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Enchantment (The Fae Sister Chronicles Book 1)

Page 5

by Tanya Dawson

  “The energy is so light,” Ruby said as she inched near it, almost in a trance.

  “This has been in our family for many centuries. It harnesses the power of anyone who touches it, in order to give power to those around it.” She placed it back in the trunk and locked the door. “It’s very powerful, and a witch needs to conjure it.”

  “I thought the fae didn’t dabble in magic,” Ruby asked concerned, as she was very by the book.

  “Things were different a long time ago. It may come in handy if we need it.” She locked everything back up like it was. “But not a word to anyone. It is a secret that the fae have this stone and it could cause a war all on its own.”

  The thought of having vampires and witches coming after us and possibly fae did not comfort me. I couldn’t see how that stone would help us if we needed a witch to use it. It felt more like Pandora’s box, but maybe this was the thing that would help us win this war.


  EVERY SINGLE BOOK THAT I could find on anything related to somebody being missing or crime scene investigation in the library was stacked on my table. I spent the last five hours pouring over each book trying to find any clue that I could use on where to start looking for my mother.

  No matter what I did find, it just made me ask more questions. I couldn't seem to get ahead.

  The more time it took to find her the less chance of her being alive. That was about the only thing that I'd learned from reading all of these books.

  I was beginning to lose hope, but I still felt a connection to her. She was alive and out there somewhere. If I closed my eyes, I could remember the many times when I thought she was gone and she would just walk in the door like nothing had ever happened, and we would continue on as we always had.

  I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath as I stretched out my back. I had to have patience, which was never my thing, but I knew that any little clue could amount to something. I opened my book bag and pulled out a file of relevant information that I had taken from our old house and newspaper articles from when she first disappeared. I had hoped that one day something in this file would make sense or I would see something differently that had always been there. I pushed back all the books that I had taken from the library and opened up the file and began flipping through, for about the fiftieth time this week. Nothing had changed, and nothing was standing out.

  I dug deeper into my book bag and pulled out a sandwich. I was careful not to let the librarian see me sneaking in food. She would be over here in a second if she smelled food and she had a nose like a hound. I had already been thrown out last week for eating chips. I leaned down as if to grab something from the floor to throw her off, and took a bite out of my chicken sandwich. I had missed supper by at least four hours. I was sure my sisters would be wondering where I was right now but I had important things to do, and it wasn't something I was ready to let them in on now.

  “Olivia?” Said a voice from behind me. I quickly lifted my head and coughed out the little bit that was left of my sandwich on the library table.

  “Skylar!” I screamed as soon as I stopped choking on my food. He was the last person I expected to see in the library on a late Friday evening. “What are you doing here?”

  “Friday evening in the library sneaking food.” He smirked at his comment and grabbed a chair opposite of me. As soon as I knew the Heimlich maneuver was not needed, I began to panic and immediately started grabbing all the books I had laid out on the table and tried to stack them facing down. He was quicker than me and managed to grab a few before I could get to them.

  “Crime scene investigation. How to find anyone online.” He looked up towards me with sympathy on his face. I didn't like it when people felt sympathy for me, and I certainly didn't like the look on his face.

  “Just some class research.” I jammed the books into my backpack but they wouldn't all fit. I frustratingly kept trying and trying and hadn't noticed that Skylar was by my side until his hand touched mine.

  “Here, let me help.” He grabbed my backpack and took all the books I had just crammed in there out and neatly packed them inside. There were three books left that wouldn’t fit. “This is pretty heavy stuff.”

  “I don't want to talk about it.” My head hung low as I knew I couldn't get away from this conversation.

  “You know, if you needed some help with this stuff, I might be able to do that.” He leaned forward in his chair and placed his hand on the file that was in front of me on the table. “May I?”

  I gave him a slight nod, and a tiny smile appeared on his face. He flipped the file open and began reading the articles. I couldn't bear to look at him reading everything because I knew he would get the wrong impression of my mother. She wasn't the person that newspaper articles portrayed. Yes, she left me alone many times and was often seen in bars but there was more to her than that, she couldn’t handle any pressure.

  “Have you heard anything from the police?” His voice was a mere whisper so no one around us could hear. I appreciated that.

  “They won't tell a teenager too much.” I had tried on several occasions to contact the officer who was in charge of my mother's case. They called me back once, and told me to be patient. That they were still working on the case.

  “Well, maybe we can do something about that.” He said, and my ears perked up at his suggestion.

  “What do you mean? How can I get them to give me more information?”

  “We can investigate it ourselves.” He took his phone out of his pocket and began taking photographs of the articles in my folder. “I have an uncle who's an ex-police officer. I'm willing to bet that he's pretty bored in his retirement and would be willing to help us out with this.”

  “That would be amazing if he would help us. Are you sure he will?” This was the best lead that I had since she went missing.

  “Won’t know till we ask. I know he's been bothering my aunt trying to fix things around the house that aren't broken.” He smirked again and my face flushed. His smile always made me smile no matter how hard I didn't want to. Skylar was growing on me. He seemed to always be there when I needed someone. I never felt that way before.

  “Let’s ask then.” We gathered up the file, and he took the books that were left on the table and slipped them into his backpack.

  “Do you trust me to take these signed out books?” He grinned at me again and lowered his eyes mischievously. I let out a long sigh then nodded at him. He didn't know it, but he was about the only person that I did trust.

  “I should be getting back. My sisters are probably worried about me.” I lifted my heavy backpack over my shoulders with one heave. I was anxious to get home and back to my room to read more tonight. I felt a new sense of urgency now with the help of Skylar. I didn't have to do this alone anymore.

  “I’ll walk you out.” He lifted his backpack on his shoulders and followed me out.

  “Thank you. I don't really have anyone to help me with this stuff.” I said.

  “What about your sisters?”

  “I’m not sure they would want to help.” Probably not after she had left them. Any topic involving my mother had been shut down right away.

  “Why is that?”

  “I just don't think so.” My face flushed as this was very personal and I didn't want him to get the wrong impression of my mother. He would likely take my sister's side as he knew them better.

  “Come on now. If we're going to do this together, I need to know all the information.” He pulled back on my arm.

  I turned back to him and pushed him off into a side hallway where it was quieter and had fewer people.

  “Well, they didn't have that great of an experience with my mother. She left when they were very young, and I'm not sure why.” I had asked myself many times since learning about my sisters how my mother could have left them. There were undoubtedly hard feelings towards her, and it seemed like she wasn't a very good mother to them when she was here.

p; “I'm sure there must be more to this than just surface stuff.” His face looked genuine as he reached out and put his hand on my shoulder for support. I wasn’t sure of his home life, but from how grounded he was, I guessed his parents were highly involved in his life and I couldn’t help but feel envious.

  “I hope so. But to be honest, she wasn't a very good mother to me either. I don't think it was on purpose, I just think she didn't know how to be.” I had never said that out loud before and didn't expect anybody else to understand.

  “That’s sad. I still think you should talk to your sisters. Maybe you can get some insight into her life from before she had you. Maybe there's a reason she couldn't connect with her children. Maybe she was too scared to.”

  “I should. Maybe to Ruby, she's the easiest to talk to. I'm not sure Lily wants me to be here.” Lily had warmed up to me, but we were in no way sisterly.

  “Just give her time. Since we’re being honest, I know a bit more about you than you think I do.” I could see him struggling to find the right words while my gut did flip-flops. What was he about to tell me?

  “I don't understand. I just met you.”

  “My family has been connected to your family for years. I knew about your mother because I overheard my parents talk about her. I don't know much more than you, but I just didn't want you to think that I knew nothing.” He looked like he was bracing himself for me to lash out at him.

  “Is that why they had you pick me up from school? To keep an eye on me?” My head spun with thoughts. Does my own family not trust me as well now?

  “Sort of. They had good intentions and wanted you to fit in and have friends right away.” He stood back a little more comfortable since I hadn’t lashed out at him as he expected.

  “So what have you heard about my mother?” I couldn't help but feel like I needed to put the wall back up between us. Yet, I wanted to know what other people were saying and if there was information out there that I didn't know.

  “I can tell you no one thinks she's dead.” He said it so matter-of-factly.

  “And why is that?” I held my breath as I waited for an answer from him. I quickly shifted the heavy backpack off my shoulders with a plunk onto the ground.

  “Talk to Ruby.” His face was stone cold, and I knew that he had more information and that my sisters knew more than what they were telling me.

  “They won't tell me anything. In fact, I don't even think they speak to each other very much. At least not around me.” I let out a sigh and felt Skylar’s arms go around me. It felt awkward at first, but against my good judgment, I leaned into him and just let his warmth overtake me. He smelled of pine and ginger as his warm cheek touched mine.

  “Way to go Skylar!” A few guys walked by and heckled our moment. We both broke away embarrassed at what had turned into more than a sweet moment.

  “I should get going. They’re probably really worried about me now. I left my cell phone at home so I couldn't text them all day.” I quickly grabbed my book bag and headed back to the main corridor.

  “Are you sure you don't want me to walk you?” He yelled after me, but I didn't look back at him.

  I shouted over my shoulder, “I’ll walk.”

  I took off down the hall as fast as my legs would go. I could feel the heat rising from my neck up to my cheeks. I couldn’t help feeling annoyed at those boys and wondering what would have happened if they had not interrupted us.


  I WALKED OUT OF THERE as quickly as my legs could take me. The cool air flushed against my cheeks and helped regulate them. I tried my best to forget the feeling of his cheek on mine. I had to focus on finding my mother and not a new love interest. Skylar was sweet and kind and incredibly handsome, but I had to push those thoughts aside for now.

  I pulled the sides of my jackets together and quickly zipped it up. The wind got colder and colder as I walked up the hill towards the main road. As I pushed Skylar out of my mind, I suddenly felt like somebody was watching me, maybe even following me. I quickened my pace and looked behind me, but nobody was there. I breathed a sigh of relief and scolded myself for thinking that I was in some sort of horror movie on TV. I smiled to myself for how quickly my mind could play tricks on me and kept on going. But I still couldn't shake the feeling of somebody following me.

  I decided to take a shortcut between some buildings, hoping whoever it was would just walk by. As I got to the other road, I turned back and could see a shadowy figure walking in between the buildings, the same path that I had just taken. Someone was following me.

  I took off running on the next street while I still had a lead on whoever was behind me. The road was dimly lit, so it made it easier to hide. My heart raced with fear, but something inside of me was telling me to stop and face this person. As crazy as that sounds.

  “I know you're following me.” I turned around quickly to catch him off guard. He had yet to turn the corner of the building where I had just come from. I watched intensely and narrowed my gaze to the corner of the building. It was so dark that somebody could be standing there and I wouldn't be able to see them.

  In an instant my hands were as hot as fire, I had no idea how they could be this way given the cold temperature. I moved them closer together and could see a ball of energy forming between my hands. I paused in fear and bewilderment as I stared at my hands trying to figure out what was going on. As long as my hands were within a certain distance of each other, the energy ball was there.

  “Be careful what you do with that.” A voice in the shadows said.

  “Show yourself.” I felt more confident than ever with this new found energy.

  “At your wish.” A man stepped forward, and I could make out his outline. As he walked out of the shadows, I recognized his tall, lean frame and jet black hair. It was Henry Sabean.

  “You know you don't always have to follow me; you could act like a normal person and just walk with me.” I let my hands fall to my side, and the ball of energy disappeared.

  “Does that mean you won't shoot energy balls at me?” He asked coyly. I had no idea how to respond because I wasn't sure what had just happened. But I was sure that Henry was not surprised.

  I let him come closer to me and noticed he was even paler than usual, and his lips were a deep dark red.

  “Do you generally stalk the streets at night?” I casually said, half jokingly and half seriously. Why was he always just around the corner? And why did things happen when he was around?

  “You've progressed since the last time I saw you.” He stepped closer to me, and I turned to keep walking. I knew he would follow me, but I just wanted to keep a safe distance from him. With what I found out tonight, I'm betting he also knew more about me than what I knew about him.

  “I have no idea what you mean.” I quickened my pace, but his long legs had no trouble keeping up with me.

  “That little lightning spark of yours. That’s new.” His lips curled at the ends as his sentence ended in a hiss. He seemed different than all of the other times I had been around him. There was a sense of danger about him yet also something comforting.

  “I need to get home.” I didn't know what had just happened, but I certainly didn't want to discuss it with somebody who was following me in the middle of the night.

  “Come on, Olivia; I'm betting that was the first time that happened. Perhaps my scare helped bring it on.” He seemed a bit proud of himself and not at all concerned.

  “Do you have something you want to tell me? Because you're teasing suggests that you do.” I walked faster towards my house. I felt drawn to it for the first time like it was my safety net. I looked down at my hand, and my ruby ring was sparkling the brightest I had ever seen it. I quickly covered it with my coat.

  “That’s some ruby. Not the first one I've seen.” He was more annoying than usual.

  “It’s not that uncommon of a stone.” My tone was harsh as I just wanted to be left alone. My brain was overrun with information from
today, and I knew I had to have a conversation with my sisters as soon as I got home.

  “Not a Whitby stone.” His words caught me off-guard and made me stop suddenly, and I turned towards him. The tone of his voice made it sound dirty.

  “What do you know about the Whitby Stone?” I quickly asked him.

  “I’m betting more than you do.” He stepped closer to me, and I could feel my heart beat quicken and each beat echoed in my ear. Within seconds I was sweating, and the heat of my body was radiating out of my clothes.

  “So does that mean you're going to let me in on your little secret?” I played his game and didn't want to let him know that I knew very little about the stone, just what Ruby had begun to tell me.

  “I know that you should never take it off, or let anyone else wear it.” His cool breath vaporized as it touched my heated cheek.

  “That’s what you said about the necklace.” I stood as tall as I could because I didn't want to show him fear. All I could think about was, why everyone had warned me to stay away from him and his family.

  “That is true. You have a lot to learn, little Olivia.” His eyes pierced through my soul and I couldn't break away from them. I had never seen such bright green eyes as his; they were mesmerizing.

  “If you are my friend shouldn't you tell me?” I tried to keep my voice steady and calm, but despite my efforts, it cracked.

  “Am I your friend?” His face was stone cold as he inched closer towards me. I could feel every cold breath from his mouth as it hit my face.

  “I thought that's where we were going.” I tried to step back, but my body was frozen under his gaze.

  “I think you should evaluate the people around you to see who your real friends are.” He stepped back, and I felt woozy as we broke our trance. His arm reached out to catch me as I almost fell backward.

  “I need to get home. They don't know where I am and I'm sure they're worried.” It took all my might to turn away from him. My body felt energized by our encounter. “I’m sure they are out looking for me.”


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