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The Koda Files Boxed Set - Books 1 & 2

Page 1

by Ivan Bridgewater


  Koda Files



  Don't hate her for being deadly

  It's the way nature made her

  Publishers Note

  This is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

  either are the product of the authors imagination,

  or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance

  to the actual persons, living or dead, business establishments,

  events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The material in this book

  was last updated for publication

  On November 7th, 2017

  I hold all copyrights for this material

  Koda Files - Boxed Set Collection

  Rewrite/republishing Copyright

  © Ivan Bridgewater November 1st, 2017

  Original Copyright for each book in this collection.

  The Koda Files – Meeting Koda

  © Ivan Bridgewater November 1st, 2014

  The Koda Files – Training Koda

  © Ivan Bridgewater November 1st, 2014

  No part of this publication may be reproduced,

  stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form

  or by any means without the prior written permission

  of the Owner/Author

  Dedication Page

  This book set is dedicated to

  my twin Granddaughters.

  We share a birthday

  and much more.


  Koda Files

  Meeting Koda

  Written by

  Ivan M. Bridgewater Jr.

  The Koda Files

  Book One

  Meeting Koda

  Table of Contents

  Book One

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Meeting Koda

  Chapter 2

  Doctors House Call

  Chapter 3

  Old Friends

  Chapter 4

  Mister Hetrus

  Chapter 5

  Visiting the Past

  Chapter 6

  A Killer with Scruples

  Chapter 7

  The Recon

  Chapter 8

  Hearing Voices

  Chapter 9

  Meeting Dona Carter

  Chapter 10

  Joining the Chosen

  Chapter 11

  Under Attack

  Chapter 12

  The Truth About Nancy

  Chapter 13

  Mad Dog Killers

  Chapter 14

  The Hit

  Chapter 15

  Visiting Madias

  Chapter 16


  Chapter 17

  Amazon Attack

  Chapter 18

  Looking Back

  Chapter 19


  Book Two

  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4

  The Ring

  Chapter 5

  Baby Dragons

  Chapter 6

  Tim the Hero

  Chapter 7

  Heather Awakens

  Chapter 8

  A Relaxing Drive

  Chapter 9

  Facing the Darkness

  Chapter 10

  Horseback Riding

  Chapter 11

  Riding Dragons

  Chapter 12

  Saving Heather

  Chapter 13

  Call to Arms

  Chapter 14


  Chapter 15

  Visiting the Moon

  Chapter 16

  Meeting Satu-Ra

  About the Author

  Book Collection Synopsis

  Book Links

  Chapter 1

  Meeting Koda

  I'm not sure where to start this. I guess the beginning is always the best place to start.

  Here goes.

  I’ll never forget the first time I really saw Koda. I was living in Florida, and it was late on a Friday night. I was out for a walk, and heard some weird noises down by the river. I had to see what was going on. It's in my nature to be curious.

  I walked down one of the darkened trails that wind down to the river. I live in a small town just south of Tampa Florida that has a nice river that flows down to the bay. It's a great place to live if you don't mind the mosquitoes.

  We had been having some good rain for a month now, and the river was up. It had rained the night before, so the trails were pretty wet. In the distance, I heard what sounded like a struggle. I got closer till I could see what was going on. It looked like five men were trying to drag a woman down to the river.

  Now, I want to note that I’m old, and retired (more or less), but a long time ago I was a cop. I also was in military Special Forces, and spent some time doing social work for some people that worked for my Uncle Sam (I was a CIA hit man).

  Now, normally I mind my own business. I haven't been a cop in over thirty years. I don't deal with people well. Some people would say I'm a recluse. I would just say I like my privacy.

  More about that later.

  As I say, I normally mind my own business. I don't carry a cell phone (no trackers for me), and by the time I went for help, the girl would be dead and gone.

  I heard one of the men say, "Let's just kill her!"

  The tallest guy there said, "The boss said to weight her down, and sink her while she knew what was happening. Do you want to piss him off?"

  Five guys to one little woman seemed like a pretty gutless way to kill somebody. A third guy said, "Let’s at least have some fun with her first." It was too dark to see all that was happening, but apparently the third guy put his hand where he shouldn't have, and the girl squealed through her gag, and struggled harder.

  The first guy asked, "How will the boss know what happens to her anyway?"

  The tall man said, "Cause you'll get drunk and tell him like you always do."

  This was a fine bunch of guys. I’d have shot them for fun, but I didn't have a gun.

  As I said, I'm getting old, and there were five of them. This would be tricky.

  They were almost down to the river by now. There was a boat sitting at the dock. It seemed the obvious objective. The girl started giving them an awful struggle.

  There was a light on the dock, and I could see better what was happening. The girl had a tarp over her head and shoulders that was tied on with rope. Despite that, she was almost too much for the men to control. The tall man stopped for a second, pistol whipped the girl twice, and she went limp.

  That was it. The men started to hustle her onto the dock, and I knew once the boat left, my chance for helping her left with it. I knew I’d hate myself for a coward if I didn't help, so what the hell, it was now or never.

  The men had the girl on the dock, and had just reached the boat. I reasoned that I could rush them as they focused on the girl, and knock several in the water. I would only have one or two to fight at a time, and might stand a chance.

  It wasn't a good chance, but I’d have a chance.

  I had worked my way down to the end of the trail. My next step would be to break into the open, and rush the last twenty yards in the clear with no cover. It would be the place I’d most likely get shot if they saw me coming.

  Then I saw the girl stiffen, and throw back her head. The back of her head hit one of the guys in the face, and I heard the crunch of bone as his nose broke.

  The man in front of her started screaming
. As he danced away, I could see blood running down his shirt. I would say she had a hidden knife, and gutted him with a very sharp blade. The other men jumped back away from her, and the one she had gutted fell right into the river. Judging by the noise, I’d say he fell on an alligator. There was a thrashing noise, some screaming, and then things got really interesting.

  As calm as could be, the girl slit the rope, and pulled off the tarp. I knew right away the girl was Koda Hackman. Her parents had been killed a year ago in a car wreck, and I had seen her picture somewhere in a newspaper or on TV. She looked really pissed at this point. The guy with the broken nose had run away down the dock till the dock ended. He had blood everywhere, and sounded like he was crying. The tall man began running down the dock the other way, and as he got to shore, he fell with a large dagger in his back. He crawled a few inches, and then fell, and didn't move again.

  The last two men had half fallen into the twenty eight foot power boat sitting there. As they tried to jump back onto the dock, the girl scooped the first guy’s right eye out with one deft motion of her thumb. He fell back into the bottom of the boat screaming.

  The second man in the boat paused for a second to look at the first guy in horror. That was a mistake. While he gaped at the guy in the bottom of the boat, Koda picked up an oar sitting on the dock, and slammed it down on his head. With a sickening crunch, the guy’s head split open like a melon. Blood and brains went everywhere.

  Calm as could be, the girl jumped into the boat, and grabbed the gun of the guy whose skull she just crushed. She didn't shoot the blinded guy with it. She beat him to death with it. It only took two punches before I heard his skull crack and start to crunch. His screams came to an abrupt end.

  Covered in blood and brains, the girl stood up, climbed out of the boat, and started down the dock toward the original man whose nose she had broken just seconds before. He had sat down on the dock, and started screaming as blood gushed from his broken nose. Koda walked up to him, and started kicking him till he fell into the river. I could hear the gators as the man screamed for a few seconds, and then stopped. The sound of crunching bones as the gators continued to feed was pretty distinctive.

  Koda walked back down the dock, and jumped back into the boat. I saw her heave the bodies over the side, and there was a feeding frenzy around the boat. Then she climbed out of the boat, and walked over to get the tall man. She was maybe twenty feet away from me when she bent down, and pulled the dagger out of the guy’s back. He moaned slightly. He appeared to be still alive.

  Koda had picked up the rope off the dock. The very rope they had tied her with. Now she calmly looped the rope around the tall man’s legs, and started to use it to drag him out onto the dock. He really started to kick and fight as he began to wake up and realized what was coming. The girl stabbed him twice in each arm and leg as he screamed his head off.

  Somewhere in those few seconds he passed out. He became quiet again, and I heard her say, "When I send your boss to visit you in hell, tell him I said hello!"

  Then she started to dump him in the river. Right then he woke up again, and grabbed for the dock. His back half went in the water, but the top half was still on the dock. That's when the gator grabbed him. He began screaming, "NO! Nooooo!" as they dragged him off the dock.

  A frightful silence descended over the scene. The entire event hadn't lasted two minutes from beginning to end. I could hear movement in the water, but the screams had ended, and there was just a little bit of snapping noise going on to tell me what I had seen was real.

  I’ve led what some might call a violent life, but I was a little shocked. The girl used a water outlet on the dock used to clean fish to wash herself off, and even hosed down the boat and dock. Three minute later, she was getting ready to leave.

  I was impressed.

  That being said, it was time for me to leave. I backed my way up the trail, up to the road, and took off jogging. My doctor would be mad. I got a bad ticker. She keeps telling me to take it easy. That's just not the kind of person I am.

  What do doctors know anyway?

  I live just over a mile from the river. My wife and I walked through here every night for twenty years. She died last year after an accident where she worked. One day she was there. The next day I was alone. I've been alone ever since. I guess you could say I'm tired of living. What's the point anyway?

  Ten minutes later I was home, and locking up for the night. It seemed odd to watch five men die, and then just go to bed, but it was too late to do much now. Like I say, I mind my own business.

  Besides, the guys were assholes, and got what they deserved. Don't look at me to shed any tears over them.

  I was probably in bed about an hour when the alarm started. It's a quiet alarm, but I sleep lite, and wake up easy. I shut off the tiny beeping noise, opened up the nightstand, and got my pistol out. It's an old fashioned revolver with a silencer on it, but it's a favorite of mine, and very effective.

  I have a safe box under the second floor stairs. It allows me to see out, without being seen. It's bullet proof, and has an escape hatch to the first floor, and out under the back porch. It's an old trick I learned years ago. Always have a way out.

  I slid into my shelter as a shadow started up the stairs. I watched on my security monitors as Koda worked her way up the stairs, and then through the bedrooms. She checked the closets, and under the beds, but I noticed she never looked up. A pro would have been looking up. She missed the attic too. She was in a hurry. She expected to catch me asleep. Now I was missing.

  I watched as she started down the stairs, and then I came out of the hide. I stepped over to the rail at the top of the stairs, and as she walked under down below, I dropped on her.

  It was more like I swung in on her. I caught the bottom of the rail in one hand as I jumped, and swung in at her at an angle. She never saw me coming. I hit her like a ton of bricks.

  She went airborne, and hit the far kitchen wall so hard that the pans all clattered to the floor from off the wall. She started to slump to the floor, and then caught herself. I was already there to finish the job.

  I wasn’t really taught to fight so much as kill. I had long ago forgotten how to arrest a person. I just went for the kill spots. That's how I was trained. Never give them a chance.

  I slapped her hard twice, and she started crying. Ten years ago, I’d have just crushed her throat, and thrown her in the river. For some reason, I stopped. I don't know why.

  "What in the hell made you come break into my house?" I asked.

  It was a rhetorical question to myself really, but she answered me anyway. She said, "I tracked you here from the river."

  Now that impressed me. I don't know if I could have done that or not. The fact that this little girl could do it was amazing to me.

  She was on the floor, bleeding from a bloody nose, and shaking all over. For some reason, I pulled over a kitchen chair, pushed it at her, and told her, "Sit down there."

  She started to stand up, and then lunged for a steak knife in the counter dish rack drying. I caught her at the wrist, and squeezed for a second till she screamed and dropped the knife. Then I backhanded her, and she fell into the chair. I reached into my kitchen junk drawer, pulled out some flex straps, and had her secured in a heartbeat. She was stunned, but bounced back quick, and started to struggle in the chair.

  I growled, "How about I just shoot you in the head, call the cops, and tell them I shot an intruder?"

  She looked up at me. Her left eye began to swell slightly, and if looks could kill, I would have been dead. She spit out, "Why didn't you help me at the river?"

  I thought about it, and truthfully told her, "It didn't look like you needed any help."

  She had stopped fighting, but she was still a problem. If I called the cops, I would be involved. I really didn't want that. I couldn't just let her go. She had just broke in, and acted like she was out to kill me. I classify that as a problem.

  "Untie me," she requested.

  I just snorted, stepped into the hall, and picked up her gun. It was the one she took from the guy at the river. I stepped back into the kitchen, and she was desperately trying to get out of the chair. She could have saved her energy. I had done this before. She was tied up till I let her go.

  She just looked like a kid to me. As you get older, they all start to look the same. About five foot nine inches tall. I suppose she was too well developed to call her a kid. I’d say she was about twenty.


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