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Blindsided By The Billionaire (Carrington Brothers Book 1)

Page 5

by Sophie Blue

  “You’re so beautiful. That dress is stunning!” she compliments, smiling from ear to ear and asking us both what we would like to drink.

  “Brandy for me please, and a rosé for Mia,” I answer for the two of us, wrapping my arm around Mia’s waist and smiling at her. Evelyn asks a nearby waiter for our drinks and looks back at us embracing. She smiles and Malcolm rests a hand on her back.

  “How long have you two been dating?” Evelyn asks, sipping her gin and tonic.

  “Only a couple of months. But we haven’t spent a night apart since the day we met,” I say, in truth while smiling down at the beautiful brunette in my arms.

  Evelyn sighs dreamily, asking for the story of our first meeting so I tell her. I feel Mia tense beside me when I mention the lowlifes who tried to hurt her. Kissing her affectionately on the head, I turn back to Evelyn and Malcolm and say, “And I haven’t looked back since.”

  “How wonderful! You two are so perfect together,” Evelyn gushes, putting her now empty glass on the tray being carried by the waiter who had brought our drinks over. I thank him and take them while Evelyn clasps her hands together in glee at our story.

  Laughing at his wife’s reaction, Malcolm wraps an arm around her waist and says, “Let’s leave these two to mingle for a bit, while we greet some more guests.”

  Mia and I wave goodbye to the couple and turn to one another. She takes a small sip of her rosé and sends me an anxious smile.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask her, stroking my hand down her back to try and reassure her. She’s been quiet since we arrived.

  “Nervous. But they are wonderful. I really like Evelyn.” She smiles up at me and it takes every ounce of strength in me not to lean down and capture her lips with my own. I need to remind myself that this isn’t real. She’s my employee and she’s here to do me a favour.

  “Well, if it isn’t the happy couple,” I hear Leanne sneer from behind me. Grimacing I turn, keeping one arm wrapped around Mia. Standing behind us is the Ex-Asaurus-Rex herself, in a bright yellow dress that hugs her like a second skin. Her lips are painted bright red, and her nails match.

  “Leanne. Nice to see you again,” I lie, nodding to her as I lead Mia away from the toxic woman in front of us. There’s no need to engage in conversation with her. She’s already said enough.

  Moving further along, we find a quiet area up the top of the garden and stop. I take a sip of my brandy and send Mia a concerned look.

  “Why is she here?” Mia asks, evidently flustered after our brief encounter with Leanne.

  “Her parents are friends with Malcolm and Evelyn. I assume she tagged along,” I offer, leaving out the part where I’m sure she tagged along to make this as awkward as possible for us. “Forget about her, let’s enjoy the party.”

  Mia gives me a nod and smiles, taking another sip of her wine and asking me what I’m going to bid on.

  Chapter 17


  Malcolm and Evelyn sure know how to throw a party. Huge gazebos line the garden, with a barbeque buffet in each and plenty of seating. There’s also a wooden dance floor that has been set up opposite a DJ booth. They’ve decorated with fairy lights and flowers. They’ve even hired proper toilets, not just a Portaloo, much to my relief.

  Standing in front of the mirror in the portable bathroom cabin, I reapply my lipstick. Seeing the door open, I try not to frown when I see Leanne make her entrance. She really is beautiful, it’s a shame she’s so ugly on the inside.

  “Don’t get too comfortable, sweetie. After slumming it with you for a while, he’ll come crawling back to me as always.” She smiles with her perfectly white teeth and though I have never been a violent person, I find myself itching to knock them out.

  Sending her a fake smile, I tell her, “Sure, sweetie. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Then I make my way out of there and hurry back to find Jackson.

  I spot him straight away, chatting to an older couple and laughing. He’s far too handsome for his own good. His suit is tailored to perfection and he looks good enough to eat. Slowly, I make my way to where he’s standing and his face lights up when he sees me.

  “I was about to send out a search party,” he jokes, taking my hand and pulling me into his side. “Mia, I’d like you to meet Paul, a business partner of mine, and his date, Kyra.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I smile, and we exchange pleasantries. Paul is an older gentleman, definitely older than Jackson. His dark hair is receding and he has combed it back. Paul and his date excuse themselves to refill their drinks and Jackson and I make our way to a seating area to rest our feet.

  “Are you having a nice time?” he asks, with such hope in his voice that I daren’t ruin it just yet by telling him about my encounter with Ex-Asaurus-Rex.

  “Yes, I’m having a lovely time. Thank you for bringing me,” I say, smiling up at him and looking over to the DJ booth where he has just announced his set is starting.

  Typically, the first song he plays is a slow number, and he encourages all the couples to get up on the dance floor and ‘spread the love’. Jackson holds out his hand for me as he stands and I look up at him in bewilderment.

  “I don’t dance. I have zero coordination,” I admit, staying firmly planted in my seat.

  “Come on! Live a little. Plus, you need to burn off some calories to make room for Evelyn’s famous four-tiered cake.” He grins at me with a knowing smile.

  “There’s cake?” I perk up immediately, looking around. He chuckles and grabs my hand, pulling me to stand beside him.

  “Dance first, cake later,” he barters, leading me to the dance floor.

  “There had better be,” I grumble and he laughs, spinning me around to take me in his arms as we sway to the song. It feels nice to be pressed close to him. I am definitely not enjoying the smell of his aftershave. Or the way his muscles feel under my hands. Or the way his eyes twinkle when he smiles. Nope. Not me.

  “See, this isn’t so bad,” he whispers, pulling me in closer and causing goose bumps to rise over my skin.

  Looking over his shoulder I see Leanne sat at one of the tables, glaring our way. As immature as it is, I want to mark my territory and show her that Jackson is no longer interested in her. That combined with the rosé is the excuse I make to myself for why I do what I do next.

  Pulling back from Jackson’s toned chest, I snake a hand up to the back of his head and pull him towards me. The moment our lips touch, I’m lost. He tastes of brandy and apples and sin. And it is the best thing I ever remember tasting.

  If he is shocked by my bold move, he hides it well by pulling me in tighter and using one hand to cup my cheek. I moan into his mouth as he uses his tongue to massage mine. He is setting me on fire and I can feel myself losing control. He pulls back first, leaning his forehead against mine as we both try and catch our breath.

  “Wow,” he says, on a chuckle. “That was sure as hell unexpected. Amazing, but unexpected.”

  “Yeah… sorry about that,” I joke, blushing and feeling the heat spread across my body. I tell myself it is embarrassment, but it’s highly likely a mixture of that and arousal.

  “Never apologise for that. In fact, if you ever want to surprise me like that again, feel free.” He chuckles, moving a strand of hair out of my face and looking into my eyes.

  I giggle at the absurdity of the situation and we continue to dance for another song or two. When I remember to look back over, Ex-Asaurus-Rex is gone.

  Chapter 18


  We’re on the way back to the penthouse after saying our goodbyes to Malcolm and Evelyn, the latter making us promise to visit again soon. Mia is gazing out of the window and I’m trying to wrap my head around the events of the day.

  That kiss threw me for a loop. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about doing it for a while now, but I refuse to be the arsehole boss who pressures his employee. But now she’s made the first move… well all bets are off.

  “So, di
d you have a good time today?” I ask her, watching as she spins her head around to face me with a smile.

  “Yes. It was so much fun, thank you again. I adore Evelyn.” Her enthusiasm is genuine and it warms me.

  “And what about kissing me, did you enjoy that too?” I ask, partly teasing and partly curious.

  She blushes and it makes me chuckle. This woman is a whole host of contradictions.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I know it was highly unprofessional. It’s just that Ex-Asaurus-Rex made a bitchy comment when I saw her in the restroom and it got to me. Then I saw her watching us on the dance floor, so I wanted to prove her wrong.”

  “What did she say?” I ask, irritated that Leanne won’t take the hint and bugger off. What is her problem?

  “Nothing, just implied you were slumming it with me and would go back to her soon enough,” she says, looking down at her hands in embarrassment. I can feel the heat rising to my face with my anger. Who the hell does that woman think she is?

  “Firstly, ignore her. She is a bitch and I will never get back with her. Secondly, slumming it? Is she for real? You’re so out of my league it’s insane.”

  That earns a laugh from her. “Out of your league? Are you kidding me? You’re a billionaire and I was a waitress at a shitty bar living in a cheap motel.”

  “No, Mia. Don’t do that. Don’t make this about money. That doesn’t define a person. You’re kind and loyal and witty and beautiful and smart and…”

  She cuts me off by leaning over and kissing me again. Her soft lips press against mine and I run my tongue along her bottom lip, hoping to deepen the kiss. She grants me access and I revel in the taste of her.

  When she pulls back with flushed cheeks and swollen lips, I ask, “What was that for, this time?”

  She shrugs. “To stop you from making me blush?” she offers, with a soft laugh.

  “Oh, and there was me thinking you were into me.” I grin at her, reaching for her hand and holding it in mine.

  “Nope, sorry.” She smiles then bites her bottom lip, teasing me. What I wouldn’t give to bite it.

  “That’s a shame. I got you a cake doggy bag and everything…” I lean back and try to hide my smile, knowing what’s coming.

  “You got me cake?!” she asks, and I laugh, pulling her close and kissing her again. Cake can wait. There is nothing more delicious than Mia.

  Chapter 19


  Walking into the penthouse, I lean one arm against the wall and take my heels off, one by one. Pushing off of the wall, I see Jackson leaning against the other wall, hands in his pockets, watching me. It’s unnerving, I don’t know what he’s thinking. Is he embarrassed that we kissed?

  “So… you said you had cake…” I joke and he laughs stalking towards me like a hunter dead set on his prey. I press my back into the wall and watch him intently.

  “I need you to know, that no matter what happens, your job is safe. Nothing that happens or doesn’t happen will affect that,” he says with sincerity, cupping my cheek with one hand. The warmth seeps into my skin and brings me instant comfort.

  Smiling, I say, “I know, but thank you.” And I do. Jackson is a good man. The best I’ve ever met. He’d never try to make me do anything I didn’t want to.

  He leans down and our lips connect again. I’ll never get enough of the taste of him. Decadent and delicious, I want to lick him all over. Moaning into his mouth, I slip my arms up his chest and attempt to take his suit jacket off. He shrugs out of it, letting the soft fabric hit the floor. Running my hands over his shirt and feeling his toned chest, I giggle and say, “You definitely don’t eat enough cake.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “Something I’m hoping to start rectifying tonight.”

  “You really did bring cake?” Excitement laces my tone as I look up at him with an eager smile.

  “I’ve been told it’s good for your libido.” He winks at me, leaning down to capture my lips again. I run my fingers through his hair and pull him closer, needing him more than I need cake.

  Stepping back, I pull the straps of my dress down and let it drop to the floor. Standing before him in nothing but a pair of lacy black knickers, I look up at him shyly.

  “Fuck, Mia. You’re breath-taking,” he says, running his eyes all over my body. Stepping closer, he pulls me towards him and kisses me softly. “You sure you want this?”

  “More than cake,” I joke and he chuckles, grabbing my hand and leading me down the hall and towards the master bedroom.

  Opening the door to his bedroom, he lets me enter first. With navy blue walls and pale blue bedding, it has a masculine feel to it. I sit on the bed, looking up at him and say, “You’re overdressed.”

  Chuckling, he undoes his tie and pulls it off, hanging it over the back of the leather armchair in the corner of the room. Making quick work of the buttons on his white shirt, that’s next to go. He begins to unfasten his belt, but I move to stop him.

  When he looks at me in question, I say, “Let me.”

  Dropping to my knees in front of him, I unfasten his black leather belt and unzip his trousers, pulling them down quickly and exposing his grey boxer briefs underneath.

  “This ok?” I ask, looking up at him. My tongue darts across my lips of its own accord.

  He chuckles, looking down at me through his lust-filled eyes and says, “It’s more than ok, sweetheart.”

  Smiling I pull his boxers down and gasp at the treasure that I find beneath them. He’s definitely not lacking down here. Thick, hard and soft, my mouth waters at the thought of it. Leaning forward, I waste no time in taking him into my mouth. There’s something so sexy about getting on your knees for a man. Being at his mercy, but holding all the power yourself. I start sucking, licking the underside of his shaft and playing with his balls. He moans above me, threading his fingers through my hair and encouraging me to keep going. Not like I need the encouragement, aside from cake, this might be the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.

  Humming around him, I hear his sharp inhale, “Fuck, Mia. You need to stop. I don’t want the first time I come to be in your mouth.”

  With a pop, I release him from my mouth. Looking up at him from where I sit back on my heels, I smile. He runs his fingers over my cheek, “What am I going to do with you?” he asks, with a sinful smile.

  A cheeky grin spreads across my face as I say, “I’m sure you can think of something.”

  Chapter 20


  Lying beside Mia in my bed, out of breath and wearing nothing but a smile, I feel like the luckiest man alive. Offering her a job all those weeks ago, I never once thought we’d end up here, but damn am I glad we did.

  “What are you smiling about?” Mia asks, looking up at me and tracing a hand over my naked chest, making me shiver.

  “Just happy. This feels good, you here. In my arms and my bed,” I answer honestly, looking into her eyes.

  She gives me a mega-watt smile and I lean down to give her a quick kiss, not able to get enough of the taste of her.

  “So about that cake…” she says and I laugh.

  “Is that all you think about?” I joke, running a finger over her bare breasts and enjoying the small moan that she emits as a result.

  “Definitely not all I think about,” she says, leaning forward to press her lips to mine. I roll her underneath me and make my way down her body, leaving a trail of kisses in my wake.

  “I’ll make you a deal,” I say, looking up at her. “You can have your dessert, as soon as I get to have a taste of mine.” With that I lower my head and start licking her clit. Her hands reach down and grip my hair, pulling me closer to where she needs me.

  The sound of her groans of pleasure have my cock hardening in record timing, but I don’t stop. I lick every inch of her like a starving man devouring a long-awaited meal. She tastes incredible and I don’t think I will ever get enough of her.

  With one last tug of my hair, she explodes, screaming
my name. I lick up her juices and sit back on my heels, a smug smile tugging at my lips as I take her in.

  “Delicious. I’ll get you that cake now.” I wink before standing and making my way out of the room wearing nothing but a satisfied smile.

  Chapter 21


  Surprise was my first reaction when I received a message from Evelyn asking me to meet her for coffee. But I truly enjoyed her company at the fundraiser, and friends are in short supply for me, so saying yes was a no brainer.

  Sipping my cappuccino, I listen to her telling me about the children’s hospital she used to work for. Her passion is inspiring. She lights up when she talks about the care they offer and the families they have helped. I smile at her enthusiasm and can’t help but marvel at the woman sat in front of me.

  “Enough about me, dear. Tell me all about you and your dashing other half,” she says, sipping her tea and looking at me with a cheeky smile on her face. Wearing a long, beige skirt and a mint green blouse, she looks exactly like the stylish retiree I imagined her to be. Both sophisticated and approachable.

  “What do you want to know?” I ask, chuckling at her question. These past couple of weeks with Jackson have been incredible. We eat together, laugh together, and sleep together. He makes me happier than I can ever remember being.

  “That! What has that dreamy look on your face?” she says, smiling over the rim of her teacup.

  “He’s wonderful. He’s caring and charming and funny and he makes me feel desired. Like I matter.” I sigh, dreamily. No one has ever made me feel like I matter before. Jackson is wonderful.

  She reaches across the table and takes my hand, sending me a warm smile.


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