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Turning Point

Page 17

by K M Smith

  “Now, I wait,” she said. The sound of her voice hung in the dark and reminded her that she was truly alone, and when that changed, her world would also change. She couldn’t go back to being Alice, the undergrad. That life for her was over, but now what? Was she expected to finish school? Get a regular job? Get married? Have babies? These questions were overwhelming for most people, but now that vampires were real and part of her life, she couldn’t think of anything else.

  She shivered. Why haven’t they come for me? I’m sure they can sense my increased heart rate or my nervous pheromones, hell, even my super loud footsteps.

  “Something isn’t right,” she said, and dug her fingers into her jeans.



  “Anything?” Jake asked Leo.

  “Well, she hasn’t reached out to her pal in a while. But I’m pretty sure they both know we haven’t left yet.”

  “I figured as much. She doesn’t strike me as a damsel in distress,” Jake said, glancing at Leo as he rested his head against the window. He was a little jealous of the connection Leo had with Alice. Maybe if Jake had also been able to read Alice’s mind, this situation wouldn’t be so tense.

  “Have you heard anything from Drew?” Leo asked.

  “Not a word.”

  “Hmmm.” Leo sat upright. “He’s gonna flip if we ain’t back tonight.”

  Jake slowly nodded in agreement. “Listen, we need to get as far away from Mama Italy’s as we can.”

  “Why? I thought the food was pretty good here.”

  “Really? Now you have a sense of humor?” Jake shook his head. “Anyway. Let her think she’s bested us, then we ambush them once her pal arrives.”

  Now it was Leo’s turn to nod. “Yup.”

  “Are you sure you don’t have any idea who her knight in shining armor is?”

  “Nope,” Leo said, “but he’s definitely a vamp. I can’t hear any other supernaturals.”

  “Don’t you think it’s strange that Drew didn’t warn us about him? That we might encounter some trouble from another vamp?”

  “I try not to think too much.”

  “Thanks,” Jake said. “I don’t know why I bother.”

  “Me neither,” Leo replied, chuckling to himself.

  Jake ignored this last quip. “Okay, I’m gonna hide the car. No need to give ourselves away so easily. Then, we position ourselves—separately—on the far side of Alice. You're sure you heard her tell him about the restaurant?”

  Leo nodded.

  “Okay. Good. He’ll most likely follow her trail from the restaurant straight to her.”

  “23 skidoo.”

  “What?” Jake paused, and looked coolly at his partner. “23 skidoo? We’re not in Chicago, and it’s not 1920, Leo…”

  “Don’t I know it.” Leo sighed, then opened his door. In a blink he had vanished into the woods.

  “Leo! I have to move the car first!” Jake groaned and rolled his eyes.


  Jake raced out through the woods to take up his post. Leo had done the same.

  He stood still and closed his eyes. The sounds and smells of nature provided the backdrop for his thoughts. He tried not to think about the blush on Alice’s cheeks while they flirted earlier. At best it would be a Stockholm Syndrome situation. At worst, well, she wouldn’t win, and he didn’t want to think about that. But then, he remembered the way she left the faintest trace of cinnamon in the air as she moved through the room. A smile crept onto his face, and he must’ve hummed aloud because Leo abruptly intruded his silent reverie.

  ‘You’re playin’ with fire, lover boy.’

  ‘Can it, Leo.’

  ‘I mean, I don’t care or nuthin’, but seems to me you’re only gonna make things harder for yourself you keep doin’ all that googly-eyed shit with this girl. She ain’t worth it, man.’

  ‘Shove it, Leo. And stay out of my head.’

  Jake could hear Leo sniggering, and he imagined him with his hands up in his typical “ain’t no skin off my nose” Leo-stance. Fuck what Leo thinks. It’s not up to him, anyway. Jake shook his head and closed his eyes, trying to get back into his dream. It was too late. Leo had wrecked all that for him. He was right, of course. But Jake would never tell him that.

  A car door shut somewhere in the distance. Alice wouldn’t have heard it, but Jake did. He could’ve heard a dog pissing a mile away. A new scent wafted toward Jake. It was unfamiliar, but one-hundred percent vampire.

  ‘He’s here.’

  ‘I know,’ Leo replied.

  ‘And I know you're here so don’t do anything stupid.’ The intruder interrupted their mental volley.

  ‘It’s two against one – who’s stupid?’ Leo said.

  Jake wondered what this new guy looked like. Was he really Alice’s friend, or more than that, even? He ran his fingers through his hair and straightened his shirt without thinking about why.

  “Alice! Stay where you are,” the intruder called, his voice rattling through the trees. “It seems your friends decided to stick around and wait for me. I don’t think they intend to play nicely, though.”

  Jake shook his head. ‘I guess we’re done with the secrets,’ he thought at Leo. But he would’ve done the same had he been in the intruder’s position. The new guy placed himself near Alice and the hairs on the back of Jake’s neck stood up.

  “Why did you even come here, Adam?” Alice stepped out from under her tree. It was the first time Jake had seen her since she took off at the restaurant. She still smelled like cinnamon, but her eyes were not sparkling. “All of you, what do you want from me? Just leave me alone!”

  Jake grimaced at the venom in her voice. She was scared, and he was sorry for that, but he had a job to do. No way he was going to let some new guy with a control problem wreck that.

  Clearly laying claim to Alice, the intruding vampire, Adam, crossed his arms over his chest and raised his chin as he glared at Jake. Buzzing with adrenaline, Jake tensed, ready to strike. He glanced at Leo and, in unison, the pair stepped toward Alice.

  Adam also stepped closer, putting them all within an arm’s length of each other. Violent electricity raked the air, zapping and popping as it leaped from vampire to vampire. Jake kept his eyes on Alice and the newcomer. He didn’t trust him, and he couldn’t be sure, but it didn’t look like Alice trusted him either. He noticed she had backed away as Adam came near.

  Chests heaved, and fangs dropped all around. Alice was stuck in the middle of the vampires, and Jake felt responsible for her safety. On his toes, he was ready to take out Adam at the slightest movement.

  “Now boys,” Adam said. “I’m just here to bring Alice home. Why don’t the two of you run along back to Drew. I’m sure he’ll have another caper all lined up for you soon.”

  “Why don’t you skedaddle?” Leo snarked. “We got orders, and I for one ain’t interested in coming back empty handed.” Jake caught his eye and nodded. He didn’t need telepathy to know his partner was as amped up and ready for a fight as he was.



  Nervous energy coursed through Alice. Thoughts of escape kept her feet moving in chaotic zigzags inside the circle of amped up vampires. Her nervousness added to the energy feud, the air popping and cracking as twigs and dried leaves snapped underfoot. Determined to run, she remained alert, looking for an opening, but without a plan, she would have to wait and see how this played out. The monsters held their ground, each glaring at the other. All because of her. How long have they been out here waiting for me?

  ‘Long enough, toots.’

  “Leo!” Alice stopped moving. “Stop invading my thoughts!”

  “Oh, but it’s so fun!” Leo chuckled in reply.

  Adam and Jake hissed at each other. Leo kept his guard up, but made no sound. The hairs on Alice’s arms raised as the air became charged with the vampires’ increasingly hostile energy. The whole situation was on a hair trigger. One mis
step would spark an all-out war. How did I get here? She flashed her eyes between the two hissing vampires. She’d been stupid to think she could’ve trusted either one. Neither of these men had her best interests at heart. Vampires fighting over me… She shook her head. This ends tonight.

  Adam moved, and Alice halted her getaway plans. He eased his posture, his shoulders rolling forward. She imagined a snake coiling before it strikes. “Leo and Jake, is it?” He clasped his hands together in front of him, clearly trying to look relaxed and in control. Alice looked at Leo and Jake, and they seemed surprised that he’d let his guard down. “Why exactly does Drew want to see Alice?”

  “Like we’re gonna tell you!” Leo spit in reply. Alice found herself kind of rooting for Leo. She snickered, and Adam glared at her. She looked down, suddenly very interested in the leaves at her feet.

  Adam took a half-step back and put both his hands up. “Touchy, touchy.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “I’m just surprised the two of you would just do whatever Drew asks, without question.”

  “What do you care?” Leo asked, jutting his chin forward. Alice understood why the mob had utilized him back in the day.

  Jake spoke up, playing good cop to Leo’s bad cop. She’d seen that act before. “It’s okay, Leo,” he turned to face Adam. “Drew wanted to see his daughter, and he asked us to come get her. I guess he just doesn’t trust you being around his little girl—who knows what might set you off.” Jake’s calm demeanor wasn’t fooling Alice. The tension in the circle ratcheted higher despite the calm words and easy postures.

  Adam turned his head away. That didn’t make sense. Why didn’t he fight back? Why would Drew not trust him, specifically?

  The air turned heavy, and silence hung over them like a wet towel. Nobody moved.

  Something was going on, and Alice wasn’t part of it. She couldn’t stand being left out.

  “I’m a grown woman, and I’m standing right here!” she whined, sounding more like a petulant toddler than she had intended.

  “Alice,” Adam said as he turned to face her, his voice plaintive. “Please, stay behind me. We know these two goons aren’t above attacking you. I don’t want it to happen again, especially not when we’re so close to getting you back home.”

  Alice stood defiant among the vampires. She scowled at Adam, then cast her eyes at Jake. She wished she knew what he was thinking.

  “Don’t,” Alice said to Adam. “I don’t need your protection.”

  “What?” His shoulders dropped.

  The change in Adam’s demeanor didn’t go unnoticed. Alice pushed her shoulders back, pulling strength from the crack in his façade. Leo rubbed his chin and nodded at Jake.

  Adam looked at Alice, his jaw working. Hands on hips, he narrowed his eyes until they were slits. “What are you talking about? Alice, I’m here to bring you home. They have already hurt you once—”

  “How did you know my father was a vampire?”

  Leo rubbed his hands together and whispered, “Ooh, this is gettin’ good.” Jake elbowed him and Alice shot daggers at the pair.

  “I…,” Adam began, but he didn’t say anything else.

  Alice waited for his response with her arms crossed. When he kept silent for too long, she sighed. With a heavy heart, she finally understood.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Alice shook her head and pressed her lips together.

  “My mom thought he was dead. I thought he was dead. Why didn’t you say anything before? You had plenty of time when you were trying to charm me or whatever it was you were doing when you grabbed me and threw me over your shoulder.” Breathing heavily, Alice snarled as a deep anger smoldered just under the surface.

  Adam went to Alice and grabbed her hand, attempting to pull her close.

  Alice reeled in horror and pulled her hand away. “Don’t. Touch. Me.”


  “What did you do?” it came out as a whisper.


  “You murdered him! You wrecked my family!” She paced. “Do you have any idea what you’ve put my mom—me—through?” She stopped and looked hollowly at Adam, a steam train-worth of anger building up inside. She lunged at him and pushed him hard in the chest. Adam stumbled back half a step, clearly unprepared for her outburst.

  “Alice, please.” He reached out to her, but she shook his hand off as she stormed away from him.

  “Shut. Up!” She stopped on the spot, her finger pointed at his chest. “You knew exactly what you were doing all those years. You weren’t keeping a watchful eye over my ‘clumsy’ mother or fulfilling some sort of fatherly role for me, you were watching carefully to make sure my father, my real father, didn’t return and wreck your, your—I don’t know what! But you are not the benevolent creature you’ve painted yourself to be, Adam.” Out of steam and ready to be done with all of them, she stopped moving and put her hand to her forehead.

  From the corner of her eye, Alice saw Jake and Leo gearing up to grab her. “You don’t need to pounce.” She nodded in Adam’s direction. “I’m not going anywhere with him.”

  Guilt dripped off Adam. Alice glared at him, making no effort to assuage his shame. She stared him down a few seconds longer, then turned and walked way. She didn’t need to convince herself not to look back. She was done with Adam. She was done with vampires.

  From behind her came a loud cracking sound followed by a thump. Startled, she stopped and turned around. Adam lay sprawled on the ground unconscious while Leo held a large tree limb, a self-congratulating grin on his face.

  That’s one down. Shaking her head, she walked away.


  Resignation turned to anger as Alice made her way through the woods, back toward the presumed safety of the restaurant. With each step, a fresh and intensified wave of ire washed over her. How could I be so blind? she thought. My whole life – my whole existence is a fabrication. He treated me—he treated us—like pawns in his stupid game!

  “Ughh!” Alice growled, and her voice carried through the woods on the crisp night air. She stopped walking and stamped her feet. She wanted to run. And scream, but the vampires were close behind her. She’d never shake them.

  She hadn’t asked for any of this. Instead of gearing up for finals and stressing about that, she was in the woods running for her life. Why? Maybe she should just give in. Let them take her. What’s the worst that could happen? No. She needed to run. Action, not reaction. Her whole body buzzed with rage. Rage she could use. Anger could propel her forward. She let those horrible feelings flow through her. This wasn’t like her, but she needed to find strength. Determination.

  After several gut-wrenching moments of feeling like her insides were twisting their way out of her body, Alice took a long and cleansing breath. You got this, girl!

  Ready to run, she opened her eyes. There stood Jake. She turned her head. Leo guarded her back.

  “Great! That’s—that’s just great!” she blurted out. Anger mixed with adrenaline and her body shook. Her fingers trembled. Through heavy eyelids, she glowered at Jake. She had been so close, yet she never would’ve made it. Knowing that made this situation even more frustrating. Disappointment bubbled up through her and she sobbed. Whole body, shoulder heaving, sobs. She fell to her knees and held her hands over her face as the tears flowed.



  Jake stood passive as Alice broke down. He understood the pressure. Not her pressure exactly, but he’d felt pressure and pain, when he was human. Life in the eighties hadn’t been all sex, coke, and parties.

  Tension emanated from Leo, and Jake glanced at his partner. Leo scuffed at the ground, clearly uncomfortable with the human’s show of emotion. Leo had been human once, but Jake had never seen him get caught up in anyone’s emotions, especially not those of a human girl.

  ‘I hate seein’ dames cry, okay?’

  Jake frowned and nodded his head. ‘Good to know.’ He return
ed his attention to Alice and stood motionless while she vented all her anger, frustration, confusion, and sorrow. Then, when she appeared to be spent, he made his way over to her.

  “Hey,” he whispered as he approached. He tried to project calm and happy thoughts, but projecting emotions had never been his forte.

  Alice raised her head, her eyes puffy, red, and raw. “What?” she said, her voice tired and thick. She wiped her eyes with the heel of her hand and stood up. “I’m not going with you.”

  “Okay,” Jake said, his hands in his pockets, his stance easy. He had hoped his body language would work on her, since she clearly wasn’t feeling any different based on his attempted projection of emotion.

  “Okay? Ha.” Alice snorted, then spit. “Ugh,” she groaned. Jake looked at the ground as she composed herself and tried not to laugh at her momentary lack of decorum. “So gross. Sorry,” she said. Jake caught her eyes and held her stare. He didn’t want to frighten her away when he was so close to convincing her to trust him.

  “Yeah, that was pretty gross,” he laughed. Alice tucked her hair behind her ear and looked away. Jake smiled at the unconscious motion. So innocent. So… delicate. How could he not be smitten?

  He kept his focus on her, but kept his hands firmly in his pockets: Mr. Easy-going, Mr. Not-a-Threat.

  “I mean it,” she said, her eyes locking on his. “I’m not going with you.”

  “I heard you the first time,” he replied. “What are you going to do now?”

  “I don’t know. And why would you think I’d tell you my plans?”

  “I don’t think you will. But it sure would make this a lot easier.”


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