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Atonement: The Hunter Mercenary Series (Book One)

Page 21

by Morgan Kelley

  “Uh, you were fourteen, cut yourself a break. Zayn. You didn’t do this to anyone. You were a kid.”

  “Had I had the balls to stop him, Stella’s sister and stepmother…”

  He stopped him.

  “This is not your fault. I’ve learned that while being a US Marshal. There was the person who did the crime, and there were his victims. You were the latter. She’s the latter. Chesky…he’s the one at fault.”

  Oh, he didn’t buy that.

  This was his burden to carry, and the man didn’t stop with his sister. He killed all those women in the storage container, and then he walked.

  Chesky was Teflon.

  Nothing stuck to him.

  “He’s trafficking women. He uses them, abuses them, and cuts them apart. I could have saved them all.”

  “What did he do to your sister, Adsilla?” Sarah asked, feeling horrible for the man. She knew guilt. The man she loved was full of it.

  He took a deep breath.

  This hurt.


  It hurt so much.

  “She was sixteen. She fell into some bad people here in New Orleans. She was partying, drinking, and…she swore she found the man of her dreams.”

  They listened.

  “We warned her. My dad had died, my mother was sick, and it was just us. We stuck like glue. Only, she was changing. Her world was opening up, and she wanted to fly.”

  He paced.

  “She left the house one day, and she was taken. I searched for her, but she didn’t turn up. My mother was so sick over it that it killed her too. My sister going missing ended my family.”

  They could only imagine.

  “Well, they found her six months later. She had enough track marks and diseases in her to keep a whole hospital busy. She’d been raped repeatedly, given some backroom abortion, and she bled to death. I have to find him. It was before DNA, but I know it was him. He’s a snake.”

  Well, they had news for him.

  Two wrongs did not make his attitude acceptable.


  “So that gives you the right to be a dick to Stella?” Dakota asked. “She thought you hooked up with someone else and didn’t want her in your life. You didn’t come home. That’s the first place ANY woman is going to go with in her very fragile, scared mind.”

  Sarah agreed. “Then you’re dead in a gutter somewhere. That’s number two.”

  “She texted you, called, and we tried to trace you.”

  “I turned it off. I didn’t want to be found.”

  “Well, then you can’t have a relationship,” Sarah stated. “If you want one of those, you can’t ‘not want to be found’. Your significant other should be the one person who has access to you.”

  He listened.

  Then he defended himself.

  “I don’t randomly sleep around. She can dust me for prints. This isn’t all about her.”

  The men laughed.

  Sarah laughed.


  “Are you in a relationship?” Rogue asked.

  “I think so. I’ve never done this before.”

  They knew the man needed a learning curve on this one, so they’d break it to him gently.

  “Do you only want to be with her?”

  “Yes. She’s not the only one who fell in love the second she saw me. I fell for her too.”

  “Well, then it immediately becomes about her. The second you make that commitment, and sex happens, your rules go out the window. You can’t bail on your babe because you’re cranky.”

  He looked at Rogue.

  “Don’t ask me. I left a woman because I had issues. I’m a bad judge on this one.”

  He looked at Sarah.

  “Is he serious?”



  Was that for real?

  “You should have come back home,” Sarah offered, “or at least called her to reassure her that you weren’t dead or in bed with another woman. I know what it’s like to blame yourself for making a man leave. She’s thinking you can’t bear to be around her because of all of this. She’s blaming herself and scared shitless.”

  “She’s perfect. How can she…?”

  Then he got it.

  He gave her that impression.

  Damn it!

  This sucked.

  Then he tried to rationalize it.

  “I had to stay away. I can’t tell her I could have stopped all of this. What if she hates me?”

  “She’s going to hate you if you’re mean, Zayn. She’s been through a lot, and in two days. She was a prisoner for a month, and then almost abducted two more times. She’s not going to be rational. She’s scared. Cut her a break.”

  He sighed.

  “Maybe I’m not cut out for this.”

  Dakota sipped his coffee.

  “Then let her go. You’ll be fine. So you broke your no sex rule with someone you don’t really love. You can pretend you’re a virgin and hand that line out to someone else when it’s convenient. I bet that was a crock of shit.”

  He looked appalled.

  “HEY! It was not! I may do a lot of things, but I don’t lie. Like that shirt is hideous.”

  Dakota looked down.


  “Oh, and she’s too good for you too,” he said, pointing at Sarah.

  Dakota laughed. “Gee, thanks.”

  Rogue got in on it.

  Why the hell not?

  “It’s not like you have to worry,” Rogue said. “She’s a free agent now. In fact, I may go help her feel better. We wanted to show her father a picture of Chesky to see if he’s been lurking. This would be the perfect time to swoop in and rescue the heartbroken damsel in distress. I am NOT a virgin, so I know how to do this.”

  He raged out of the room.

  Over his shoulder, he yelled something about getting into his gear.

  When he was gone, Dakota gave him a fist bump.

  “What was that?” Sarah asked.

  “We’re playing matchmaker. He needs that girl, and she needs him. He’ll fix his shit.”

  She stared at the two men.

  “Pussies,” she said, taking her coffee out of the room. “You should be embarrassed.”

  Rogue began laughing because she looked like an angel, fought dirty, and her vernacular was a tad bit sketchy. He was pretty sure she was a sister from an all-white mister.

  “She’s not allowed around Elizabeth. I like her badass, but I like her not being so…”

  “Sexy? I think I’m going to follow her,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “If you do, I’m going to hurt you, Rogue.”

  The smiling man sipped his coffee, forcing Dakota to think twice about leaving Sarah alone.

  That one look was all it took.

  The man raced after her.

  Yeah, Zayn wasn’t the only one who needed a matchmaker.

  Dakota did too.

  Chapter Thirteen


  H oly shit! Someone was in a horrifically bad mood. It was a tense ride to get to the man’s home not far from the country club. While Dakota drove, Sarah rode shotgun, so that left the two killers in the back seat.




  They didn’t speak to each other.

  Finally, it was Rogue who broke the silence, not able to take any more.

  “You realize I was only kidding, right?” he asked Zayn. “I wouldn’t poach your girl just like I wouldn’t poach his either.”

  The man didn’t speak.

  “Hey, are you seriously pissed?” he asked.

  Zayn looked over. “Yes, but I’ll be fine. I got my revenge.”

  Dakota glanced up in the mirror. “Uh, what did you do to him?” he asked.

  “I took the ceramic plates out of his body armor. Now he can play Russian roulette with his soft organs.”

  Rogue started patting his chest. “What the fu…? Jesus! He absol
utely did! They’re gone! Are you insane?”

  “You pretended to want to poach my girl. I’m just leveling the playing field. If you hear a gunshot, hit the dirt.”

  “You’re sick!”

  Dakota began laughing. “So, this is how the lawless get even. No, you couldn’t shoot him in the foot. You had to freak the man out when he knows he’s likely going to get shot at.”


  “Bruh, that’s cold,” Rogue said.

  “Ditto, poacher.”

  “I don’t poach from friends!” he said.

  “So we’re friends, are we?” Dakota asked, laughing from the front seat. “You did threaten to take my girl, too, so…?”

  “I’ll give you one of my plates,” Sarah said. “Do you want front or back?”

  “WHAT?” Dakota stated.

  She stared at him. Rogue was a good guy, and they were piling on. It was time to level the playing field.

  “I knew I liked Sarah,” Rogue said. “Want to get together and make little, swearing babies?” he teased.

  “Okay. I’m in.”

  Dakota began sputtering like a teakettle. He wasn’t having this. It was all fun and games until Sarah was going to be unprotected and was teasing about having kids with someone else.

  “Give him his plates. NOW! Don’t make me come back there,” he said.

  Sarah laughed.

  Zayn sighed and pulled the two plates from his bag on the floor.


  Rogue pulled off his shirt and vest.

  “You are a total dick,” he stated. “What if I got shot?”

  “Payback is a bitch. At least I told you before that happened.”

  He put them back in the vest and redressed. “Now I don’t feel bad for making out with her.”

  Zayn growled.

  “I will hurt you.”

  “We’re here. You two will have to play later,” Dakota said, flicking on his earpiece. While they were there, he wanted to make sure that they were covered. While Stella didn’t recognize anyone else, that didn’t mean they were in the clear.

  “I have his picture,” Sarah stated, pulling it out of her folder.

  “Good. If he’s seen Chesky, maybe he can give us something.”

  They pulled to a stop.

  Before they could even get out of the tinted-out ride, the man ran out with a disk in his hand.

  “This just came!”

  Danforth looked freaked out.

  “Where’s Stella?” Zayn asked. “Is she here?”

  “She’s in her room. She’s in a bad mood. I’d be careful. You know how angry women can get!”

  Sarah crossed her arms. “No, how angry can we get when men make us do bad things?”

  The man cleared his throat. It was clear that he hadn’t noticed the woman standing there.

  “Sir, this is Sarah Valley. She’s new to the team.”

  He checked her out.

  She didn’t like that whole lecherous scanning of her body.

  “Uh, I’m not a menu. Eyes up here,” she said, pointing at her face.

  The man blushed.

  “I’m going to check on Stella. You’ll have to catch me up to speed. I need to fix this.”

  Sarah pointed at him. “Be NICE.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Okay, Mom. Thanks for the advice,” he said, as he walked away, and toward the house.

  “What do I do? I’m afraid to watch. What if it’s something so horrible?”

  “We can watch it for you,” Dakota offered.

  “Would you?”

  He took the disc. “Sure. Lead us to a laptop.”

  They headed in.

  Dakota had his fingers crossed. He hoped he was wrong about what he expected on that disc. Only, he didn’t think that was going to happen. Killers were pretty predictable, and if Chesky was behind this…

  He was going to dump the evidence and soon.

  Mercedes and Maia were loose ends, and in this shadowy world, that only meant one thing.

  Their death.

  He headed up the stairs, and he knew right where she’d be. Standing outside the door was the security that Rogue had recommended.

  Well, one of them.

  He was wearing all black, like him, he was toting guns, again, like him, and he didn’t look like he was going to let him pass.

  Well, this was a conundrum.

  “STELLA!” he shouted.

  She wouldn’t reply.


  “Go away!”

  Well, at least she was talking to him.

  Suddenly, the door opened.

  “What do you want me to do?” the man on the door asked. “I can handle him for you.”

  “Don’t hurt him. Just make him go away.”

  Zayn noticed something. She looked like she’d been crying. That pissed him off—not at her, but at himself.

  “Stella, we’re adults. We talk things out.”

  She focused on him. “That’s funny Mr. ‘I didn’t bother to return last night’. I’m sure that was what you meant when you shacked up elsewhere.”

  He moved toward her, and the man at the door put his hand on his chest.

  “Why don’t you go find that wolf who wandered off to investigate shit? That can be your new mission, Indian.”

  Well, at least Odin had been around to keep her safe.


  “I’m rabid like that dog, so move it, or I will take it off at the wrist, and then you’ll have to jerk off leftie.”

  The man didn’t move it.

  “Stella, this is insane. I didn’t shack up with anyone but myself. I was in a bad mood like you are now, and I figured space would be a good thing.”

  “Well, then you understand why I want space.”

  “That doesn’t apply to you.”

  She stared at him from behind the man guarding her door. “Why? Because I have ovaries and have to tolerate your behavior?” she asked.

  “Tell the nice man to move, or I’m going to hurt him, Stella. You don’t want him hurt, now do you?”

  The man smirked. “Yeah, okay, ace.”

  “He stays. You go,” she said, making up her mind. “Goodbye, Zayn. You made the choice. Not me.”

  She closed the door.

  “Stella, that’s a bad idea.”

  “You heard her. The lady doesn’t need you here. I’m here to make sure she’s safe. I suggest you hulk your way back downstairs.”

  “Was that a big joke? Are you insulting my size, pipsqueak?”

  He laughed. “Yes.”

  “I am a decorated Marine. I’m betting you were discharged and dishonorably. I can lift my body weight in a push-up. I don’t have to do girl ones on my knees like you, twiggy.”

  The man got red.

  “Sucks that I nailed that one.”

  The man moved toward him, and that was the only move he needed. Zayn grabbed his wrist, twisted it, broke it, and then slammed the man’s face off his knee.

  The guard dropped to the floor, out cold. Zayn turned the knob and it wasn’t even locked.

  Well, it’s good to see that she had little faith in him getting past GI Joke.

  He opened the door and stepped in.

  Stella stared at him. “What did you do to him?” she asked.

  “I broke his jerking off wrist. I told him I would. Why does everyone find it so damn incredulous that I don’t lie when I say something?”

  “Get out!”

  He closed the door and locked it.

  “It’s not happening, Stella. You’re mine, and you will be leaving with me.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  “See? There’s that not believing me thing. I told him I’d remove his hand. I busted his wrist and knocked him out. I am TELLING you that we ARE going.”

  She backed away.

  That pissed him off.

  Only, he knew how he couldn’t treat her.

  “Stella, I love you. Please don’t break my hea
rt by kicking me out of your life.”

  It made her pause.

  He’d said the big L word.

  “Why did you sleep elsewhere? That hurt, Zayn. I waited up for you. I was worried about you.”


  He’d screwed up.

  “I sent about forty texts, I tried calling, and in fact, so did Rogue and Dakota.”

  Yeah, he’d screwed that one up.

  Still, he needed to know.

  “Did Rogue touch you?” he asked, trying to stay calm. “Did he try to poach my woman?”

  She stared at him. “Mr. Ravenscroft was nothing but kind. He comforted me when I was scared. You left me alone. I can’t be alone. Why would you do that to me?” she asked, tears filling her eyes.

  Zayn felt horrible. Last night, he should have headed home. He put himself first, and that was wrong in a relationship. He should have put Stella first.

  He moved toward her, and again, she stepped back. He didn’t want her afraid of him.

  “I will NEVER put my hands on you in anger. I just want your phone.”

  She picked it up and handed it to him.

  “I have two phones. There’s one I never give out to anyone. I never turn it off. Never. I should have given it to you. One call from you, and I would have come back. I’m sorry.”

  He took the phone and added his number to contacts. Instead of his name he put… ‘My Man’.

  In his phone, he put… ‘My sweet Stella’.

  Then he handed it back.

  She stared at it.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “I thought you tossed me away.”

  He moved closer but this time she didn’t back away. He knew she was ready to listen.

  It was time to explain.

  “I’m at fault for your abduction, your stepmother’s, and sister’s too.”

  She didn’t understand.

  “What? How?”

  He told her about Chesky Jensen, and how he could have stopped him twenty years ago.

  He poured out the whole story, sharing his pain, his anger, and hurt. When he was finished, he waited for her to condemn him of that sin.

  Only she didn’t.

  “I was afraid to come back and have to tell you that. I didn’t want you to throw me away. I caused all this.”

  She was horrified, but not at him.

  “But then we wouldn’t have met. Had you killed him then, I would be at school, getting my rotation done, and we wouldn’t have crossed paths. It started out bad, but look at the outcome.”


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