks my woman.”

  Megan glared at him. “I’m not your woman.”

  Alex’s brow rose. “No? Did I miss something in your signals? You seemed fairly eager to murder Diana Hendley for a mere touch.” When she opened her mouth to protest further, Trevor nearly choked with laughter when Alex held up a finger. “Hold your objections, lass. I need an answer from your husband concerning the fucking.”

  Trevor took a sip of his wine. “We share her, plain and simple. She can fuck either of us at any time. We can fuck her when she’s willing.” He paused and glanced between them. “We can fuck her together.”

  Alex’s brow rose. Meg sucked in a breath. A blush rose from her breasts, up the column of her throat, and settled high on her cheeks. She opened her mouth several times, but she couldn’t seem to find any words. He thought for a moment he might have pushed her too far. She twisted her hands together, then slowly stood.

  “We should see how that would work. Right now.”

  Alex slid his chair back with a screech, and Trevor laughed. “An excellent idea, love.”

  * * * *

  When Trevor swept her up in his arms, Megan’s heart threatened to burst out of her chest. It pounded with an irrational beat that defied nature. She wondered if she should take a spoonful of Trevor’s medicine. She leaned her burning forehead against the rough fabric of his shirt, aware of Alex following right behind them as they neared Trevor’s bedroom door. She had no idea what would happen once they were in the room together, but it offered the most thrilling prospect of her entire life. Two sets of hands would caress her skin, two mouths would touch her lips, kiss her breasts…perhaps even lick her pussy. She wanted to experience all of it.

  She raised her face as Alex settled his hand on the doorknob. He glanced at her. She gulped.

  “Having second thoughts, love?” Trevor asked.

  She rolled her forehead on his chest. “No, I’m trying to calm my heart. I think I’m too excited.”

  Alex chuckled. “We’re not going to complain about your excitement, Megan.”

  Alex twisted the knob, and the door opened, inviting her into a whole new world. Trevor put her down, and she moved toward the bed, then turned to face them. Her husband smiled. This was the man she had married three years ago. Slender, but holding well-defined muscle, Trevor stood straight and tall, his long blond hair sweeping over his shoulders like a soft mantle. He hadn’t looked so good in years. His once-pale skin now had the glowing vitality of a man much younger. Her glance darted between them—two men, so different yet so similar, both angels in her eyes, though one of darkness and one of light.

  She wanted their hands on her. When she reached toward the laces of her dress, she glanced uncertainly toward them.

  “Alex, help her,” Trevor said.

  Alex didn’t hesitate, and Trevor moved closer. She watched as his big hands slowly unthread the laces, exposing her skin inch by inch. Each brush of his rough knuckles on her breasts made her breath stutter. Trevor’s gaze stayed glued to her, his glance flickering from Alex’s hands to her breasts. She wet her suddenly dry lips as Alex slipped his hands under the shoulders of her dress and slid the fabric down her arms. Before she could pull her hands free, he dipped down and licked her breast, sending a shiver down her spine. Her pussy clenched as her head dropped back. When he sucked the nipple into his mouth, she practically fell against him.

  Trevor reached out and circled his finger around her other nipple. She struggled to raise her arms and finally yanked them free and wound her fingers through Alex’s hair, tugging him closer. His mouth devoured her breast, his lips sucking hard, and the suction sent a jolt of aching sensation into her pelvis.

  Trevor moved behind her. His cool hands lifted her hair and moved it over her shoulder, then he skimmed his fingers over her back. When he reached her hips, he pushed the dress until it drifted down her legs. He pressed his body against hers, and the hard prod of his cock pushed into her. She reached behind her and slid her hand over the bulge, feeling it stir and tighten in his breeches. She tried to reach the laces and finally felt his fingers undo them. She pushed her hand inside and grabbed his cock, squeezing until Trevor groaned.

  Alex lowered to his knees, spreading kisses over her abdomen and her hip bones. His hands dipped between her legs, and his fingers spread her pussy lips.

  “So beautiful,” he said. “Exactly what I’d envisioned—cream, rose, red.”

  When he flicked his tongue against her clit, she shuddered. Trevor grabbed her upper arms to hold her steady.

  “Oh, God, Alex. Do that again,” Megan whispered.

  Trevor tucked an arm across her breasts and leaned over her shoulder, peering down at the top of Alex’s dark head. “I want to watch him taste you.”

  Alex licked the length of her pussy, his tongue sliding over her hot, swollen flesh and pushing inside to lap the moisture that filled her. He pulled one of her pussy lips into his mouth, biting gently until a tingling spiraled through her, then he moved to the other. Finally his mouth locked on her clit and sucked on it with a pulsating rhythm that made her vibrate.

  Trevor’s warm breath tickled her breasts. “How does she taste, Alex?”

  Alex lifted his face and smiled. “Like warm honeyed cream.” He buried his face between her legs again, his tongue sliding in and out of her pussy like a gentle fuck. It felt incredible, but she needed more. Even when Alex began to circle his finger on her clit, it wasn’t enough.

  She slipped her hand down lower on Trevor’s body and cupped his balls. They tightened, and she rolled them in her palm. He shoved his hips toward her and ground his cock up and down her back. His coarse hair grated against her skin, increasing her frustration. Her hand tightened around
his balls.

  “Fuck me, Trevor. Right now. I can’t take any more unless you put your cock in me.”

  He bent slightly, grabbed his cock and drove it into her, forcing her up and away from the incredible heat of Alex’s mouth. Alex slid his hands under her ass and lifted her, adjusting her legs over his shoulders. Trevor slammed into her hard, then pulled out slowly, driving her mad with the sensation.

  “Tell me what you see, Alex,” Trevor said.

  “Her cream glistening on your cock. Fine cock, by the way, almost as fine as my own.”

  He lifted his head and smiled. Trevor laughed.

  Megan wiggled. “Will you two just shut up and fuck me senseless? Alex, use that mouth for something more important.”

  “We must give the lady what she wants,” Trevor said. “’Tis ultimately her decision.”

  He slammed into her, pushing her pussy into Alex’s face. Alex took advantage and nibbled at her clit. Her pussy clamped down hard on Trevor. Alex pulled away for a moment and stared between her legs, watching as Trevor’s cock pumped in and out.

  “’Tis a beautiful sight.”

  He flicked her clit, then dipped lower. When he tried to lick her cream, he must have licked Trevor’s cock because Trevor shuddered and groaned. Alex either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He did it several more times, and Trevor pounded hard into her, over and over, forcing her mound against Alex’s mouth. He wrapped his lips around her clit and began to suck. Trevor’s cock created a friction that caused the muscles of her pussy to clench and tighten, pulling his cock deeper inside. Her legs tensed on Alex’s shoulders, and she grabbed his hair, grinding his face into her.

  Her body began to tremble as Trevor slammed into her harder and harder, deep, rough thrusts that spread that delicious ache through her lower body. She finally let go, arching up with a violent shudder as a hard spasm tore through her body. Alex continued to nibble at her clit, and the intense sensations made her squirm helplessly against his mouth. With one final thrust, Trevor poured his seed deep inside her, his cock pulsing and throbbing with a rhythm that matched the thunderous beat of her own heart.


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