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Angel of Darkness Books 6-10

Page 2

by Mackenzie Morris

  "It works." Jaylen sat up and stretched his arms above his head. The clock on the desk showed almost noon. "How long was I asleep?"

  "About fifteen hours. I didn't want to wake you. You were sleeping so well and I figured it was the least I could do to help you recover after yesterday's ordeal. Take your shirt and pants off so I can check on your stitches."

  He obeyed and felt her soft fingers caressing over his bruised flesh. She was so caring.

  "Perfect. They look to be secure."

  Jaylen slid out of bed then found his dry leather pants and a pale yellow tunic, the color he loved to wear more than any other. As he dressed, he watched Kato eyeing him from behind her desk. He buttoned his pants. "What?"

  "Just trying to figure you out."

  "Well, you've been watching me get dressed and undressed and bathe for a year. You've seen every part of my body. What else do you need to know?"

  "You are very adept without your left hand."

  "I had to learn to be." Jaylen slid a chair up to the desk and started eating. "That can't be all you have to ask. Go ahead. I'm in a talkative mood today."

  "If you're a paladin, you're supposed to have magic, right?"

  "Uh . . ."

  "I haven't seen you use your magic until last night when you put that barrier up to block the guards from getting to you. I was watching you through my spyglass."

  "Oh." He set down his fork and wiped his mouth on the napkin. "Did you see anything else magical?"

  "You had a glowing left hand."

  "I see. I didn't know you were watching me." Jaylen picked up his glass of coconut milk.

  "Why don't you heal yourself? It should be easy for a spell weaver like you, right?"

  He choked on the coconut milk then frantically wiped it off as it went through his nose, causing Kato to giggle. How did she know about that? Once he regained his composure, Jaylen placed the blue topaz amulet on the desk in front of him. The tiny ball of light sparkled and glowed at the center of the gemstone. "This amulet allows me to use my magic without hurting myself. The light inside is one of my soul segments, one of one hundred. Carvael the archangel has my other ninety-nine."


  "Because he wanted to keep them from getting corrupted more than they were."

  "You're Tainted, aren't you? I can tell because your sun sigil is purple instead of the normal white."

  "I used to be bound to an angel who fell. That instantly corrupted a part of my soul, so my light magic hurt me. But it's okay now. Everything is under control." That was more of a lie he told to himself. Nothing about his life was under control, but with Kato holding the leash, he could be sure that he wasn't in immediate danger.

  "So heal yourself."

  "I . . . I can't. I tried before, but nothing happened."

  "Close your eyes, Jaylen." Kato ordered.


  "Just close your eyes for me. Divinus, is that you?"

  Jaylen's eyes opened, glowing orange. His voice was completely different, much deeper and gravelly. "Well, well, well. Hello, Kato. How did you know I was possessing the boy?"

  "I figured as much, but I wanted him to tell me himself. I guess he was too scared to do that."

  "Jaylen doesn't know I'm living inside of him. Let's keep it that way, okay? In his mind, all he knows is that he just stopped talking for a second. You don't want me to report your whereabouts to Jeremiah, do you?"

  Kato groaned a bit. "No. Divinus, don't."

  "Then don't tell Jaylen that I am protecting him. We can help each other out, you and I. We both want to protect Jaylen, we both want Carvael to die a slow and painful death, and we both want to be pardoned for our past transgressions."

  "I don't know anything about Jaylen. He hasn't told me."

  "You think I do?" Divinus asked. "I've been living inside this kid for years, but I don't know anything besides what I've experienced through him. Even if I did know more, I wouldn't tell you. If he wants you to know, then he will tell you himself. It's not my place to interfere with his life. I'm only a silent defender. You can't tell me that you didn't know I was inside Jaylen was when you accepted him as your slave."

  "Honestly? I didn't. I thought he was just some fugitive who was down on his luck and looking for a way out. Then I inspected his body and saw the purple sun sigil. It all seemed strange, so I did a little bit of research. But the problem is that any trace of Jaylen Corrifus has been wiped from the history records. According to everything but the wanted posters, he might as well be dead. No one cares about him except to watch him suffer and die."

  "That is why we must protect him."

  "How can I protect him if I don't know anything about him?" Kato asked.

  "You know that he's a kind, gentle, and trusting boy." Divinus said. "He is delicate. He needs love."

  "At least tell me who his angel was."

  "If I tell you his angel's name, you can't do anything stupid."

  "I won't."


  Kato only shook her head slowly. "Poor kid. Divinus, did you send Jaylen to the docks that night to find me just so you could be near me again?"

  "I may have influenced Jaylen's decisions. But the want to get away was all his own."

  "Why are you really here? What do you want from me?"

  Divinus let out a low growl as he practically devoured her with his eyes. "You know what I want, but I can't have it. What happened between us was both of our faults. When the axe falls, it will be across both of our necks. Jeremiah is searching for you nonstop. He even went to the moon. The moon, Kato. It is only a matter of time before he tracks you down. You can't run forever."

  "I shouldn't have brought Jaylen into this. You shouldn't have either. This isn't his fight."

  "It's more his fight than you think it is. Tell me, Kato. Do you love Jaylen . . . or me in Jaylen's body?" Divinus asked.

  "I . . . I don't know. Please, enough of this talk for today. Thank you, Divinus. I will be in touch. Maybe in time Jaylen will open up to me and tell me. I understand why you need to keep things secret."

  "You're looking well, Kato."

  "Divinus, don't. Haven't you caused enough trouble already?"

  He reached out and touched Kato's arm. "I wasn't saying that in the way you think I was. Tell me, Kato. Have you been with another man?"

  She pushed him away. "Stop. Go. Leave me alone. I never asked for you to be in my life. I wanted to start over with Jaylen and build a real relationship with him. Then I saw his eyes turn orange for a second and I knew. I knew it was you possessing him, just like you did with my brother."

  "But Jaylen's soul is purer than James's and I feel like I can embody it more. You can love me again, Kato."

  "I don't. I don't love you, Divinus. I love Jaylen." She clasped her hand over her mouth. She said it. She hadn't meant to say it.

  "Is that so? We will see about that. If you don't need anything else, I will let Jaylen take over again."

  "All right."

  Jaylen let out a tiny gasp as his eyes turned back to their normal bright blue. "What just happened? Was I saying something?"

  "Nothing. You were just talking about how you loved cinnamon buns."

  "Oh, yes. My mother used to make them for me all the time before she died when I was thirteen. Too many pain pills." He stood up and rubbed his eyes. That was weird. He felt like he lost track of a few minutes. Even the clock confirmed his suspicions. Maybe he simply read it wrong.

  Kato tied a red bandana around her curly black hair then motioned towards the door to the cabin. "Come on, First Mate. We need to go whip our crew into shape. I'm sure they're just slacking off without us out there to keep them in line."

  "Yeah . . . sure."

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine." Jaylen picked up his black brimmed hat that kept the sun off of his pale skin and put it on. "Lead the way, Captain."

  Kato grabbed his arm before he could step outside. "Jaylen . . ."


  "I . . . uh . . . can you hold me?"

  In the year he had been here, Jaylen hadn't seen his Master like this. She was usually so strong. Why was she asking him to hold her? He took her in his arms and breathed in her delicate honey scent. "Kato, you're shaking. Did something happen?"

  "Oh, Jaylen. Promise me you will keep me safe, okay? That's your new order. Protect me from anything that could hurt me."

  "Of course. You don't have to order me to do that. Please talk to me and tell me what is going on."

  "I can't." Kato pushed him away then straightened her bandana. "I'm fine. Let's go."

  Jaylen followed her on deck where the crew was already busy at work. It was a fine day for sailing. The salty wind had filled the sails and they were making good time on the relatively calm sea. The mage-glow in the sky was bright yellow, but still devoid of warmth. He missed the sun, wherever it had gone to now. But he still had hope that Sola, if she was still alive, would bring it back.

  A burly man with a dark complexion and smoldering eyes stepped up to Kato and bowed. "Captain, we still haven't been paid from our game the other night. Your first mate owes us money."

  Kato glanced over at Jaylen then dug in the pouch on her belt. She tossed a tiny bag of coins at the sailor. "Raul, you do know that the first mate does not have his own possessions, right?"

  Raul scoffed as he counted the coins. "Yes, he's your little slave boy. I didn't know you needed a man whore toy."

  Jaylen gasped as Kato pulled out her cat o' nine tails with the hardened knots at the ends. If he was surprised at that, he nearly died when she thrust it into his hand. "Uh . . ."

  "Flog him, Jaylen." Kato whistled and two other sailors grabbed Raul's arms, ripped his shirt off, then dragged him to one of the cannons on deck.

  The whip felt foreign in Jaylen's hand as he watched the sailors bend Raul over the cannon and tied his hands and ankles with rope. The man was struggling helplessly against his bonds, grunting and cursing under his breath, but completely at their mercy . . . Jaylen's mercy. Discipline was generally carried out by other members of the crew or by Kato herself. Why was she delegating this to him now? His nervousness only increased when every member of the crew gathered on deck to watch.

  Kato strutted up to the cannon and placed the heel of her boot on Raul's back. "Raul, your behavior is unacceptable onboard my vessel. First Mate Jaylen is a valuable member of this crew, your superior, and worthy of the same respect you show me. Just because he is my slave does not mean he is any less of a man. He has accepted his position with dignity and submissiveness that everyone here should be appreciative of. If each of you tried to be even half as obedient as he is, then maybe you could actually earn the money I pay you. Jaylen is ten times the man you are and he works for free because he has no say in his own life. No one here will call him names. Now, Raul, you have a chance to lessen your punishment by telling me what I need to know."

  "Go to hell!"

  "Wrong answer. Jaylen, add five to his total of ten lashes."

  Jaylen's stomach turned. He just wanted this to be over. He knew what questions Kato was going to ask and those answers were painful. Raul was the newest addition to the crew, only joining a week ago. Ever since he joined, he had been harassing Jaylen nonstop. It was the primary reason Jaylen had been clinging to Kato's side even more than usual. For the past year, the other sailors were accepting of Jaylen being Kato's slave and no one thought twice about following Jaylen's orders. But as soon as Raul showed up, the crew began to share in that attitude with increased disrespect. Jaylen was embarrassed that things came to this place where he was unable to control the situation. He barely heard Kato tell him to begin.

  "First Mate, didn't you hear me? Begin the punishment."

  Jaylen's palm was sweating as he held the whip and stepped up behind Raul. Fifteen lashes. He became uncomfortably aware of everyone staring at him, some eagerly awaiting the show, some glaring at him like he was the one who had broken the rules. Grinding his teeth together and trying to not make eye contact with anyone, Jaylen swung the whip. The truth was, he knew how to use it in the most effective way. It was one of the . . . skills that he was taught as a paladin. He made sure to deliver all fifteen blows with steady precision and accuracy. Once he was done, the crew untied the even angrier-looking Raul. The healer poured salt water over the cuts, causing Raul to grunt with the pain.

  As most of the crew went back to work or down below deck, a black raven flew through the air and landed on the railing next to Kato. She untied a tiny rolled-up piece of paper and slipped it off of the raven's leg then dismissed it. "First Mate, get up here and take over while I read this message. Get us out past the reef safely like I taught you. We are on course, but if we start to veer to the right, make sure you let the crew know. It shouldn't be anything you can't handle."

  "Yes, Captain." Jaylen watched as she went into the cabin and closed the door. He froze when he heard Raul's deep growling voice behind him.

  "Get him."

  Jaylen backed up until he hit the railing and couldn't go anywhere. Just when he opened his mouth to scream for Kato, Raul lunged at him, kneeing him in the stomach. Jaylen dropped to the deck. Fists and feet connected with his body. In an instant, a rolled-up rag was shoved in his mouth and tied with rope, his arms were bound to his sides with heavy iron chains, and Raul picked him up with little effort. He was squirming to no avail as he was tossed over the burly man's shoulder.

  One of the others gathered up another armful of chains. "Hurry up. Get him in the water before Captain comes back."

  Raul chuckled darkly as he threw Jaylen onto the deck then continued wrapping more and more metal chains around him. "We'll make sure he doesn't float."

  Jaylen bit into the gag as he tried to scream. Tears stung in his eyes. Wriggling and whimpering did nothing to loosen the chains. Through his blurry vision, he saw only pure hatred boiling behind Raul's dark eyes. He silently prayed to Sola for help even though he knew it wouldn't come. Once Raul dragged him back to the side of the ship and the others cheered, Jaylen knew it was over. He clenched his eyes tightly together as he felt himself falling until he hit the water. Sinking. He was sinking from the weight on his body, lungs burning, and his sight growing blacker as he watched the mage-glow dancing on the surface drifting farther and farther away.

  Chapter 3

  "First Mate, I need to speak with you in private." Kato stepped out of the cabin then stopped and looked around. "Jaylen, where are you? Where is my first mate?"


  "Cook, what is it?"

  The plump man with the black beard and the white apron ran up to her and bent over trying to catch his breath. "Some of the crew and I were able to restrain Raul and the others who did this. They are locked up below deck. I'm so sorry. We were too late and by the time the fighting stopped, there was no hope of getting the first mate out of the water. I tried."

  "Slow down and explain to me what happened. What did Raul do to Jaylen?"

  "They gagged him and beat him before wrapping him in chains. They threw him off the ship. He sank like a rock with all those heavy chains."

  Kato screamed then ran to the railing. "Jaylen! Jaylen!"

  "You're not going to find him, Captain. I'm so sorry. The majority of the crew tried to stop it, but once we were able to get up here, it was too late. I was the first to respond once I heard the commotion. I saw the first mate fall into the water."

  "No. No, no, no. This isn't happening." Kato wiped the tears from her eyes. "Go below deck and keep the rest of the crew down there until I figure out what I'm going to do with Raul and those who sided with him. Thank you for your help."

  "No problem, Captain."

  Once the cook was below deck, Kato dropped to her knees and cried out to the sky. "Divinus! Divinus, please help me."

  Lightning branched out across the sky as a red mist swirled around the main mast. A frigidly cold breeze accompanied it as it travelled down to the deck. O
ut of the red fog, a figure with glowing white wings took shape. He was tall with grey skin and chiseled features that were framed by his braided black hair and a dark red halo that hovered above his head. His slanted orange eyes danced with passion and danger. His black robes rustled in the breeze. "You called for me, my sweet?"

  "Divinus!" Kato crawled to his feet and clutched his robes in her hands. "Please tell me you saved Jaylen. Please."

  "Maybe I did . . . maybe I didn't."

  "What do you want? I'll give you anything to save him. He's running out of time."


  Kato sighed, knowing exactly what he would want. "Yes, Divinus. Anything you want."

  "Do I get to use Jaylen's body for it?"

  Oh, gross. There was no way. "No. Just you in your natural form."

  "It will hurt you more."

  "I know, but Jaylen values his virtue over everything else. Fine. You have a deal."

  "Good. I'll pay you a visit later tonight. Oh, and take the boy in whatever condition I found him. I will possess him again once he's not half-drowned."

  The red fog was thick and engulfed the entire area as Divinus flew off into the sky. Once the mist faded, Jaylen was revealed on the deck.

  "Jaylen!" Kato ran to the soaked mess of chains and bruised flesh. "Help me. Someone help me."

  Thirty sailors ran up on deck and immediately set to work ripping the seaweed off and unwinding the heavy chains. The healer pushed everyone else out of the way then cut the gag and removed it from Jaylen's mouth. As everyone watched anxiously, the healer began working to resuscitate him. After a minute of chest compressions, Jaylen coughed out water and gasped for air through his choking.

  Kato took him in her arms then thanked the healer before carrying Jaylen hurriedly into the cabin and laying him on the bed. She pushed his bangs out of his face and gently tapped her hand on his cold pale cheek. "Jaylen? Say something."

  His voice was raspy and weak. "Breathing air is overrated."

  Kato covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her laughter. "I'm so sorry. Raul and the others who did this to you will be justly punished. I'm going to sell them into slavery so they will learn what it feels like to be worthless."


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