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Chronicles of the 23rd Century: Hijacked

Page 2

by Paul J. Fleming

  As he nodded, Jenner glanced towards the door and tried to focus her thoughts on the situation as she perceived them. If Walker was correct and that this was not just space debris or a random pirate attack, then both her and Oswald were in immediate danger if he was indeed the target. The more she pondered on it, the more it seemed quite likely as the various scenarios unfurled in her mind.

  ‘Listen to me Oswald, this is very important. When we apprehended you on Venus, you were insistent you had no idea how you got there or why we were arresting you. What do you remember before Venus? Think now, it’s important!’

  Oswald met her gaze and took confidence from the encouraging smile she furnished him with. Quickly taking a seat in the chair that had been occupied by Walker shortly after their arrival in the room, he closed his eyes and interrogated his memory as best he could.

  ‘Everything was normal,’ he mumbled as he concentrated hard. ‘I had just finished my duty cycle in the records office deep in the bowels of Coprates Chasm and was within the transit tube to my domicile level, then I emerged and walked the short distance from the station to my block where I entered my domicile and enjoyed my meal whilst watching the SOLnet news before turning in for the evening. Nothing out of the ordinary, just my normal regular routine. Then I awoke as Agent Walker rather violently opened the doorway to that residence and discovered I was not only wanted for some serious crimes but I was on another planet entirely.’

  ‘So you went to sleep on Mars, woke up on Venus? Nothing happened on the tube or as you walked from the station? Nothing at all?’

  ‘No, I keep myself to myself Agent Jenner. Martian workers tend to be quite disparaging of those such as myself from other colonies who take roles within their organisations. They seem to think we are taking their jobs and some can be quite hostile about it. I have learnt to keep my head down and just go about my business without interfering with anyone else.’

  Jenner regarded the small Lunarian, partly with curiosity but also with pity. Everything he was saying and indeed feeling was matching up but there was still the issue left unanswered as to how he managed to sleepwalk across space to where they discovered him.

  ‘It’s still a big pill to swallow Oswald,’ she admitted to him. Glancing towards the door she secretly wished Walker would walk through at any moment and put an end to the debate. He would just state that we do not debate with the prisoner, nor try to reason their guilt. We simply deliver them to the council on Luna who would judge from the evidence.

  Her gaze drifted back to the Lunarian who still sat with his eyes closed in the chair by the table.

  ‘Alright Oswald, assuming you’re on the level I think we’d better make a move from here to somewhere a little less obvious. If you’re right then someone went to a lot of effort to drug you, probably by dosing your food whilst you were out, and then keeping you unconscious whilst they transported you to Venus where we found you. Which begs the question as to why they’re now trying to retrieve you from our custody, if that’s what this is all about. Why let us have you in the first place, why not just hang onto you?’

  Oswald opened his eyes and met her gaze, his brow furrowed in confusion.

  ‘I do not know. I just want to go home.’

  Setting aside her questions, Jenner decided it was time to move.

  Walker had been prevented from reaching the command level by two ship’s security officers who had tried to insist he return below decks to the passenger quarters. Even after showing his credentials they remained stubbornly resistant to any offer he made of helping them deal with whatever the situation was.

  Even if he had pulled jurisdictional rank on them and demanded they fall under his authority, he had a fair idea their response would have been the same. He had to face the horrid truth that the Solar Ranger Corps did not hold the same sway as they did before the war with Mars, when a Ranger would simply have to walk into a room for all to accede to his or her authority. Now it seemed that the Martian Militia held more sway than a Solar Ranger, with the latter becoming more of an endangered species as time moved forward. It was still within the Solar Constitution which the colonies adhered to that the Solar Rangers were to be provided with help and support by local officers in their cross-jurisdictional efforts, but that was on paper and far from reality.

  Walker understood all to well that if he pushed too hard or insistently then he could end up in the brig, of no help whatsoever to those who really could use it.

  That was the moment when fate decided to intervene in his debate and the main lighting went off throughout the ship, to be replaced by the dull illumination of the yellow emergency lights which ran the length of every deck on board the ship.

  ‘Crew and Passengers of the inter-Solar Liner Stellar Fortune. I bid you greetings and advise you to remain calm and not to panic. We will return the lighting to normal momentarily however for the moment it is a demonstration to you that we are now in control of this vessel. We are the Earth Liberation Front and we do not wish any unnecessary suffering or harm to befall you, so return to your cabins and stay out of our way. Thank you.’

  With the end of the voice announcement over the speakers housed within the ceiling, the lighting level returned to normal and Walker turned slowly to face the two officers who still had their eyes upturned towards the ceiling.

  ‘So, are you still sure you are in full control of everything and would not like a little help?’

  3 Alliance

  ‘Agent Jenner? They said to return to our quarters and we would not be harmed, should we not do so?’ Oswald pleaded as Jenner ushered him along the corridor, pushing through the angry passengers who were still protesting to one another over their journey being interrupted but not venturing too far from their respective cabins should the threats they had just heard over the speakers come to fruition and they needed to dart into safety.

  ‘I have no idea who this group are Oswald, but if it is you they’re after then I think we can assume we’re as safe out here as we would be in the close confines of our cabin. If we stay in there and they run through the passenger manifest, it won’t take long for them to narrow down where we might be. Now a ship like this has the crew and service decks on the lower levels, so that’s where we’re heading!’

  Not wishing to argue with her experience in such matters, although still holding reservations and a strong desire to see his little bonsai tree within his domicile when he woke from this seemingly persistent nightmare, Oswald moved as he was instructed and followed her guidance, finding himself in a main stairwell and directed to descend to the lower levels by his guide and protector.

  Above them he could here the clatter of booted feet upon the stairs, a sound which urged him onwards with greater speed than he would usually dare as he did not wish to be set upon by this group that Jenner seemed convinced had some ill-fated desire for him.

  Jenner cautiously glanced up the centre of the stairwell, regarding the shapes she could glimpse as she continued to move in pace with Oswald. Her mind was still awash with the overall sense of frustration and now concern from the many passengers they had just pushed through to achieve their flight from capture, but despite this her own experience told her to find a defendable location and await backup, which in this instance was in the form of Agent Walker who had still not yet called her on the intercom.

  He may have already fallen foul of the group who had taken the ship, or was unable to contact her for the time being but until she knew otherwise she had to hold fast, protect their prisoner and await news.

  ‘Captain Allen?’ Walker said to the man before him, who was leaning forwards with his right hand resting on the control panel beside a very young female ensign.

  On hearing his name, Allen stood upright and turned to face Walker, pursing his lips slightly as he looked him up and down from head to toe for a moment before speaking.

  ‘I hear from the cabin steward you brought a prisoner aboard with you Agent, is that anything to do with these people an
d why they have assaulted my ship?!’

  ‘I have absolutely no idea Captain,’ Walker replied trying to remain calm in the face of the accusation that all this was somehow his fault. ‘Have you not heard from the group at all aside from that broadcast earlier?’

  ‘No I haven’t! Before you go getting any ideas Agent, I know you lot think yourselves something special and step in to take over and claim credit all over the colonies, but not on this boat Mister! I am the Captain here. I am in control, not you. I give the orders and you will abide by them, understood?’

  Walker’s lack of response seemed to infuriate the slightly aged Captain and his face took on a slightly redder tint to his normally flush complexion. The almost white hair under his Captain’s hat and light grey whiskers which adorned the man’s cheeks simply added to the impression of seniority but now he was faced with an upstart upon his own bridge in the midst of a crisis control situation and he was having none of it.

  ‘I am in control Agent! Am I perfectly clear?!’

  ‘Perfectly clear to me Captain,’ Walker calmly responded but then nodded in the direction of the main access from the bridge level to the rest of the ship. ‘Maybe you should tell that to them instead of me?’

  Whilst the Captain had been trying to impose his authority on Agent Walker, five dark uniformed individuals had entered the bridge, one standing slightly forward from his four compatriots who had laser rifles slung on straps over their shoulders, but they were aimed around the bridge leaving no one with any uncertainty that if they should fire then the entire bridge complement of crew would more than likely be decimated.

  ‘What? Who are you? I am Captain Malcolm Allen of the inter-Solar Liner Stellar Fortune and I demand to know what you are doing here and why you have attacked my ship?!’

  ‘Sit down you pompous oaf,’ the foremost new arrival said rather simply and gestured with his hand towards the Captain’s chair.

  ‘How dare you!’ Exclaimed Allen and moved forwards with a look of fury on his face, soon replaced with complete surprise as he clutched at his chest where brightly coloured ribbons adorned the space above his left breast pocket, his face a dark red hue as he toppled forwards to the floor beside the chair he had served dutifully both before and after the war years.

  The foremost of the new arrivals simply stared down in astonishment as Walker darted forwards and knelt beside the Captain’s form, reaching out and checking his pulse against the side of his neck but withdrawing his hand slowly an lowering his head for a moment before glancing upwards as the man began to speak once more.

  ‘Please, do as we say and we can avoid any further unpleasant situations,’ he announced and turned his gaze down to meet Walker’s upturned face. ‘Is he?’

  ‘Dead? Yes. Seems your little heist has claimed it’s first victim!’ Walker responded with a tinge of anger in his voice, even though he tried to disguise his full fury for fear of inciting reprisals when he didn’t fully understand the situation they were facing.

  With a quick glance about the bridge in the moments that followed as the man before him simply stared down in confusion, Walker determined that the enlisted crew present were seemingly rooted to the spot either through fear for their own safety or in shock at their Captain’s impromptu demise. He decided to try to step into the role which presented itself and try to avoid any inexperienced but well meaning contributors making things any worse.

  ‘So what are your goals, if I may ask?’ He said quite calmly as he stood whilst raising his hands slightly before him, denoting his movements were unthreatening and with no aggressive intent.

  It did not escape his notice that two of the rifle barrels moved slightly to cover his movements, sure to end his life immediately should he prove threatening.

  ‘And you are?’ the prominent individual enquired as his gaze drifted upwards from the Captain to Walker.

  ‘Agent Walker, Solar Ranger Corps,’ he replied dutifully in the desperate hope that his status would earn him a little respect as a negotiator and not a place on the deck plating beside the Captain.

  ‘Oh… A Ranger?’ The man retorted with mild surprise. ‘Well Mr Ranger, you tell these nice people to do as we ask and no heroics. In answer to your question we’re not interested in the passengers or the crew, we just want the ship.’

  ‘The ship?’ Walker asked slightly more incredulously than he meant to, as he was filled with relief that at least Jenner and their prisoner was not the group’s target. That meant that if they just stayed put and kept their heads down, maybe there was a chance of living through this mess. ‘Okay, so you want the ship, but why?’

  The man stepped forward from the four rifle bearing individuals behind him and gestured over towards a computer console to his right momentarily before returning his attention to his inquisitor. One of his rifle bearing team shouldered their weapon and hurried over to the terminal, seating himself and setting to work as his leader continued to speak.

  ‘For years now the Martians have held the Earth down, in thrall as they plunder her remaining resources to develop and grow their own colony at the expense of those who still survive amidst the ruins of our once great world. They claim to work for the redevelopment of the Earth, to provide resources for her regeneration and build self-serving cities within protectorate areas within which only a scant few reside when compared to those who are forced to endure the daily fight for life across the planet’s surface. They ridicule the claims of destitution within their own protectorate labour camps, decry the evidence which is brought against them whilst they retain their stranglehold on the planet.’

  ‘Nice speech. Now what’s that got to do with this ship?’ Walker interjected, not wishing to overstep the mark but equally not desiring to stand through an entire propaganda speech if he could avoid it.

  ‘Everything!’ The man retorted with intensity. ‘This ship will enable free travel to and from the surface of Earth, to allow us to feed the people who are suffering and starving! The Martians retain control over orbital passage by using the Hyperion orbital station above the planet’s North Pole, in conjunction with orbital relay satellites about the circumference of the Earth they can monitor each and every ship within the vicinity of the Earth and their fighter squadrons can intercept and annihilate those who do not have permission for orbital entry. Others have tried before to knock out the relays, to punch holes in their network to allow ships to freely come and go to provide relief to those on the surface, but such efforts are ineffective as they alter the remaining relays orbits to patch the gap. There is enough redundancy to allow one or two to be taken down with the least detrimental effect. Now Mr Ranger, what do you suppose would be the effect if the Stellar Fortune was to be driven into the body of Hyperion station and it eliminated?’

  ‘It will never reach Hyperion,’ he replied quietly.

  ‘Oh, I suppose this is where you advise us that you will prevent our endeavour from succeeding is it?’ The man scoffed back, but there was a level of uncertainty to his posture and tone.

  ‘No, although that’s something you will have to consider, I was going to point out that the Martians will defend Hyperion and this liner will be reduced to no more than fragments of scrap by the fighters which will swarm about it and use it as target practice.’

  The man glanced about to his companions for a moment and then back to Walker with a smile upon his face.

  ‘Maybe they will, who knows? Consider it though, if the Stellar Fortune does break through their swarm and is driven into the heart of Hyperion, think of the outcome for all on the planet below. Surely you will not deny them their freedom from Martian oppression?’

  Walker retained his silence for the moment, contemplating the actions the group were undertaking. He could not ignore the fact that they were stealing the ship and proposing to commit such a tremendous act that he was duty bound as a Solar Ranger to intercede, but at the same time he could not help but consider the implications for their plan if they were to be successful. />
  He knew of the torment some lived through daily, together with the alleged hardships within the labour camps. If more ships were allowed to transport relief to the surface then the outcome may prove highly beneficial to the lives of those upon the surface, but then again the retribution brought by Mars would be swift and decisive. They would not just turn their backs and walk away from such a valuable resource, their military forces brought to bear once more upon those too destitute to protect themselves or to fight back in a perceived uprising. He knew all to well just how vindictive the Martian military machine could be when unleashed from their tether. The potential count of innocent victims was far too great to allow them even a chance of succeeding.

  ‘I can understand your motives and reasons, more than you will ever know, but the acts of criminality you are proposing to bring about these goals will simply lead to swift and aggressive retribution, the loss of many innocent lives as the Martians fight to establish control once more over the planet and the populace. All that’s happened so far is one Captain has died, which is one innocent life too many. Whilst I hold you responsible for the circumstances leading to the cardiac arrest which took his life, I cannot prevent you from leaving if you choose to do so, and I strongly urge you to do just that before any more innocent lives are lost.’

  The man walked forwards to within an arms reach of Walker and then circled about him slowly, coming to a halt immediately behind him.

  ‘Well now, here we have the face of the Solar Rangers. Once a proud and proper organisation serving the law across the colonies, but reduced to humble puppets protecting their Martian lords and masters!’

  Walker made a sudden move to spin about on the spot to face his accuser, but his attempt was cut short by a hefty sharp blow to the base of his neck from the pistol which the leader had drawn and now used as a bludgeon. The bridge about him swayed and spun as he reeled from the blow, his knees buckling as waves of unconsciousness fought to overtake him.


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