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She Is The Darkness tbc-8

Page 40

by Glen Charles Cook

  Howler had not earned his final standing on Lady’s shitlist. He was treated with indifference yet fed the best table scraps.

  Smoke would be inside somewhere, too. He and the prince were treated best. Bowalk was fed and otherwise ignored as long as she behaved.

  A sign that could be read by only a few actually insisted that the Prahbrindrah Drah was an honored guest. Somebody’s little joke.

  “A good storm would help with the smell,” I said. I glanced at the sky. Relief seemed unlikely anytime soon.

  Thai Dei grunted. He raised a hand.

  Something was up. He was on his toes, nostrils flaring. His head moved in little jerks as he tried to hear something.

  I froze. This was his business. His expertise.

  I heard it, too, now. Scratching from within the dugout. Months had gone by and still I had no clear idea why Longshadow and Singh remained among the living. They kept farting around, Croaker and Lady would regret not having disposed of them quickly.

  Lady thought they might be useful. Someday. Somehow. Somewhere.

  “Better find out what it is,” I said. With no enthusiasm whatsoever. This kind of thing always meant trouble. “What happened to Uncle Doj?” He might be handy to have around if something happened. I was not carrying anything but a little three-ball bamboo stick.

  Thai Dei stepped over to the headquarters company woodpile now serviced by Shadowlander peasant contractors and selected a yard of kindling with a burly knot at one end. He gestured me forward.

  I slipped down and yanked on the door of my former home.

  Narayan Singh, the living saint of the Deceivers, tumbled into the twilight. He had been kept inside for a long time. He was naturally dark-skinned but had acquired a pasty, maggoty coloration. Maybe Lady was doing more than just keeping him locked up in his own filth. She could be subtle when she wanted. She just did not want that often.

  Thai Dei bopped him on the noggin.

  Poor old Narayan. His life had not gone well for a long time. And the son of a bitch had earned every second of pain. Bet his goddess snickered whenever she thought about him.

  Half of his torment would be the waiting, knowing that someday Lady would take time to offer him some specialized, personalized, unloving attention.

  “Let’s be real careful,” I told Thai Dei.

  Thai Dei grunted. He wore the ultimate Nyueng Bao stone face. To Tan had not been forgotten.

  “Don’t even think about it, Thai Dei. Lady would roast you. Besides, there’re more of them inside. And they’re all worse than Singh.”

  I meant worse trouble but it did not turn out that way. Both Longshadow and Howler wore hobbles and metal gags. Longshadow had not eaten well since his capture. A starved sorcerer is a tame sorcerer, I guess. Covered with filth, Howler and the Shadowmaster barely had the strength to crawl into the light after they thought Narayan had opened the way.

  Even famine had not yet tamed them completely. A point worth keeping in mind.

  Thai Dei remarked, “They were supposed to seal off the kennel side.”

  “Don’t look like anybody bothered. Keep an eye on them. Without breaking anything. Or anybody. I’ll be right back out.”

  Thai Dei grunted again. In deep disappointment.

  “We’ll get our turn,” I promised.

  Smoke was still inside. He had looked so bad for so long he did not look much worse now. His clothing had decayed into rotten rags. He was chained. One chain trailed back into the darkness.

  The others had been chained, too. The guys had shown that much sense before they took off wherever they went. Somehow, the villains managed to get loose. I wondered if they would have dragged Smoke any farther had they had the strength and time to manage a successful getaway.

  Might have been amusing to watch them return to a world that had changed completely during their holidays.

  I stepped over the little wizard, found a small lamp and got it burning. Except for the stink and mess everything was pretty much as we had left it. A ragged shawl belonging to Ky Gota still lay tangled on a three-legged chair liberated from Kiaulune ages ago. There was no evidence that the prisoners had spent any time in this part of the dugout.

  Following Smoke’s chain, I discovered that the one side had been walled off. But the carpenters had done a poor job using salvage lumber that had not stood up to someone’s patient ministrations.

  I ducked through the hole.

  The stench was a lot thicker on the other side. I had seen less filthy pigsties.

  The prisoners had not explored their prison thoroughly. They had not found my little cubby. But someone else had and had decided to take advantage of it.

  One-Eye’s lost manufacturing equipment and finished product had been stuffed into the hole, along with what looked like a bunch of treasures harvested from the ruined city. Mother Gota had enjoyed collecting junk during her nocturnal rambles.

  I dragged out a jug, popped its cork. Damn, that stuff smelled nasty! Some kind of distilled spirits... I took a long pull that left my eyes running. The stuff tasted worse than it smelled.

  After a second throat burning draught I raised my lamp high, trying to get some light in there past the clutter. I had left a few treasures of my own, though nothing important enough to have dragged on over to the Shadowgate yet. I did not recall what all I had stashed.

  “Ah! What’s this?” I snaked an arm in through the junk.

  As I closed my fingers on ragged burlap I managed to elbow a stack of earthenware bottles piled on their sides. One-Eye evidently had meant to revisit them long ago because even an ignoramus like me knows you do not leave bottled beer horizontal forever.

  It took only that nudge to get the bottles banging against one another, then blasting their contents all over me and the inside of the dugout. I snagged one spewing bottle and got some of its contents inside me. Not bad, but a little yeasty.

  “I’m all right!” I shouted in response to Thai Dei’s inquiry from outside. “I found One-Eye’s treasure.” In more ways than one, I discovered. The object wrapped in burlap was that wonderful wizard killer spear he had whittled while we were trapped in Dejagore. The gold and silver inlays alone were worth a fortune.

  More evidence that the little wizard had not planned to stay away forever. He did not know I knew but he had continued working on that spear secretly, always improving it, making it ever more his masterwork.

  “And what’s this?” There was another object in burlap, behind the spear. Had the little shit been making knockoffs of his own artwork?

  No. This was a bow, with arrows. I did not recognize it immediately because I had not seen it in more years than I wanted to count, but it was the weapon Lady had given Croaker way back when she was still The Lady. I thought the boss lost it a long time ago.

  Croaker always had another secret.

  I had to wonder if he had not had some part in One-Eye’s desertion.

  It was always possible that he did not know what had become of the bow.

  I collected spear and bow and as many stoneware containers as I could lug. I could send Thai Dei in for more beer and...

  I could not carry my lamp and plunder, too. I used to live here. I could find my way around without a lamp. Besides, there was a glimmer of twilight still leaking in through the doorway.

  The alcohol was taking effect. As I stepped over him I told Smoke, “I wouldn’t have your luck on a bet, chief.”

  Smoke opened his eyes.

  I jumped. It had been five or six years... And he did not appear to be in a friendly mood.

  I discovered that I just wanted to get out and indulge my taste for beer.

  Thai Dei helped me with my burdens. Somehow, one bottle of beer stuck to his hand. I noted that his charges were all healthy still, though Narayan Singh might have acquired a fresh crop of bruises.

  “Where the hell is everybody?” I grumbled again. “I’ve got stuff to do. But we can’t go off and leave these characters alone. They’re
bound to get into some kind of mischief.” Longshadow, Howler and Singh were not volunteering to go back into captivity.

  I took another long drink.

  The quiet really bothered me. It might indicate yet another less-than-brilliant attempt to subdue Soulcatcher. She had grudges enough against us as it was.

  I had seen the ground that had suffered Lady’s barrage. It bore no resemblance to its springtime self. Rocks as big as houses had had holes punched right through them. Most of the busted-up trees had burned. There had been rockslides and cave-ins. In places the rock appeared to have become plastic. It had sagged like candle wax. Catcher’s cave could not be found.

  The only bodies found so far were those of crows. There was no evidence that Soulcatcher or her prisoner had suffered any serious discomfiture.

  Live crows laughed amongst the tortured rocks.


  Thai Dei grunted. These days he was positively garrulous, sometimes mouthing as many as two entire sentences in an hour. But this time he needed no words. He just put his beer in his other hand and pointed into the gathering darkness.

  The missing folks were returning in a mob, coming from the direction of Catcher’s disaster. Why would they all charge off into the foothills? Because the Old Man realized my seizure must have been caused by Lady’s rascal sister?

  No. He would not bother for something that trivial.

  But he would go to all that trouble to round up Sleepy.

  “Where did you find him?” I asked Sparkle, who was leading the mule dragging the travois onto which Sleepy was strapped. It was obvious that the kid had had it rough. His weight was down. His wardrobe was not much fresher than Narayan Singh’s. Whom I mentioned to the Old Man as soon as I found him. “It was pure luck that we showed up when we did. We got them under control. But you’ve got to do something. Or they’re going to become a major bite in the ass someday. Where did Sleepy come from?”

  “A patrol spotted him in the hills not far from Lady’s tear-up. He didn’t know who he was.”

  I grunted. I laid a narrow look on the kid as he passed. “It took this whole mob to bring him in?”

  “Took them all to hunt him down. You all right now? What happened?”

  “I had one of my seizures. Like I used to have when I went back to Dejagore.”

  He frowned, tossed off orders right and left. Soldiers scattered to resume chores they should not have abandoned.

  “Did you know that One-Eye had your bow?”

  “My bow? What bow?”

  “The one Lady gave you as a present.”

  “No. I didn’t. Though maybe I told him to put it away for me one time. Or something. I haven’t seen it in so long I’d forgotten it.” He sniffed the air. “What else did you find?” I still smelled of beer.

  “All kinds of treasures. And circumstantial evidence that One-Eye wasn’t planning to stay away forever.”

  Croaker grunted. It was getting too dark to read his expressions well. Was he irked because I had figured something out? Or was he considering the possibilities?

  I said, “I can’t believe that finding Sleepy would cause so much excitement.”

  “Lady hoped we could catch Catcher all goofed up, too.”

  “But we already knew she was all right. She was sending shadows down. She was messing with me.” Maybe she was just tickling me because I was there when her big sister yanked her pigtails.

  “We didn’t know. We suspected. If Sleepy had been her prisoner and wandered away, then maybe she wasn’t in control after all. There isn’t anybody around here who wouldn’t love to add Catcher to our zoo. And, too, there was the chance that... the girl...”

  Yeah. There was the chance they could grab their daughter back. Maybe when nobody was looking. “Where’s Lady?”

  “Still out there.” His tone told me I had used my quota of questions in that area.

  “Sleepy said anything useful?” I asked.

  “He hasn’t said anything. He doesn’t act like he’s all there.”

  “Just what this outfit needs. Another goofball.”

  “You finding One-Eye’s stash reminds me. You stumbled over either one of our prodigal conjuremen lately?”

  “I don’t dream that much, boss. When I do, it’s always in real time. Which means only after dark, when they can hide a lot better. And they do have to be hiding if they’re still in this part of the world. I don’t even find campfire traces anymore.”

  “One-Eye would know who was looking and how,” Croaker mused. “Tell you the truth, Murgen, I don’t miss them that much nowadays. It was a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself, to split them up. I couldn’t have survived the last couple of years, working twenty-hour days, with them squabbling around me all the time.”

  “You’d think if they’d joined forces there would’ve been forest fires and avalanches to mark the occasion.”

  “We do keep having earthquakes.”

  “I’m worried about them, boss. Because of the spear.”

  “Spear? What spear?”

  “The black spear. I told you I found it. The one One-Eye made while we were in Dejagore. He didn’t take it with him. But he hasn’t come back for it.”


  “He would. Using some sneak spell if he had to. It was important to him. He didn’t brag but he considered it his masterpiece. He wouldn’t just throw it away—no matter how many times he’s been through the Company having to cut and run.”

  “You saying he’s coming back?”

  “I’m saying I think he planned to. He might not have been one hundred percent serious about eloping. Wouldn’t be the first time a man wasn’t completely honest with a woman.”

  Croaker looked at me like he was trying to figure out what was really going on inside my head. Then he shrugged, said, “Could be. You men. Take Sleepy into my shelter. Leave him on the examining table.”

  “Good idea,” I said. “See how bad he’s been treated.”

  Croaker grunted. “You stay out here,” he told Thai Dei, who was standing over his captives with his beer-drinking hand tucked up behind him. “You come with me, Murgen.” Like Thai Dei needed reminding that the Old Man did not want him in his house. “Jamadar Subadir. See that those prisoners are put away properly. And make certain that the rest of our guests haven’t exceeded themselves, too.”

  I said, “The Prince never tried anything.” The Prahbrindrah Drah did not have to suffer the indignity of shackles. Our Taglians would not have tolerated that.

  I spied Uncle Doj watching from some shadows, arms crossed. I wondered why he stayed with us. Narayan Singh? Hardly. His persistence nudged my paranoia level whenever I thought about him.

  Croaker, of course, was more enduringly suspicious than I was.

  We descended into the Old Man’s dugout.

  He told the men carrying Sleepy, “That’s good. The Standardbearer and I will take care of him now. Hold on, Sparkle. I want you to double-check on those men I told to deal with the prisoners. We haven’t given enough consideration to the possibility of treachery amongst our own people.”

  Sparkle asked, “You want I should look for anything in particular?”

  “Just keep your eyes open.” Croaker turned to me. “I agree with you. We need to drown the whole bunch of them.”

  “But Lady has a use for them.”

  “Waste not, want not. She says. I keep reminding myself that she’s supposed to be smarter and more experienced than me. Let’s get him undressed. You start at that end.”

  Sleepy was awake but showed no interest in conversation. Or in anything else. I asked, “Where’s my horse, Sleepy?”

  Croaker chuckled. “Good question, Murgen. You might want to pursue it. Unless you prefer to walk to Khatovar.”

  I asked Sleepy several questions. He answered none of them. His eyes would track me and the Old Man but I could not tell if he understood anything.

  Croaker said, “We could use Smoke to backtrack him and find out where
he’s been and how he lost the beast.”

  I grunted. We could have Lady sock the little shit with a knockout spell and make him useful for a while. The hard part would be getting her to agree not to hog him all for herself. “He was wide awake today. Smoke was. You might better make sure she knows.”

  Croaker began poking and prodding Sleepy. “Lot of bruises. Must’ve gotten pounded around good.” Sleepy took it silently, without flinching.

  “If he was in Catcher’s cave... I saw it happen from ten miles away. It was—”

  “I saw enough.” Something was bothering him. He had that air people get when they have something difficult to say and are not morally convinced of their right to say it. Which troubled me. Croaker had no trouble barking at anybody but his old lady. “Been catching up on your Annals, Murgen.”


  “And I hate to say this, but I don’t like them very much.”

  “As I recall, you weren’t going to dictate what I write.”

  “That’s right. I’m not going to now. You got the job. You do it. I’m just saying I don’t like what I’ve been reading. Though you have gotten a lot better in some ways. You seen this man naked before?”

  “No. Why? Should I have?” I had a feeling he was harboring a big beef with my Annals. Since he was one of probably no more than three people who would read them during my lifetime I supposed I could get into closer touch with the needs of my audience. Or at least pretend to. He could not fire me. Unless he wanted the job back himself. The only candidate lay before us, still untrained, unpolished, unclothed and quite probably unsane. “So what am I doing wrong?”

  “You could start by not being so being polite. Look at your pal. What’s missing?”

  Sleepy was not a boy.

  I forgot about the Annals. “I’ll be damned.”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “Never suspected. I thought he was kind of short and skinny... But he always was. He was barely out of diapers when he latched on to us in Dejagore. I figured him for maybe thirteen. He wasn’t as sane as he is now. I remember Bucket throwing one of his uncles off the wall for raping him.” I kept right on saying “him” because it was hard to think of Sleepy as anything else despite the lack of evidence right there in front of me.


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