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ANGEL'S FATED MATE: An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fey Paranormal Series (THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH Book 3)

Page 14

by Meg Xuemei X

  As my fit of passion finally waned a little, I rested my teeth on his arm, unsure if I should bite him or not to calm my overloaded nerve ends. If I bit him, he would bleed and might complain.

  I was too spent to even leave a teeth mark on him.

  The angel kissed my head in gratitude and flew me back to bed while his cock was still a hard rock inside me. He laid me on my side, my head on his muscled arm and my body on his soft feathers. His lips pressed against my temple; his warm breath tickled my cool skin.

  His scent of sky, sweat, and male musk—endearing and comforting— enveloped me.

  The savage started to thrust in me again, only lazily now.

  It was another kind of sensation.

  “Rose,” he whispered. I was glad that he was no longer roaring, which had hurt my ears.

  “Yes?” I asked dreamily as liquid heat pooled between my thighs.

  As I enjoyed his slow strokes, I wondered if he would still be hot for me after we returned to Atlantis.

  They said that no one could hold his interest, that he’d never spend the night with anyone, and that he’d never fucked the same female twice. But he’d broken his record with me on several counts.

  As if reading my thoughts, the prince said viciously in my ear, “Be prepared, Rose. There’ll be thousands of nights like this. I lost too much fun time before, and I intend to compensate myself with riding you every night and every moment I can get. If you plan to get away from me, think twice, female. You know how powerful and resourceful I am. I’ll stalk you. I’ll hunt you to the end of the Earth!”

  I wanted to tell him the unfairness of his threats, but I forgot to when unbelievable pleasure slithered up my spine, when the angel picked up speed and thrust in me forcefully to make a point.

  I moaned and moved with his rhythm.

  “That’s my girl,” he groaned in approval while he fucked me from the side, while his thumb rubbed my swollen colitis.

  I was afraid this lust would never let us go.

  Chapter 28


  Above us, a stream of silver moonlight rested on the angel’s massive, glossy wings.

  Under, ripples of sand dunes—wild and untouched—rolled with the wind.

  Seth followed my gaze. “I once flew through the sand storm. That was more exciting.”

  “Shouldn’t you pay attention to flying?” I asked. He flew low, and I didn’t want him to bump into something at high speed. He could take any hit, but I was more delicate.

  “I can fly blind,” he said. Since I’d met him, there was never a day he didn’t brag.

  As the landscapes shifted from wild nature to urban sprawl, Seth pulled higher and I watched lights and shadows merge and divide beneath in the metropolis.

  I pressed my face against Seth’s jaw, my arms curving around his neck cozily and possessively.

  Illusion or not, his body heat remained a great comfort. I had never thought I would feel safe with an angel, but I felt safer with Seth than I’d ever felt before.

  As my lips moved to his earlobe and my tongue teased him, he groaned. His immense erection pressed against me.

  I laughed.

  “Naughty,” he said, seeking my mouth.

  I was so wet, but I resisted him. “Pay attention to where you’re going, prince. I don’t want a crash.”

  “I see,” he drawled. “Still have no confidence in me.” But he knew that we couldn’t fuck now, no matter how much we wanted to. If we jumped on each other before we took care of some serious business, we would never get off each other.

  I needed to be seen in the king’s palace soon. I quenched the feeling of dread about going back to Atlantis, but I had to return. My people were still in the enemy’s territory.

  I would keep the angels’ eyes on me while my courtiers retreated through the tunnel tonight. We picked this date because the king and his general were in Babylon.

  I would be the last to leave since Seth could cloak me and fly me to Mysth as the last resort. It would be a hell of a task to convince my royal guards to leave the angels’ city without me.

  The skylight of the Spring Hall was right beneath us. Seth held me so tightly that he nearly knocked the air out of my lungs, but I didn’t protest.

  The skylight opened and closed behind us.

  The prince descended with me clinging to him.

  We stood beside the pool, embracing each other, and his hardness still pricked against my belly.

  “We’ll leave tomorrow night,” he said firmly.

  “You’ve told me seven times now,” I said.

  “I’m getting old,” he said, kissing me, “so all the more I must keep you around, or I’ll be a lonely, miserable male forever.”

  I wanted to open my mouth to him. I wanted to stroke his cock and get it inside me, but I stepped back by sheer will.

  Seth would go check on the humans and divert his father’s attention from me.

  I did not understand or care why the Lord of All Angels took an interest in some new species. Then I at once scolded myself. We Mysthians had paid dearly for our arrogance. We shouldn’t make the same mistake again. If angels were intrigued by the species, we would not let it go unchecked; we would learn about the human mortals as well.

  I broke the kiss. “Fly safe, angel.”

  He gave me a dazzlingly smile that made my blood buzz again. Before I rasped blame on him for always making me react like this, he brushed a light kiss on my lips. “I’ll see you when I’m back. It won’t be long.”

  Had he suggested that he would pay me another midnight visit? And this time, it wouldn’t be about the indecent proposal. We would act on it again and again.

  He leapt up. In an instant, he was gone.

  And I already missed him.

  I shut my eyes, suppressing the ache at his absence and summoning my strength.

  I disrobed quickly. I needed to wash the prince’s scent off me, though I regretted having to do so.

  I stepped into the spring. The warm water swayed against me, but its warmth was nothing compared to the angel prince’s smoldering touch.

  I swam a few laps to calm my mind, especially as it kept replaying how the angel’s cock thrust in me. Pleasure had erupted in me like lava, and I was still melting.

  But I couldn’t allow myself to melt. I couldn’t allow myself to be so addicted to the angel.

  At least not now.

  As I submerged under the water, I forced myself to believe what I felt for Seth was just lust.

  Lust would fade.

  When I resurfaced, I rested my head on the streambed, deciding to wait for an hour or so before informing Souline and my guards of my return. I still felt drunk with the residual pleasure Seth had given me. It swayed in my blood.

  I would go to my people when I no longer felt light as the angel’s feather and when my cheeks stopped burning and the light in my eyes dimmed a little.

  Would the prince think of me in the sky on his way to spy on the humans? Would his cock harden when he thought of our frenzied coupling, thought of how our flesh had joined and how my folds had gloved his enormous shaft?

  He had pumped his hot seed into me. It had flooded in me and made me feel complete and happy. At that moment, I had felt the flow of true magic in me. I had felt an unseen bond snap into place and it shone before the angels had transported me from the shattered window to his bed.

  I tried to drag my mind away, but it kept returning to him. My mouth still tasted him. I pictured taking his cock into my mouth, if there would be next time.

  I dozed off in the stream.

  Then multiple voices burst in my heads, jerking me awake.

  Get out of the angels’ city, Your Highness! Hector shouted in my head. If you can hear me, Princess, leave now!

  Princess, go! It was Souline’s voice. Never come back!

  And then it was all chaos.

  Hector, I demanded telepathically, what’s going on?

  You’ve been found
out, Hector said. We’ve been betrayed.

  Had Seth already betrayed me when he had just left me? Dread filled my whole being as I heard the sharp sound of blade against blade through our link.

  How? I demanded. The king and his general are in Babylon. The courtiers are set to leave!

  I’d been gone too long with the prince. The glamour must have fallen off Femi. They must have found out that she wasn’t me.

  Run for your life, Princess! Leon, my other royal guard, called out and cursed.

  Screams rang in my head.

  I’m in the Spring Hall, I said. I’m coming for you.

  No! It’s a death trap! Hector begged. Go! Please.

  You must leave us behind if you care for Mysth, Souline added, then she gagged.

  I wouldn’t abandon them. Even if I fled now, I couldn’t go far. The angels must have sealed every path in the king’s palace and Atlantis.

  The angels are heading toward you. Too many of them… We can’t hold them back. Then all voices vanished from our telepathic link.

  Chapter 29


  Last time I checked on homo sapiens, their numbers hadn’t been so great. I was appalled by their reproductive ability. Those earthlings mated like rabbits from my home planet.

  I grinned at the idea of mating. Now I could mate all the time with Rose. And I would. When I returned from this chore, I’d go to her chamber. I would have her again. My cock hardened at the thought.

  But it was futile to torment myself while she wasn’t around. I turned my attention back to the humans. Their intelligence had also increased at great speed. Within a few months, they’d formed farming communities and moved toward technology and industry.

  I wondered why my lord father took an interest in this new, primary species. Other than their fast evolving capacity, I noticed that the humans also shared our thirst for violence. The second they had sprung from the Earth, they’d constantly engaged in wars and eliminated less developed species to expand their territories.

  If the former dominant species like Mysthians, Dragonian, and Luthiansans hadn’t fixed their eyes completely on us, they would want to contain the savage humans as a future threat. But with the Earth’s current power struggle, no one had a mind to pay them the needed supervision, so they moved forward quickly on the path to becoming the new top predator.

  One day—if we were still on Earth—I would bring Rose to see the humans and their amazing evolution. Well, that might be a bad idea. Humans weren’t exactly exotic animals, and the fey looked down their noses at the mortals. Rose would scoff at me for wasting her time.

  Besides, Rose and I might not roam on this planet.

  She would go with me, but first, I needed to guarantee her people’s safety.

  What wouldn’t I do to have her?

  I had come inside her so hard. I had pumped my hot seed into her, never before having given a drop to any other female.

  Rose and I would have our own dynasty in Valhalla at the edge of a far galaxy. It was nothing like Earth. It wasn’t magical like Mysth’s twilight realm, but it had violet seas, silver forests, and the most stunning night sky.

  We could build things together in our new home. We could have our offspring now that I could ejaculate. And I was generous with my seed.

  I wondered what our children would be like. They would have my wings, of course, and her looks and our intelligence. When our dynasty grew bored in one place, my warp-speed spaceship could take us to see other worlds. I would figure out a way to avoid my father’s patrol force. They were everywhere in the universe.

  Maybe I should do what the angel rebels had hoped for me to do—get rid of my tyrant father—if he also proved too much for me, if he kept threatening Rose and our future offspring.

  I no longer wanted to watch humans. I wanted to go back to my female and fuck her and then take a nap with her.

  I soared high into the sky. The moonlight was cool on my wings and the wind sang in my blood, calling me back to my mate.

  I should not lose my head completely. These two days were crucial. I needed to plan carefully and ship her to safety.

  My design to keep her kingdom intact was still half-baked. I had to perfect it and made sure it worked when the time came to fend off my father and brother. I would secretly summon my army in another galaxy when I had another go with Rose late tonight.

  If my father brought his horde, Earth would be a bloodbath.

  As I flew over a ring of snowy mountains, deep in my thoughts, I noticed a speck shooting toward me from the far sky. Another angel was approaching and it was Ephraim.

  Anger rose in me. What was he doing here? I’d ordered him to watch my female.

  I growled before he neared me.

  “High Prince,” Ephraim shouted from afar. “The princess—you must hurry back!”

  A sense of dread sliced into me. “Princess what?”

  “Victoria imprisoned her,” Ephraim said. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t break through and get to her.”

  Icy fear impaled me. I wasn’t ready to lose her when I had just found her. But I might have lost her. I contained my panic, but rage burst from my wings and my black lightning struck across the sky.

  I shot toward Atlantis at maximum speed.

  Chapter 30


  Shouts, curses, and the sharp sound of crossing blades broke out outside the Spring Hall.

  My heart leapt in cold fear. My warriors were in trouble. I had to go to their aid. My generals would strongly advise me to sacrifice the few for the greater many.

  But there was a thin line between ruthlessness and necessity. What kind of ruler was I if I fled from danger at every chance? I wouldn’t get far alone anyway. With my team, we stood a chance to fight our way out. We only needed to reach the tunnel: the angels would be at a disadvantage inside the subterranean maze.

  I jumped out of the stream and sprang toward the cabinet, where I retrieved a set of attire I had prepared for a situation like this. After I put it on, I picked up the dagger Seth had returned to me and the spare chakram I’d hidden between folded towels.

  Before I could slide my feet into a pair of boots, the hall shook and the door to the Spring Hall toppled down. The skylight exploded, as did all of the windows. Glass, concrete, and splintered wood rained down.

  I rolled under a table to take cover, but some debris still hit me.

  Earth Mother! I called urgently. If you favor me, if you put the magic of offence in me as the prophecy said, let it out! Let me take down your enemies!

  Nothing. Not a whisper. Not a wrinkle. Not even a drop in the rain.

  The angel sentinels—Victoria’s elite legion—poured in through door, windows, and ceiling. They all came to me just as I ducked out from under the table.

  Their blades dripped blood. My people’s blood.

  Fury burst in me. Yet no magic rose to defend my people and myself.

  I was a dud, just as the High Prince had said.

  “How dare you!” I snarled, my dagger in one hand and my chakram in the other. “I’m your future queen.”

  “Not anymore,” a lead guard called. “Take her. General’s order!”

  I threw my chakram at him.

  The lead guard blocked it with his fully armored arm. The steel wheel ricocheted off his armor and spun in the air to find its next easier target. It hit the angel beside him, then went for another.

  Just as two heads rolled off the angels’ necks, the chakram returned and I caught it.

  Shocked, the angels pulled their swords up in defensive positions, no longer treating me as “the weak fey princess.” They’d never seen things like a magical chakram. The majority of them who didn’t wear their armor now looked like they regretted it.

  Hector and Lion fought into the hall, battered and bloody, but in one piece.

  They shouted my name and fought toward me, as I to them.

  Even as we were surrounded and outnumbered, the angels
kept coming from the broken skylight.

  Five archers hovered above us, their black wings spreading and blotting out the light, their arrows aiming at my guards and me.

  “Surrender, Princess Rose!” the lead guard threatened. “Or I’ll feed the arrows into the hearts of your guards!”

  I hurled my chakram at an archer above me, and when he blocked it to protect his neck, it plunged and cut through his chest before bouncing toward another archer. A female archer’s head dropped beside me, and I kicked it toward the lead guard.

  He ducked and snarled as the head flew by him.

  Seth thought I’d never seen a broken body. He thought I would faint at the sight of blood.

  Where was he?

  A shadow of doubt crept into my mind like poison. Had he indeed sold me out? He’d finally had that one fuck—actually many. He had no need of me after I’d quenched his lust. Pain twisted my guts at the thought of the prince’s betrayal.

  Why hadn’t he come to finish me himself? He had never been a coward.

  No, Seth wouldn’t do that to me. He wasn’t in the city. He didn’t know.

  We had a bond, even if he hadn’t seen it as I had.

  I leapt and caught the blood-stained chakram in the air, feeling wicked satisfaction at shedding my enemies’ blood.

  Hector and Lion reached my side and fought beside me.

  The angels swarmed toward us like unstoppable hard waves.

  I swept my dagger at the lead guard’s throat as he was on me. Then, pain exploded in my chest.

  An arrowhead stuck out beneath my shoulder blade, then another arrow pierced my arm, then another hit my thigh.

  I twisted my torso to see who had shot me from behind, and my chakram left my hand toward Victoria. Several broad swords blocked the chakram in front of that bitch.

  If I hadn’t been mightily weakened by the pain caused by the arrows, I would have had more strength to deliver the chakram. My weapon would have maimed the king’s whore.

  She had waited until the last minute to show up and shoot me in the back.


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