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ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3)

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by Meg Xuemei X



  book three

  angel’s fated mate


  The Empress of Mysth Copyright © 2016 by Meg Xuemei X

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author. Requests for permission should be sent to

  Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  First Edition

  Meg Xuemei X

  Cover art by Lou Harper

  Edited by Mia Darien

  The novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence. Novel intended for adults only. Must be 18 years or older to read.


  Forbidden. Sworn Enemy. Wicked Seduction.

  Savage angels have turned Earth into their hunting ground. To save all earthborn, the fey princess Rose cedes to the marriage demands of the King of Angels, knowing she won't survive the wedding night. When she comes to Atlantis to find a secret weapon to banish angels from our planet, she awakens the darkest lust in the king's lethal brother.

  The most formidable angel comes across the universe and finds her. He will stop at nothing to possess her, even if he must fall.

  The High Prince offers Rose an indecent proposal: sleep with him once and he'll keep her safe. Rose will turn his urge against him and destroy the angels' house. While unbridled lust burns the prince, it also torments her.

  This sizzling mythological romance series centers on war and lust between an immortal race and fallen angels, before humans walked the earth.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Also by Author

  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  I clung to the angel, my arms clasped around his neck and my legs hooked around his waist as he rode the clouds.

  I flicked my gaze up at his golden wings as they pushed against the wild wind. We sailed in the blinding sunlight.

  I pressed my face against his hard chest, his heartbeat drumming to match the beats of his wings. If I were naïve, I would have thought that I’d found my safe haven. I would never want to leave.

  Yet I fantasized what it would be like to wake up with my head on his chest every morning and lazily trace my fingers along the ridge of his wings. I was dreaming the impossible, but it wasn’t entirely my fault; the angel’s intoxicating scent and body heat were messing with my mind.

  I kept replaying his cock thrusting wildly in my hand and his strong fingers inside my hot sheath. But the fun had ended on a sour note, leaving the angel even more frustrated and horny. For half a heartbeat there, I’d almost felt sorry for him.

  I shouldn’t have felt bad about using my eternal enemy, or should I? Somehow Seth didn’t feel like an enemy anymore.

  A sudden violent air current rushed by with a roar, and I blinked awake. Wait a second, who had taken advantage of whom? The angel had kidnapped me into the sky, forced me to deliver a “spectacular” kiss, and then shoved his powerful fingers in me.

  Oh, that had felt good.


  Seth might be different. He might be a little better than any of his kind, but he was still an angel, their high prince, who led them to conquer world after world.

  Just as he had come and colonized Earth, leaving only Mysth as the last defense.

  However, my debate did nothing to reduce the exhilaration I felt flying with the angel. Now that I had gotten used to being in the air, I started to appreciate the view, his speed, and the pure freedom of the sky. Hearing his heartbeat, watching his magnificent wings push against the wind, and nestling my face on his hard chest made me think the world was safe and the danger had been left behind on the faraway land.

  But I was returning to the enemies’ territory. As I prayed for time to slow down and let me stay in Seth’s arms a little longer, Atlantis’s golden tower came into view.

  When I’d first arrived, Seth had perched atop that tower, watching me as bored and vicious as he could be. Then everything had changed when he dove toward me on a whim. He had pivoted and sniffed at me, menace rippling off him. My lady-in-waiting had shivered in fear, and I had cursed him colorfully in my head. Despite my white-hot hatred for him, my heart had lurched at his glacial, lethal beauty. I still remembered every detail when he’d first displayed his magnificence and power:

  His hard, muscled long body had been clad in black leather. His fully extended golden wings blocked the sunlight. High cheekbones emphasized the pride of his sun-kissed yet arctic marble face. His piercing grey eyes had shifted to silver when they’d fallen upon me.

  Then, unexpectedly, he’d howled and flown back toward the tower. The bridge beneath me echoed, and the air was ripped by his ancient, formidable power. Even his soldiers had uncomfortably shifted their weight.

  I’d been furious beyond measure and planned soon to rain my wrath on him and his brother.

  Yet here I was, in his arms.

  “Be ready, Rose,” Seth warned in my ear, his breath on my skin, sensual and comforting and warm. “We’re going to descend.”

  I clung to him tighter. “Worry about yourself.”

  He let out a low chuckle and dove at great speed.

  The chilly, violent current shook me, but the angel’s body heat rose to wrap around me. Then a scream caught in my throat when I peeked out and looked down at the blurry glass roof rushing to meet my face. In the last possible split second the skylight of the Spring Hall popped open.

  A blink and I stood beside the warm spring pool on my shaky knees.

  My heart still racing, my face red from riding the cold air, and my hair messy threads, I held on to Seth, not ready to let him go. He looked unfazed, as if he had just come back from a leisurely walk.

  He gave me a blank look.

  “Yeah, we’re on the ground,” I murmured the obvious, removing my arms from around his neck and stepping back. My body protested, not ready to be apart from his scent and solid chest.

  I pushed my hair back from my face and stretched like a cat to get rid of the stiffness from long flying.

  He watched me like an unmoving piece of marble.

  When I felt normal and still
, we stared at each other without a word.

  I sensuously licked my lips; the thrill and lust still swayed in my blood like rain and new wine.

  “Remember the story we rehearsed,” he said hoarsely. “Agro will interrogate you, and Victoria will be merciless.”

  “Fine,” I said. I wanted to thank him for saving my life but couldn’t get the words out. I knew how to argue with him, bargain with him, trick him, or fight him, but I couldn’t bring myself to express gratitude to him.

  He moved closer, and I waited for him to pull me into his arms. He reached for my face, his knuckles grazing across my flaming cheeks. Then with a sigh, he fanned out his wings and leapt into the air.

  The skylight opened and closed.

  Seth was gone.

  I stared at the empty space where he’d been, reminding myself that I couldn’t afford to dwell on frivolous feelings over the angel’s sudden absence. I tore off my clothes and dumped them into the trash bin for Souline to burn later.

  After quickly washing myself in the spring pool, I selected a simple white gown from the closet.

  Souline, I called my lady-in-waiting telepathically, have Femi and Philomena returned?

  Your Highness! Souline’s voice was laced with panic and relief. Are you safe?

  Yes, I’m in the Spring Hall, I said. I’m heading back to my chamber.

  Don’t come here, Princess, Souline said urgently. The king’s bitch has thrown Femi and Philomena into the dungeon. We don’t know what happened to them.

  Get out of the city, Your Highness, Hector cut in. The king’s guards hold us at sword point. We haven’t fought back, for we don’t know your cover story. Angel sentinels are looking for you everywhere in Atlantis and Babylon.

  I’m right here. I then asked, What have you heard?

  Victoria’s cronies were killed in the Free Market Place, said Hector.

  We killed them, I said. Some bystanders might have spied Lexa, so I’ve sent her back to Mysth. No one saw me.

  The king’s army has taken control of Babylon, Hector said. They burned a perfume shop to the ground. Princess, you must get out now and return to the twilight realm. We’ll delay the enemies and bleed the pigs when you’re gone.

  If I fled, King Agro would execute all of my guards and Souline. Knowing the sadistic king, he wouldn’t let them die easily.

  I also knew I could never really get away without Seth’s help, just as he had told me.

  Chapter 2


  While Agro and I exchanged heated, bitter words, an archangel announced Princess Rose’s arrival.

  She entered wearing an elegant, one-shoulder white gown. Her hair, pinned up in a blue jeweled headdress, was classic Mysthian style. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, and I wasn’t the only one.

  The court hushed. Since this was a private hearing, there were only a few of the king’s most trusted advisors and archangels present.

  Looking at her, so regal and cold, I couldn’t imagine that an hour ago she’d held my cock in her hand and moaned against my mouth.

  The princess glided toward us, her gown caressing her lovely shape with its hem flowing along the marble floor of red and gold.

  My brother abandoned his verbal spar with me. His lewd gaze roved over Rose and stayed on her half-exposed breasts. I had touched and suckled those breasts. I knew how marvelous they were.

  But right now, I wanted to shove my socks into my brother’s mouth and gag him to death for daring to look at her like that.

  I frowned deeply. Did she have to dress so provocatively in front of the king? Hadn’t I warned her that my brother was a malicious pig?

  Rose barely gave me a glance, even as I rustled my wings to show my disapproval of her choice of dress. She fixed her disarming smile solely on my brother, while he quickly darted an annoyed glare at me.

  Her smiling at him irked me. She’d never beamed at me like that. With me, she was feisty, free-spirited, and often vindictive. But standing in front of my brother, she was forever composed, refined, and adoring.

  I suddenly realized that she treated the king like a rattlesnake, careful not to provoke it while seeking an opening to strike. The feminine charm she directed at him was a disguise and Agro had no idea. He thought she already belonged to him, so he bided his time and lurked like a vulture, waiting for the night to take her and mark her.

  Still I felt a stab of jealousy at Rose’s fake smile. At the same time, I was disgusted at myself for acting like a giddy teenager whenever I spotted Rose.

  She’d affected me like a virus.

  Her scent, rich and potent, streamed toward me. I didn’t resist but breathed it in and let it sing to my blood and my cock.

  I was too far gone for her. Who would have thought a seemingly harmless, simple one-fuck deal would have spun off into a web of complications?

  The princess stepped up to the dais, still not sparing me a glance. She gazed at my brother brightly as if nothing had happened, as if the king had summoned her for a private picnic. “Your Majesty,” she greeted him.

  Agro’s face was ugly and dark. “I summoned you two and half hours ago, Princess Rose.”

  “I came as soon as I heard,” the princess said.

  “Where have you been?” the king asked, containing his anger, although he wasn’t good at it. My hands twitched tensely, my black lightning on call. If he struck her, I would drop him first. If he fought, I would end him. I would use my lord father as an excuse. My father wanted the princess to be preserved for the harvest before the wedding anyway.

  “I sent a legion of angels to look for you everywhere,” the king said menacingly, “but no one could locate you.”

  “Oh, Your Majesty,” the princess said, her hand pressing on her heart, “that’s so sweet. You worry about me.”

  “Of course, you’re my bride!” the king said. “You’re the future Empress of Mysth! Your safety is the affair of the Earth kingdom!”

  “I went to visit your city Babylon,” the princess said in an excited tone. “I’ve long since heard of it and finally have had a chance to see the free city for myself, under a disguise, of course. And I saw that under your reign great Babylon has flourished.”

  The shadow on the king’s face receded a notch.

  “But why has it taken you so long to return to my palace?” the king asked, his voice less clipped.

  Rose did have a way to keep anyone from staying mad at her.

  She whipped her head toward me, noticing me for the first time, sour accusation in her darkened amber eyes. “Haven’t you informed His Majesty, High Prince?”

  “Him again!” the king grated, turning to me with a murderous look as if that could terrify me. “What did you do this time, Seth?”

  “I didn’t do anything.” I shrugged. “But at some point, there was a slight disagreement between Her Haughty Highness and me.”

  “Haughty? A slight disagreement?” the princess cried, then half-turned to the king. “All I wanted was to give Your Majesty a nice surprise for our wedding night. That’s the true reason I went to Babylon—to shop for the most exotic sex toys. My courtiers are experts on these things, so I brought them along. But in the Free Market Place, Prince Seth gave me attitude when I expressed my wish to pleasure Your Majesty with a variety of entertainment.”

  “I only frowned at you in disapproval,” I cut in. “Must you interpret it as contempt?”

  “When I decided to shop for more,” she kept going, “the high prince refused to escort me. He was much more eager to make advances on my courtiers.”

  “Seth? Flirting?” the king asked.

  “Yes! I caught him grabbing their buttocks when no one was looking.” The princess sent me a loathing glare. “They said he didn’t have desire, but that hasn’t stopped him from dallying with my courtiers. When he canoodled with them but ignored me, I had to go to those stores unprotected.”

  “Then I heard cries about a riot. Then hell broke loose. The mobs separate
d me and my lady-in-waiting. She hasn’t returned ever since!” The princess paused to recollect herself and to show her courage. “I was lost in the crowd. When some commoners stomped on me, I shouted for the high prince, but he was gone. I managed to flee and told myself I must never let the mobs know I was the future queen to Your Majesty. There must be rebels in Babylon. I kept my wits, even though the prince abandoned me.”

  “That’s not what happened!” I shouted at Rose in disgust. “You’re just so spoiled and stubborn. I told you there was no need to kiss my brother’s fat ass since he already had more than enough sex toys or living toys, but then you got upset for no reason and spat nasty words at me.”

  My brother glared at me with bulging eyes. “You called me fat ass?”

  I shrugged. “I advised Princess Rose to cool off, and she went crazy.” I then shook my head. “Females.”

  Rose shouted back, saying she was defending the king’s honor, and then we got into a screaming match and threw more colorful insults at each other.

  “Enough!” the king joined the shouts. “I said, enough!”

  Rose and I quieted and glared at each other, and my cock was so hard for her.

  “Didn’t I find you cowering outside a bakery and bring you back safely to the king?” I demanded. “What more could you want from me?”

  “Cowering?” the princess yelled. “I’m the royal princess, the future queen to the King of All Angels, and the future Empress of Mysth. I did not cower!”

  “Are you sure about that?” I snickered. “Besides, you also got the title wrong, Princess. If you want to stay politically correct, you should know King Agro is the King of Angels on the planet of Earth. He isn’t the King of All Angels. As for me, I’m the High Prince of All Angels.”

  My brother growled.

  The princess and I got into another screaming match.

  “Enough!” The king pounded on both handles of his throne. “Haven’t I called timeout?”

  Rose glared at me as if she wanted to charge me, and I dared her, my arms across my chest and my wings arching tauntingly.


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