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The Koda Files Boxed Set - Books 1 & 2

Page 11

by Ivan Bridgewater

  I just stood there. Koda yelled, "Swallow the damned pill, Mike!" I could sense that my legs were giving way. I began to slide down the wall, just starting to pass out.

  In an abstract way, as if from a distance, I saw Koda run to the back door, and key the lock. As soon as the door opened, she stuck her head in, and screamed, "I need help here! Help!"

  I was sitting on the ground now, just starting to slump to one side. Koda was standing over me again. She grabbed my ankles, pulling me around till I was flat on my back. I could vaguely sense as she put her finger in my mouth, and dug out the pill. The last thing I really remember, Is Koda beating on my chest as Kathy and Tim came out of the house.

  Then, nothing but darkness!

  Chapter 12

  The Truth About Nancy

  The next thing I recall, was waking up in a lot of pain. I was feeling slightly better, but the pain was definitely there in abundance. I was in Kathy's medical bay, and surrounded by people. I saw Lisa looking slightly shaken. Everyone else seemed downright panicked.

  Kathy, Bugs, Tim, Harold, and Shooter were all there, standing along the wall. Dona was there, talking to two men dressed in Ninja garb. They were making a report about security in the area. The Ninja finished, bowed just slightly, and then vanished into thin air.

  This is going to take some serious getting used to!

  There was another man, and two women, I didn't know. It was the oddest sensation. I didn't get their names, but I knew instantly that these three people were empaths, here to help me. They would, "Take my pain!" and I’d be made well.

  At their expense!

  For at least a while, they would suffer my pain!

  The man told me, "Don't panic! We've done nothing but wait for you to wake up!" He knew right away that I was on edge. I can see right away why telepathy makes a hell of a diagnostic tool. The man knew exactly how I felt.

  "I can handle pain just fine!" I informed him. "Please stop helping me!"

  The taller of the two women said, "We haven't done anything so far. As a matter of fact, your powers of self-healing seem to be working very well!"

  Lisa had picked up a mirror, and held it up for me. I could see myself, and at first I was too groggy to understand what I was seeing. Then, I realized my shoulder wounds were closed up now. Nothing was left but small pink spots where I had been hurt. Both the gunshot, and the wood splinter wounds, were gone.

  I laid there staring at the mirror, and started to realize something else looked different. My face had changed! I looked younger! It was easily noticeable. Speechless, the room remained silent for half a minute. Then I asked, "How long was I out?"

  "About four hours," Tim responded.

  "Are we all changing like this?" asked Koda.

  "If you haven't already, you will soon," Dona stated quietly. "It's just a matter of time, and the entire human race will change over."

  "So, what's the deal with my heart?" I asked.

  Lisa smiled for the first time since I woke up. She softly replied, "I want some tests run, but I’d say it's almost healed itself."

  "Your body will find its prime level, and then lock in," observed the taller woman empath. "For most people, that occurs when they're about twenty to thirty years old."

  The male empath looked closely at me, and said, "It appears your healing abilities are stronger than we're used to seeing. Your wounds would normally heal in a few weeks, not a few hours. Even a powerful empath can seldom heal that quickly." The man looked at Dona, and then over at other two empaths. Stepping a little closer, he leaned down, and said, "Frankly, we're a little amazed at what's happening! The Chosen have converted about thirty thousand people so far. We've never seen anyone like you."

  "You mean thirty thousand people have already gone through this?" Koda asked.

  "Probably a few more than that," Dona said. "Sometimes people hide out, and we have to hunt them down. Once they realize they aren't losing their minds, we bring them in, and clean them up. I always get a kick out of it when they first start to understand what's happening."

  "You'd think somebody would notice if that many people turned up missing," Harold said.

  "Eventually, I suppose they will," agreed Dona. "The truth is, a lot of people turn up missing every year under normal circumstances. A few more doesn't draw too much attention."

  "Can I get up?" I asked weakly.

  "I’d normally say no," responded Lisa. "But your stats are leveling off so quickly, I've never seen anything like it so far!"

  I started to sit up, as Lisa and the male Empath helped me. Tim said, "The mess outside is pretty well cleaned up. Our new allies don't mess around once they get started."

  Every muscle in my body hurt. I believe it was worse than getting shot. I looked at Dona, and said, "I'll be going after Hetrus now! Any Intel you have on him will be helpful!"

  The smiles came off everyone’s face. "You've got to be kidding!" Kathy husked, practically choking the words out.

  "They know where we are," I replied. "Once he figures out his people are dead, and we're not, he'll try to finish the job!"

  "They'll be back in force," agreed Tim.

  "It's time to cut the head off this snake," I responded. "Remove Hetrus from the equation, and the threat factor is cut in half instantly."

  "I suggest you let us take it from here," observed Dona. "You and your people should try to disappear for a while. Let us take care on Mr. Hetrus."

  Shooter burst out laughing, and Kathy asked, "Do you get the feeling we're used to running from danger?"

  Dona blushed slightly, saying, "I know you're capable of taking care of yourselves normally, but some of these people aren't even human. We're more used to dealing with this."

  "Who are the people in the Ninja suits?" I asked.

  "Yeah!" exclaimed Harold. "I love the suits!"

  Dona hesitated for a second. I heard her say, "This would be easier if we wait till you can all mentally link, but let's put it this way. There is a group, known as Guardians. They’ve protected planets like Earth for centuries. The people you saw today, were from the ranks of the Chosen. They’ve sworn allegiance to the Guardians, and now fight to make the transition go as smoothly as possible."

  "The transition?" I asked.

  Dona hesitated again. Deep in thought, she said, "Once you’re fully capable of linking mentally, you’ll be told the answers to all your questions. For now, let’s just say some of us see a possible problem coming in the future. People on Earth live their lives in fear. As it becomes more and more obvious people are being changed, the people still controlled by the Madness may rise up, trying to destroy the Chosen. Historically, Witch trials seldom ended well for the Witch. We hope to prevent a bloodbath as much as we can."

  I was getting small glimpses into Dona's mind. Enough to know she was telling the truth. I could understand her concern. The thought of sixty percent of Earth's human population hunting down the other forty percent would be a nightmare straight from hell.

  "We have to stop that from happening," I observed quietly, almost to myself.

  Dona and the three empaths all stirred uncomfortably. After a few seconds, Dona asked, "Do you really mean that Mike?"

  I could see bad news coming. I could hear it in her voice. I didn't need telepathic powers to know she wanted something. "Yeah! I mean it!" I responded, my voice now a whisper.

  Kathy suddenly exclaimed, "Absolutely not! I forbid it! He can't see what you're thinking, but I can!" She turned from Dona, and looked right at me, saying, "They want you to go on a suicide mission Mike! They're going to set you up against some kind of monster, and just leave you there!"

  "That's not true!" snapped Dona. "Don't scare the shit out of him if you don't understand what we're talking about!" Her voice turned almost pleading. "You have to give us a chance to explain Mike! We believe you may be able to save every man, woman, and child on the Earth. Perhaps the lives of the people on a million Earthlike planets."

me up!" I said without a thought.

  Kathy instantly yelled, "Now just hold on, dammit!" Lisa began to openly sob. Everyone else gave me wildly variant looks of shock.

  "I’d have a problem with that!" noted Tim, looking right at me. "I don't allow my friends to commit suicide! It's one of my silly little rules!"

  "A bunch of assassins, and you have rules?" questioned Dona skeptically.

  "You're damned strait!" growled Tim. "I have no intention of standing by while you lead Mike off to be slaughtered."

  "He's not going to die!" Dona snapped back. Then she seemed to catch herself. Lowering her voice, she continued, saying, "I don't understand it all myself. There is another group, called the Magi. They’ve been looking for Mike, or at least, a warrior that matches his background. It's as if they knew you existed, but not where to find you!"

  "Hiding out!" quipped Koda sarcastically.

  "I guess," Dona agreed. "I'm kind of new at this myself. I converted about two years ago, and it's been one heck of a ride ever since." She focused back on me again, "Please wait till we can explain all this better before you try to decide. I'm not qualified to explain all this so it makes sense."

  "You don't have to explain," I quietly said. "If you're serious, and I could help save some of the people on Earth, I’d want to help!" I paused for a moment thinking, and then added, "Maybe it will make up for some of the harm I've done over the years!"

  Dona smiled widely, and said, "I've been scanning your memories for days. You're the most straight up person I've ever met. You've been a Guardian for years, and just never knew it. I can see why they want your help. I've just met you, and I've already come to admire you!"

  "I've done things!" I quietly told her. "Things I'm ashamed of!"

  "I know what you're talking about, Mike," said Dona quietly. "We'll talk more soon! I have people that will want to meet you when you're ready. You need some time to adapt, and get your head together. Don't make any hasty decisions, one way or the other." She paused, looking at me closely for a second or two. Then told me, "I'll answer all your questions soon Mike! I swear!"

  "It's okay," I noted. "You've got my attention! Is there anything else I need to know for now?"

  "There is something," replied Dona. "I hesitate to bring it up!"

  "Oh my God!" gasped Kathy. I glanced over, and could see she was badly upset.

  In a quiet, controlled voice, Dona said. "I have to tell you. We believe Mr. Robert Hetrus, and his men in grey, may have played a part in your wife's untimely workplace death." The room seemed to go black. As if through a fog, I heard Dona say, "I have my people looking into it! It appears they wanted to buy out the company your wife worked for. Killing her greased the skids so they could take over."

  "He killed my Nancy?" I heard myself quietly ask.

  "Or had her killed!" she replied. "We still don't know all the details! I just didn't want you to scan me, and see my thoughts on the subject. I thought I should tell you myself. I'm sorry Mike. I don't want to hurt you, but you needed to know." It was the first time I had ever seen Dona stress. She was obviously upset. "I've got to go,” she suddenly said. “I’ve done enough damage here already!"

  She turned to walk out, but I reached over, touching her elbow, stopping her before she stepped away. I managed to say, "Thank you!" It was all I could get out. She smiled slightly at me for just a moment, then turned, and left with the three empaths.

  There was an uncomfortable silence as Dona and the others left the room. Kathy followed them to make sure they got out of her home okay. The rest of the group all stood staring at me. I had put my feet down onto the floor, but I was still leaning on the bed. Koda was the most wound up of them. She calmly asked, "You don't really believe all that, do ya?"

  "She's telling the truth," I said. I leaned away from the bed, swaying for a moment before I could fully get my balance. Both Tim and Shooter moved to support me, but I waved them off. "I need some rest!" I muttered as I staggered toward the door.

  "Please just stay here Mike!" Lisa pleaded behind me.

  "I hate hospitals!" I replied. "This place looks like a hospital!"

  I stepped up to the door, and Bugs was standing there. He took my right arm, and lifted it over his shoulder, holding me up. I looked up, and said, "I can make it on my own, ya know!"

  "Just shut up," he asserted as he helped me down the hallway toward my room. We slowly moved through the main house, and I could tell Lisa was walking along behind us. It took a few minutes, but I finally made it to my room, and slumped into what I had come to call my bed. Lisa was standing in the door as Bugs let me go. He stepped past her on the way out. I heard him quietly say, "He needs his rest!" She simply nodded, and he left.

  She stepped over to the edge of the bed, and sat down. Her mind was racing, and I was seeing small parts of what she was thinking. Trying to calm herself, she took a deep breath, and then said, "Mike. I realize I have no right to ask anything of you."

  "It's okay Lisa," I told her. "I can see where you're going with this. I guess I care for you in my own way, but we're just friends."

  She blushed slightly, and quietly said, "I know, Mike! I understand how much you loved Nancy! I can get past that!" She paused, seeming to consider. Then she continued, saying, "I've been watching you for several days. You beat yourself up awful badly. I think you're too hard on yourself. You've been given a great gift! A second chance! I can tell everyone here wants you to reconsider. As your friend, and your doctor, I'm asking you to really think about this!" Her voice was edging toward hysteria. She finally just stopped talking, and sat there, looking down at me.

  "If Mr. Hetrus is, in any way, responsible for Nancy's death," I softly said. "I'll kill him with my own bare hands. After that, we'll see."

  She slowly closed her eyes, and sat there thinking. I could see her thoughts enough to see she was really worried for me. Her outlook seemed to be evolving. She seemed to finally understand I just considered her a close friend. She didn't like it, but was starting to adjust to it.

  Slowly standing up, she stepped toward the doorway. She stopped at the door, standing with her back to me. "You're not going to listen to me, are you?" she asked over her shoulder.

  I saw no point in answering her. After a few seconds she simply walked away. Silence filled the room, and I slept.

  Chapter 13

  Mad Dog Killers

  I awoke to sunlight pouring in the window. The room felt warm, and for a few moments, I just laid there, appreciating a new day. With a start, I realized Kathy was asleep in the bed, curled up behind me. I normally sleep very lightly. I was beginning to wonder how she was getting in bed without waking me up.

  "I had a guy teach me how to be real quiet years ago," she asserted softly. She must have been reading my mind. I could see I’d need to learn to control my thoughts a little better. I'd thought her asleep. Her eyes opened, and she looked up at me. Half asleep, her eyes barely opened, she was truly beautiful. Looking closer, I realized her face was starting to change. She looked years younger. And there was a glow to her face that spoke of improved health.

  As I laid there, I realized I could tell she was actually glowing slightly. If I hadn't been warned about the auras, I might have been pretty frightened. The warm, soft, glow made me think of a time long ago, when we were both much younger.

  Obviously scanning my mind, she softly said, "I wish this could have happened back then. It would have made a difference between us."

  "No it wouldn't!" I observed. "You didn't give me much choice then, you don't give me much now!"

  She smiled warmly at me, and said, "You're like a sweet puppy Mike! You just need a good woman to keep you in line!"

  We just laid there for about thirty seconds. Then I asked, "Do you realize how stupid that sounds?"

  "It worked for me once, a long time ago," she answered. "I snuggled up to you, and you pretended you cared for me. You thought I was sweet. You were always such a hopeless romantic."

nbsp; "That was a long time ago," I noted. I gently brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. Then I told her, "You need to move on. You're getting a second chance. Go out, and live it up."

  Her eyes turned hard, and I could see in her mind that I'd said the wrong thing. "What the hell do you take me for?" she growled. "You think I'd go off and just leave you to die, and not raise hell?" Angry thoughts filled her mind. I knew I was in a lot of trouble.

  Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she stood up and turned on me, yelling, "This is why we broke up! You refuse to listen!"

  "We didn't break up," I growled, just a little louder than I should have. "You drove me off with your constant harping!"

  Her face went white, and for a second, I thought her head would explode. Then she burst out laughing. Looking down at me, she said, "God, you drive me crazy!"

  "You have no room to talk," I told her. Her mind had shifted as fast as her mood, and I almost started laughing myself. We were like fire and water, or perhaps we were just too much alike.

  Calming my mind, Nancy filled my thoughts. There had been such a feeling of one while we were together. I thought back over our years together. The feeling of completion. That she was my other half. I had never felt that way with any other woman.

  Nancy had spoiled me. Nobody else would ever take her place. She had been my one, true, love, and every other woman would always pale next to her. Kathy could see my thoughts, and the smile slowly faded from her face.

  Kathy gently sat back down on the edge of the bed. She quietly said, "I've loved you all this time. I knew you never felt the same for me, and I didn't care. I love you! Please don't hate me for it!"

  Reaching out, I patted her hand. I did care for her. It just wasn't the same as my love for Nancy. I softly said, "I care for you very much, Kath. I suppose I always will."

  "I can live with that," she whispered. Standing back up, she stood looking down at me for a moment. Then she smiled slightly, and said, "Try to get some rest! I'll be back later to torture you some more!" Then she turned, and stepped out of the room.


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