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Going Green

Page 6

by Celia Kyle

  His skin changed color again, green emerging to replace the brown. A warning that his firez drew nearer with each passing moment. And it was coming too fast. He would have to cage himself to stop him from taking her in his sexual haze.

  Which meant he had to see Rhea to safety while he was still in his right mind.

  Rhea had remained stubbornly silent and had not answered his question, so he approached the problem in another way. “If you will not explain your reasons for mating me, then tell me why you have contracted a mate? Humans do not join this way.”

  Except his brother’s mate had sought out Celestial Mates. He would not mention that fact.

  A frown creased her brow. “Humans have just as much of a right to use Celestial Mates as any other race.”

  “Yes, but why? Why leave your home? Have you no family?”

  Pain shadowed her eyes. “I have a family.”

  “If you had their support, why did you not remain there and mate a human male?”

  Rhea’s nostrils flared and her arousal receded, allowing the stinging flavors of anger and hurt to encroach.

  Damn himself to Vi. He did not wish her to be angry.

  “You want to know the truth? Fine.” The heat of her pain burned him. “I was engaged to a human man.”

  His lips threatened to peel back with a snarl. Rhea with a human male? A male who was not him? A strange male’s hands and mouth on her skin? The thought made his blood boil.

  She tilted her head to the side, blinking at him for a moment, and then laughed. A soft, amused sound. Not one meant to mock him. “You can’t be angry.”

  “I am not angry.” He pushed the words past gritted teeth.

  Her lips twitched. “Jealous, then.”

  “I am not—“

  “Keep telling yourself that.” She patted his chest. “You don’t have a reason to be jealous. He never did more than kiss me.”

  Even that was too much. The male had to die.

  She sighed and her smile disappeared. “I thought it was romantic. That he was so overcome with tenderness and so shy…” She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. He didn’t want me.”

  He snorted. “Not want you? Who would not want you? You are— “


  But he could not say the word because it would give her false hope that he relented in his choice. He could not.

  Rhea quirked a brow. “Who, indeed? Anyway, it turned out he wanted money, not me. My father’s money to be precise.”

  “Your father gave him credits?” He frowned.

  She nodded.

  “To mate with you.” He had to say the words to ensure he understood.

  Again, she nodded.

  “I do not understand. Dowries have not been part of your culture for centuries.”

  Erudan should know. When his brother had first mentioned Celestial Mates, they had both done research.

  Rhea shrugged. “It wasn’t a dowry so much as a bribe. And apparently, it wasn’t even enough of a bribe to make him want to sleep with me.”

  “I still do not understand. You are beautiful. Any male would want you for your beauty alone.”

  “Except you.” Her softness vanished in an instant and the accusation crackled between them.

  Erudan flinched, but he would not be dissuaded. “Yet you are intent on me. Why? Why the urgency?”

  He would not relent.

  Rhea bared her small, white teeth and released a growl. “If you have to know everything, I’ll tell you. The truth is that my father is an important politician and I’m part of his shtick. The noble politician sacrificing part of his life to care for the little motherless girl. He needed me for votes. That meant he couldn’t risk me being dragged into bearing service with the Department of Population.” She sneered, and he vaguely recalled something about the Department of Population and his brother’s mate.

  “My father hired a man to pretend to want me. To pretend to love me and want to marry me. Then I found out and ruined it all by kicking him to the curb. That turned me into an unattached female who reached the age limit for bearing service. The Department of Population was all over me, wanting me to pop out kids.”

  There were so many parts to her tale that he wished to address but the surging anger at the end captured him first. “You do not want children then? Is that why you speak of them as if they were human devils?”

  “I don’t want to give birth only to have the DP take them and hand them off to someone else. If I have babies, they’ll stay with me. They’ll be mine.” Liquid gathered in her eyes—tears. He decided he disliked her tears. “The only way for me to escape bearing service was to leave Earth as a mate. Celestial Mates was the only means available to me.”

  And then Celestial Mates matched her with him. “You are here now. You have escaped. Even if we do not mate, you are safe.”

  “Not really.” She tipped her head back. “My father is powerful. He might want to drag me back for the sake of his career. If not him, the Department of Population would love to get their hands on me. A politician’s darling daughter bearing for them? It’ll be huge news.” Her voice was softer when she next spoke. Almost a whisper. “If anyone follows and finds out I’m still single, they could take me back. I need to mate with you, Erudan. You’re my only hope.”

  The world slowed to a stop and he gazed into her eyes. He was torn in two by the knowledge that she needed him. He both hated and loved the concept.

  The notion settled in his chest, slotted into an empty space he had never noticed before. A hole in his heart that seemed to be made for the responsibility and privilege of being necessary to this female.

  He adjusted his position so he only leaned on one arm. He brought his fist to his chest and rubbed the space over his heart.

  Rhea’s soft fingers grazed his and he turned his attention to where they touched. It was the smallest of connections, but it was enough for his body’s natural response. Her thumb slid along his and the color of his skin rippled, green overtaking him once more.

  The rapid change in hue snapped him back to his senses. He tightened his fist and lowered his arm to his side. Looking up from her hand resting on his chest, he focused on her hopeful eyes.

  Perhaps this would return some of his honor.

  “You deserve a better mate than me, but I will do this. I will protect you until your safety is assured.”

  Relief dropped over her in a fierce wave and her body relaxed. Except that pleasure turned into something more cautious. “Just until then? What happens when we know I’m free and clear?”

  Erudan swallowed hard. He knew what he wished to happen, but he also knew it was not to be. He could not forget his true nature.

  “We will decide when that time is upon us.” He shied from the questions in her eyes and shoved away from the counter. He gestured toward the center area of his dwelling. “For now, prepare yourself for an outing. The stores we wish to visit at Ikkim will open soon. We will have my shuttle for transportation so we will not have to rely on public transit, but we must still move quickly. We do not want to be at Ikkim when the crowds thicken.”

  And when the Rargar might use those crowds to find their revenge.


  Rhea wasn’t sure what to expect when they returned to Ikkim. With the way Erudan spoke of the trading station and the memories of dark alleys, she expected an unruly mob fighting over fish and silk scarves. She could have totally handled fierce shoppers snatching the last pair of six/seven shoes. She was a card-carrying survivor of ten Black Fridays, after all.

  Ikkim teemed with people, groups sliding past each other like swirling lines of bodies. But they weren’t the rowdy crowd Erudan described to her. In truth, it was nice to be among people—well, aliens—for a change. A relief from the tension that strung taut between her and Erudan. It was like a rain-heavy gray cloud, biding its time to burst and soak them.

  Erudan, on the other hand, wasn’t comfortable at all. Oh, he still moved with the loose
-limbed confidence of a male who knew he could best any challenger. He didn’t give off the vibe that he was afraid in any way. He simply hated the crowd.

  It didn’t take her long to realize his reaction to the mass of bodies was due to his need to protect her.

  He glared at anyone who strayed within six feet of her. Those glares turned into growls if they didn’t get the hint the first time. She wondered if he’d resort to biting.

  It was almost laughable. And then she did laugh, attempting to stifle the sound with her hand when he sent a doddering old humanoid—who had more arms than tufts of hair—skittering away.

  His protectiveness went beyond a normal guard doing his duty into some other stratosphere. Some women would have been turned off by his behavior. Annoyed, too. As for Rhea… She didn’t mind. After spending so many hours looking over her shoulder, wondering when the Department of Population would strike, it was nice to be able to put her trust into someone else. At least for a little while.

  The warm, fuzzy sensation stayed with her as they wandered through the crowd until they meandered into an area that seemed familiar. Her attention drifted across the dirty, metal space. She spied one shop window she recognized and then another sign she thought she recalled. Yes, these were the streets she’d raced through the night before when chasing the thief. They appeared different by day, open storefronts and the lively pedestrian crowd banishing the sense of danger in the light.

  Bright textiles were displayed every few feet, the flashing colors beckoning her.

  “Oooh.” Something almost lighter than air and electric blue waved at her from the back of a hovcar being used as a mobile store. She changed direction, intent on getting her hands on that filmy cloth.

  Only to jerk to a sharp stop. Fear shot through her, adrenaline flooding her veins in a subconscious rush as she realized she’d been grabbed from behind. Someone had grasped the back of her top, pulling her shirt tight against her chest. The grip caused the bottom to ride up and flash her belly to God and everyone. Well, not God. She flashed the Vians’ gods.

  What were their names again? Dammit, she should know this! The one time she needed the information she’d studied and panic made her forget everything.

  Or maybe it hadn’t been in her head to begin with? She’d tried to cram it all in during her travels. Really. But worry over being chased by her father and the Department of Population had sort of made that difficult. AKA: Impossible.

  Names of gods aside, someone—something—snared her.

  Visions of being hauled back to Earth by her shirt consumed her mind. The different punishments and her long, drawn-out future as an incubator overtaking any rational thought.

  No. She wouldn’t go down easily.

  Rhea knew that the only way someone could have gotten their hands on her was if they did something to Erudan. So that meant she was on her own.

  Well… Rhea balled her hands into fists and screamed. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

  She twisted in her captor’s grip and swung her fists in a blind arch. She sought flesh and bone, intent on beating her captor and breaking free. Then she’d see how she could help her downed mate.

  “Touch my mate, will you?” she snarled.

  Whoever had grabbed her released a low, masculine grunt when her elbow connected with something soft and squishy. It was a grunt that sounded suspiciously like it belonged to…

  “Ma—Rhea! Calm yourself.” Strong arms banded around her, pinning her elbows to her sides. Erudan restrained her so efficiently she released a grunt of her own while she fought down her embarrassment. Had she really believed she was strong enough to fight herself free?

  Her face burned hot and all she wanted to do was hide behind her hands. She wiggled her arms so she could bring her palms to her cheeks, but her hands fluttered in the air like a pathetic imitation of a T-Rex.

  Erudan chuckled. Or at least she thought he did. The huff of breath across her ear could have been anything, but the vibration in his chest had to be laughter.

  “You are a fierce female. Thank you for trying to defend me again.” His voice was so close… So deep and sexy as hell.

  Rhea shivered as a tendril of desire snaked its way down her spine.

  “Are you chilled?” He hugged her closer.

  Chilled? Not so much. But she’d take hugs and cuddles. She snuggled closer and closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his arms. The bustling market was colorful and fascinating, but she wanted to savor…

  Erudan relaxed his arms and released her to stand on her own power. Dammit.

  With a sigh, she tucked the memory of his embrace to the back of her mind. She’d definitely be taking that one out again later. Way later. Like, when she was alone and wouldn’t be interrupted while she imagined him touching her all over.

  Oh, she liked that fantasy too. Except a bellow and babbling in some alien language reminded her they were out in the open in the middle of Ikkim station.

  Groaning, she pried her eyes open and found Erudan staring down at her, studying her like she was some odd scientific discovery.

  The corners of his firm lips twitched with the beginnings of a smile and she narrowed her eyes. “What’s so funny?”

  His smile widened and… were those dimples? She was a goner for dimples. Forgetting her mortification, she reached out and gently teased one of the tiny indents. That was when Erudan’s amused expression changed, turning warm with… interest?

  Yup, that was definitely the beginnings of desire in his eyes before a double-blink banished the emotions.

  Rhea froze in place, hand hovering a hair’s breadth from his face as uncertainty assaulted her.

  The rumbles of the market faded to a low hum as her gaze flicked between Erudan’s stare and her tentative reach.

  The truth was that she wanted to touch him. A deliberate, skin to skin caress. One that existed for the pure, simple pleasure of learning the warm texture of his skin. It hurt her heart to know that even though Celestial Mates deemed them a perfect match, Erudan didn’t want it—her.

  Well, he wanted her, but he didn’t want to keep her. The feel of his hard cock against her lower stomach and the hunger in his eyes proved his desire.

  He wanted her touch, wanted to kiss her, wanted…

  Which was the most maddening thing about this mess. He wanted, but he decided to deny himself. Deny them both.

  Rhea took a deep breath and fought to calm her heart.

  And her raging libido.

  She wouldn’t force him to accept her. Not even if meant she would have to return to Earth.

  Earth and a living hell.

  Except forcing and tempting weren’t the same, were they? Because she could totally do tempting. There weren’t any rules that said she couldn’t show a male what he’d be missing due to being a stubborn ass.

  Rhea tried to recall all of those Earth magazines she’d read. The ones she’d consumed in the name of research.

  Wasn’t the first step to luring a reluctant male something about taking away what they longed for?

  She stifled her sigh, telling herself she had to think of the long game instead of immediate results. She lowered her hand. Before she’d moved too far, Erudan engulfed her wrist with his long, thick fingers and guided her palm flush to his cheek.

  “Oh.” The puff of a word burst past her lips before she remembered she was supposed to play hard to get. Or something.

  His stare heated as if that single word was dirty talk and not a simple exclamation of surprise. Dirty talk wasn’t her usual thing—though virgins didn’t really have usual things, did they? But if she did, she didn’t think dirty talk would be on her list.

  Those breathy, porn vid, “ooh baby, ooh baby” phrases always seemed so awkward and fake. Though maybe with Erudan…

  All those naughty thoughts and corresponding phrases bounced to the surface of her mind and didn’t seem silly at all. Especially if saying them out loud made him continue looking at her like that. As if he c
ould eat her.

  In the very best way.

  She feathered her fingertips at the corner of his lips and her own wanted to shape the words that made her blush. Words like kiss me, touch me, lick me…

  He parted his lips and touched his tongue to the center of his bottom lip as if he’d read her mind. As if he was ready to do exactly as she desired.

  Did Vians have mindreading abilities? What else had she missed during her speed-reading session on the Celestial Goruza?

  She brushed the thoughts aside and focused on absorbing every detail. Erudan’s skin was smooth, no hint of the sandpaper feel of an adult human male’s face. But it wasn’t soft, either. No part of Erudan was soft. Hell, the way his cock constantly strained his pants, she wondered if that part of him was ever anything but rock hard.

  If not, that was fine with her. Juuust fine. She had enough softness for the both of them and she was more than happy to give him a free pass to enjoy all of her softness. In fact, if he kept looking at her like a starving male, she might just beg.

  The connection lasted no more than a single moment, but she was good at cramming a lot into a little. Typically, those abilities manifested during study sessions or cramming clothes into a tiny suitcase, but she made it work for her. She cataloged a billion sensory impressions into the space of a breath before someone hailed Erudan.

  A friendly shout shattered the sensual spell between them and they both jolted in place, breaking the touch.


  Erudan’s grip on her wrist tightened once, and then he released her. He took a step back, putting space between them and fully breaking the seductive spell.

  Which left Rhea torn—insulted at the quickness he’d dropped her like a hot rock. But that was balanced against the warm fuzzies that still lingered from their unexpected connection. It didn’t hurt that Erudan released her only to shift his grip to her waist. He tucked her against his side and raised his other arm to return the greeting.

  “Friend of yours?” Rhea leaned in as she asked the question. If he was going to lower his walls, she’d take the opportunity to climb on over.


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