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Tangled IN LIES (Book#3, IN YOU)

Page 7

by Cassandra Night

  He looks at me for a very long time, and then he slumps in the seat, rubbing his chin and raking his golden hair. He does that when he’s thinking, weighing his options.

  “We were both tired. I haven’t handled myself right either. Let’s forget that night and move on.”

  I nod, relieved.

  “Are you still in pain?” His lip twitches as he sees me blink in surprise.

  “Much better. Thanks for asking.” I pause, studying him, asking myself if traveling with him is a wise choice. Or I’m just fooling myself.

  “Do me a favor. Pack some comfortable footwear. Denise can advise you what’s best to wear since she traveled there once.” He stands, adjusting his jacket and touching his cufflinks like it’s a habit. And it’s a very sexy habit to have. Dammit, can’t he be less attractive? “I will take a few men with us. We should be safe.”

  “You’re expecting trouble?”

  “No. I hope our trip will be smooth. But I also want to make sure we’re safe. I’ve been dealing with my clients and partners for almost a decade now. There’s no such thing as being too careful or too prepared.” Probably my expression looks too worried because he adds, “You’ll be safe, Cassandra. I won’t place you in any danger.”

  My phone starts to vibrate on my desk, and I grab it, seeing Leif’s name on the screen.

  “It's my family,” I tell him and Mark leaves, closing the door.

  “Good morning, how’s my favorite niece?”

  The baby shrieks in the background, and I have to move the phone away from my ears.

  Leif tries to calm his baby girl, but she’s in the mood to torture him. I laugh, amused with Leif’s little princess.

  “Remind me, why do I let Aisha go to work and I stay at home?” His gruff tone makes my heart burst with happiness, knowing my best buddy’s terrific with kids. Helping me with my twins was a great practice.

  “Because you’re devoted to my sister, and you adore this little human you’ve made together,” I tell him, and he chuckles as I hear him coo to his beloved daughter with so much affection it grips my soul. God, this man is a pure contradiction.

  “Why am I the last to know you actually found a job?” His accusing tone booms in my ear.

  “You need to concentrate on your family instead of worrying about mine,” I reprimand him.

  “Oh, come on, Night.” He uses my old nickname, terse with irritation. “That isn’t why.”

  No, it isn’t.

  I exhale my frustration. “I can’t work at the bank, and I made my choice a long time ago to try new things. Just accept it and let’s move on.”

  “You’re part of this family and Logan’s legacy. Don’t let them push you around.”

  My throat aches, raw from the anguish that’s never far behind.

  “You can’t walk away from your children’s future.”

  “I need space to breathe, Leif. Your family’s legacy is choking me. I don’t believe in their cause.” I pause, trying to find the right argument so he would understand. “Look, I’m not the same person I was, and with the change comes new life aspirations. You’ll have to deal with my choices because, for the first time, I feel like I’m on the right path.”

  It’s exhausting to live in a power-hungry world that my marriage to Logan threw me in. At least I know now, I’m driven by different things. Wealth and power games aren’t my way of life.

  “As long as you’re happy. But this conversation isn’t over. You can’t let my parents do this to you. Stand up for yourself.”

  This job is the best way I’m standing up for myself.

  “I have to go. My boss is waiting for me. Give a kiss to your warrior princess and take care, my friend.”

  “You too and stay safe. The Middle East isn’t Europe.”

  “Would you keep an eye on my kids while I’m away?”

  “You know I will.”

  “See you in five days.”

  When I disconnect the call, I knock on Mr. Greer’s door, ready to make headway at Fading Ink before Helen and Darren Cade figure out my plan.

  And they will.


  Price of Loyalty


  Cassandra and I met at the airport to leave for the Middle East with my private jet an hour ago. My coffee got cold after Higgins and his right hand joined me. I’m briefed about the situation and arrangements while we’re still in the air.

  “Your transportation—and the security team—will be waiting at the airport. I handpicked them personally. We’ll make sure you’re both safe, but it would be great if you’d give us time to plan your trips in advance. Also, Mrs. Cade shouldn’t leave the tourist resort without protection.”

  I nod at him, knowing he’s right. It’s quite dangerous for a woman to travel alone.

  My gaze spots her bright hair like a halo, falling around her shoulders. She’s working on the laptop a little bit farther away from us. Probably on the project Peter assured me she should take over. I must admit her ideas are unconventional and fresh.

  She bites her lip, typing something, but then she looks through the window as if she’s reaching something beyond the zenith. A content smile graces her clean face that lacks the professionalism she usually portrays at work. She looks so innocent, real, a person who belongs with the light.

  “Her safety should be your priority. Nothing happens to Mrs. Cade. Do you understand me?” My security head’s right. I can’t risk her being hurt.

  “Yes, sir. Do you want me to brief her on the safety protocols?”

  I nod, and Higgins strides toward her. She motions for him to take a seat opposite her. Cassandra’s smile splits her face, and her eyes light up when she notices me staring. I swear, in that very moment, I want her to be mine. Encircle her waist and claim those lips in front of the entire world. Instead, I grab my laptop from the bag and open emails to distract myself from my unhealthy fascination with her.

  This woman suffered so much pain, lived through so much loss. Cassandra deserves to be cherished and appreciated, not to be a pawn to the power games. I promised Logan at his grave I’d find a way to help his wife. And I will, even if it’s shredding my own sanity to pieces. Even if I’m going against the most influential family to give her a chance to establish herself away from Aleksander Investment Bank. Apart from power-hungry people who can destroy her.

  After the eight-hour flight, we finally land at Medina Airport.

  “Jesus Christ. This is hot.” She laughs, trying to stretch her muscles as she walks toward the exit. At least, she’s in comfortable shoes this time.

  I place my hand on the small of her back, steering her toward our vehicle. My people surround us, and the rest of them wait in their cars, ready to leave for Medina.

  “It is.” I smile at her as she cranes her neck to look at me.

  Even tired she looks like an angel. Her hair shines in the sunlight as her skin glows from the heat, upper lip dotted with sweat, clinging like diamonds. Once we’re seated, I drive us to the tourist resort, not trusting anyone with her safety.

  At the hotel, the manager leads us to the penthouse. My team splits, sweeping the rooms, and after they give a signal, we enter. I decided to keep Cassandra close, just in case there is trouble. She’ll be sleeping in the adjacent room out of the three it has.

  “Welcome to Medina. I hope the penthouse is to your satisfaction. If you need anything, let us know.”

  My lips flatten in a line as I notice him watching Cassandra with way too much interest. When he leaves, I turn to one of my guys.

  “Get her a scarf and ask the shop assistant to send some traditional clothing up here for Mrs. Cade.”

  He nods and leaves without a single word. The rest of them retreat to the kitchen to wait.

  Her hand skims the surface of the furniture, sampling the textures and colors as she walks toward the windows.

  “What do you want me to do?” She turns around and my breath hitches in my chest.

  “We ha
ve about an hour until Aaron Moudi arrives to meet us. You could take a nap.”

  She shakes her head before I even finish. “I had enough of that. But I need a shower. Is it always this hot here?”

  I saunter to the fridge and retrieve a bottle of water. Pouring some into a glass, I drop a few ice cubes and bring it to her.

  “You’ll get used to it. In a few days, you’ll learn to manage it.”

  “I doubt it.” She gulps it down and rubs her sweaty forehead.

  Why the hell have I insisted on her coming with me?

  “Do you want me to start looking for a venue, catering? I could contact your clients.”

  I nod, shoving my hands into my pants so I’d refrain from touching her. I can’t trust myself around her. This energy, pulsing between us, is vivid and alive. Being here with her feels different. I just don’t know why. Perhaps because we aren’t in our usual environment, she isn’t wearing her formal clothes, and her face isn’t as guarded. But my pulse drums fast and loud as she looks at me this way, as if the walls don’t exist anymore.

  “Aaron will bring his assistant to help you. She speaks English pretty well. You both should be able to organize everything once she arrives.”

  Her cheeks turn pink as she stands just a few feet away, waiting for something. I blink and look around, realizing it’s me who’s staring.

  “Then I better get that shower.”

  I dip my head in agreement.

  “Your room is on your right, down that corridor. Do you want me to show you?”

  Cassandra shakes her head and disappears around the corner with a single glance.

  After she leaves, I pour some whiskey for myself, just to get the edge off. I chug it, letting it burn my throat as it slides down.

  It’s getting harder to deny the pull, to deny myself that one touch. One taste.

  “Sir, before they arrive, we should talk strategy.” Higgins urges me.

  I inhale and go with him to the kitchen to speak with my security team.


  Something strong and potent is drawing me to him like a magnet with two opposite poles. The shower did nothing to quench my longing or bring me clarity. My damn mind got a vacation since we landed in Zalim. All I think of is him. This trip could be the worst decision I ever made. Just stop drooling every time he looks at you! But it’s easier to say than do. My sanity is teetering on the brink. One misstep and it will come undone.

  I dress in a purple flowy blouse that I thought is closest to the fashion women wear here, paired with white pants. It’s all I could do on short notice. But instead of going to him, I stall, pacing around my room.

  Remember why you’re doing this! I can’t fail, or the Cades will keep me under their thumb for the rest of my life. This way, at least, they won’t be able to control me.

  I shake off my thoughts as a knocking sounds on the other side of the bedroom door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Me,” Mark’s voice rasps. “Can I come in?”

  I open the door, backing away so he can enter. He holds a scarf in one hand, but his gaze caresses my form, leaving a trail of heat behind.


  I nod, watching his forehead tighten as if he ponders something important. But before I can ask, he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. His shoulders are taut, and the air’s thick with tension, as is my pulse, heavy from sensory overload.


  He slows down.

  “Is everything okay?”

  He turns around, looking at our joined hands. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I want you to wear this.” His eyes snap to my surprised gaze, eyeballing my hair. I chose to pleat it at the back and leave a few strands to frame my face.


  He looks around and pulls me into the nook, leaning close to whisper in my ear like a lover would. His hot breath’s eliciting goose bumps on my skin.

  “The Moudi family are traditionalists. Aaron is a mean bastard. I don’t want you to draw attention to yourself while I try to observe his behavior.”

  “In other words, you don’t want me to stand out and cause conflict.”

  He nods. His shoulders relax, but he doesn’t step away.

  “May I?”

  I blink as he brings the soft pink scarf around me.

  “Your hair color might be too offensive for his beliefs. And if he recognizes you, he might be too cautious.”

  “Denise mentioned about Arab customs. You don’t need to explain it to me. Do you know what you’re doing, though?”

  His lip twitches and a dimple appears on his cheek.

  “I might have a little bit of practice.”

  “How so?” I hold my breath as he encircles the material around my shoulders.

  His touch is gentle as he fastens the ends, the way Arab women wear it. “I was born here,” he utters, kindling my curiosity.

  But I refrain from barraging him with questions since it didn’t go well last time I tried. He clearly wants to keep his personal life separate from work.

  “Ready?” he intimately asks me, gently tucking away my hair.

  Crowded by his masculine form protectively against the nook, I try not to think how his closeness makes me feel. Or how his veiled possessiveness makes an army of butterflies dance in my tummy. Or his masculine scent, so damn addictive, I have to force down the instinct to press my nose against his neck.

  “Yeah,” I rasp a reply, “let’s go.”

  His palm envelops mine and tugs me gently after him to the reception room I haven’t seen yet. My breath catches in my chest as he opens the door, and I get a color and texture shock. The golden accents and dark blue and gray contrast together, creating this sense of opulence. Wow! Everything, from the furniture to the wall décor and picked decorative pieces, wraps your senses in luxury.

  As Mark enters, he walks straight to Aaron, leaving me behind to greet him in fluent Arabic. Exchanging a few other niceties, they settle down on the plush seating. My eyes travel around the room, realizing Aaron also arrived with security. Before I take a seat, my eyes find Higgins’, standing on Mark’s right side, and I relax.

  “It’s great to see you, Mark. I hope Robert is well too.” Aaron’s accent is almost nonexistent and sounds rather American. I study him. The way he holds himself, it’s clear Aaron Moudi feels in control. Even superior.


  Wouldn’t you be more contrite about what happened if you’re responsible for your biggest client’s representation in the Middle East?

  “He is. We’re both concerned about failures to open the shops here in Medina. What happened? What went wrong?” Mark looks calm and relaxed, his arms resting against the golden ornaments etched in the wooden chair. He crosses one leg over his knee as he waits for an explanation.

  “Like I mentioned before, the water leak destroyed the venue and all the materials. The pipe broke and flooded the floor. It needs to dry before we can start fixing the damage. We had to cancel the shipping and the opening event. I know it’s ill-timed, but it happened. We need to move on.”

  “If it was an accident, why do you want to end our partnership? What’s going on, Aaron?” Mark rests his chin on his hand and a white gold Rolex shines on his wrist.

  “I think our company isn’t able to accommodate Fading Ink’s needs. We’re still small and new. My father is old and doesn’t want to let go of the reins yet. Such companies require modernization and advanced thinking to push the business forward. Right now, it’s too much for him. Stress isn’t good for his health.”

  “Aaron, I thought you respected me more than this.”

  “I do. You’ve done a lot to help us.”

  “So why are you lying to me?”

  Irritation flickers across Aaron’s features, but he disguises it almost instantly. His hands ball at his sides when Mark challenges him. It makes me believe Aaron doesn’t like it when someone questions his authority. His glowing cheeks and tight features
tell me he might have a short fuse.

  “Mark, we had seven similar sabotages during the last six months. It drained our business reserves because we needed to cover the losses. That’s why only one book shop out of four planned is running.”

  “I understand your uneasiness, Aaron. But Fading Ink is your biggest client. Without us, you’ll lose a big chunk of your revenues every year. Can you maintain your father’s business without us?”

  Aaron sits quietly as one of his men leans in to whisper something. He nods, says something in Arabic, and his men leave. So do Mark’s, except Higgins and me.

  “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. All those accidents happened with your orders only, your events, and your venues.”

  Mark’s leg drops to the ground.

  “We covered every single one. It’s draining our funds and we aren’t earning enough. Someone sent us a message, and we got it loud and clear. They’ll destroy our business if we carry on with you.”

  “We’ve paid safe transport fees. The police enforcers make sure our business is protected. Who’s doing this?” Mark ponders out loud.

  Someone powerful enough to get away with it, I think.

  “Look, my father will never tell you this, but we can’t afford to work with you, even if the Moudi family owes you everything. Whoever’s doing this is too powerful for us to handle. Governor and police enforcement are in their pockets.” He stands and extends his hand.

  Mark shakes it. “Tell your father to give us a chance to sort this out. I won’t hold your family to this contract if I can’t change the game.”

  “I will. Take care, Mark. I’m leaving Noor with you. She’ll help organize things. I wish you well, my friend.” They hug and Aaron leaves.

  Mark turns to Noor, who enters the room. “Thank you, Noor, for coming. This is my marketing junior assistant, Cassandra. She will be working with you.” And then he leaves us alone, clearly determined to get to the bottom of this mess.


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