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ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3)

Page 10

by Meg Xuemei X

  She halted and studied me, a real interest forming in her eyes. “You can have every one of us, including the princess. You can start with me as an appetizer.”

  “Thanks, but I’m afraid I have to decline,” I said. My arms folding across my chest and my wings enfolding myself for protection, I scanned all the pretty masked faces. “Now, the party is over. Everyone leaves, except your princess. I want only the one who’s mine!”

  “Good luck then, Prince,” the fake princess said acidly. She walked back into the courtiers’ ranks and blended in with the rest.

  And now there were thirteen masked females in my quarters.

  “Find her, then you’ll have your true lust,” someone challenged.

  I sneered. Like that could stop me.

  “You’ll have only one chance,” another masked courtier said. “Once you choose, you’ll stick with the one you pick, and the rest of us will leave.”

  These damned Mysthians loved to play games!

  “You really want to play this game, Rose?” I gritted.

  The masked females stared back at me collectively.

  I dropped my lightning and grabbed a courtier with a white lace Venetian mask and sniffed. “Definitely not the princess.” I shoved her toward the door. “One out. Eleven to go.”

  Before I snatched another to kick her out of the game, a courtier, who had the same sunset-auburn hair as Rose, stepped up and said, “This is not how we play, High Prince. You can’t just pick us one by one and sniff us like we are—”

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re not bones,” I cut in. “You’re flowers. Yet none of you are that delicate when it comes to ambushing, manipulating, and tricking me.”

  “High Prince, restrain yourself,” the one with Rose’s hair said. “Her Highness won’t be pleased if you’re so rude to her courtiers.”

  She even mimicked Rose’s tone and hit every pitch. I narrowed my eyes. These females were not what they appeared to be under the disguises. I trained my eyes on the bold one and sniffed, then another courtier called, “One chance means you’ll get only one pick among us to find the real princess.”

  “If you blow it, you’ll never have her, or me,” the sunset-auburn haired female added, drawing attention to herself. She might be the head of the courtiers, or the one who glamoured them all.

  I frowned. “Are all fey females this annoying and opinionated?” Then I pointed at her and thumbed toward the door. “You sound like Princess Rose and even have her hair color, but you’re definitely not her. Out.”

  She shrugged. “Are you sure, Seth? Your next pick will be your final.”

  My nostrils flared.

  Her scent, jasmine of night sky and her unique arousing female pheromones sang to me. No other scent could cover hers. No other scent could top hers. Even if I was blind, I would still single her out amid millions. I also smelled my own scent on her. It gratified me that my scent had already marked her as mine.

  I followed our joined scent to a quiet female who wore a jeweled mask with blue diamonds. She stared back at me blankly.

  I strode toward her. She didn’t back off, but she was holding her breath.

  All of the courtiers stood very still. No hush, no laughter, and no mocking. The complete silence was bliss. They just watched.

  Rose’s scent sang loudly and joyfully, beckoning me forward.

  I couldn’t see her expression beneath her mask, but I heard her erratic heartbeat.

  That was my Rose. She was waiting for me. I had passed the test. This fucking, frustrating game was over.

  My black lightning flared on my wings in victory, reaching for the true princess.

  The courtiers lunged to me. “Don’t hurt her!” they called.

  “Step back, wenches,” I snarled. “I won’t hurt her.”

  The courtiers stopped short as my wings came around and cocooned Rose; my lightning trailed along her face, neck, and arms, caressing and adoring her.

  I trapped her inside. I wouldn’t give her a chance to vanish into the thin air. Who knew what those crazy females would do next. “Only the real princess can touch my lightning unharmed,” I declared, grabbing her waist and pulling her against my hard body.

  Rose, who wore the blue jeweled mask, clasped her hands behind my neck, not protesting my hardness sticking against her belly. She gave me a sly look. “Are you sure I’m the one you want, High Prince?” she purred. “Careful of what you choose. Once you pick, there’s no turning back.”

  “I can sniff you out even if they hide you among an army of millions on the bloody battlefield,” I scowled. “Even if you flee to Earth’s farthest corner, I’ll still find you. And Princess, don’t forget my scent is all over you.”

  She smiled, but I didn’t feel even slightly amused.

  I’d been sure that I finally got to fuck her, and then all this drama wheeled in and hit me in the face. I grew weary.

  My cock was steely hard and ached so much. I was going to explode if she pulled out another stunt.

  Rose snapped her fingers behind my neck, and I jumped. Until I saw that she wasn’t going to trick me but instead, her glamour fell off.

  She wore no mask but a white gown.

  “You found me, Seth,” she whispered in delight.

  “Of course,” I snorted. “Why should it be a surprise?”

  “I thought you’d appreciate my generous gesture,” she said. “I was offering you the best females who know every trick in bed. And you can have all of us. Isn’t that every male’s fantasy?”

  “Been there, done that. The fantasy sucked.” I barked a dark laugh. “And I’m not every male. My deal is with you. You can’t just shift the package at the last minute!”

  She rolled her eyes. “I remember that you said you wouldn’t hold me to my part of the bargain anymore. You gave up your rights to claim me. You said I was free.”

  “I said all those things and meant them,” I said. “But then you had to come back to seek me out and toy with me more, as if my past torture wasn’t enough. And then you decided to dump me to your courtiers as if I meant nothing to you. One does not taunt me like that—” I swallowed the rest “—still got to live to see the light.”

  “I wasn’t teasing or taunting you, Seth,” she said. “As I said, I was offering you the fantasy every male dreamed of. You can have me. You can have us all.”

  My wing swept toward a courtier and brought her to our circle. “You want me to fuck her before you?” I cupped the female’s breast, my eyes never leaving Rose. I wanted to see her reaction. “You want me to fuck all of them?”

  A dark light flashed by her eyes before she put on an emotionless mask. How I wanted to tear her mask off and grind it to dust with my bare hands.

  “As you wish,” she said, her arms loosening from my neck. She stepped back to put distance between us.

  “When did you start to care what I want?” I asked, letting go of the female courtier. I didn’t even pay attention to which one I’d grabbed.

  Rose placed her hands on her enticing hips. “Are we going to stand here and quarrel for the rest of the day? Decide, Prince. I have better things to do.”

  “Fine,” I said with anger. “I’ll fuck every one of them except you!”

  I was beyond fury that she would share me. Then I squinted in puzzlement. I had never had an exclusive sexual relationship with any female before. Why was I so upset that the princess didn’t want exclusiveness? If any angel heard about this, they would laugh to tears, supposing they could believe it.

  “Fine!” the princess said. “Enjoy yourself.”

  She turned to leave, but I lunged, grabbing her shoulders, and my wings formed walls around us again. “You’re not going anywhere, Princess!” I said. “I’m not done with you.”

  The courtiers closed in on us, ready to defend their princess; some of them produced daggers that could cut into an angel’s flesh. I could kill them all with one strike. They knew that, yet it didn’t stop them.

  Those seductr
esses had shifted to warriors, no longer soft and sexy. Menace and hatred rolled off them. The days with my brother had taken a toll on them. Rose sensed that too.

  “I’ll be fine,” she called. “The High Prince won’t hurt me.” She turned to me. “Are you going to force me, Seth?”

  “You still ask me that after all this time with me?” I asked.

  “Then let me go,” she said.

  I withdrew my hands and wings. I had never felt so deflated and defeated in my long existence. The universe really hated me. “Go as you desire.” I sighed. “Send the word when you’re ready and I’ll deliver you to safety. The wedding is in three days, so you’d better decide tonight.”

  Instead of walking away, the fey princess stepped toward me and pressed her palm against my face. “Seth, you’re too frustrated to think straight. You misunderstood my intention. I wouldn’t taunt you after you put your own future in jeopardy to save me.” She swallowed. “I thought this is what you wanted. You have a reputation. You once had over a hundred females in one night. You broke the record of all males.”

  I had been drunk with the strongest angel brew that night, for I had long since lost a sense of myself and all dreams and visions. I had fucked non-stop to rip out that unbearable cold abyss inside me. I’d known then that soon I would turn to unfeeling, so I’d fucked every female and everything that moved in the room to feel something. That night I had turned into the living dead when I’d been inside the females.

  After that night, I hadn’t been able to feel anything, not even the ripple of time, until Rose came to my life.

  “That was before I met you,” I said. “I’m now even more doomed than I’d ever been. You just broadcasted my secret that I can only have a hard-on for you, but you’ll never let me have you. I’m cursed through and through. This unbridled lust boils in me like poison and it will never leave my veins.”

  Rose winced, and I noticed that my hands on her arms had tightened to an iron grip. I at once released her. “Sorry, Rose. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ll never hurt you. But I don’t want to share you, and I hate it when you don’t care and want to throw me away like I’m yesterday’s meat.”

  “Such temper,” Rose said.

  The courtiers watched quietly. I’d shown my weakness and vulnerability in front of them all. Look what Rose could make me do.

  “Is it so wrong that I want only you?” I asked quietly.

  “No, Seth,” she said, brushing her thumb over my mouth.

  The pleasure from her tender touch expelled some of my dark anger and angst.

  It pained me that I still wanted her so much. I still wanted her more than anything in the whole universe.

  Rose tilted her chin toward her courtiers. They bowed and filed out of the room.

  No one spared me a second look, but one of them closed the door behind them.

  Her hand laced in my hair, and Rose pressed her lips against mine. As I demanded she open her mouth, she obliged and let her tongue dance with mine.

  “No more games?” I rasped against her lips.

  “A favor then?”

  “Please, no more fancy ideas.”

  I wanted her. I needed her. I had to have her now, or I would go supernova.

  I moved her gown up to her waist, and she wrapped a leg around my thigh.

  Her pink, plump petals parted for me.

  I exhaled.

  Wasting no time, I held the crown of my hard cock, placed it against her entrance, and shoved into her tight sheath.


  She gasped. Her eyes widened.

  Mine! My primal male instinct roared as I drove home with my first thrust.


  Chapter 18


  I was drowning in the sea of lust. I could see no one else—no Mysthians, no allies, or enemies—but Seth.

  His rock-hard cock penetrated my flesh. It carried such power that no force could stop its march. That was his statement. The angel refused to be denied again as his length thrust deep into me. It was heavy. It was hot. And it filled me.

  I couldn’t tell when and where the pain ended and the pleasure started. The intensity hit my every nerve and made me see stars twirling around us.

  I broke from his deep kiss to breathe in the air my lungs desperately needed.

  We were still joined. He made sure of that. His hands gripped my hips as he plunged in fast and hard. He had no intention of giving me a break. He had no mercy.

  I could no longer form a simple thought under his delicious assault, so I gazed into his silver eyes that blazed darkly and brightly at once, and let myself get lost in his lust. I could watch him like this until the day I faded. I didn’t care anymore if the world burned or would burn. I just wanted to be fucked by him like this, and in his strong arms.

  My fingernails sank into his back. His taut muscles rippled as he thrust into me. The angel pulled out his shaft an inch. What was he doing? I didn’t care if he was suddenly bored or not. He started it, and he had to finish it.

  I would allow him to take off only after I announced, “It’s done,” or “well done.”

  Before a vehement protest left my lips and before I dragged him toward me, he propelled back into me, slower this time, to tease and to savor.

  Though it was sweet, it was also a torture. My lust was combusting me. I had held back for so long that patience no longer boded well with me.

  As he kept moving slowly, I realized that the angel did it intentionally. He knew what I wanted. He knew I wanted all of his glorious length in me, and that I wanted no slow motion.

  If he wasn’t going to do it for me, then I had to help myself. I drove my hips forward to meet him, to get him deeper inside me. He grinned wickedly, and I bit the joint of his shoulder and neck, not to punish him, but because the pleasure was too much.

  A feral groan rasped from the depth of his throat.

  Now the barbarian couldn’t take it anymore. He quickened his pace and plunged into me so deeply, again and again.

  Earth! His cock was so hard and hot and it jammed in me! An empty ache I had constantly felt was filled. It was like I became part of the wind and night.

  “You’re made for me, female!” Seth growled.

  When he had first entered me, my sex had morphed to meet his size, shape, and length. I’d been surprised that my body could do that.

  Seth quickened the rhythm to a new high. He could fly faster than sonic speed, and his thrust—

  Earth! He was going to break me, yet I expected no less.

  The pleasure hit me like tidal wave. If each wave soared higher than the former one, I was going to…I didn’t know what would happen to me. Fey were stronger than any mortals, but even we had a limit.

  Could I keep at it and match him in such an intense mating?

  “Like being fucked?” he gloated.

  “Maybe?” I moaned, arching my back to take him in deeper.

  I wanted every inch of his impressive length.

  “You want this fuck as badly as I,” he said with a savage satisfaction.

  The angel lifted me up while thrusting eagerly in me, and then I was suddenly in the midair.

  “Seth!” I called in alarm.

  “I’m taking you to a place where no one will disturb us, eroma,” he whispered in my ear, not breaking his thrust.

  “What’s eroma?” I asked in a hush as my knees grew weaker with each thrust.

  I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want him to break the act that we were both hotly engaged in, just because he wanted to travel to some place on a whim.

  “Eroma means the thorn in my side and the bane of my existence,” he said, brushing away a lock of my sweaty hair which dangled at the corner of my eye. “We’ll fuck for a very long time there. I’ll take a long time with you.”

  My blood thrilled at the promise.

  “How long is a very long time?” I panted, propelling my hips toward him to meet his moves.

  He let o
ut a low chuckle, which sounded so erotic in my ear.

  “As long as you want, my thorn,” he said, grabbing my butt tightly as he flew up.

  I adjusted my position and my legs wrapped around his waist to make sure his hard cock stay buried inside me.

  The high ceiling opened and the next moment, we were in the open sky.

  Seth had cloaked us.

  His mouth fell upon me again and his tongue stroked mine, giving me no chance to look down at Atlantis beneath.

  Fire travelled in my veins, yet I felt the biting wind whipping by me in the high air. It was like riding the fastest horse in the current, only the angel’s speed was even greater.

  Black lightning flared on his golden wings, sparking between the blue feather tips. As I tried to catch it, the lightning twirled around me before falling on my face, neck, and shoulders with a caress.

  Seth gasped in amazement. “Rose.” He touched my face, his lightning shimmering on my skin.

  Why I was the only one immune to his lightning baffled both him and me. We had discovered that his power wouldn’t hurt me when he had first thrown it at Victoria and I had happened to step in front of her. It had passed through me and maimed the king’s mistress.

  And now we were riding the wind and his lightning together while our flesh was still deliciously joined.

  This was my second flight with Seth. I knew what to expect now and felt safe in his arms, so I started truly appreciating the joy of the speed and the freedom of the sky.

  Seth was pleased.

  But then he slowed and hovered in the air, his wings stretching over fifteen feet and flapping rapidly to keep us afloat above a ring of snowy mountains.

  “I have to do this a few times before we continue on our way,” he said, “or I’ll die.”

  I thought he needed a break from the long flight, while in truth he wanted to thrust in me for a few rounds during each stop. In and out and in. His every move drove his cock deeper inside me. Pleasure pulsed in me and spread to my every vein and bone. To add more thrill to it, his lightning traced down my spine.

  As my senses were getting overloaded, I felt light-headed. The faint-hearted would have died from this sensation!


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