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Sunrise at Butterfly Cove

Page 19

by Sarah Bennett

  ‘Girlfriend? What girlfriend?’ As angry and confused as he was, in his heart he knew that Maggie was right about the exhibition.

  ‘That skinny piece you were carrying on with, Giselle, is it? I’ve had it on good authority that her name is Louise and she changed it to appear more sophisticated. Silly little girl.’ Maggie paced backwards and forwards, heels clicking on the tiled floor of the gallery, her arms folded tightly across her body.

  Daniel watched her pace and tried to get a rein on his thoughts. How the hell was Giselle mixed up in this? Daniel assumed he’d seen the last of her and yet somehow she was involved in the exhibition. Maggie had said something earlier about his obnoxious girlfriend being around, but Daniel hadn’t caught on to it, too busy trying to get his pictures down from the walls. ‘Giselle has been here? Nigel has involved her in the preparation for the exhibition?’ He shook his head, trying to piece everything together.

  ‘Yes, I told you she’s been making a nuisance of herself. Trying to tell me how to run things, interfering with the catering. Bossing my staff around until I was ready to throw her out on her ear.’

  ‘She’s not my girlfriend, Mags. We split when I left town. I assumed she’d moved on when she texted me a picture of her in bed with someone else. She’s nothing to me, nothing at all.’ Daniel turned to the pictures still hanging on the wall of the gallery, seeking out a picture of the woman who had become everything to him in such a short space of time. He stepped away from Maggie and towards the image that had caught his eye. It was a half-profile shot. Mia had her hand covering most of her face so all you could see was her left eye, cheek and temple and a smattering of dark, spiky hair.

  He’d taken the picture just a couple of weeks previously. The weather had turned filthy in one of those sudden spring storms when the skies opened and it felt like it might rain for ever. The temperature had plummeted and Daniel and Mia had decided to take a day off and huddle in front of the fire in the sitting room. They’d enjoyed a wonderful lazy day, watching films, listening to music, reading and just being quietly content in each other’s company.

  Daniel had ventured off with his camera for a while. The green-grey light of the storm outside had created some fantastic shadows in the untouched rooms in the attic and he’d lost an hour or so capturing some great shots of the sky through the upper windows and the dusty corners of the rooms on the third floor.

  Daniel had uploaded the pictures and was sorting through them, sprawled out on the big comfortable sofa, his feet tucked cosily in Mia’s lap. She had been watching a film that made her laugh and cringe at the same time. Daniel had been captivated by the play of emotions across her face.

  It was one of the things that he loved about Mia, how she gave herself over to whatever she was watching or reading, or listening to. He was constantly fascinated by her ability to laugh so joyously over a ridiculous film or weep uncontrollably when the story in a book swept her away. Daniel was more practical, more grounded, and he envied her ability to connect so easily with a story, or a line of lyrics. The only time he felt like that was when he held his camera.

  He’d taken a few shots of Mia, including one of his favourites when she had been stroking his feet where they rested in her lap. Her soft hands contrasted against the thick woollen socks he’d been wearing, the denim of her jeans providing a framing backdrop. It was a simple shot, but one of those secret moments of absent affection that spoke to him. So much sweeter and somehow more intimate than a candid shot of a couple embracing. It spoke of a quiet domesticity that everyone yearned for. Daniel tracked his eyes across the wall and there it was.

  Maggie stepped up beside him and leaned her head against his arm as she studied the images in front of them. ‘What’s her name?’ she asked quietly.


  ‘Does she know what’s happened?’ Maggie kept her voice soft, casual even, and Daniel looked sideways at her. She was too perceptive by half; it was one of the reasons she was so good at what she did. Maggie could see through people and pictures to the heart of the matter. Every time.

  ‘The pictures are for her. I’ve been putting together an album for her, a memento of the work that we’ve been doing to restore her house. She has plans to open it as a guest house in the summer. I wanted it to be a surprise.’

  ‘That’s a no, then.’ Maggie smiled to take the sting out of her words but Daniel still felt their bite. Why hadn’t he told Mia? Why had he felt compelled to lie to her about the exhibition? He looked around the room, at the mess he’d made on the floor, and it struck him that this was the perfect metaphor for his previous life in London. If you looked in one direction then there was his work, adorning the walls. If you looked in the other: mess and chaos, ugliness.

  Daniel realised that his lies had been born of fear. Fear that he would be dragged back into the life he’d run so hard from, fear that Mia would be tainted by the seedier side of that life he had been living. Fame had been intoxicating and Daniel was terrified that if he let the exhibition go ahead that he would be sucked back into that world again.

  He turned to Maggie, unable to stop the sudden shaking in his body, and she drew him into her arms. She was so much smaller than him that it seemed ridiculous to seek strength from her, but Maggie had a spine of steel. She held him tight for a few moments before releasing the embrace and stepping back to meet Daniel’s eye.

  ‘Why don’t you call her, darling? I can see from the pictures how much she means to you. Why don’t you let her help you? It’s what family does, after all.’ Maggie patted his cheek sympathetically and then walked away to start gathering up the pictures that were strewn across the floor.

  Daniel watched her for a few moments as she picked her way through the broken glass, rescuing the framed shots that were still in one piece and stacking them carefully away from the mess. Maggie was right—as usual, he thought ruefully—and reached for the mobile phone in his pocket.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mia was making supper for Madeline and Richard when the phone rang. She’d been worried about Daniel’s sudden departure and when Madeline had called earlier for a chat, Mia had asked them over for a visit. Within five minutes of getting through the door, Mads had stripped away Mia’s brave face. Through floods of tears, Mia had poured out every painful moment of her visit home. Richard pottered around, making tea and tidying up, giving his wife room to work her magic and bring their beloved girl the support and comfort that she needed.

  Once the worst of the tale was out, Mia had started to breathe more easily and some of the burden of guilt she felt had lifted. They agreed her mother going into a home where she could get the right treatment would be a positive step. Madeline and Richard had also supported her decision not to tell Kiki about their brother that never was. They’d also been angry, but sympathetic about the intolerable situation her sister faced at home.

  An impassioned discussion had followed—Madeline all for storming up there and stealing Kiki and the children away. Richard more controlled, although no less furious, had argued that Kiki had to make the choice to leave herself or they ran the risk of her resenting Mia for interfering.

  Madeline had grudgingly conceded the point and then moved on to more pleasant topics, including the impending visit of Pat and Bill who she was excited to finally meet. Daniel’s rush visit to London was glossed over with little more than a raising of eyebrows between the older couple when they thought she wasn’t looking.

  Talk had moved on to things to do over Easter, when the phone interrupted them. Mia rested her spoon on a cloth on the counter, then wiped her hands on a tea towel before picking it up. ‘Mia?’ The pain in Daniel’s voice vibrated down the line and Mia braced her hand against the wall as she turned away from the room, her posture guarded.

  ‘Daniel? What’s happened, darling? Are you all right?’ Mia knew he wasn’t, but it was one of those involuntary questions everyone seemed to ask in moments like this. Madeline came up behind her, placing a comforting h
and on Mia’s shoulder. She turned her arm upwards so she could touch Madeline’s hand, acknowledging her support with silent thanks, her attention fully focused on the man at the other end of the phone line.

  ‘Oh Mia, it’s such a fucking mess. I don’t know what to do about it.’ Daniel’s voice cracked and Mia felt her stomach clench in fear.

  ‘Are you hurt?’ Mia prayed that he would say no. If he was uninjured then everything else could be fixed.

  ‘No, no. Nothing like that. I’m okay, it’s just… God, Mia, I need you.’ He sounded desperate and Mia knew that she just needed to get to him, wherever he was, so that she could help him.

  ‘I’m coming. I’m coming right now. Is Aaron there? No? Well you call him as soon as we’ve finished speaking and then tell him to call me and let me know where I need to meet you. I’m not sure when the next train is…’ Mia broke off as she heard a rattle and she looked over to see Richard jangling his car keys. Madeline moved away to turn off the oven and tidy around the kitchen.

  Mia tucked the phone under her chin as she bent over to pull on her shoes. ‘We’re driving up so it’ll be a few hours at least. The traffic won’t be too bad this time of day. Madeline and Richard are with me. Just call Aaron and then sit tight and I’ll be with you before you know it. I love you.’

  Mia hung up the phone and turned to face Madeline and Richard. Madeline cupped Mia’s pale face in her hands and kissed her forehead. ‘Whatever it is can be fixed. Run upstairs and throw some things in a bag as we might be a few days. We’ll take the car and do the same at ours and then you can drive and meet us there, okay?’ Mia nodded weakly and then again with more determination. They would sort out whatever the problem was. Together.

  They’d been on the road for about half an hour when Mia’s mobile phone rang. She’d been holding it in her hand, like a talisman, willing it to ring from the moment they had all piled into Richard’s Mercedes. The joys of a good pension and no kids to steal all his money meant they’d been able to treat themselves to a few high-end luxuries, the sporty sedan being one of them. They’d kept their old estate car as a run around, but the long drive to London warranted a more comfortable ride.

  Mia pressed the speaker button on the phone, expecting to hear Aaron’s sensible, deep voice. ‘Halloo! Mia, lovely girl, is that you? I’m getting myself in a dither about the weekend so Bill said I should stop fiddling about and just call you for a chat.’ Pat’s sweet voice filled the car and Mia bit her lip to make sure she didn’t snap in frustration.

  ‘Pat, I’m sorry but we’re having a bit of a crisis. I might have to put things off this weekend.’ She started to explain things when Madeline turned around from the passenger seat and hollered towards the phone.

  ‘We’re riding to the rescue of our Daniel; he’s got himself into a bit of a pickle, Pat. You and Bill should come down to town and meet us. You can come back to Orcombe with us once we sort everything out. All hands to the pump!’

  ‘I’m not sure that’s a good idea. We don’t want to overwhelm him,’ Mia tried to interject but Madeline kept on talking over her. Mia glanced up, catching Richard’s eye in the rear-view mirror. He gave her a shrug and a wink, knowing his wife was not one to be thwarted once she seized upon a plan.

  With a resigned sigh, Mia passed her mobile over to Madeline and within minutes she and Pat were in total agreement that the other couple should get on the next train into London and join the rescue party. Madeline and Pat swapped numbers and with a promise to call once they were on their way. Pat hung up to keep the line free.

  Mia took her phone back, rested her head against the back seat and closed her eyes. She hoped that Daniel would understand and appreciate them arriving mob-handed, she thought ruefully. Her hand squeezed around the handset, willing it to ring again with news from London. It was hard to make any kind of a plan when she didn’t know what they were facing, but at least she would have a support team behind her.

  Aaron called when they were about an hour from the city. The traffic had thinned out as night had fallen and they were just pulling away from the service station where they’d stopped to grab a snack and to allow Richard to refuel the car. He wanted to make sure he had a full tank in case there were any errands he needed to run once they reached their destination.

  Aaron’s brief explanation about a problem with an exhibition left Mia mystified. ‘I didn’t know he was planning an exhibition; he never said anything.’ Mia turned to face her own reflection in the darkened car window and scowled at herself. It wasn’t the time to start feeling insecure. Daniel must have had a reason to keep the exhibition from her and she would let him explain it to her when she saw him.

  Aaron must have sensed something in her tone because he softened his voice as he replied. ‘Mia, Daniel didn’t know anything about the bloody exhibition either. It’s a complete mind-fuck for him and he’s in a real state. I’m over at the gallery now. I was going to suggest you meet us at my place but I think it would be best if you came straight here. There is a decent bed and breakfast place near my flat so I’ll call them and see if I can book a room for Madeline and Richard.’

  ‘Better make it two rooms, Aaron. I’ve got more reinforcements coming. The grey army is on the march!’ Mia laughed and Aaron gave a chuckle when she explained about Pat and Bill being on their way as well. Once she got the address and some general directions to the gallery, Mia rang off and let Aaron get back to helping Daniel. She still didn’t understand about the exhibition but hopefully things would become clearer soon.

  ‘Hang on, Daniel. I’m nearly there,’ she whispered into the dark night.

  After an unexpected diversion along one of London’s many one-way systems, they arrived at the front door of the gallery just after nine-thirty in the evening. Mia was stiff from being in the back of the car, but her discomfort was all forgotten as the familiar tall silhouette of Daniel filled the doorway of the gallery.

  She threw off her seat belt and flew from the back of the car, straight into his arms. Daniel buried his face into her neck and she stretched on tiptoe to pull him down closer into her arms, where he belonged. She smiled at Aaron over Daniel’s shoulder as he squeezed past them to greet Madeline and Richard, and her smile broadened to watch them engulf him in hugs and pats and kisses. Aaron was one of theirs now, whether he realised it or not.

  Mia turned her attention back to Daniel and rocked him slightly, the position awkward as he was that much taller than her, but she didn’t care about anything other than giving him the comfort that he needed. He eventually drew back and gave Mia a watery smile as he pressed their foreheads together. ‘Thank you, thank you so much for coming, love. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do about this. I didn’t know, I swear it. I didn’t know. The pictures are yours; they were all for you. It was supposed to be a surprise. They’re not public; they’re yours.’ He was babbling almost, trying to explain but not making a lot of sense.

  Mia pressed her finger to his lips and smiled gently. ‘Let’s get inside and then we can talk about it properly. Is there any chance of a cup of tea?’ Mia addressed this to the smartly dressed woman in the doorway of the gallery. The woman looked chic and perfectly put-together even this late into the evening. Mia felt like a country bumpkin in her holey jumper and scruffy jeans. The woman gave her the warmest smile and Mia saw that there was a genuine person behind the perfect demeanour.

  ‘I’m Maggie; welcome to Gallery Sinclair. The kettle’s on and I have some beer and wine in the fridge. I’ve sent one of my assistants on a mercy run to the local takeaway so we’ll have some food soon as well. Come in, please, all of you.’ Maggie stepped back and ushered everyone inside.

  Mia paused on the threshold, captivated by the images scattered around the walls. They were her home: the beach, the gardens. Butterfly Cove filled her eyes everywhere she looked. All these photos that she’d hadn’t been aware of him taking. After the first couple of weeks, his camera became an extension of him—the way so many
people were attached to their phones or tablets these days—and Mia hadn’t paid that much attention to it.

  It was fascinating to see her familiar world in a completely different light, through the eyes of someone else. She wandered silently through the gallery, her attention dazzled by what she saw. Daniel stayed with her, a death grip on her hand but he stayed quiet and Mia knew he was dreading her reaction. She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about her private spaces being on public display so she kept her thoughts to herself until she could be more certain about how she wanted to react.

  Pictures of her were spread throughout the other images and her initial reaction was to shy away from them, so she focused more on the pictures of the house and the surrounding gardens. She could hear Madeline and Richard in the background, looking at the pictures behind her, talking quietly to Maggie, but they kept their voices low. She walked a bit further away, almost to the end of the wall to give her and Daniel a bit more privacy, stopping in front of a fantastic seascape. She recognised the spot; it wasn’t far from where they’d made love that first time.

  Daniel hovered, a brooding weight at her shoulder, and she reached back to capture his arms and pull them around her middle. She leaned back into him and felt his weight settle a bit more firmly against her. ‘They’re very good, Daniel. I’m no expert, but you have such an eye for the details I miss. I thought I knew everything about the house and its grounds, but I am seeing so many things afresh. It’s a lot to take in.’

  His warm breath ghosted against her cheek on a deep sigh. ‘This wasn’t how I wanted you to see them, Mia. I was working on an album for you, for your birthday.’ Daniel explained about his cloud storage and how his agent had stolen the images without permission. He told her about his history with Maggie and the gallery, his loyalty to her shining in every word. No wonder he was in a muddle.


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