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A Demon's Quest the Beginning of the End the Trilogy Box Set

Page 54

by Charles Carfagno Jr.

  “Welcome, I am Brother Lee Chee Wa, master instructor of this school, and you are?”

  “My name is Sun Chin, and this here is Jacko. We both hail from the school in Wistful and are honored to meet you.”

  “Well met Sun Chin. How’s Master Shoo Sin Yan?”

  “Health wise he’s fine, but Jacko can tell you better what’s going on in Wistful and why we are here.”

  Sun, Jacko, and Master Chee Wa then sat down.

  “Jacko please tell me why you’ve traveled all his way to see me.”

  “I was sent here by Master Shoo for a couple of reasons.” He began. “A few weeks ago I was granted a promotion and during my training, my teacher was murdered. I wanted to help him fight, but he sent me away in order to deliver his final message to his father, who lives in Mirkin.”

  “What was your teacher’s name?”

  “His name was Ma.”

  “Ma…” Chee Wa reflected for a moment. “I remember him. He was a gifted student and promising teacher. I will pray for his soul tonight. Do you know who killed him?”

  “I do. The killer is a fox tracker named Slyantom, and he will most likely come after Ma’s father.”

  “Did Ma say why Slyantom was after him?”

  “He said Slyantom was sent by his boss. A guy named Repan, who has ties with his father and wanted revenge on him for something they were both involved in together.”

  “I see. Well, it appears Slyantom is just an extension of Repan’s thirst for revenge. I’ll send some students over to protect Ma’s father and dispatch one of our highest ranking students to deal with Slyantom for his crimes. Where was Ma killed?”

  “He died in a forest a few miles northwest of the town of Wistful.”

  Brother Lee Chee Wa handed a parchment and quill to Jacko and asked him to write down every detail he could remember about the fox. While he was writing, a young, low-rank student, walked through the door carrying a tray. He poured some teas for everyone. Brother Lee Chee Wa and Sun Chin spoke casually while Jacko continued to pen the rest of the details. When he finished, Jacko passed the parchment back to him.

  “I also have this for you.” Jacko said and handed him the note the master had given him.

  Chee Wa opened it promptly and read the contents. “Master has granted you a promotion for your service, but since you had help, you’re only entitled to advance halfway to your next rank. Sun, you are also getting the same promotion.”

  Jacko and Sun thanked him.

  “Now, tell me what other news you have.”

  Jacko told him everything that had happened in Redden and what was about to take place in Wistful. He also informed him that both he and Brother Tae Fu were to take over the schools if anything were to happen to the Master. Brother Lee Chee Wa reflected on his words and then spoke.

  “I will send some students along with Brother Tae Fu to assist the Master.”

  “Master said that if he couldn’t convince the other the Orders in Wistful to fight, then he was going to seek sanctuary somewhere else.” Jacko stated.

  “I’ll take that under advisement. Is there anything else?”

  They shook their heads.

  “Stay as long as you like.” Brother Lee Chee Wa said and stood up.

  Jacko and Sun got up and bowed to him.

  “Come back and visit us whenever you like.” Chee Wa smiled and left.

  “What do you want to do?” Jacko asked.

  “Let’s get your training started, so that I can finish reading the diary.” Jacko nodded in acceptance. “I can improve your blocking or teach you the Iron Feet or the Iron Fist.”

  Jacko reflected on the pain that he went through while learning to block, and decided on Iron Feet.

  They returned to the training area with Sun leading Jacko to an area that had ropes attached to pulleys, four-inch brass rings, other stretching equipment, and a sandpit.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do,” Sun began. “Since we don’t have a lot of time, I suggest that you concentrate on strengthening your legs and gaining greater flexibility. I can teach you the kicks anytime. Okay?”

  Jacko nodded.

  “Now watch me closely.”

  Sun walked over to a particular set of ropes and pulleys, placed his right foot inside one of the leather sleeves and pulled on the cord, lifting his leg until it was next to his head.

  He looked at Jacko and said. “I want you to hold your legs in this position for thirty minutes.”

  He lowered his leg and sat down in front of another contraption, consisting of three upright logs with ropes and pulleys attached at the top.

  After placing his feet into the harnesses and splitting his legs wide, he pulled down on the nearby rope, and his legs were pushed apart. When they couldn’t go any further, he pulled harder on the rope until his legs were in a complete split.

  “Hold this position for ten minutes and do this exercise three times.” Sun instructed.

  Sun released the rope, got up, and walked over to the sandpit. He stepped onto two metal plates and pushed his legs apart until he achieved a full-frontal split. He looked over at his friend.

  “I want you to do this three times and hold this position for five minutes. Do you understand?”

  “It looks painful.”

  “It is.” Sun said getting up. “When you’re done here, go over to the sandpit and put the rings around your ankles. Start with two on each leg and then begin kicking. I want you to do at least five-hundred kicks with each leg. Alright?”


  “Good. I’ll be over there if you have any questions.”

  Jacko began the exercises.

  Sun opened the diary and continued reading once Jacko started. He did not find anything new or exciting until he read the excerpt from day one hundred and twenty.

  Day One Hundred and Twenty:

  We began our lesson like every other day and something very strange occurred while we were treating our sixth patient. Priest Abiathar chanted in a peculiar language and used symbols that I didn’t recognize. The patient made a full recovery within minutes. I asked him how he managed to do this, and he didn’t explain. I’ll have to wait to see if this sort of behavior continues.

  Day One Hundred and Twenty-One:

  Today, priest Abiathar acted even more strangely. His attitude has been altered by becoming a little colder, and his skills appeared to be getting stronger. I’ve been around some skillful healers, but I have never witnessed their skills improving greatly in just two days. I’m sending a message to Brother Pien to get his point of view.

  Day One Hundred and Twenty-Seven:

  Today was even eerier. One of the female acolytes named Herat, who is always warm and friendly, was sort of cold and standoffish. Normally, that wouldn’t bother me, but she, too, started doing things in the same manner as Abiathar. I hope Brother Pien responds to my request soon.

  Sun glanced over the next ten pages because her writings were about how she was growing more suspicious of the priest, and that she is still waiting for Brother Pien to respond back, which he did on day one hundred and thirty-three.

  Day One Hundred and Thirty-Three:

  Today Brother Pien responded back telling me to keep an eye on priest Abiathar, and if there is indeed something strange going on, to let him know, and he will send help to deal with him. He thinks something evil has taken hold of his soul, and I need to expose this if it’s true.

  Day One Hundred and Thirty-Four:

  Today, I spoke to priest Abiathar regarding my training. He said that I was ready for the next level of teaching he had to offer. When I asked him what that was, he said it was special and only for the ones who are truly worthy. Furthermore, there was something very strange in the way he said it and the look in his eyes. As I left, an acolyte by the name of Myrna pulled me aside and said she was scared and wanted to speak with me tonight in private. I told her I would.

  Day One Hundred and Thirty-Four Continued:

p; Myrna just left my cottage and told me something strange was happening. Most of her fellow acolytes were acting differently, but she couldn’t put her finger on what that was. I told her to leave the church until I can find out more. She said that she would as soon as she went back and got her belongings. I might have to get Captain Strom involved.

  Day One Hundred and Thirty-Five:

  Today was the strangest day yet. Priest Abiathar’s healing methods changed entirely. At one point, I noticed he administered a different type of healing, one from the dark arts. I questioned his technique, and he said it was necessary in order to cure what ailed the woman.

  As I was leaving, I saw Myrna, and she appeared to be relaxed. I asked her what she was still doing there and she acted like we never spoke then told me that I should join them. I have no idea what she means. Tomorrow I’ll talk with Captain Strom.

  Day One Hundred and Thirty-Six:

  Today instead of my lessons, I talked to Captain Strom, and he said that I shouldn’t go there anymore, and he would talk to priest Abiathar and get to the bottom of what he’s doing.

  Day One Hundred and Thirty-Seven:

  Captain Strom just left, and he told me that Abiathar explained everything to him I wasn’t allowed to go there any longer, and he will take me on as an apprentice. I asked Captain Strom to explain further, but he wouldn’t elaborate. I’ll send a message to Brother Pien.

  Sun didn’t find anything else of interest until he found the only entry regarding Torhan.

  Day One Hundred and Sixty-Eight:

  Guards entered my cottage and with them, they brought in a semi-conscious stranger for healing. While I was mending his wounds, he mumbled two names; priest Abiathar and Grappin.

  After I finished working on him, I searched his pockets and found two letters. One was addressed to me from Brother Pien, which was odd, and the other was from this Grappin person. I read Brother Pien’s note first, and he said the stranger’s name was Torhan. Brother Pien also told me to find out what his intentions were, because he came to Mirkin to see priest Abiathar, and he didn’t want Torhan to jeopardize my mission. The letter from Grappin mentioned that Torhan was involved in a murder and the theft of some items. Grappin also told him to come to Mirkin, take priest Abiathar’s beads for proof that he was there, disable some wards, and return to Redden.

  I tried to revive Torhan to question him further, but the guards took him away. One more thing; Grappin knows how to summon guardians, so he must be a priest of some sort. I’m going over to the temple to find out more.

  He thumbed through the remaining pages and found them all to be blank. By now it was getting late. Jacko and a few other students were the only ones left practicing. Sun got up and told him to stop training for the evening, and that he should get some rest. Jacko limped over to him and Sun chuckled, knowing his training methods worked.

  “Did you finish reading the diary?” Jacko asked.

  “I did.”

  “Well did he do it?”

  “Let’s talk after we’re in our room.”

  After they were shown to their room by another student, they sat down at the table to discuss the diary.

  “I think Katara was originally sent to Mirkin to study with priest Abiathar, but things changed over time with him and his acolytes.” Sun said.

  “How so?”

  “It doesn’t really say. She only wrote of her suspicions and that she contacted someone named Brother Pien, who then told her to stay there and investigate.”

  “When did she meet Torhan?” Jacko interrupted.

  “It seems like he has a history of getting into trouble with the authorities, because he was taken to her for healing.”

  “Look, he’s normally not like this.”

  “Anyway, while Katara was working on him, she found two notes. One was from Brother Pien, and the other was from someone named Grappin. Has he ever mentioned either of those names to you before?”

  Jacko shook his head.

  “I wonder how he met Brother Pien and then ended up in Katara’s care?”

  “Maybe he was sent there by him and started a fight with the guards just to see her?”

  “That’s extreme because he eventually ended up in jail.”

  “What else did you find out?”

  “You’re not going to like this one. He’s wanted for murder and theft in Redden.”

  “Is there anything in there that might clear him?”

  “Not with Captain Strom.”

  “Did the diary mention why he was arrested?”


  “I’m going to get to the bottom of this. He’s not a killer or a thief.” Jacko firmly stated.

  “I believe you, but something is very odd. Maybe this Grappin fellow set him up in Redden.”

  “We need to find him.”

  “I agree. Let’s get some rest; I'm tired.”


  Several hours earlier, Breen was getting some fresh air after her much-needed rest, and came upon a store called Bontinhammer's Unusual Items. Intrigued, she entered.

  The place was old looking, disheveled, dimly lit, and smelled musty, but she pushed aside her disgust and began looking around.

  The first floor didn’t hold her interest, so she took the stairs on her left up to the second floor. While walking around, she passed many people milling about. Some of them were old, some were young, and a few were deformed and very odd looking.

  “What a strange mix of individuals.” She thought and walked down a few rows while scanning the shelves.

  Preoccupied, she failed to notice the old man standing near her.

  “Did you find the cure?” He asked.

  “What?” Breen turned toward the speaker. “Excuse me?”

  “Did you find the cure?”

  In front of her was a person with a badly scarred face, wearing tattered clothes and no shoes. “What cure?”

  “They say it’s here somewhere, I just need to find it.”

  “What does it do?”

  “It’s supposed to make you younger and more beautiful. If you see it let me know.” The old man said and left.

  She shook her head and continued looking. The following aisle had glass display cases with tiny signs next to each one. The first one was of a small statue of an owl. The sign read: “Say the word ‘Flight’ and the statue will take shape, and you’ll see far off into the distance.” She thought back to the figurines Tonles had, and wondered if this one was part of a collection.

  Next to the owl was an eyeball in another glass display case. The plaque read: “Remove your eye and place the Eyeball of Sight into your socket, and you will detect things that aren’t there.” She cringed at the thought of removing her eye and placing it in there.

  The next item was a thin wooden finger with the inscription: “The master pick will open the most complicated locks, just like a master thief.”

  The rest of the row had even stranger objects such as a Head of Knowledge that would not only keep you company on lonely nights, but knew much just by speaking the word “Talk,"

  Eyepieces of Understanding that allowed you to comprehend strange and foreign writings once they are placed over your eyeballs, and finally, the Rope of Intestine. Breen looked at the long, red, wrinkled organ and even though this one repulsed her, like no other, she still read the plaque anyway. It said: “The Rope of Intestine is as strong as steel and can be used to tie up the mightiest of foes, lift the heaviest of objects or pull several people up at once. Guaranteed to work.”

  The following row contained books, some of which caught her interest, namely the book of Flame Arrow that allowed the user to ignite arrows as they were launched from a bow. Another was titled Poisonous Creatures, which basically contained information about different types of animals that had toxic sacks, how to extract the venom, and use it on weapons without getting it on yourself. There were books of attributes and skills such as; strength, dexterity, health, archery, and acrobatics.

  Breen continued down several more aisles until she came upon one with glass containers. Some she heard of and some he didn’t. White Light that would blind your opponent; Searing Heat would burn your enemy to ashes; Dissolving, would melt the toughest of material, including limbs, and at the far, end was infamous Canister of Endless Drink, which allowed the owner never to thirst again.

  Further down the row were oils and ointments. There was one called Oil of Elusiveness, which enabled the user to slip and slide out of any hold or bind. Oil of Protection toughened armor one grade higher. Oil of Taste, made simple food taste like a meal fit for a king. Ointment of Healing, mended severely broken bones and wounds within a day. Ointment of Relief allowed the relief of burns, whether they were from fire or cold.

  By now, Breen was exhausted, and she went to the front of the store to ask the tall man behind the counter about prices. He frowned and handed her a parchment. Breen was shocked about how much things cost and after checking her funds, she purchased three flasks of Dissolving, one of Searing Heat, the Finger of Lock-picking, and lastly and the most expensive item on the list, the Eyepieces of Understanding. She hoped they would allow her to understand the book of Tirips.

  It was nearing nightfall when she left the store, and despite being tired and hungry, she was eager to return to her room and use the eyepieces to see if they worked. Along the way, she saw Tonles, snuck up on him and tapped him on the shoulder. Almost immediately she regretted her actions, because the big man turned around and stopped just short of striking her in the face with a back fist.

  “Girl, don’t do that again. You’re lucky that I recognized your pretty face in time.” He barked at her.


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