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Destiny's Dark Fantasy Boxed Set (Eight Book Bundle)

Page 80

by Tamara Rose Blodgett

  Bracus could not get enough of looking at her. Here she was, kidnapped from the only home she had known, with five strange men and a new animal she'd never laid eyes on, beaten and yet she could enjoy a stolen moment with the horse.

  Matthew broke the silent rapport, “Let us be about breaking down camp. We have much to accomplish and the clan does not need our lengthy absence.”

  Matthew was practical and in this area especially, he was vigilant. They did not need the fragment to come lurking about while they were gone. Normally, five males would be too much to take, but Bracus had felt confident that it was required. Now that the acquisition of the Princess, (Clara, he corrected) was accomplished, he knew he had made the right choice.


  Charles groaned and looked about him, his eyes gradually adjusting, he became aware of pandemonium all around him. Guards and civilians alike were milling about, speaking in all volumes while Charles sat up, trying to get his bearings.

  Clara, Charles thought wildly. Looking all around him, finally, his gaze rested on the tear in the sphere side, now but a hazy scar of its former breadth.

  She was gone, taken by the savages.

  A great pain began in Charles' breastbone and spread like an icy fissure, cracking and infinite, he felt the breath stop in his body.

  He had not protected her after all.

  She was most assuredly Outside, as was their plan, but not with him... but with savages of unknown intent.

  He did not care if he lived, the thought of Clara being in the hands of those creatures. He shook his head to clear it.

  Wallowing about in grief at her disappearance would not get her back to him. He stood on shaky legs, his head feeling like a vise of copper had been about it. He looked down the tunnel, through the throng of people and caught sight of Sarah and Clarence and his heart lightened. Between the three of them, mayhap her rescue would be a possibility.

  Sarah and Clarence quickened their strides, coming before him, their sides heaving.

  “I ran almost the entire length of the tunnel,” Sarah yelled to be heard over the din.

  “I have not much time,” Clarence said, looking decidedly ill, “the twilight drug that you administered has made me vomit up my internal organs.”

  Charles smiled, “You will live another day, my friend.”

  Clarence glowered but held his stomach gingerly.

  “Where is she? And why, for the love-of-the-Guardian, are you not Outside and with her?”

  Charles looked about him surreptitiously and noticed the Prince’s guards were hovering around him like flies to a fresh carcass.

  Charles pulled his two friends away to the only available space there was and explained everything: the Prince's forced sexual advance against Clara, the savages breaking in and taking her... everything.

  “He tried to rape the Princess?” Clarence asked, a look of dull horror on his face.

  Charles nodded.

  Sarah looked not as surprised, “And the savages? They struck you but took her? Did they mean her harm?”

  Charles hung his head, it was his primary intent to find out.

  “I do not know,” he answered.

  They looked at the healing tear of the tunnel wall.

  “It appears scarred, Charles,” Clarence said, as there was no going near it, the Queen's guards crawled all around it like ants scurrying on their mound.

  “So the rumors are true? It is the salt that tears the fabric of the sphere?”

  Charles nodded, “Yes, and the savages were aware of that fact.”

  Sarah's hand trembled as she pushed her hair behind her ear. “What is there to do now?”

  “I must escape of my own accord, quickly. They cannot have too great a lead.” But Charles had misgivings as he had seen how they moved and acted, spoke, competent travelers and fighters.

  “But what of Prince Frederic?” Clarence asked. He spared a glance at the Prince, who was batting away his guard's offers of help, grabbing his nether regions as if they would come off without his hold.

  “Why does he hold himself thus?” Sarah inquired.

  “I am not sure, but it would seem that he may have suffered injury.” Charles said.

  “The savages?” Clarence asked.

  “Mayhap. He was not able to finish what he started with Clara and did not harm her in my presence.”

  “Yet, you were not conscious for her departure,” Sarah said, emphasizing the last word.

  Charles shook his head.

  The Prince noticed the three standing apart and walked toward them. Wincing as he walked, he gave up and limped toward them. Charles mastered his expression to not alert the Prince just how much it pleased him he was injured there.

  “Mr. Pierce!” Prince Frederic shouted, his voice easily swallowed in the tight space of the tunnel with so many people packed together.

  “I must speak with you.”

  Sarah instinctively stepped behind Clarence. She wished for none of his notice.

  Charles was having an elaborate fantasy where the Prince fell clumsily on one of his guards' swords where they hovered as he drew near.

  Damn, here he was, right before him. Charles' head ached and his hand was itching to draw upon the dirk that lay buried in one of the dead guard's necks.

  The image of Clara struggling beneath him was etched forever in his brain.

  The Prince leaned forward until their noses almost touched, “You have killed one of my guards,” he began in a furious tone.

  Charles smiled, holding up two fingers, “You have more.”

  The Prince's rage overtook his face, painting it a red so deep it was nigh unto purple. “You will suffer for that insolence. Queen Ada will allow me whatever I wish.”

  “Oh,” Sarah said sweetly, sidling up beside Charles but slightly in front of Clarence. Prince Frederic's eyes slid to her, over her body, encased as it was in sky blue velvet.

  “I think not, as the rape of the Princess would not be well-received and,” she added, drawing her finger upon the flesh which rode the top of her bosom, his eyes trained upon it, “you have not the leverage, as the savages have taken Clara and she is not here for you to wed.” Sarah said smugly, her smile alight with the knowledge of his impotence.

  Quicker than lightning he grabbed her wrist, jerking her body against his, “It does not have to be the Princess that I bed. It could be anyone. I was ensuring she understood what life she would lead in my tender care.”

  “Release me,” Sarah said, her chin jutted out stubbornly.

  Clarence intervened, “Prince Frederic, is this the attention you desire...” he looked about him significantly, the many people around them stopping their hurried conversations. His behavior judged unacceptable even for his station.

  Prince Frederic exhaled in disgust, pushing Sarah into Clarence, who held her loosely by the shoulders and turned his attention once more to Charles.

  “You and she planned an escape. The guards searched your knapsack and discovered the salt mixture.” He straightened and looked every bit the satiated animal except for the wince when he stood, Charles noted with a small stab of joy.

  Charles searched the tunnel for any sign of his knapsack, seeing none, his eyes returned to Prince Frederic, “I do not see my knapsack about.”

  The Prince yelled for a guard, and the one at his side jumped, “You there...” the guard's eyes widened, “find the knapsack which belongs to him,” he said, pointing a finger at Charles. If the guard thought the request was as absurd as Charles, he did not show it. Very wise...he must understand the Prince better than they realized.

  His attention returned to Charles, “We are at an impasse, for now. But know this: I intend to retrieve the Princess, and you will not be part of that plan. Is that understood?”

  Sarah spoke again, “What we understand is you do not have leverage of any sort with our Queen. She cares only for the grapes. If you do not recover Clara, there will be no combined kingdom.”

p; They stared at each other and Sarah did not back down. Clarence and Charles waited for the Prince to show his violent predisposition but he clenched and unclenched his fists, glaring at her.

  Her words were true, there was no satisfactory rebuttal.

  The guard approached, shaking his head.

  Charles smiled at the prince and Frederic shook his head in disgust.

  “It does not end it. I will find her and we will wed.”

  “I think you underestimate the savages.”

  “No, they underestimate me. Whatever I desire, becomes mine.”

  “That is yet to be seen, Prince Frederic,” Charles said.

  They watched the Prince walk off, the slight limp in his stride noticeable to all that observed.


  Clara gazed about her, everything Outside was new, yet old. She had seen much from inside the sphere but it was surreal, to view it in the flesh. She felt the huge beast move beneath her body, a warm and stout presence. Clara kept her hands clenched tightly to the saddle, occasionally casting a glance behind her at the guard whom she did not trust.

  Bracus said, “Princess, put your arms about my waist, it is not safe for you, the horse could throw you.”

  Clara was sure that it was not proper for her to touch a man she did not know, but a stumble from Briar Rose made her mind up for her. She latched onto the savage- Bracus, and laid her head against his broad back.

  Bracus tried not to physically show the Princess how much he enjoyed the contact. But he couldn't help but shift on the horse to put him infinitesimally closer to her embrace.

  Clara sighed. She knew she should not feel remotely safe. Yet, he had not harmed her, she was Outside, and there was nothing she could do for Charles, she thought, frowning slightly. She wished with all her heart she could but know what was happening to him right now. However, she must persevere. Soon, she may have a life Outside. A plan to regain her father's kingdom could be fashioned in a way that he would be proud of.

  Clara yawned against Bracus' back just as the sun made its way over the top of the mountains to the south, the tangerine glow painting the path ahead with golden light. The rhythm of the horse beneath her lulled her to sleep and she felt it pulling her under like a stone in a well.

  Bracus felt Clara's breathing change and knew that she had fallen asleep. He slowed Briar Rose to a halt and her body began to slide away from his. He gently repositioned her in front of him where she fit in the cradle of his arm perfectly. As his right arm held her, he grasped the reins in his left, gently kicking Briar Rose's side and she continued to walk.

  Joseph came abreast of him on his stead, a great chocolate beast that eyed him cautiously. “She sleeps, that is good,” he said, gazing down at her face, curled against Bracus' chest, her breath a warm tingle.

  Bracus looked down upon her, knowing she probably would not have wanted to be held so intimately but in her sleep he could hold her as he wished.

  After another hour of riding, with the weight of Clara beginning to numb his arm, the Band were at the clan's gate.

  Bracus came alert immediately as people were running around in a panic. He unconsciously tightened his grip on Clara.

  Something was wrong.

  He felt the weapons against his horse's flank and was comforted by their presence; his throat slits involuntarily opening wide to gather oxygen in preparation for the unknown.

  Philip galloped up to Bracus' side, having been rear guard during their journey homeward, “What is the trouble here?”

  “I do not know, but we best be about finding out.”

  Philip nodded, twirling his finger in a circle above his head. Stephen and Matthew began on opposite ends of the clan's large barrier fence to do a perimeter reconnaissance. If there was something amiss, they would find it. Their horses thundering departure was not heard above the noise of the people's panic.


  The lead guard at the gate, Oliver, ran to Bracus, speaking in a rush, “Captain Goodman,” he said, not even bothering with a nod, “The girl from the well...” he stuttered out.

  “Evelyn?” Bracus nearly yelled and Clara stirred, having been in a near stupor. He kept his hold firm, he would not have her away from him and out of his sight. But he did need to have both hands free and at-the-ready.

  “Yes, sir,” he wrung his hands. “It appears that she has been taken... by the fragment.”

  Oh dear Lord, she is but a child, Bracus thought with dread pooling like rotten meat in his entrails.

  Oliver looked at Clara in his arms with open curiosity.

  “How?” Bracus barked, breaking his glance with the harshness of his words at the same time that Clara opened her eyes and saw that she was in the circle of Bracus' arms. She sat up, feeling ridiculous and groggy. Looking about her, she saw many people running about in a state of panic. She rubbed her eyes and pushed her hair away from her face, the tether which bound it long gone.

  Bracus kept his arm around Clara, pulling her against his chest as he felt her stiffen. “There is a problem, and I need my hands free but I need you protected,” he spoke quietly against her ear, “if I let you down, would you stay by my side?”

  Clara nodded, she was not interested in another problem and she was ill-prepared for it, her mind fuzzy. She was tired and hungry and wished to get out of her royal garb, an absurd thing to be wearing while riding upon a horse.

  Bracus held her arms as she slid down the horse's side. Her feet hovered above the ground and she lighted upon it. Craning her neck back to look up at him. The bruising of her face was better today, but it made his guts clench to see it, he would never become accustomed to the sight.

  Oliver came around the side of the horse to approach Clara, but Bracus said, “No, attend the gate, I will have someone from the Band assigned to the Princess.”

  Joseph said, “Captain... I need...” he began

  Anna, good Lord, the females. If the young girl was taken, who else?

  “Yes, go to her now.”

  Joseph galloped headlong to the gate, people scurrying out of his way.

  Philip was the only one left, “Stay with Clara.” Bracus ordered tersely. He must see what had happened to Evelyn... how it happened.

  He and Philip looked at each other for a swollen moment then Philip nodded. They needed their watch-care now more than ever.

  Bracus kicked Briar Rose's sides, and she galloped to the gate.

  To the answers.


  Bracus all but threw his reins at Jonathan, who caught them deftly, his face grave.

  “Captain,” he said, nodding.

  He was the first person on the inside he had seen and should know more than Oliver, who had been in no position to leave the gate.

  “What has happened to Evelyn?” Then, “what of the other females.” Bracus barked out.

  “All are here, sir... it is only Evelyn.” Jonathan said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other .

  “How could this happen?” Bracus said, somewhat more gently.

  “She went to pick the berries...”

  “By herself?”

  He shook his head, “Nay, her father accompanied her.”

  Bracus closed his eyes for a moment. Opening them, he grasped Jonathan's shoulder, giving it a small shake. “Speak.” and dropped his hand.

  Jonathan looked down, a tremor in his voice, “I told her not to go this day. I told her it was safer to pick a day the Band was all here,” Bracus nodded encouragement and he continued, “but she insisted, you know how she is, stubborn.”

  He knew.

  “Then, she argued that her father would be with her.” His eyes betrayed his frustration, narrowing, “and I told her it was not enough. That the fragment was about, that they could be overwhelmed. She would not listen. She never listens. I could have protected her!” he shouted out, his fists clenched, the knuckles bleeding to white.

  Bracus shook his head. “Did her father protect her?”

  “He tried.”

  “What of him?”


  Bracus groaned, rubbing a hand over the front of his face, a male dead, and a precious female gone. Were the fragment so desperate that they would take a female that was not yet ready? He shuddered. They must reclaim her.

  He looked down at the angry boy, “You could have done nothing. Do not assume the guilt of this. Her own father died at the hands of the fragment. We will retrieve her.”

  He nodded, “When?”

  Bracus' thoughts shifted... Clara.

  “Today, as soon as we can restore our energy and pack our supplies.”

  Clara and Philip approached, he a head and a half taller than she, his huge hands holding his mount's reins, the beast's sides glistening from the travel.

  Philip cocked an eyebrow.

  “The girl that works the well, Evelyn, has been taken,” Bracus said.

  “The wee one?” he asked, using his palm to indicate a height very close to Clara's own.

  Bracus nodded.

  Philip growled out his displeasure and Clara backed away from him. He sobered, turning to her. “She is but a child...only ten and one years.”

  It sounded horrible, Clara knew, but she looked at them in confusion, taken by whom?

  Bracus knew from her expression her unspoken question, “It is the fragment. They take unprotected females.”

  “Who are the fragment and why do they take your women?” Clara asked.

  Philip and Bracus looked at each other.

  “What?” Clara asked, putting her hands on her hips. She did not wish to be ignorant of danger. Her days of being unprepared were over.

  “They belong to no one. They are separate,” Bracus began.

  “From whom?”

  “The clans,” Philip responded. “All the clans.”

  Those answers made more questions than they answered, Clara thought.

  Bracus sighed, he did not have sufficient time to answer. And he did not know that enlightening Clara about the shortage of females at this juncture would help him with her. In fact, seeing the burning intelligence in her eyes... he thought not.


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