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Destiny's Dark Fantasy Boxed Set (Eight Book Bundle)

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by Tamara Rose Blodgett

  About the Books:

  Death Whispers

  What happens when teenagers manifest paranormal abilities which make them more powerful than the adults? Can death be used as a weapon? Can humanity transcend death? Death Whispers, reveals impossible human potential and the evil which lies therein.

  Almost fifteen-year-old Caleb Hart is a Cadaver-Manipulator in the year 2025. When teens receive a government-sanctioned pharmaceutical cocktail during school, paranormal abilities begin manifesting... making the teens more powerful than the adults.

  After Caleb discovers he has the rare, Affinity for the Dead, he must do whatever it takes to hide it from a super-secret government agency whose goal is exploitation.

  Caleb seeks refuge in his new girlfriend, Jade, until he realizes that she needs as much protection from her family, as he does from the government.

  Suddenly, Caleb finds that hiding his ability while protecting Jade and his friends is a full time job; can he escape the government, protect Jade and lose the bullies that are making him miserable?

  Young/New adult dark dystopian fantasy

  Blood Singers

  Not your normal vampire paranormal romance.... A sub-species of humans fight for freedom against vampire and were who wish to exploit the special genetics found in their blood.

  Twenty-year old Julia Wade, a young woman tragically widowed, is in the middle of a bizarre bid between two mythical species who are vying for the unique properties she offers; her blood. The vampires need her to balance the food load of the human species and give them their coveted "Lightwalkers."

  The Were wish to be moonless changers; a Rare One can make that a reality.

  Julia wants to belong to herself.

  Can she free herself and begin a new life?

  New adult dark paranormal romantic fantasy

  The Pearl Savage

  What happens when disaster strikes Victorian America and a culture remains frozen within bio-spheres of the future? Can a princess abused by power escape tyranny and find love?

  Seventeen-year old princess, Clara Williamson, lives an old-fashioned existence in a biosphere of the future.

  When her sadistic mother, Queen Ada, betroths her to an abusive prince of a neighboring sphere, Clara determines to escape Outside where savages roam free.

  Clara escapes tyranny only to discover the savages are not the only people who survived the cataclysmic events of one hundred forty years prior.

  Once Outside, Clara finds herself trapped, unable to return to the abusive life of the sphere while facing certain danger Outside.

  Can Clara find love and freedom with the peril that threatens to consume her?

  New adult dark paranormal epic fantasy


  Jenny Pox

  "This tale highlights both the inspiring strengths and the abhorrent cruelties of human nature, forcing us to run through the full gamut of emotional responses and refusing to let us return to reality until everything Mr. Bryan wants us to experience has been felt, seen, and fully absorbed." -Jenny, Supernatural Snark

  Eighteen-year-old Jenny Morton has a horrific secret: her touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague, the "Jenny pox." She lives by a single rule: Never touch anyone. A lifetime of avoiding any physical contact with others has made her isolated and painfully lonely in her small rural town.

  Then she meets the one boy she can touch, and her life begins to change. Jenny feels herself falling for him, but first Jenny must learn to use the deadly pox inside her to confront her new enemy, a girl who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.

  New adult dark paranormal fantasy


  With all the vampire, werewolf and faerie books out there, it's easy to become numb to all things supernatural. The antidote? Darkhouse introduces two real and unforgettable characters, Perry Palomino & Dex Foray, amateur ghost hunters who are "attractive, relatable and oddly heroic," "flawed but loveable," "slightly crazy" and just the most endearing pair to ever tackle the paranormal...just don't call them normal. Darkhouse is a thrilling and sexy new take on concepts like Supernatural and The X-Files, bringing a breath of fresh air to a genre that has been inundated with the dead.

  "There's always been something a bit off about Perry Palomino. Though she's been dealing with a quarter-life crisis and post-college syndrome like any other twenty-something, she's still not what you would call "ordinary."

  For one thing, there's her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there's the fact that she sees ghosts. Luckily for her, that all comes in handy when she stumbles across Dex Foray, an eccentric producer for an upcoming webcast on ghost hunters. Even though the show's budget is non-existent and Dex himself is a maddening enigma, Perry is instantly drawn into a world that both threatens her life and seduces her with a sense of importance.

  Her uncle's haunted lighthouse provides the perfect catalyst and backdrop for a horrific mystery that unravels the threads of Perry's fragile sanity and causes her to fall for a man, who, like the most dangerous of ghosts, may not be all that he seems."

  YA Dark Fantasy/Horror

  Zombie Games: Origins

  This YA story is a lighthearted adventure filled with zombies, butt-kicking teenaged girls, a man obsessed with video games, an annoying but totally HOT karate instructor, and humor when needed.

  Seventeen-year-old Cassandra Wild thought that living in the chaos of her mother's home daycare and dealing with new feelings for Bryce, her martial arts instructor, was a struggle until her world turned upside down. When an untested vaccine kills more than just a rampant flu virus, Cassie learns how to survive in a world where the dead walk and the living... run!

  YA Dark Fantasy/Horror

  Six Moon Summer

  Rylie's been bitten. She's changing. And now she has three months to find a cure before becoming a werewolf... forever.

  Rylie Gresham hates everything about summer camp: the food, the fresh air, the dumb activities, and the other girls in her cabin. But the worst part is probably being bitten by a werewolf. Being a teenager is hard enough, but now she's craving raw flesh and struggles with uncontrollable anger. If she doesn't figure out a way to stop the transformation, then at the end of summer, her life is worse than over. She'll be a monster.

  YA/NA Dark Fantasy/Horror

  Reign of Blood

  "Never tease anything that wants to eat you. My name is April Tate and my blood is the new gold. Vampires and hybrids have overrun my world, once vibrant with life, but now a graveyard of death shrouded in shadows. I fight to survive; I fight for my mother and brother. The journey is full of turns that I am quite unprepared for. And I'm just hoping to make it to the next Vegas sunrise..."

  In a post-apocalyptic world, a viral epidemic has wiped out most of the earth’s population, leaving behind few humans but untold numbers of mutated vampires. April is a seventeen-year-old girl who lives in the remains of Las Vegas one year after the outbreak. She has become a ferocious vampire killer and after her family is abducted, she goes searching for them. What she finds is a new breed of vampire, unlike any she has seen before. Unsure of whom she can trust, she discovers that her view of the world is not as black and white as she once thought, and she's willing to bend the rules to rescue her family. But in trying to save them, she may only succeed in bringing her fragile world crashing down around her.

  YA/NA Dark Paranormal Fantasy/Horror

  Destiny's Dark Fantasy

  Death W
hispers 8

  Blood Singers 343

  The Pearl Savage 584

  About Tamara Rose Blodgett: 829

  Jenny Pox 836

  About J.L. Bryan: 1096

  Darkhouse 1101

  About Karina Halle 1320

  Zombie Games: Origins 2

  About Kristen Middleton 125

  Six Moon Summer 127

  About SM Reine: 258

  Reign of Blood 264

  About Alexia Purdy 412

  Destiny's Dark Fantasy

  Copyright © 2011 Tamara Rose Blodgett

  Copyright © 2011 Tamara Rose Blodgett

  Copyright © 2012 Tamara Rose Blodgett

  Copyright © 2010 Jeffrey L. Bryan

  Copyright © 2011 Karina Halle

  Copyright © 2012 Kristen Middleton

  Copyright © 2011 Red Iris Publishing

  Copyright ©April 2012 Alexia Purdy

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved.


  Tamara Rose Blodgett

  Death Whispers

  Book One: The Death Series

  Copyright © 2010-2013 Tamara Rose Blodgett

  BLOG: Tamara Rose Blodgett


  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved.



  Edited by Stephanie T. Lott


  I am Caleb Hart, son of the first scientist to map the human genome back in 2010. Now, fifteen years later, all us kids (during puberty because we're so lucky) get to draw what's equivalent to a winning lottery ticket. What paranormal power would we have, would I have? It could be anything as benign as Empath, Telepathy, Pyrokenesis, Astral-Projection, and the real creeper, Affinity for the Dead, AFTD. New abilities kept cropping up, like an untended garden. The paranormal ball had begun to roll and it was all downhill from here. As long as I didn't get anyone's attention, I was down with that. I should think Science is the bomb, but it's not, it's a bomb alright-- right on my head.

  In eighth grade, we're required to take pre-Biology. My teacher is enthusiastic, so there's never a dull moment.

  Especially with me passing out all the time.

  That's how it happened the first time. The frogs came in and I went out... like a light.

  At least that was the first time I hadn't been able to ignore it anymore.

  Xavier Collins had reined in his ranting about bees becoming extinct and other huge rage-topics on the environment, to delight in telling us our next experiment would be dissection.

  I didn't have Mark “Jonesy” Jones in this class but my other best friend, John, was here, so not a total loss. Jonesy kept school in balance, making jokes at the expense of the teachers (very wise). John countered with keeping Jonesy from getting us in trouble (not always happening). The drag of it was the two kids that hated my guts in a steaming pile were in Biology.

  Carson Hamilton and Brett Mason sat next to each other, never giving me a moment's peace about anything. Carson had everything anyone could want: money, looks (he's a mirror-lover) and parents that didn't care about anything he did. My parents had not caught the disease of indifference yet. Brett didn't have it so hot, but he was as miserable as Carson.

  John sat down next to me with two pencils up his nose while Collins was at the whiteboard, discussing how to pin the frogs down.


  “Did ya make sure the erasers were in there first?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, duh.” The pencils bounced as he spoke. For a smart guy, he had some weird ideas about self-entertainment. It was very “Jonesy” of him.

  “You still buzzing?” he asked.

  I looked at John. “Yeah, it's on and off.” I felt kinda defensive about this part, I was avoiding thinking about it myself, and didn't really want to talk about it.

  “I've been thinking about that,” he said.

  How he could think with pencils up his nose? A mystery. “Yeah?”

  “I think you have the undead creeper, like that Parker dude,” John said.

  That would be bad. “He's the one that could corpse-raise, right?” I asked.

  John nodded.

  Hadn't I just been thinking about how much that ability sucked? However, the rareness of corpse-raising might come in handy. Not likely to happen though.

  “It would suck for you.”

  Nice, John restating the obvious. Yeah, it would suck. I mean, what's so great about communicating with the dead, locating the dead? Any of that... ah, no. Nothing in it for me but weirdness.

  “Government took him. Bye-bye... gone.” John made a fluttering motion with his hand like a bird flying away. The pencils kept bouncing in a distracting way.

  I'd heard about that. Corpse-Manipulation, rare-much. Jeffrey Parker was the only recorded case.

  “Why do you think?” I was interested for once, sometimes John would lose me in a tech-rant and it was all over.

  “Are you shitting me? Dead people... come on.” I got an image of zombies with M-60s, interesting.

  “No, think about it. They could get people raised and force them to do stuff. From a distance, they could look like they were alive, important people.” He raised his eyebrows.


  “Rulers or whoever,” John said. “He was a five-point. He could do the whole tamale. I think the government exploits whatever they can; using whoever they can.”

  I laughed.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I can't take you seriously. You look like a dumb-ass.” The pencils dangled indignantly inside each nostril, humiliated.

  John pulled them out, checking the ends for gold.


  I'd been wondering why my head was buzzing. Now memories surfaced. When had the buzzing started exactly? What triggered it? Could John be right?

  “Okay people, zip up here and pick up your trays. Your sterilized utensils should already be at your desks,” Collins said.

  John went for our trays, minus the attractive pencils. I stared out the window, the splatters of rain causing rivulets that looked like gray streamers marring the glass.

  I shook my head, clearing fuzziness. I couldn't shake the buzzing, a dull noise that ebbed and flowed. I felt it today the strongest. As soon as I entered class, the buzzing increased, like whispers.

  “Here you are. One frog for the both of us.” John plunked down a frog that had once been green but was a bone-gray now, staking pins gleaming under the LEDs.

  That's when the screaming started.

  The whole earth felt like it was swiveling on its axis, and I was on top. The whispering grew in volume until images flooded my head. There were marshes and swamps. A frog, in the bloom of its life, shiny with amphibian iridescence, leaped to a log, hoping to fool a small water moccasin close enough to take it.


  Right behind you! I sho
uted in warning. But I couldn't be heard, these were images... memories.

  A motor boat was closing in on the frog, getting ready to take it with a metal pole and loose net on its end. Caleb heard the frog's thoughts, strange predator must seek cover... noise... hurts...

  (NO! NO!!!)

  It wasn't the only frog with memories. Every cut my classmates made, a new flood of memories came. I realized through some dim sense that I was on my back on the Biology floor. Carson and Brett in the background wheezed with laughter.

  “He bit it over a frog? Seriously?” Carson ranted.

  Brett, not to be outdone caterwauled, “He's a total girl!”

  Collins was moving his hand in front of my face, holding up fingers, but I was caught in the grip of the death memories, absorbing my consciousness. The last thing I remember was John's anxious face taking turns between telling the dumb-ass duo to shut up and seeing if I was gonna live. My vision became gray at the edges, a pinpoint of black expanding to clear my mind of everything and I knew no more.


  Trees surrounding the cemetery danced in the languid breeze of the mild spring night. I looked behind me at the pair of eighth grade boys who'd come to egg me on. They had discovered my secret: that I knew the dead, heard the dead.

  Headstones glimmered like loose teeth in the moonlight, the whispering like a steady thrumming of white noise in my head. My hands grew clammy.

  “Caleb, show them you're not a frickin' poser,” said Jonesy.

  “I don't pose.” My thoughts raged against each other in contrary purpose. Proving to Carson and Brett that I had AFTD wouldn't keep them off my back completely, but it'd notch down their stupidity to something me and my posse could manage. That's where it was, managing their shit behavior.


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