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This Isn't Fair, Baby (War & Peace Book #6)

Page 12

by K. Webster

  “I’m inside you,” he tells me, his voice soft. “I’m with you.”

  A jolting orgasm rips through me, and I shudder hard against the desk. He manages to thrust a couple more times before he comes with a roar. His hot seed spurts deep inside me. I love the way his body possesses mine.

  Brie was wrong.

  Diego is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  “Feel better?” he teases as he releases my hair before pressing a kiss to the back of my head.

  “Much,” I admit with a sigh.

  He chuckles and slips out of me. His hot cum runs down my thighs. “Now put your panties back on. I’m hungry.”

  It came to me.

  A sinister thought.

  When Diego started pulling out fixings for sandwiches, my mind seemed to crack wide open. I fucking hate sandwiches.

  “No,” I grit out as I snag the loaf of bread. I storm over to the trash can and toss it inside. “No sandwiches ever.”

  His eyes widen in surprise, but then he does that thing he does where he reads me with one simple stare. I always feel exposed and transparent around him. But never vulnerable.

  “Can we get something hot and filling?”

  Understanding dawns in his light brown eyes. “I’ll have Ingrid prepare one of my mother’s dishes.”

  I beam at him and launch myself into his arms. “Thank you.”

  He palms my ass and bites my neck. “So easy to please.”

  “Speaking of,” I tell him as I lean back to look at him. “I need some things from you.”

  “Like my ten-inch cock in your ass? All you have to do is ask, mi diablita.”

  I snort. “Ten inches. Kind of bragging there a little bit, huh?”

  His grin is wolfish. “It’ll feel like ten inches buried in your tight ass.”

  I press a kiss to his handsome mouth. “You make me happy.”

  He searches my eyes but then strokes my cheek with his thumb. “You make me happy, too. My mother would have loved you.”

  “And my father would have liked you, too.”

  “Where are we taking this discussion?” he questions.

  I bite on my bottom lip as anxiety spikes through me. The things I need from him aren’t going to be easy to acquire. “In your office. I think we need Jorge and Tatiana, too.”

  “Witnesses?” he muses with an arched eyebrow. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost staring at his handsome face. When he sleeps, I often watch him for hours in the early morning light.

  “More like helpers.”

  His eyes narrow, and I can practically see the wheels turning in his head. “I’m probably not going to like this.”

  I kiss him again. “You’re going to hate it.”

  He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Why do I sense a ‘but’ somewhere in there?”

  “But,” I say with a smile, “I know you’ll give it to me.”

  A growl rumbles from his chest. “So confident, I see.”

  I reach down and stroke his dick through his slacks. “The king gives his queen what she wants.”

  “And if I don’t?” he challenges, his cock hardening in my grip.

  “You will.”

  “Humor me, Vienna.”

  I tug at his belt and then unfasten his pants. His pale brown eyes darken a few shades. The way to Diego’s heart is through his dick. His very thick, very scary, very long dick. I drop to my knees in front of him and fist his length. He lets out a hiss when I lick the tip of him. I can taste myself from earlier, and I like it.

  “Say yes, Daddy D,” I beg, giving him the most seductive look I can muster.

  He groans as he wraps his hand around my ponytail. “You can’t strong arm me into getting what you want by sucking my cock—fuuuuuck!”

  I take him deep in my mouth. His giant cock doesn’t get far inside before he’s hitting the back of my throat. I grip the base of him and relax my muscles. Slowly, I ease him into my throat. Esteban face fucked me so many times that I learned to relax my throat in order not to choke to death. With Diego, I want to pleasure him. I want him to see how good we can be together. He lets me set the pace, and I’m thankful. Diego is a generous lover. While at times he’s rough in a delicious way, he’s never cruel.

  I start to gag and pull off of him for a moment to catch my breath. When I look up at him, he’s regarding me with a hungry emotion-filled gaze. I love how he stares as though I’m some god giving him a special gift. I lick my lips before sliding back down his length. The grunts and groans coming from him are making my panties grow wet. Him being so turned on is a complete turn on for me.

  “Mi reina,” he murmurs. My queen.

  I hasten my efforts and pull out every pleasurable trick I can come up with. It’s when I give his heavy balls a massage as I deep throat him that he lets out a familiar tell that he’s about to come. His heat rushes down my throat, but I don’t gag. I suck and swallow until he’s gripping the sides of my head and pulling me from him.

  “Come here, mi ángel hermosa,” he growls.

  I stand and he attacks me. His cock is still hanging out and his pants are around his thighs but it doesn’t stop him from mauling me with a passionate kiss. He darts his tongue into my mouth and fucks it like he does my pussy at times. Hard and unrelenting. I’m so caught up in the kiss that I don’t realize that his hand is under my dress and in my panties until his finger is rubbing my clit.

  “Oh, God,” I moan against his lips. His fingers are magical. He knows exactly how to touch me so that I’m practically humming with pleasure within seconds. And he does this little thing—“Diego!” I cry out and claw at his shoulders when he pinches my clit with his thumb and finger. Every time he does that, I swear I nearly explode. His cock, despite just coming, is pressing hard against me. “I need you.”

  He lifts me by my ass, and I help him out by wrapping my legs around his waist. His finger hooks into my soaked panties and he yanks them to the side. I whimper when he starts pushing the swollen head of his cock into me. Each time he stretches me to the brink of pain, but it feels so good, too. I feel complete. Like he’s the missing part of me. Once he’s seated inside of me, his free hand is back in my panties searching out my clit. He always assaults my nerve-endings from every direction so that I’m on fire with pleasure.

  “Bounce on my cock, mi diablita. Own what belongs to you,” he hisses against my mouth. He pinches my clit again, and it makes me clench around him. I’m being impaled by a cartel king and I’ve never been happier in my life.

  I grip his neck and use my feet, digging into his ass as leverage to work myself up and down over his length. All it takes is another pinch before I’m seeing stars. I shudder so hard, he nearly drops me. Then, my ass hits the cold counter top when he sits me on the edge. He’s tall enough that he never has to break stride and thrusts hard into me from our new position. I rip at his hair as I seek his mouth. The moment our lips touch and tongues collide, he lets out a groan that’s so animalistic, it speaks to my own inner beast. I want him to mark me from the inside out. And he does. Hot delicious come spills deep inside of me.

  “Mine,” he hisses against my mouth. “Vienna Gomez.”

  I tremble at hearing my name. I love it. The name sounds powerful. The name is powerful. But mostly, I love it because it’s his name too.

  “What were we talking about again?” he jokes as he slides his thick cock from my throbbing body.

  “How you love me and are going to give me what I want,” I tease back, a smile spreading across my face.

  His eyes regard me, mixed with awe and some other strong emotion. I’d said he loved me in jest, but one look in his expressive eyes and I know. This is more than a business deal for him. Diego’s feelings for me are real.

  And this is exactly why he’s going to give me what I want.

  TONIGHT, ON OUR one-month wedding anniversary, we are celebrating with an enormous party. The wealthiest people from all over Colombia have been invited. Security ha
s been tripled, but I still don’t feel safe.

  Give me what I want, Diego.

  I grit my teeth. You’d think with five wives prior, I’d have plenty of practice telling a woman no. Instead, I fall into my wife’s dick-sucking traps and hand her the keys to my kingdom without hesitation. She asks and I give. Every single time. I even had to call in the favor Gabriella owed me. Boy, was she upset, but she delivered.

  I hold up the jewelry box—which arrived today, just in time—and lift the lid. Gabriella had to scramble to get me these earrings, but I wanted them for tonight’s celebration. Perfect timing. Everything is going too smoothly, which has my chest tight with nerves.

  “I don’t like this,” Tatiana tells me with a huff. Her gaze is on my bare chest and she fixates on one spot.

  “I promised her,” I snap as I start buttoning my shirt back up. “Vienna gets what she wants.”

  She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest. Tonight she’s donning a black sequined gown for the fancy affair. “I don’t like when her wants affect you.”

  I shrug as I knot my tie. “It doesn’t matter what you like. This is bigger than how you feel, Tatiana.”

  “I just…” she trails off with tears in her eyes. “Would your mother want you risking it all on some woman?”

  I pin her with a serious stare. “My mother would have wanted me to risk everything for love.”

  She swallows and her bottom lip trembles. “So this is love?”

  “It is for me.”

  “And for her?”

  “Only time will tell.” I shrug on my black vest before pulling on my black suit coat. “Everything will be okay.”

  Her head bows but she gives me a small nod. “I hope so, Diego. You’re like a son to me. I can’t lose you over some girl. You fell too hard and too fast for her. It scares me.”

  I scrub my scruffy cheek with my palm before giving her a tender smile. “Vienna and I have a past that has led us to this moment. Fate was always playing an intricate game with our lives. We’ve finally gotten here. I’m not going to disregard what was designed for us. It’s been a long road getting here and the road still has some twists and turns. We’ll get to the end, though, together. I trust her and she trusts me.”

  Tatiana rushes over to me and hugs me. “You always were weak for women.”

  I pat my close friend’s back and kiss her on the top of her head. “This woman makes me stronger. She’s tough and resilient. Exactly what someone of my position and caliber needs. An equal, Tatiana. I don’t have to take care of Vienna because she takes care of us both.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” she says finally.

  I wink at her when she pulls away. “I don’t and that’s half the fun.”

  “That’s him,” Vienna says, her long manicured nail pointing at the security monitor. “He’ll come for me.”

  “He won’t leave with you,” Jorge assures her. “We’ll have eyes on him at all times.”

  She turns to regard me, and I study her face for insecurity, fear, any-fucking-thing, but I find nothing. Her chin is lifted and her green eyes are sharp. My sweet wife isn’t afraid. If anything, she’s thirsty.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I question, my brows pinched together. “Do you still have the knife?”

  She slides up her silky brilliant green evening gown, past her knee to reveal a garter belt with a knife tucked inside. It’s hot as fuck and if I didn’t have one of my enemies in my home at this very moment, I’d screw her against the closest wall.

  “I can do this, Diego,” she assures me with a bright grin, releasing her dress as she walks toward me. “We can do this.”

  Her gorgeous red hair has been twisted and pinned into a fancy style behind her head. A tendril has escaped on the side of her pretty face, and I can’t help but tuck it behind her ear. She’s beaming at me. Confident. Fierce. Strong as hell. Mine.

  “You look beautiful, mi diablita,” I tell her and press a soft kiss to her glossy lips.

  She slides her palms up over my chest to my neck. “You look handsome, mi motherfucker.”

  Everything inside of me screams to pull her into my arms and never let go. She’d be safer that way. In the short run. But what about the long run? What about for the rest of our lives? I have to let her fly away from me for a bit because that’s the only way to keep her.

  “I have something for you,” I tell her with a wolfish grin as I pull out the jewelry box from my pocket.

  Her lips quirk up on one side. “You’re such a romantic.”

  “These,” I say as I open the box to show her the two shiny diamonds, “came all the way from America. Your friend Ren’s dad acquired them for me. They’re special. Like you.”

  She stands on her toes and gives me a chaste kiss. “Thank you, Diego. Thank you for this.” Her past hurts and injustices are written all over her face. I can give her security. I can give her safety. I can give her me.

  She puts both earrings in and grins at me. “How do I look?”

  I grab her hips and tug her to me. “Good enough to eat.”

  “He’s headed toward the stairwell, Mrs. Gomez,” Jorge says from his chair in front of the monitors. “You should go.”

  My hands are locked on her waist. It takes every ounce of self-control to remove my hands and not crush her to me. “Be safe, Vienna.”

  Her palms find my cheeks, and she tugs me down for a kiss. “I’ll be okay as long as you have my back.”

  Our kiss turns frantic, but then she’s pulling away.

  “I have to go,” she whispers.

  I grip her jaw and glare down at her. “I love you, mi diablita.”

  Tears glisten in her gorgeous green eyes. “I love you too.”

  The moment she’s gone, I prowl over to the wall of monitors. Jorge has her in view because as soon as she leaves the room, she’s on the screen. When we’d discussed this party a couple of weeks ago, I spared no expense outfitting one of the spare rooms with wall-to-wall monitors of every part of the house, both inside and out. The equipment picks up sound as well because I needed to be able to have eyes and ears on her.

  We watch my enemy slip into her old bedroom. She’s long since moved into my room. I love that she’s begun to add touches to the home to make it hers. Despite her and Gabriella’s conversation ending with Vienna hanging up on her best friend a couple of weeks ago, she’s still stayed in touch with her friend Ren. He even went by her parent’s house and had some of her belongings shipped here. This is her home now. With me.

  “What’s he doing?” Jorge asks.

  “He’s looking for the book with their pictures in it.”

  Sure enough, he walks over to the bookcase and pulls The Count of Monte Cristo from the shelf. He’s thumbing through it when Vienna walks into the room.

  “Turn up the sound,” I bark out.

  Jorge turns the knob just as Vienna says in a choked voice, “Oscar?”

  Over the past month, my wife has shared with me more and more stories of her past. A lot of them revolved around this man. Someone she trusted. Even loved. A man who should have protected her. Instead, he took from her and used her.

  “Vee,” Oscar replies as he shoves the book back into place and then turns to regard her. From my vantage point, I don’t see any weapons. “You look well.” His tone is flat and cold. It makes my hackles rise.

  “I’m a good actress. I’m doing what I can to survive,” she tells him, her voice shaky.

  He takes a step forward, but my brave woman doesn’t retreat. She lifts her chin to meet his gaze dead on.

  “You were supposed to kill him,” he bites out.

  She stiffens. “And I told you, I’m not a killer. I’m scared.”

  His answering scoff is brief, but I catch it. “Kill him. Tonight. We’ll be waiting for you to carry it out.” He approaches her, and I hate how close he is to her. “Where’d we go wrong?” His hand lifts and he runs his finger along her jaw. She shivers as if
she’s waited for that touch her entire life. But I know my girl and I know when I touch her like that, it’s different. Her reaction to me is so much better because it’s real.

  “You hurt me,” she accuses, her bottom lip wobbling. “You both hurt me.”

  He runs his fingers through his long hair that touches his shoulders. “It was just because it was a part of the plan. None of it meant anything. You know that. A big game of fucking pretend, Vee.”

  I keep waiting for her to lash out, but she remains calm. She sniffles and he reaches to swipe away the tear. Instead of flinching, she leans into his touch.

  Good girl.

  “I’m sorry,” he says, his voice raw. And I hear it. Remorse. Regret. But it doesn’t forgive what he did to her. She’ll never get over that.


  “Does he hurt you?”

  She looks away, as if to not meet his gaze, but her eye is on the hidden camera. “Yes.” Her green eyes flicker with deception before she darts them back to him. “Every night in this bed. He takes and takes and takes. I was forced to become his wife.” Her shoulders hunch as she starts to cry.

  Fake. Fake. Fake.

  My queen doesn’t cry.

  “Oh, Vee,” Oscar croaks as he hugs her to him. “It was supposed to be us. How’d we get so lost along the way?”

  I slam my fist on the table and hiss at Jorge. “Lost? He fucking ignored her their entire lives. Dragged her around like she was his fucking puppy. And then he raped her for authenticity?! This kid is fucking quacked out.”

  Jorge grunts in agreement.

  “Can you get me out of here?” she pleads. “We can run away. Esteban doesn’t have to know.” Exactly what he wants. His sweet, adoring girl worshipping him at his feet.

  He squares his shoulders and cups her cheeks so he can look at her. “We still need you to kill Diego. He’ll always be a threat to us. Once he’s gone, we can move on together.”

  “Esteban…” she murmurs.

  He lets out a possessive growl. “We’ll deal with Esteban later. He’s unhinged, Vee. Together we’ll take care of him. Then it will just be us.” His mouth drops to hers where he places a soft kiss on her lips. Rage threatens to consume me, but Jorge is gripping my shoulder tight.


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