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Blindsided By The Billionaire (Carrington Brothers Book 1)

Page 7

by Sophie Blue

Opening the door, I come face to face with Jackson’s business partner. Paul, I think his name was. I offer him a shy smile and say, “Hi, I’m sorry, Jackson isn’t home yet.”

  “I know, I came to see you,” he says with a slimy grin, pushing his way in and making himself at home. Rude.

  “Me?” I ask, perplexed. What could he possibly have to discuss with me? I’ve met the man once at Malcolm and Evelyn’s fundraiser.

  “So, I hear Jackson took you out for your birthday,” he says, leaning against the kitchen counter and looking at me with appraising eyes that make me feel uncomfortable.

  “Yes, he did,” I confirm, still unsure as to where this is going. All I know is that I don’t like this man. He exudes arrogance and an elevated sense of worth.

  “How much does he pay you?” he asks, folding his arms and looking at me in interest.

  “Excuse me?” This guy has some nerve.

  “You’re his housekeeper, right? How much does he pay you to keep his house in shape and his needs met?” He smirks at me, shamelessly running his eyes up and down my body.

  “I beg your pardon?” I am fuming. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? I am not a whore.

  “Come on, he pays you and you keep a smile on his face. How much? I’ll match it.”

  I gasp, what the hell? “I’m not a whore. You can’t pay me to sleep with you!”

  He scoffs at me. “Don’t act coy with me, babe. I ran a background check on you. I know you were living in a shitty motel before Jackson brought you here. I know you need the cash. So be a good girl and take my money.”

  I raise my hand and slap him as hard as I can across his cheek. I’m so angry, I can’t see straight. I have never been so insulted in my life. Just because he has money and I don’t, that doesn’t mean he can treat me like I’m nothing.

  He reaches up to touch his face, taking a menacing step towards me, he says, “That was a mistake, babe. I tried to be nice, clearly you prefer the arsehole approach, so I’ll indulge you. I’m one of Jackson’s closest friends and business partners. What do you think he’d do if the press found out about your tryst? A CEO fucking the hired help may not seem like a big deal, but if the reporter had spoken to you and you had claimed you were coerced into it, now that would be bad for business, don’t you think? But I guess, since you’re so strapped for cash, I can see why you gave it a go. They’d pay a pretty penny for a scoop like that.”

  “I’d never talk to the press about him!”

  “No, but I would. I have a reporter friend who owes me a favour. They would have no problem writing the piece and saying it came from you. I would have to tell Jackson of course, that my friend had confirmed the story had come directly from you.”

  I stand there with my mouth agape. Is he blackmailing me? What in the actual…

  “Who do you think he would believe? His closest ally, or a gold digger looking for an easy life?” he spits at me, as we hear footsteps outside. “Think about it.”

  Jackson lets himself in and takes in the scene. He looks at Paul, confused as to why he’s here.

  “Everything ok?” he asks, looking between us as he hangs up his keys and undoes his blue tie.

  “Yep, I was just stopping by to give you the final files for the merger,” he lies, effortlessly, handing over the files I didn’t even notice he was holding. “Figured you’d want to read over them tonight before we sign tomorrow.”

  “I would, thanks Paul.” He takes the files and nods in acknowledgement. What the hell is happening? If I tell Jackson what just happened, would he believe me? Or would he throw me out for accusing his friend of something so awful? I can feel my pulse racing as I try to talk myself out of the oncoming panic attack.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. Nice to see you again, Mia.” Paul sends me a slimy smile and I want to throw up. He turns and makes his exit, leaving Jackson and I standing looking at each other.

  “You ok? You look a little pale,” he says, reaching out to touch my cheek. I can feel the tears trying to fall so I take a step back and turn away.

  “I’m not feeling too good. Do you mind helping yourself to dinner? It’s already prepped and in the fridge, just needs heating up,” I say, already making my retreat.

  “Yeah, of course. Can I get you anything?” he asks, concern evident in his tone and it hits me straight in my breaking heart.

  “No thanks, think I just need an early night.” Walking down the hall, I let the tears fall freely.

  Chapter 27


  Waking up, I don’t feel any better. That sick feeling is still sitting in the pit of my stomach. I went back to my room, the guest room, last night, instead of curling up next to Jackson, which has quickly become our norm.

  Jackson means everything to me. I don’t know what to do. Do I tell him and risk losing him and my job if he doesn’t believe me? Or do I leave and try to protect my already breaking heart and Jackson’s business and reputation? It can’t be good to cut ties with one of your business partners right before a big merger. And that’s if he took my side. Paul’s right, they’re good friends. Why wouldn’t Jackson believe him? One thing is for certain, I’d rather die than sleep with that manipulative prick, Paul.

  My breathing becomes too fast, and I find myself once again trying to talk myself out of a panic attack. Looking at my bedside table, I see a note and pick it up, already knowing who it is from.

  Had an early meeting at work. Hope you’re feeling better this morning.

  Missed you last night.

  J x

  Unsure what to do, I reach for my phone and send a message to the only friend I have. Evelyn.

  Two hours later and after more cups of coffee than I can count, I’ve filled Evelyn in on everything. How Jackson and I really met, how I’m his housekeeper, not his girlfriend, I think. How Paul blackmailed me. I’m crying into my mug of coffee as she soothingly rubs my back.

  “What do you want to do?” she asks me, in a calm and reassuring tone.

  “I don’t know. I know I should tell him, but I can’t stand the thought of losing him. But everything’s moved so fast and I don’t know whether what I’m feeling is real. I feel blindsided, you know? I’m so confused, Evelyn.”

  Taking my hand, she turns to me and says, “Honey, if you didn’t love him you wouldn’t be so cut up about this. You would have told him what happened, not sat here worrying about his reaction or the effect it would have on his business. You love him.”

  Crying harder now, I turn into the one-armed hug she offers me and breathe in the reassuringly smell of peppermint and honey.

  How did everything go so wrong, so fast?

  Chapter 28


  Making my way into the penthouse, I see Mia sat at the breakfast bar with a mug of coffee. She looks tired, and I notice that she has a suitcase next to her.

  Dropping my keys to the counter, I ask, “What’s going on?”

  “I need to take some time off,” she says, not making eye contact. She plays with the mug in her hands and talks in a low tone.

  “Why?” I ask, confused as to what is going on. I make my way around the counter to stand next to her. As I reach for her hand, she pulls it away.

  “I just need to have some time alone to figure some things out. I hope you don’t mind the short notice, but I’m entitled to thirty days holiday according to my contract, and I’d like to take some of it now.” She stands, taking her empty mug to the dishwasher and loading it. She sounds so professional, no emotion in her voice. So unlike my Mia.

  “Mia, what’s going on?” I ask, desperately. I don’t know what’s changed. I thought everything was going great between us.

  “I’ll be in touch, here’s my key card, in case you need to give it to someone else while I’m away.” She grabs her suitcase and makes her way to the door, wheeling it behind her.

  “Mia, tell me what’s wrong. Have I done something to upset you?” I ask, following after her like a lovesick puppy. I’
m aware I sound pathetic, but I’ve just found her, I can’t lose her.

  She looks at me, those gorgeous pools of chocolate filled with unshed tears, “No. You are perfect. I’m so sorry.” Her voice breaks at the end and it guts me.

  And with that, she’s gone.

  Chapter 29


  The past week has been hell. I’ve tried calling Mia, texting her. Nothing.

  I even went back to the bar where we first met, but she hasn’t been back there, nor to the motel she used to live at. I’m pulling my hair out. Where is she? What on earth happened to change everything?

  Playing with my phone in my hand, I refresh the screen to see if I have any new messages from her. I don’t.

  A knock on my office door has me pulling myself out of my thoughts. Shaking my head, I try to get my head back in the game.

  “Come in,” I bark, putting my phone down and looking toward the entrance to my office. I straighten my tie, trying to look like the businessman that I am.

  Malcolm walks in and I smile. He’s a good friend and a great business associate. I have a lot of time for him.

  “Malcolm, this is a surprise. How are you doing?” I ask, standing to shake his hand with a smile. He grips my hand firmly but fondly and smiles back.

  “Better than you, if appearances are anything to go by,” he replies, shaking his head in sadness. “You miss her?”

  Surprised, I look at him. He knows Mia left?

  “More than anything,” I admit, sitting back in my chair and burying my hand in my hair, pulling at it. “She became everything to me before I even knew what was happening.”

  “Then why aren’t you fighting for her?” he asks, causing me to look up at him in shock.

  “I don’t know where she is! I don’t know why she left. I don’t know how she feels. Christ, I don’t know anything,” I admit, frustrated by this whole situation. I feel like I’m missing something but I have no idea what. Malcolm sits in the chair opposite me and puts his leather briefcase on the desk in front of him.

  “I like you, Jackson. Always have. You’re a good guy with good morals and a great work ethic. So I’m going to be straight with you. I know where Mia is, I know why she left. She called my Evelyn in tears and Evelyn offered her a spare room at our house in the country.”

  “What?” I ask, confused. She’s with Evelyn?

  “Did you know that Paul has had two allegations of sexual harassment made against him in the last year? Both were dropped, but the accusations were made nonetheless,” he says, pulling a file out of his briefcase and dropping it in front of me on my desk. My mind is reeling and I’m not entirely sure where this is going, but I know I’m not going to like it.

  Flicking through the file he brought, I see that he’s right. Paul has been accused of harassment. Both allegations were dropped, but why haven’t I heard about this? One was from a former employee. Why didn’t he come to me?

  “Your friend is bad news. He made Mia a proposition. Called her a whore and offered to pay her what you were for the same ‘services’ as he put it.” What the fuck?

  “He did what?” I can feel my anger rising through me like lava in an active volcano.

  “When she said no, he blackmailed her. Said if she wasn’t willing to play nice, he’d have a reporter friend run a story about how you were forcing her to sleep with you. Said they’d claim it came directly from Mia. He told her he’d confirm the story had come from her and everyone would believe him as he’s a respected businessman and she’s just a gold digger looking for easy cash.”

  I can feel the blood rushing to my head with my anger. I’m ready to erupt. I want to hit someone. Why the fuck would Paul do that? I thought I knew the guy! I thought we were friends!

  “I don’t like men like Paul. People who prey on the vulnerabilities of others. Evelyn will lose her head when she finds out I told you all of this,” Malcolm states, shaking his head.

  “So why are you telling me this?” I ask, confused as to why Malcolm is helping me. Why he’s helped Mia.

  “Because it’s important that you know who you are working with. Because that girl is crazy about you, and she ran because she was scared you don’t feel the same. She was worried that by telling you, she’d either lose you or harm your business. She cares more about you than herself. She’s a wreck. And she needs you,” Malcolm says, standing and tossing the files back into his briefcase. “Don’t let her slip through your fingers, young man. She’s something special.”

  Smiling, I say, “I know.” And I really do.

  Chapter 30


  This past week has been hell. I miss Jackson. I miss him more than I ever thought possible. I miss the way his eyes dance when he smiles, the way he slurps his coffee like it might evaporate if he doesn’t drink it quickly enough. The way he kisses me like I’m the only woman he’s ever wanted.

  Staying with Evelyn and Malcolm has been a blessing. I appreciate them offering to help me more than they know. After my anxiety was getting out of control, Evelyn had convinced me to speak to Malcolm about it. With him being a lawyer, she said he’d help put my mind at ease. Prove that Paul couldn’t really get me into any trouble. That had helped but I was still worried. I wanted to go back to Jackson more than I wanted my next breath. But I couldn’t bear to lose him. To have him look at me in disappointment when telling me he didn’t believe me. And why would he? Paul’s his friend. I’m some woman he just rescued from a motel. Just a good time.

  Feeling the tears starting to fall again, I wipe them away and pick up my coffee off of the table in front of me. Sitting in the conservatory, I’m enjoying the sun streaming in while reading my book, or attempting to. I’m struggling to focus on anything for too long at the moment. I haven’t turned my phone on since I left the penthouse. I can’t bring myself to.

  Evelyn found me a job at a little bakery. I told her about my dreams and she was sweet enough to help me make them a reality. I start next week as an apprentice and I can’t wait to learn everything!

  Hearing the front door open, I smile. Evelyn always forgets something. She’s a nightmare and it’s a running joke between us now. I shout over my shoulder, “What did you have to come back for?”

  “You.” I freeze. That voice makes me shiver. What is he doing here?

  “Paul?” I stand, turning to face him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I tried to be nice. I offered you money and a good time. And how do you repay me? By running your mouth off to your boyfriend and getting me suspended,” he spits at me, walking closer to close the gap between us.

  “What? I didn’t tell him anything,” I defend, backing up further into the conservatory. What is he on about?

  “Don’t fucking lie to me, you stupid bitch. You’re happy to fuck him for money, but not me?” I can see the anger in his face, the fury evident in his eyes and it makes me flinch.

  “It wasn’t like that! I wasn’t sleeping with him for money! I love him!” I admit, for the first time out loud. But I know it is true. I am madly in love with Jackson, that’s why I couldn’t bear to have him think less of me. I thought I could walk away before I was in too deep, but it was too late for that. I am hopelessly in love with him.

  Paul laughs, it’s sinister and cruel. “You’re pathetic. He goes through women like you all the time. You’re nothing but a convenient lay for him. He’s probably already filled his bed with someone else by now. Another willing bed mate that he can shower money and gifts on. You didn’t really think you were special, did you?” he mocks, and my shoulders drop. That can’t be true. I don’t believe Jackson is like that. I know he cares about me.

  “Now, since I lost my job over you, I figure the least you could do is put out to ease the blow,” he jokes, coming closer still and making me nervous.

  “I think you should go. Malcolm and Evelyn will be home any minute and…”

  “Don’t bullshit me. I know they’ve gone away overnight. I heard the old
fool telling someone in the office. They’re not coming back today. It’s just you and me, babe.” The sinister grin that spreads over his face sends dread through me.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you into trouble. Just leave now and we can forget about this. I’ll tell Jackson it was all just a misunderstanding,” I beg, pleading that Evelyn did forget something and will make an appearance any minute now.

  He laughs, another cruel one and shakes his head. “Don’t be so naive.” His hands move to his belt and he starts to undo it, I can feel the blood drain from my face. What do I do? No one is here, screaming won’t help. I could run, but he’ll be faster.

  “Please, Paul,” I beg, tears falling freely now. “Just leave me alone.”

  “You know the worst thing? I work my arse off for him. I put more hours in than anyone else. I’ve done so much for the company. And do I get any recognition? Do I bollocks.”

  “I wasn’t aware you were looking for a medal.” I feel air rush back into my lungs. I know that deep voice. Turning to my left I see a furious looking Jackson. He looks as breath-taking as ever, even with fury etched across his handsome face.

  Paul rears back as if he has been struck. He stands up straighter, plastering a smile on his face.

  “Jackson, what are you doing here?” he asks like he wasn’t just threatening me. Like nothing has happened between them and they’re old friends.

  “I came to see my girlfriend. I didn’t realise she already had company,” he mocks, taking a step toward us. I don’t miss the girlfriend comment, it has my heart skipping a beat.

  “I just came to try and clear up the misunderstanding. Like I tried to tell you earlier, this is all just a big mistake.”

  “No, my big mistake was trusting you. Giving you so much free rein over my business and letting you abuse your position of power. I suggest you leave right now, unless you want me to call the police. I’m sure the window by the front door didn’t break itself.”


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