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Outside Hell

Page 9

by Milo Spires

  “Not so pretty now is she, the dirty little bitch.” Sorchek said as he’d allowed a long line of saliva to drip out of his mouth onto the remains of her head. “You know who put me up to killing her don’t you, the mans name was Raffious.” He’d added to sour Kaine’s already deep sadness, and intensely twisted mental state.

  As Kaine heard the name Raffious, inside he’d wanted to explode. His emotions were going wild for his love Regina, but also his rage was threatening to consume him too.

  All the while in the next room to where Sorchek was standing, all hell had broken loose. His vampire women in bikinis were killing young snowboarding guys from England, who’d been drinking copious quantities of beer, and arranging sex for cash in the bedrooms.

  Chapter 11 – The Deal

  Kaine was nothing to Sorchek. The whole execution up in the shack in the Carpathian mountain’s of Romania, had been set up as agreed by an old man called Raffious 375 years previously. He’d offered him a deal and when Sorchek had accepted, he’d paid him handsomely with gold and a promise too.

  The instructions hundreds of years previously had been clear. If you take the deal you have to kill the woman, and if you don’t kill her then the punishment for failure will be death.

  Kill the woman or be killed.

  If Sorchek killed the woman then as promised he’d be handsomely rewarded for it, and the old man would give him the gift of time travel into the future. Then to prove that the time travel worked, Raffious and Sorchek had leapt into the future and appeared in the oval office of The Whitehouse four hundred and ten years later. Sorchek had seen the back of Obama’s head, and then as he’d made a primal lunge for the president suddenly and without even touching one hair, they’d vanished and appeared back in 1605 again.

  Raffious reminded Sorchek that if in 375 years he didn’t kill the woman, that the punishment for failure was death. The vampire even though the consequences for failure were seriously grim, in his mind the gift of time travel into the future was too amazing a deal, ‘NOT’ to go for.

  Sorchek had scratched his chin and walked around on the spot for a few minutes whilst he’d pondered over it. Only every time he’d tried to say to himself no don’t take it, he’d cursed inwardly because he’d known that he wanted it. Then as a moment had passed, and after he’d kicked the dirt beneath himself, he’d said to Raffious,

  “Oh Bollox. Go on then, I accept.”

  Raffious had grinned inwardly at his stupidity and then told him that if he’d even touched a hair on Regina’s head before December in the year 1980, the punishment would be death.

  Then after the vampire had nodded thinking, “Doesn’t this dude get the message, I just fucking said yes,” Raffious told him the last part of the deal and said that for him to be able to lure Kaine into the trap, in 375 years time he’d have to call his house phone and tell him that he knew where the vampire was who’d killed his parents. Again Sorchek nodded and in response, Raffious then slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket with Kaine’s phone number on it, and handed it to the vampire. Sorchek took one puzzled look at the piece of paper with a deeply furrowed brow and then said, “What’s this?”

  Then as Raffious realized, he’d chuckled to himself. It was obvious that the vampire hadn’t ever seen a phone before, or maybe even a piece of paper for that matter as they weren’t invented in that time they were standing in, and not for hundreds of years to come either. So to save explaining he’d said to Sorchek, “Don’t worry about it,” and then snatched the piece of paper back from him, and shoved it in his pocket.

  A second passed, and then as the gathering clouds blocked out the moons eerie rays from lighting up the rocky ground beneath them, suddenly Raffious had an idea.

  Turning around he’d raised his hands in the air, and then with sparks of electricity dancing on his fingertips, he’d cast a spell. Then as the spell was cast so the number for Kaine’s house phone was scorched deep into Sorchek’s mind. The vampire felt the ten digits as they’d arrived in his subterraneous layers of his mind, and the feeling of it suddenly freaked him out.

  “Get the fuck out of my head.” He’d screamed, aware that Raffious was probing his inner thoughts.

  Raffious laughed and then to be sure that the spell had worked properly, he’d asked him to repeat the number. When the vampire did and the number was right, the old boy with his long knee length white beard grinned inwardly, and then allowed his thoughts to drift back to hurting Kaine and Regina.

  In that moment though Sorchek was confused as he’d looked at the old boys face because in his transient mental moment, Raffious had looked like he’d died on the spot. The murky off green eyes of his were wide open, only the pupils were flickering, but it was clear that there was no one was home. The vampire even waved his hand in front of Raffious face and said slowly in a gentle voice, “Hello anyone in there?” only his intrusion was most ungraciously received.

  In response Raffious blinked once and then as if he’d vampire routes somewhere deep within, he’d snarled at him.

  Sorchek wasn’t that bright in the brain cells either, but as he’d leapt backwards he’d known straight away by the sinister facial expression that he’d just received, the old boy meant it too. Then in response the vampire raised his palms up to either side of his own face and at the same time said, “Sorry, Sorry.” Only as he’d retreated Raffious then slipped back into his former mental zone, to think about causing more pain and hurt to Kaine and Regina.

  Raffious knew that as soon as Kaine received the phone call from Sorchek in 375 years time, he’d be full of rage. Then with wild anger steaming through him and threatening by its sheer volume to burst blood vessels, he’d drop everything and go looking for revenge. Raffious had given Sorchek the opportunity of arranging the place where he’d kill Regina, and from hearing the vampires reply, he’d been quite happy with the location. Sorchek had said that there was a perfect place; an old shack high up in the mountains of Romania. He’d described the joint in every detail from its deep powdery snowdrifts, to the sea of dense pine trees that surrounded the deeply weathered building. The vampire had literally left nothing out and then when finishing, he’d added with the help of slow and curvaceous hand signals, and explained just how big the breasts were on the bikini girls that ran the place.

  Sorchek had known from spending many years running the shack, and in that time killing thousands of holidaymakers and other innocent folks, just how bleak it would be at the peak of the mountain through the winter months. He’d thought that it was the perfect place because if something did go wrong with the assassination attempt, and then from it somehow Kaine and Regina had managed to flee the joint, they’d be trapped in the hideously arctic conditions. It would leave him a second chance to avoid Raffious’ wrath for failure, and also in turn give him another crack at killing Regina.

  Then with the deal finally set between Raffious and Sorchek, the old boy clapped his hands together, muttering a few words. In response all around them threatening by its intensity to light up the horizon, there was a massively garish bright light, and the vampire had no choice but to shield his eyes away from it. The old boy had summoned his magical time tunnel, which appeared promptly and on cue.

  The time tunnel looked like a tube train made from glass with subtle hues of pinks and pastel blues and green running through it, only beyond the doorway both ahead and to the rear, the glass was obscured slightly. Inside though there was other beings sitting their motionless as if they were commuting to work.

  Sorchek had heard the archaic words that Raffious had used, and then thought that maybe he could simply mutter the same words, and a time tunnel might appear for him too. So walking forwards on the loose rocky ground beneath himself; the evil vampire gave it a go. Only as his words had aired themselves up into the night’s sky, no tube train of glass with motionless passengers appeared. Raffious was watching and the old boy almost wet himself laughing. Sorchek was furious as the old boy then slid the invisible d
oor back on his time tunnel, and in his long white robes and sandals then graciously stepped inside.

  A second past and then after he’d collected his thoughts, Raffious wiped his mouth and muttered some more words in the same dialect as before. In response the night sky suddenly darkened significantly, and the wind picked up lifting fine grains of dirt with it for just a few seconds too. Raffious then looked into the bushes beyond and as they’d rustled, he’d pointed behind Sorchek with a smirk and said, “Oh by the way there’s one last thing; you have to prove that you’re up for the task by killing THAT, first.” Sorchek had been momentarily confused and then after he’d turned around with his face screwed up to look; he’d laughed inwardly when he’d seen what was standing there.

  About twenty feet away from him there was a small clearing to the right that was surrounded by dense foliage and bushes. Then just behind it that there was a bank of grass and behind that a babbling brook, that was gently hissing as the waters passed through it heading for the sea. In front of the bushes there was a sweet innocent looking girl of about the age of fourteen that had shoulder length dark hair, framing her pale face and soft features. She had no shoes on her feet and was naked apart from an old beige woven sheet that was strewn diagonally across her little frame.

  Sorchek then turned around to Raffious and said in a mocking, and somewhat ridiculing tone, “Is this some kind of fucking joke?” Only no sooner than he’d saying the words, the girl saw the moon above as it reared its silver gong like head from behind the gathering clouds and started screaming. Then a second had passed and the young girl suddenly clasped her hands violently across her face, trying desperately to shield herself away from its painfully luminescent glow. The moons rays had appeared to be burning her or something, only as she’d stopped screaming and then collapsed to the floor, all the time she was eyeing Sorchek up with a horribly sadistic grin. Then a second passed and her eyes rolled back in her head and she slumped forwards lifelessly against the wet soil that was beneath her. More seconds swept by of nothingness and then the girl slowly raised her head and craned her neck back, whilst laughing in a deeply sinister tone.

  Above her the clouds had drifted worlds apart and the full power of the moon suddenly washed down deeply over her. Then with it she’d tensed suddenly and arched her back with a horrible bone cracking sound that came from within, before the screaming started again. Only this time it was even more sinister and much louder than before.

  The girl kept clawing at the ground beneath her and then with filthy fingers she started pulling the skin away from her face, and yanking out huge clefts of hair that curled as soon as it had hit the ground beneath her. Then as a sudden and deeply ominous feeling washed over him, Sorchek tensed up. The vampire wondered for the second time since in his existence if maybe he should just RUN. As he was thinking about it and at the same time, he’d actually found himself rubbing his chest that still hurt from when he was shot inside Yohan’s cottage, and that was the Xmas before. Killing humans was all right so long as they didn’t have shotguns, but this thing in front of him; he’d no idea what it was going to turn into.

  Then as he’d looked on with a paler completion than his usual deathly shade, suddenly the little girls jaw outstretched, and her eyes had glazed over heavily before being sucked back into her skull. A moment passed and then she’d ripped the blanket away from herself, and at the same time her back split open and grey fur forced its way out from inside. Her face was mostly gone too, just blood and bones from behind where the skin was, giving her the zombie look of a grueling mask. All the while the sinister bone cracking noise from before had grown much louder too, and with it the macabre sound replicated that of thick branches snapping underfoot in the forest. Then as Sorchek watched on, even though he’d adored the taste of warm crimson blood as it trickled its way down the back of his throat, the sight of the girl all disfigured before him, and with blood now pooling all over the ground; it had a strange effect on him. It had literally made the vampires stomach turn. She was almost unrecognizable at this stage due to her limbs having grown exponentially, and where her hands had been, they’d snapped forwards and then stretched with razor sharp claws where her fingertips had been.

  At the same time as this was happening, her head grew three times bigger, and with it hideously distended veins started popping up everywhere that darkened in color. The creature that she was turning into looked like something crossed between a Grizzly bear and that of a wolf. Its lower jaw had grown so big that now it was massive, and the teeth were so big that only paleolithic creatures from prehistoric times could possibly compare.

  In her final sickening stages of changing, Sorchek was well aware suddenly of what the beast was that she’d turned into. The little girl was now top of the food chain; she was a werewolf.

  Then as this information registered in his sick twisted mind, he’d told his legs that he’d wanted to run but was horrified to find that they’d frozen beneath him. It was as if the batteries had run out and the signal from his brain wasn’t getting through.

  The werewolf that the little girl had turned into was 6 feet in length and four feet in height. She had massive shoulders and a solid ripped back. Her ribs were pronounced in such a way, that underneath her silvery fur you could see each one lurking there in the shallow distance. Then at the moment that she’d completely finished changing, she’d craned her neck back and howled. The sound was primal and had the long high pitched ending like that of a wolf, only this was much louder and with its depth of tone being far deeper, Sorchek suddenly recanted upon his original thoughts of the little girl being easy to kill, because now he didn’t like the odds that he’d be able to kill her at all.

  Raffious saw his pale expression growing even paler, and then as the birds in the nearby trees took flight desperate to get away from this creature, and still standing in the open doorway of his tube train with his motionless passengers saying nothing, he’d laughed.

  The werewolf now fully ready to kill then raised its head, and looked up at Sorchek with the most evil glowing fiery red eyes that he’d ever seen. They’d looked like blood red orbs, and the mist that was swirling around inside of them; it made him think that maybe Satan was controlling it. Then as it stared back at him with it’s rapidly lifting nostrils, it’d been clear that it was in some kind of demonical state of wild twisted demented rage, and that it wanted nothing more than to rip him to pieces.

  The vampire had seen enough. Suddenly like the batteries in his legs had found some charge, Sorchek’s frozen stumps thawed out from the shock and came back online. Then as his legs told the brain, “OK sorry for that,” suddenly they’d thought the same thing, RUN. Sorchek ran as fast as he could, leaping here and leaping there whilst ducking his head down from low branches as he’d plummeted through the dense, and also dangerously sharp bushes that were in front of him. The adrenaline was pumping so much that as the blackthorn spikes, lethal barbs of over an inch in length had dug into him with vicious intent, he’d never even felt them and through his crazed terror, he’d just carried on pulling himself frantically through the bush. Then as soon as Sorchek and the werewolf had vanished into the distance, silhouetted by the mountain range to the east, Raffious commanded his third eye spell to follow them and sat back in his time tunnel to watch the whole glorious chase in high definition.

  Then when it was finally over, Raffious who was almost pissing himself with the divine pleasure of seeing a vampire shit himself whilst running for his life, then held on tight to a strap that was dangling down from the ceiling, and the time tunnel like a tube train slowly pulled away. As it did bright lines consisting of many ultraviolet colors suddenly stretched out from behind it, and then a second later the train with him in it was gone.


  Vampires were fully aware that Satan for whatever reason had gifted them with the ability to travel backwards in time, but they were also just as equally aware that if they went back too far, then they’d have to stay there u
ntil time returned them at its normal pace.

  After Sorchek had agreed to kill Regina he couldn’t get out of his mind all the fun that he was going to have, being able to leap forwards in time too. He was well aware that with the gift if ever he was in another situation like he’d been in the previous Xmas when he’d killed Yohan, OK he might end up taking one shot through the chest from Santa Claus or whoever it had been, but not fucking three. Those holes apart from hurting like a bastard for several weeks; they’d been six inches in diameter and took fucking ages to fix. Sorchek knew that with the gift of time travel he’d never be caught again, and given any situation like that, all he’d have to do would be to click his fingers and just vanish.


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