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Rebel Angels 3: Splendor and Darkness

Page 11

by Cyndi Friberg

  “Was Makatiel in your vision, or did Enos just threaten me with him?”

  “I saw them both. Enos left you with Makatiel and went to check on his women. That’s when the vision ended.”

  She nodded. “Thank you for being honest. Daniel is right -- knowledge is power, and I would rather not be powerless.” Pushing back her chair, she stood and walked back across the hall.

  Tension built with each step she took until Daniel shook his head. “If you don’t go after her, I’ll beat you to a bloody pulp.”

  Smiling, Nate hurried on his way.

  Humans! Were they all so exasperating?

  Daniel crossed to the stairs leading to the solar wing. Nate had taken quarters in a newer section of the castle, leaving the level above the great hall for Judith and her children. Hesitating outside the door, Daniel started to release his angelic nature. With a chuckle, he stemmed the transformation. If Anna was about, there was no point in concealing his presence.

  He knocked on the door and straightened his tunic as he waited for a response. The door eased inward at a laborious pace, and Anna’s small, round face appeared in the opening. She gazed up at him with wide green eyes. He’d learned over the past few days that her behavior could be unpredictable.

  “I told you it was him,” she said and turned from the door.

  “Well, shall we invite him in, or leave him standing in the corridor?” He couldn’t see Judith without pushing the door open. Still, he could hear amusement in her tone.

  “Leave him -- invite him -- in -- the corridor.” The responses came in a simultaneous jumble of young voices.

  Will pulled the door wide. “Please join us, kind sir.” He grinned. “If Anna doesn’t like it, she can wait in her bedchamber.”

  Surprised that Will had issued the invitation, Daniel offered him a courtly bow before entering the solar. Judith sat near the window, an embroidery hoop on her lap, the very picture of domestic tranquility. Odd. This wasn’t how she appeared in his dreams.

  He dragged his gaze away from Judith’s serene face and looked at Anna. “What have I done to earn your hostility?”

  “Hostilawhat?” Her smile belied her supposed confusion.

  “Why are you angry with me?”

  She marched right up to him and poked him in the thigh. “You make Mama sad, and she was almost not sad anymore.”

  “Mama isn’t sad. She’s ... distracted. Isn’t that what you said, Mama? Distracted?”

  Judith set her embroidery aside and stood, her dark eyes sparkling in the candlelight. “Yes, Will, I’ve been distracted by our visitors.”

  “Is dis--tracted good or bad?” Anna asked.

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  His gaze locked with hers as she crossed the room. “Is there anything I can do to sway your opinion?”

  “Not in front of the children.”

  Will groaned. “Does this mean we’ll have to go to bed early, so you can plow her field?”

  “Will!” She spun toward her son. “Where did you hear that phrase?”

  His horrified expression made Daniel laugh. The boy clearly had no idea what the phrase meant. “My guess would be Hamill.”

  Will nodded, tears welling in his eyes. “Is that something bad? Hamill made it sound like ever so much fun.”

  “I’ll have a talk with Hamill in the morning. If he can’t conduct himself like a gentleman, you’ll no longer be spending time with him.”

  “But he’s teaching me the sword.”

  “He certainly is.” Daniel’s chuckle earned him a glare from Judith.

  “That is a crude phrase, and I don’t want you saying it again.”

  “Yes, Mama.” He shuffled from one foot to the other. “But what does it mean?”

  Judith expelled an audible sigh and looked at Daniel. “If you will excuse me for a moment, I need to have a private conversation with my son.”

  “His curiosity is natural. Don’t be angry with him.”

  Her expression relaxed, and color bloomed on her high cheekbones. “If Will is going to learn about plowing fields, I would rather he hear the facts from me.”

  “You said that was a crude phrase and I ...”

  The rest of his sentence was lost as Judith led-dragged him into his bedchamber.

  Daniel turned toward Anna and smiled. “Can we be friends again now that your mother has something else to distract her?”

  “If you show me your wings.” Her tone was casual, as if she made the request of everyone.

  “It’s very hard for me to unfurl my wings. Do you want me to admit I have them, or do you really want to see them?”

  “I want to see them.”

  He rolled his shoulders. Did he dare expend his precious angelic energy to amuse a child?

  “Must they be his wings, or will mine do?” Gadrayel materialized in a flash of golden light.

  “Oh,” she gasped, “you are even more beautiful than him.” She pointed to a spot against the wall.

  Gadrayel looked at Daniel for an explanation. Daniel shrugged. “She can see everyone.”

  Anna circled Gadrayel, her expression filled with wonder. “Can I ...”

  “Go ahead.” Gadrayel bent to one knee so Anna could reach his wings.

  “They are soft.” She petted the translucent surface, then ruffled one scalloped edge. “Does this tickle?”

  “No, child, it feels like this.” He stroked her long auburn hair, and she nodded in understanding. Pushing to his feet, he took her by the hand and led her to the window. “How many angels do you see out there?”

  “Two on the wall, one on each side of the gate, and the one flying circles in the sky.”


  “Did she list them all?” Daniel asked.

  “All which are visible from this window.” His gaze returned to Anna. “When did you first see the angels?”

  “Two days before Uncle Nate got home. I told Mama, but she didn’t believe me until after he came with Lady Lailah.” She pointed to Daniel.

  “After our conversation in the counting room, Lady Judith must have reconsidered Anna’s claim”

  The door to Will’s bedroom opened, and Gadrayel blinked out of sight. Anna giggled. “Can you do that?”

  “Not any longer.”

  “Can he do what?” Judith led Will back into the solar.

  “There was an angel here. He let me touch his wing.”

  “Mama,” Will protested. “Why do you let her go on and on about these angels? You punish me when I tell lies.”

  “If she were lying, I would punish her,” Judith said. “Anna really does see angels.”

  Will rolled his eyes and stomped back to his bedchamber.

  Judith shook her head with a helpless smile. “He had a similar reaction to my explanation about plowing fields.”

  Chapter Ten

  Lailah stood on the battlement, the wind whipping through her hair. She had discarded her headdress and the filmy veil as she climbed the fortification. Bracing her hands against the coarse stone wall, she stared out into the starlit night. She longed for the sky, the wind caressing her wings, and the freedom of flight.

  She glanced over her shoulder as Nate joined her on the battlement. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  “Have you?” She turned back to the night. “That seems rather pointless when you’ve gone to such lengths to avoid me.”

  He didn’t deny it. Moving up behind her, he rested his hands on the stone ledge, framing her with his body. Heat sank through her clothing, warming her spine, stirring her senses. Why did he continue pursuing her when he only turned around and pushed her away?

  “My life was orderly and predictable before the tragedy.” He rubbed his cheek against her hair, his tone hushed, conflicted. “I try not to link you with those events, but they are inseparable in my mind.”

  “I played a part. It’s natural that the two are connected.”

  “You make it impossible for me to fo

  She turned within his embrace. Tilting her face up, she looked into his eyes. “Don’t try to forget. Memories themselves are not destructive. It’s how we react to them that determines their power over us. You can’t allow yourself to be controlled by what took place that night.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair, his eyelids lowered in obvious pleasure. “A tempest is brewing. I can sense it, and I’ve never felt less in control.” Brushing his lips across hers, he pressed her against the wall. “I’ve never been this frightened, and I couldn’t understand why. I’m not a coward. I’ve led armies into battle. I’ve watched men die on the end of my sword.”

  “This is a different sort of war. You’re --”

  He pressed his fingers against her lips and shook his head. “I’ve grown accustomed to the spirits. That’s not what frightens me. No matter how hard I try to deny it, I’m in love with you.”

  Joy fluttered through her breast and lodged in her throat. Her lips trembled against his finger. “Why does loving me frighten you?”

  “I’m terrified that I might lose you, that I won’t be able to protect you from the coming storm.”

  “We’ll protect each other.” She turned her head, placing a kiss in the center or his palm. “I’ve been happier, more content, in the past year than in all the years since my transformation. Regardless of what lies ahead, I will treasure my time with you.”

  His hands moved to her shoulders, and his gaze focused on her mouth. “You make that sound like goodbye. I don’t know about you, but I’m prepared to fight for our happiness.”

  “I’m willing to fight,” she averted her face. “I’m just not sure how.”

  “We’ll find a way together. Now, do I show you how determined I am to make you happy right here on the battlement, or shall we retire to our bedchamber.”

  “Our bedchamber?”

  He took her hand and led her toward the stairs. “Aye. The angelic guard has orders to protect me, so you’re not leaving my side.”

  His protectiveness soothed her, while tension coiled low in her belly. Her body ripened, melted, prepared for the promised intimacies, but danger added an edge to her desire, an urgency she’d never felt before.

  “You’re awfully quiet.” He paused at the door to his chambers. “Is this not what you want?”

  “I want nothing more.”

  He accepted her answer and opened the door, but concern remained in his eyes. After bolting the door, he led her toward the high bed, his gaze clouded with emotions she couldn’t decipher.

  “Why do you seem uneasy?” he asked.

  She pushed her hair behind her shoulders and sighed. “Right after Enos restored my sight, he taunted me. He told me to look into your face while you made love to me and ... imagine life at his side.” Pulling her into his arms, he held her for a long moment, silently offering comfort. Lailah clung to him, inhaling his unique scent, pressing against his strong body. “I don’t understand his fixation with me or why he continues to oppress your family”

  “I don’t have the answers, but I mean to find out. The vision I had today was unlike any other. My powers are growing. There must be someone who can teach me how to control them”

  “Sariel said you would be trained.”

  He chuckled. “Do I know that name? You and Daniel have mentioned so many”

  “Sariel is Alyssa’s husband. He is the current Prince of the Grigori.”

  “Meaning he became prince when Enos Fell?”

  She nodded. “They were brothers, as Alyssa and I are sisters.”

  “No more talk of angels, Fallen or not.” His arms tightened around her. “In fact, no more words.” His mouth settled over hers, ensuring her silence.

  Lailah parted her lips and accepted the bold thrust of his tongue. Each time they touched, their lovemaking took on a personality of its own. The first time had been soft and dreamy. In the garden, they’d been ravenous. After the garden, they’d explored each other with patience and wonder.

  What little Nate had told her about his vision left Lailah anxious for the comfort of his embrace. She didn’t want to think about Enos or Makatiel. She wanted to focus on Nate, savor the bond forming between them. Words like “together” and “we” had nearly faded from her vocabulary until Nate entered her life.

  “How does this bloody thing come off?” He growled the words against her parted lips.

  Laughing, she raised her arms, revealing the side laces on her gown. In short order, he had the gown draped over a chair and her underdress folded on the seat. Her chemise soon followed; then she went to work on his clothing.

  She hesitated over the ties on his hose. “I’ve never actually seen you before.”

  “Would you like to remedy that, or shall I snuff the candles?”

  “Oh, nay, I want to see you.” She eased the garment along his hips and stepped back as he kicked the untidy pile aside. Licking her lips, she let her gaze wander at will. Long, muscular legs tapered to narrow hips. His belly rippled with subtle definition, while his chest formed distinct curves.

  Her gaze returned to his groin, and her feminine core clenched. Her body knew where he belonged, ached to have him there. His shaft rose thick and long from a dark nest of hair. Below, his balls invited her touch, her kiss.

  “Sit down on the edge of the bed.”

  He grinned. “As my lady commands.”

  She knelt before him and rubbed his calves, his knees, his thighs. He spread his legs, silently urging her on. Her fingers barely met as she circled his shaft. She paused, absorbing the distinct throb of his heartbeat.

  Every visual signal sent a pang of dread deep into her chest. This was a gift from Enos, light from the darkness. She closed her eyes, centering her attention on Nate, his heat, the texture of his flesh against her fingers. Bending toward him, she spread her hair over his legs and flicked his tip with her tongue.

  His needful groan empowered her, made her bold. She closed her lips around him and sucked him into the moist heat of her mouth. He slid against her tongue, velvety soft, yet hard as marble. Cupping his heavy sac with one hand, she stroked his shaft with the other, lavishing attention on his sensitive crest.

  Nate gasped and pushed her back. “No more.”

  Lifting her to her feet, he grasped her bottom with both hands and pressed his face between her breasts. He guided one of her knees to his thigh, opening her, making room for him to play. Teasing her with his plush tip, he traced her slit, pausing to circle her entrance again and again.

  Lailah clutched his shoulders and rocked her hips, rubbing herself against him. He captured one of her nipples and suckled, dragging her tender flesh against his teeth with each firm pull. She arched, letting her head roll back on her shoulders. Heavy, full, her breasts ached to be held, squeezed, but he continued to torment her nipples.

  He swept her into his arms and laid her in the middle of the bed, settling his hips between her thighs. Slipping one arm beneath her neck, he kissed her, nibbling at her lips and sucking on her tongue. Lailah moaned; such a simple act, and yet so intimate. She tried to mimic the gesture, but he returned his attention to her breasts, cupping one while he suckled the other.

  Her head spun. She panted helplessly, frustrated by his patience, desperate for his fullness inside her body. Just when she thought she’d go mad from wanting, he slipped his hands under her knees, lifting and parting her thighs.

  “Watch me, fancy. See your body welcome mine.”

  He rested on his knees, her hips raised and angled, providing a clear view of his thick shaft positioned to take her. Lailah trembled, gulping in air. He pushed, sinking into her with infinite care. She watched more and more of him disappear inside her, felt the pressure, the heat.

  “I can’t,” she cried and closed her eyes.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “Nay.” She sobbed. “I can’t watch without thinking of him, and he has no place in our bed.”

  Lowering her legs to circle
his hips, he framed her face with his hands and kissed her, slow, deep kisses that drove away the taint. “Feel me. Know how much I love you. Listen to my voice.”

  He touched her, caressed her arms, her torso, cupped her breasts, and skimmed his hands along her sides. All the while, he whispered her name, spoke words of comfort and encouragement, as she had done for him.

  His first thrust sent heat spiraling up her spine. She pulled her legs high against his sides, clutching his thick upper arms. He thrust again; she tightened her inner muscles. Their bodies entwined, strained, clung.

  Sensation exploded in the darkness, driving the breath from her lungs. She sucked in a ragged gasp and arched, her body squeezing his. Slowly, every so slowly, she opened her eyes. Warmth and tenderness shone in his luminous gaze

  “Oh, Nate,” she whispered, her heart pounding in her breast.

  With firm, deep strokes he pushed her toward another peak. She curved her legs around his back, gripping him greedily. They stared into each other’s eyes as he drove deep, deeper. She met each thrust, taking all of him. Sensations washed over them, uniting them in pleasure. He grasped her hips and buried himself to the hilt, shuddering violently.

  She rode the waves of release, like currents of air, dipping, diving, only to soar again. He held her, pressed against his chest until the last tingle receded. Breathless, slick with perspiration, he rolled them to their sides, his body still deep inside hers.

  He drew her leg up to his waist, snuggling closer. Brushing the hair back from her face, he waited until she looked into his eyes. “No matter how long it takes, regardless of what I must sacrifice, I will find a way to make you mine.”

  Confused by the intensity in his expression, she said, “I’m yours already, as you are mine.”

  He shook his head, his arms tightening around her. “You belong to your quest, and I am not willing to share.”

  * * * * *

  Enos sank through the wall, remaining intangible as he observed his son. Generation after generation, Enos had waited for one of his children to fulfill their potential. Each child had disappointed him, until now.


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