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This Isn't Fair, Baby (War & Peace Book #6)

Page 14

by K. Webster

  “You must,” I whisper. “You absolutely must.”

  “Fuuuuck,” Oscar groans, dragging me to the present. He pulls out and gives my ass a squeeze. I remain bent over the car as he ties off the condom and tosses it in the woods. “Plenty more of that in our future.”

  I pull myself up into a standing position and jerk my jeans back into place before hopping back in the front seat. He doesn’t seem bothered at all by the fact that I was an unwilling participant. As he starts up the car, he fishes a couple of pills from his pocket. “Need something to take the edge off?”

  “I told you, I don’t want any drugs,” I hiss.

  He frowns and takes one. “I’m not going to hurt you. Not like him. I love you, Vee.”

  Too late, asshole.

  All I want to do is curl up in a ball. But I need this guy with me…not against me. I lean against him and let my fatigue take over. He wraps an arm around me and strokes my hair as we drive. I want to stay awake but I’m too overcome with emotion.

  I gladly run to Diego in my dreams.

  “Like this,” Diego tells me as he grips my wrist and guides the knife to his chest. “Plunge hard so it doesn’t fall out. If it comes out, I’ll bleed out.”

  I wince at his words. Hard. Got it. “Is this necessary?”

  “You know how those motherfuckers are about their authenticity. They want authenticity, we’ll give it to them.”

  “But…” I trail off, my throat squeezing with emotion. “What if it slips? What if Tatiana isn’t right? What if we mess up?” I toss the knife onto the desk with a grumble.

  His thumb drags along my jawline and he grins at me. Stupid fucker isn’t scared of anything. Not even death. “If we mess up, I’ll see you in hell, mi diablita.”

  I huff and roll my eyes before wriggling away from him. He grabs my hips and pushes me against the edge of his desk. His strong hands spread my knees apart, and he slides my dress up my thighs. A moan escapes me when he rubs my clit through my panties. He glares at me while he brings me pleasure. “I’m more worried about what happens to you afterward. What happens to me is nothing. What happens to you is everything.”

  I soften at his words and clutch his face. He kisses me hard as his finger rubs me between my legs. My panties are soaked with his assault, but I don’t stop him. Pleasure with Diego comes so often that I’ve become greedy for it. Downright addicted.

  “Just tell me no at any time and we’ll find another way,” he murmurs against my mouth. “I know this was your idea, but it’s okay to change your mind.”

  An orgasm seizes me, and I shudder until my muscles feel as though they are jelly. When I come down from my high, I regard him sadly. “V is for vengeance. I want to make them pay and this way gets me right where I need to be.”

  He nips at my lip and grins. “So we give the girl what she wants. Anyone ever tell you you’re spoiled?”

  I laugh and tug his tie so he remains close. “You’re the one who spoils me.”

  “And I’m about to spoil you with my mouth,” he growls.

  “Wake up,” Oscar bellows.

  I jolt upright and squint against the bright morning sun. We’re parked in front of the shipyard. Shipping containers are stacked at least ten high for as far left and far right as the eye can see. Beyond the long strip of metal containers are the barges that ship cocaine, among other products, from Buenaventura to San Diego via the Pacific.

  As a girl, we visited their shipyard often. But after my stay in one of the metal tombs for months back home in the States, I can’t help but feel overly apprehensive about being near them again.

  “Let’s go,” Oscar says as he climbs out.

  I follow after him and squint against the sun. “I’m scared.”

  He gently grabs my elbow and leans into me. “There are eyes everywhere, baby. Just play it cool. I’m scared too, but we’ll get through this.”

  I let him guide me across the gravel parking lot to the gate in the chain-link fence that stands wide open. A man with an assault rifle stands at the gate but nods at us to go on through. I shiver and try to stick close to Oscar.

  “Where are we going?” I squeak out.

  He points to the shipyard office. “Esteban wants to ask you some questions.”

  Terror climbs its way up through my throat at having to see him once again. Not that long ago, he had such a strong hold on my life. That won’t happen again. I’m not his for the taking. At least not permanently.

  I belong to someone else.

  My heart skitters in my chest. So many what-ifs scream at me from the back of my mind but I refuse to give thought to any of them. Those what-ifs will knock me off my game. I can’t afford that distraction.

  I’m still trying to push those thoughts away when the cold air from the office billows out around me as Oscar opens the door. It’s dark inside. I’m shivering but it has nothing to do with the temperature. It has everything to do with the beast that lives and breathes inside. The snarling beast who I will soon make my prey.



  One simple nickname.

  Spoken with such promise.

  I’m scared shitless.

  “Esteban,” I choke out.

  Unlike Oscar would, he doesn’t run up to me for an embrace. Instead, he emerges from the shadows like the Boogeyman. Tall. Imposing. Powerful. I suppress a whimper of fear. Everything about him seems bigger and fiercer. His neck is most definitely thicker and his dress shirt is stretched to the limits across his bulky chest. Esteban has turned into the Colombian Hulk.

  He narrows his eyes at me before flicking his gaze over to his brother. The way he watches us worries me. Esteban is like some feral animal who can probably smell the stink of his brother on me from halfway across the room. His nostrils flare in an angry way. I don’t dare move a muscle.

  “Diego is dead?”

  I nod emphatically and motion for my bloody front. “This is his blood. I stabbed him. H-He bled out all over me.”

  Esteban prowls closer until he’s towering over me. Oscar tenses from beside me but makes no move to come between my monster and me. He leans forward and inhales me. Then, he pokes me hard in the chest.

  “Ow!” I cry out and rub the spot.

  He seizes my wrist, gripping it painfully. And still, Oscar doesn’t intervene. Fucking pussy. “How are you certain he’s dead?”

  I swallow down my unease and focus on everything I practiced. Breaking down in front of the enemy wasn’t part of the plan. I lift my chin and meet his dark brown glare. “I stabbed him in the heart. He bled out. I ran. There’s no way he survived.”

  He twists my wrist until I yelp. When he sees the scar on the back of my hand, he roars. “He fucking scarred you?!”

  Terror sends tears skating down my cheeks. Diego thinks I’m brave. It’s an act. It’s all an act. With him, I am brave because he’s the hero in my story. But I’m terrified of the monster in this tale called Life.

  “He made me his wife,” I whisper, my bottom lip wobbling wildly. “Did you really think he would be good to me?”

  Esteban runs his fingers through his slick black hair and snarls. “I don’t know what I fucking thought.” He turns to Oscar and slaps him on the side of the head. “This is all your fault.”

  Oscar rubs at his temple and glares at his brother. Esteban seems to shift his weight back and forth on his two feet, like a fighter who’s about to go in for the kill. It makes me want to provoke him. Tell him exactly what his little brother did to me on the way here.

  Not now.

  “We got what we want and—” Oscar starts but Esteban silences him by punching him in the gut.

  Oscar grunts but recovers quickly to scowl at his brother.

  “Diego fucked me bare,” I rattle out, my tone accusatory. “So many times. I’m probably riddled with diseases now.” I don’t meet Oscar’s gaze. “I suffered. So much.” A choked sob escapes me.

  Esteban grabs my bicep and yan
ks me to him. I’m tugged into his powerful embrace. I feel as though I’m trapped in the arms of a bear. His touch is gentle as he strokes my hair.

  “He better be dead, Roja,” he murmurs against my hair.

  Oscar’s phone buzzes and soon he’s whistling with excitement. “She did it. She really fucking did it!” He hands over his phone. I peer at the screen with Esteban. An unknown number texted him.

  Unknown: That bitch killed him. We’re coming for all of you.


  Unknown: Watch this video because that is how we are going to kill every one of you.

  I shudder in Esteban’s grip and he hugs me tighter. His scent suffocates me. At one time, I’d grown to anticipate it. I loved inhaling him. Now, I swear it makes me queasy. Just the thought of him on me and in me has me wanting to throw up all over this office.

  Esteban presses play and the night before plays out exactly as rehearsed. The footage is from my old bedroom at me and Diego’s home. To an outsider, it appears as though he chases me into the room and forces himself upon me. Tears spill down my cheeks. He’d whispered that he loved me against my mouth just seconds before I had to hurt him. In the video, though, you don’t hear those whispered words. You do see me slide my hand under the pillow to retrieve the short blade Diego gave to me to use.

  “You really fucking did it,” Oscar says, pride in his voice.

  I stare in horror as I plunge the knife right into his chest. Tatiana had drawn an X with a Sharpie on Diego’s chest—and thank God the video is too grainy to see it—so I wouldn’t miss my intended target. I made sure it went exactly in the right way. She’d located a spot that she could easily fix and no vital organs or arteries would be harmed.

  But it was still a gamble.

  He could bleed to death.

  I tremble as I wait for their sign. The video shows me throwing on clothes and bolting. Moments later, Jorge and Tatiana rush in. I can’t look at Diego’s unmoving form. My heart is seized up in my chest as I keep my gaze on Tatiana’s hands.

  “We’ve lost him!” she cries out.

  But then it’s there. A subtle motion of her thumb pointing up. That was the signal—the signal that meant he was going to be okay.

  I let out a sigh and quickly follow it with, “I’m glad he’s dead.”

  “How do they have this number?” Esteban demands waving the phone at me once the video is over. “They can track us.”

  “I-I must have left the number Oscar gave me there,” I choke out. “I’m sorry.”

  He slams the phone to the tile floor and then stomps on it until it’s ruined. I wince because nobody will be tracking me that way now. Esteban shoos Oscar away. “Get lost. Me and Vee have some catching up to do.”

  Oscar clenches his jaw, shoots me a sad look, and turns to leave. To fucking leave. So much for stabbing Esteban in the back when he fucks me. I needed Oscar to kill Esteban for me. I know I can’t take down Esteban, but I can sure as hell take down Oscar.

  “Oscar,” I murmur. He turns and gives me a slight shake of his head. Not now. Not fucking now. Pussy. I stand on my toes and whisper to Esteban. “Oscar forced himself on me this morning.”

  Esteban tenses and Oscar’s mouth pops open in surprise.

  “H-He has b-bad plans to kill you and take me for his own,” I rattle out. “I d-don’t want him. I w-want you.” I’m shaking so bad I’m afraid I’ll collapse.

  Oscar’s glare becomes murderous. “You traitorous bitch!”

  He charges but doesn’t get far before Esteban has him by the throat and against the wall. Esteban transforms into the beast he can be. Right now, he’s a psychopathic one. His fist rears back and he slams it into his brother’s face.




  Over and over again.

  So much blood.

  I collapse to my knees, unable to take my eyes from the scene. If I don’t stop him, Esteban will kill him. This is what I want. Right?

  No. Not really. Not ever.

  But this is what they made me need.

  So with bile in my throat, I watch as one monster beats the other. Eventually, Esteban releases Oscar and he crumples to the floor. A part of me is disappointed to discover he’s still alive. His sounds are gurgles and rasps. His teeth are broken and his nose is smashed. I’m sure more bones are broken, but I can’t bear to look at his face anymore. It’s too grotesque. He reaches for me, his hand touching my ankle, but I kick it away with a screech.

  When Esteban yanks me up from the floor, I claw at him. Watching him hurt his own flesh and blood is a reminder that he’s nothing but a horrific monster who will eventually kill me too.

  “Stop!” he roars as he wrangles me into submission. His voice is softer. “We need to wash the blood off of both of us.”

  I’m helpless in his brutal grip as he drags me into the office bathroom. He locks the bathroom door behind us and stands between me and the door.

  “Undress,” he growls.

  I shake my head at him. “No.”

  “I don’t like that fire in your eyes,” he hisses. “Undress.”

  Funny, because Diego loves my fire. “No.”

  His jaw clenches and his eyes turn nearly black with rage. This wasn’t part of the plan. Oscar was supposed to kill him or at least give me the opportunity to do so. I wasn’t supposed to provoke the beast.

  Yet…here I am, telling him no.

  I scream when he lunges for me. He tears my T-shirt straight from my body but my jeans take a little more work with me squirming. Eventually, after I’m naked, he rips away his own clothes and stalks me into the corner of the shower. I cower away from him, sobbing.

  You endured months with this man.

  You can endure a few more hours…

  His hand grips my throat and he lifts me off my feet. I claw at his wrist, but he doesn’t let me go. Ice-cold water suddenly showers down on me, causing me to shudder. He eases me back to my feet as the water warms but doesn’t fully release my neck.

  “Was it true? Diego fucked you bare? You could have fucking HIV or some shit?” he demands, spittle flying from his lips.

  “Y-Yes,” I hiss out.

  He releases my throat some more. “And you could be pregnant with his child?”

  My heart jackknifes in my chest. “N-No. They gave me birth control,” I lie.

  “Good,” he snarls. “I’m not in the mood for a coat-hanger abortion today.”

  I shudder at his words but don’t dare respond to that comment.

  He grabs a bar of soap and begins aggressively scrubbing my body with it. I know he’ll leave bruises by how forcefully he’s pushing the bar against me. When he reaches my pussy with it, he stops to glare at me.

  “My brother really fucked you?”

  “Yes,” I hiss.

  “You didn’t want it?” His tone is menacing.

  “I didn’t want it the last time either.”

  “What last time?” he demands through clenched teeth.

  He starts scrubbing between my legs, and it hurts. The soap stings, and I squirm against it. I’m so focused on what he’s doing that I barely realize he’s asked me another question.

  “I asked ‘what last time,’ goddammit!”

  Pain slices through me when he rams the bar of soap inside of me. I choke and scream, but his grip on my throat tightens. His feral, evil face is inches from mine as he brutally fucks me with a bar of soap. It doesn’t go deep, thank God, because he has it in his grip, but it goes deep enough to hurt really fucking bad.

  I start to black out, my knees collapsing beneath me. The soap slips from his grip and hits the bottom of the shower with a thud. He pulls me into his arms to keep me from hitting the floor.

  “What last time?” he asks, his tone much softer as he strokes my wet hair.

  I’m shuddering in in his arms. “T-The n-night you t-t-took me to D-Diego’s.”

  “That was me, Roja,” he says with
a chuckle.

  I shake my head. “You stormed out and he…he…”

  “He fucked you behind my back?” All humor is gone as the familiar possessiveness takes hold of his deep voice.

  “Yes,” I choke out. I’m overwhelmed and sick and hurting.

  “Shhhh,” he coos as he starts gently rinsing away all the soap. His hand cups my tender pussy as he rubs away the suds. Then, his fingers are inside of me, cleaning the soap out.

  I’m in and out of a daze as he rinses me off. I barely register when he exits the shower to dress. I simply hug myself and sob as the water turns to ice. The water is turned off and Esteban stands before me, fully dressed.

  “Time to go,” he snaps.

  I shiver uncontrollably and I can’t tell if it’s from the chill of the air or my nerves. “Where?”

  I’m a stupid girl because I expect him to say “home.”

  “Time to break your fierce little spirit again. I was a fucking fool to let you go. You’re mine, and they had no right touching you,” he says in a low voice that makes my hair stand on end.

  “Is he dead?”

  He smirks. “He will be by the time I finish with him. He’s not going anywhere, though. Little Oz won’t be able to see after those hits to his face.”

  “Esteban,” I start and hold a shaking hand up to him. “Please—”

  He backhands me across the cheek, and I stumble into the wall. “At one time you worshipped the very ground I walked on.”

  I chance a look at him. He’s rage personified. Nearly black eyes that glitter with evil. A clenched jaw that seems only seconds away from opening to devour me. “I’m sorry,” I blurt out.

  He shakes his head and his nostrils flare with fury. “We have a long road ahead of us, Roja. What was it last time? Four months?”

  I fall to my knees and reach for him. “P-Please! No! I can’t go in there again. I’ll do whatever you want. Please, Esteban.” My face throbs from where he hit me, but I keep my eyes on his. I try my hardest to summon the submissive look he’s after.

  He unbuckles his belt. If he wants to fuck me, so be it. Anything not to go back. But he whips off the belt instead with an elaborate swoosh. I can handle a spanking or a whipping or whatever else he has in mind with that thing. I can handle anything but being inside that container.


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