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Atonement: The Hunter Mercenary Series (Book One)

Page 27

by Morgan Kelley

  She laughed. “Well, Saint Zayn, I’m ready.”

  He offered her his hand.

  “No flowers? Did the local shop run out?” she teased, as he led her to the patio where their dinner waited. When she stepped out, it was awash with candlelight surrounding the table he’d set.

  Around them, there was a forest of flowers.

  “Oh look, my sweetness. Flowers.”

  He grinned wickedly.

  “I take that back. You’re the reason the florist has no more flowers.”

  She couldn’t believe it.

  From the little twinkle lights to the scent of hothouse roses, she was so caught off guard.

  This was a first for her.

  “You did this all for me?” she asked.

  “Yes, because after all these dates, I know you’re the one, and I wanted you to feel how much I love you.”

  Well, she absolutely did.

  He led her to the table and helped her sit.

  “Would you like some wine?” he asked.

  She beamed up at him. “I’d like that very much, thank you. It’s the perfect ending to all my dates with an amazing man.”

  He poured the wine and then held up his own glass. “To my sweet Stella. I hope there will be many more nights like this and many more dates with me.”

  “There will be.”

  “Now for dinner.”

  He went in, and he came out carrying two plates with something delicious smelling on them.

  “If you tell me you cooked, I’ll kiss you right here. I am not handy in the kitchen. I know how to doctor—that’s it.”

  He laughed.

  “I just had four dates. Who’s got time to cook? For the record, I can, and maybe our next date will be creole. How’s that for sexy in a man?”

  She laughed. “That’s beyond sexy. That’s ‘scoop that winner up and fight off the women’ sexy.”

  “Yay! Chick fight.”

  She snorted.

  “May I join you, gorgeous woman who is sitting here all alone and looks lonely?”

  She pointed. “Please do, handsome man who looks dashing in his tux.”

  He sat and placed his napkin on his lap.

  When she began eating, so did he. Together, they dined on chicken in a white wine that he’d picked up at the bistro around the corner.


  “So?” she asked.

  “What’s your favorite color? I forgot to ask on date one.”

  She smiled at him. “Red. Yours?” she asked, cutting off a piece of chicken and feeding it to him.

  “Black. It’s slimming.”

  She laughed, caught off guard.

  “It helps me blend.”

  “I think you’re perfect the way you are. I don’t want you to blend. I like having you stand out.”

  Well, here he went.

  “Speaking of that, I was thinking.”


  “I’ll go to New York with you and we can start a life there. I can give up this life. I can go legit and find a job that doesn’t involve taking money to kill people. Plus, you’ll be a doctor. I’ll be a kept man.”

  She placed her fork down as he tried to inflect humor into the reality of that statement. Stella knew how hard that had to be for him. While she could change careers, his…yeah, you couldn’t put that on a resume.


  “I don’t want you to ever be ashamed of what I do for a living.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Stella, I kill people. I take a contract, I hunt them down, and I neutralize the situation. I also take money to be a strong-arm bodyguard. I break bones for a living.”

  “Yes, I’m aware, and you also save people.”

  “You. I saved you.”

  “Yes, and you are a Marine.”

  “Was. I was a Marine.”

  “You still are. I can see it as you carry yourself. I just can’t see one thing.”

  His heart skipped.


  “Did you ever have short hair?”

  He pulled his wallet out. “I only keep this because my friend was killed two days later,” he said, handing it to her. There was a picture of him with another man.

  She ran her fingers over it.

  “I like it long. You were sexy in fatigues, but I think you’re sexier now.”

  That quickened his pulse.

  “Stella. I’m a murderer.”

  She sat back and stared at him.

  “I’m not ashamed of what you do. I will never be ashamed of you. So, you can stop thinking it will happen. You’re my sweet, gentle Zayn.”

  “And that’s why I’ll give it up. I’d rather have you than have this,” he said. “While I love New Orleans, I can’t do a whole year without you. I can’t kill people and not be focused on that. It’ll end up getting me hurt. In this line of work, if you don’t pay attention, you get shot in the head.”

  That horrified her.


  “I’m not upset by the killing. I’m upset that I could lose you.”

  “When you kill for a living, it’s a possibility.”

  “Uh, that makes you sound homicidal.”

  He smiled.

  If the shoe fit, wear it.

  “I want to be with you, Stella, and I’m willing to let this all go for you. Only for you.”

  Well, she had news for him.

  “I’m not going to do my residency.”

  He put down his fork.


  “You heard me.”

  “Yeah, I heard you, but you have to do it. You’re almost there. One year…I can sell cars or work at a casino. You know how Natives and casinos go together like peanut butter and Jelly.”

  She reached across the table.

  “I’m not going. I can’t.”

  “Why?” he asked. “Why would you give up your dream when it’s right there? You’ve worked hard for almost a decade to be a doctor. That’s not an easy task.”

  The answer was simple.

  “It’s not my dream. You are. I want to be with you. I can apply for another residency rotation. Maybe I’ll get one here in New Orleans.”


  “I’ll die without you. I’m scared of everything—anymore. I feel like I’m being watched. The ONLY time I feel human and safe is with you, Zayn. If I go to New York, I’ll be too damaged to finish that dream.”

  He wished he could fix her.

  “This abduction changed fate. I was saved by you, and now I have to reevaluate. That doctor…she died in that prison. This is the new me, and I have to do what I need to do in order to survive. That’s to be with you. Fate crossed our paths, and I choose the next fifty years, and it won’t be as a doctor.”

  He reached across the table.

  “I’m stubborn. I’ve made my choice.”

  He could see that.

  “Oh, look. Our date is over. It’s time for the last one.” He was ready. Before, he was worried that she’d stay out of guilt if he asked her to marry him.

  That was why he wasn’t ready. He would have married Stella the second he rescued her.

  He knew.

  His soul knew.

  Now he knew the choice was made before she even had a clue. He wouldn’t be a regret or the person who made her give up her dream.

  It was time.

  “Already? I don’t like dates where I don’t get to eat,” she teased. “Can I have a cookie at least? Are we skydiving?” she asked.

  He stood her up and reached for a red rose out of one of the vases and handed it to her. It matched the one on his lapel.

  “I should probably call your father first, but I’m pretty sure if I do, he’ll have a stroke, so we’ll have to see him later.”

  “For what? Are you taking him skydiving?”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out the black velvet box.

  She stared at it, her mouth dropping open.

  “You wante
d whirlwind, and there were only two reasons I wasn’t ready. I wanted the normal things with you, like lots of dates and firsts, and I really thought you’d stay here and not finish your residency if I asked.”

  Her heart began pounding in her chest.

  “Now that I know you planned to stay, I’m ready to do this right, and for the woman I love.”


  He flipped the box open.

  “Jesus H. Christ.”

  “Yeah, guns are lucrative. I don’t need to buy property. Guns are a guy’s best friend.”

  She couldn’t believe this.

  “Stella, the second I saw your picture, I knew. The second I set you free and held you in my arms, I knew.”

  She was shaking.

  Stella really thought she was going to pass out. She did NOT see this coming.

  He’d caught her off guard. She’d thought he was making memories by the whole ‘five dates in one-night thing’. He was fast-forwarding their courtship to get to this.


  “The moment we made love, my world opened up, and I began living again. I’ve been waiting for you all my life. Will you do me the honor of accepting my ring and be my wife?”

  He held the box as he stayed on one knee.

  “I can’t believe this,” she said, her hand over her mouth. “I can’t believe this…”

  “I had hoped after all those dates, you’d see this coming. While I can’t catch you on a cruise ship and fall into the water with you, I can give you tonight. When we’re old, I want you to look back on this and remember the night we had our first date, watched a movie, had ice cream, danced, and then did this. I want you to always be happy, and I promise to be the man who does that for you.”

  “Zayn, we just met.”

  “So? Will you have a different answer in a week?”

  He was right.

  She wanted this, and he’d made it so special for her. Zayn kept her safe, he protected her, and he cherished her.

  “Yes, Zayn, I’ll marry you.”

  He smiled up at her as he pulled the ring out of the box. When he slipped it onto her finger, she stared down at it.

  “It’s gorgeous. I love it, and I love you.”

  He stopped her.

  “Date is over,” he said, picking up his phone to tuck it into his pocket.


  “There’s one last date I’ve planned.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He handed her an envelope that he pulled from the inside pocket of his tux. “I know some people, and they aren’t making us wait seventy-two hours after applying.”

  She opened it.

  It was a marriage license.

  Stella gasped.

  “Marry me tonight. I guarantee that our whirlwind romance will be one of a kind, and I do believe I’ve beaten your father on the courtship game.”

  She looked down at the beautiful white dress, the bunch of roses sitting on the table, and him in his tux.

  Well, holy shit.

  She definitely didn’t see this one coming, and they called her smart. He’d dressed them both for this final moment. He’d given her memories, a wedding proposal, and a gown.

  “Well? Want to get hitched after only knowing a man for two days?” he asked, hopefully.

  Stella saw the fear. It was in his eyes, not hers, and it was because he was worried she’d turn him down.

  It was time to throw caution to the wind.

  After all, she’d said she wanted whirlwind, and here it was—staring her in the face.


  “Let’s go get married. I want to be your wife.”

  He was shocked. “Seriously?”

  This whole plan worked, and he didn’t actually believe it would. Why would someone like Stella, smart, gorgeous, wealthy, and brilliant want to marry him?



  Hired gun?


  He’d really taken a swing at this one and hit a freaking home run!

  “One thing.”

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “After we’re married, I take over the dates. On the next one, we get to have sex. How do I know if you’re good in bed?”

  He snorted. “There’s my girl.”

  “Hey! Sex matters.”

  There was no way in hell he was going to argue with that.




  A happy wife was a damn happy life, and he wanted nothing more in the world than to make this woman happy until the day they died.

  That was his plan.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Monday Evening

  F inding Sebastian Henson was one hell of a task. Outside of New Orleans, in the middle of the swamps and plantations, there weren’t really road signs or up to date GPS. They’d come across a few dead ends before they found his place.

  Yeah, someone had money.

  When they saw the place, there was no doubt in their minds that Sebastian, who had no employment record on file with the IRS, was helping his brother out.

  Yeah, the dude was likely going to be one of his accomplices in the disappearance, rape, and murder of countless women.

  A brother always had his brother’s back.

  There was no way in hell this man won the lotto. He was helping his brother and his dirty deeds.

  “How do you want to do this?” Rogue stated.

  “Is this you allowing me to be alpha?” Dakota teased, reminding him of Sarah’s remark.

  He laughed. “I’m a kick the door in and catch them off guard kind of guy. I don’t think you want him dead before I get him. I don’t specialize in the capture. You want to talk to him, right?”

  “Point made. Can you get the back door? I want to make sure whoever is in there, they aren’t going to run into the swamp. If someone breaks for it, shoot them in the leg.”

  He got it.

  “Watch your backs.”

  Sarah waited for Rogue to head around the back of the man’s home.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Well, remember that move you did tossing the guy around?” he asked.


  “If I go to the door, he’ll panic. If you go, use your best ‘bunny’ voice to pretend your car is broken down, you’ll get in.”

  She grinned. “Okay.”

  “We need to make sure it’s him. If it’s not, make a call, then get out. Rogue will have your back, and I’ll have your front.”

  “It is your favorite part,” she teased, tucking her guns into the back of her pants so the man inside wouldn’t see them.

  “Hell, yeah!”

  “Uh, I can hear you on the com,” he stated. “Next, you’ll hear me vomiting. You two need to get a room and stay there until you wear yourself out. Really.”

  Dakota winked at his girl. “Sorry. I lost my head there for a second.”

  Sarah continued stripping out of her gear.

  This was the part of the plan that made Dakota really edgy. He was sending his woman, and partner, into a potentially bad situation without Kevlar.

  Yes, she had sidearms, but a bullet to the chest would be the end of her life, and he had plans for it.

  For them.

  “Please be careful.”

  Rogue’s voice came over the com. “I have clear sight into the place. There’s one man and he’s walking around. I can’t get a facial visual.”

  “Okay, well, Sarah, this is all yours.”

  She yanked her tank top down so he’d see more cleavage. When dealing with a potential association of a serial rapist and sex trafficking asshole, play dirty.

  Then she gave Dakota a kiss.

  “I love you,” she said.

  Oh, he loved her too.

  “Bunny, be safe.”

  She headed toward the house. When she got to the front steps, she called out for him.

  “Hello? My car broke down, and my c
ell has no bars. Is anyone here?”

  The front door opened.

  “Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing in my neck of the woods?”

  She didn’t go up on the porch.

  “Sir, I’m sorry to bother you. My rental crapped out on me. I can’t get reception, and I’m lost. Can you help me?”

  “Are you alone?” he asked.

  “Yeah, and I’m pretty scared. It’s dark back here in the middle of nowhere,” Sarah said, using her lost girl voice. She could tell it was working. The man was smiling like the Big Bad Wolf.

  Well, she had news for him.

  This Little Red Riding Hood had one hell of a right hook.

  “Why don’t you come in?” he asked, backing up. “You can’t use cells out here. You can only use landlines.”

  “That would be great!”

  She lowered her voice. “It’s him,” she whispered into the com, barely audible to either man.

  “You look hot. Want a cool drink?” he asked.

  “Sarah, don’t drink anything,” Dakota whispered. If Sebastian was working with his brother, then he might be part of the sex trafficking that the man could NEVER be prosecuted on. He didn’t want his girl drinking jack shit in there.

  “That would be great!”

  She bounded up the stairs.

  When the door closed, there was rustling on the com.

  “MOVE!” Rogue shouted as soon as he saw the man trying to overcome Sarah.

  Dakota raced for the door, and as soon as he hit the porch, he slammed into it full force, nearly taking it off the hinges.

  In front of him, Sarah was on the floor with Sebastian beneath her. She had her gun shoved into his mouth.

  “He has a syringe.”

  Dakota slammed his foot onto the man’s hand and the syringe slid across the floor as he whimpered in pain.

  “Glove up,” Rogue said, as he walked into the room. “We’re going to find shit here. There are four bottles of ketamine on the kitchen counter.”

  “Who are you?” Sebastian mumbled around the gun muzzle. Dakota rolled him over and zip tied him.

  Only then did he answer.

  “We’re the people that were hired to find your brother.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, without batting an eyelash.

  This wasn’t their first day at the rodeo.

  “Torture it is,” Sarah said, giggling.

  The man looked at her.

  “Oh, you haven’t heard about me?” she said as Dakota pulled him up and into a chair. “I’m Bunny. Torture is my game. I’ll get my blow torch. Crispy balls are my specialty.”


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