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Angel of Darkness Books 6-10

Page 15

by Mackenzie Morris

  "I will let them know."

  "One more thing before you leave. If you find any sign of Divinus, let me know immediately. I may have . . . lost him. I've been scouring Carvael's palaces and various hidden islands, but I haven't seen any sign of Divinus. If left unchecked, Divinus's power can be destructive."

  "I will keep an eye out. Get us to the rift."

  The seraph bowed to him. "Yes, sir."

  "I'm not your superior. You are a Holy Seraph. I am an apostate. Just calling me Jaylen is fine."

  "Yes, Jaylen."

  * * *

  After sorting out some issues with the crew, making sure that everything was in place, and playing with Cael, Jaylen returned to the cabin he shared with Kato. He opened the door to find Zeriel with a towel over his arm.

  The angel motioned to the bathtub. "I drew you a bath."

  Truth be told, it was extremely welcoming and Jaylen had missed these private times with Zeriel. "Thank you. I can really use it after being in that muddy river."

  "Let me help you." Zeriel unlaced Jaylen's tunic then slipped it over his head. He then moved lower to his belt. "You don't mind me still taking care of you, do you?"

  Jaylen smiled as Zeriel unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. "You're the only one other than Kato who I trust to do this for me. Thank you." He took his angel's hand as he stepped into the bath and sank down below the surface of the steaming water. "Oh, this is nice."

  "I overheard your conversation with Jeremiah."


  Zeriel knelt down beside him and began washing Jaylen's hair. "I want to let you know that if you have Finalis inside of you or even if you are Finalis . . . know that I will always be here for you. We are still bonded. I still care."

  "I don't want to let you or anyone else down." Jaylen stared into his reflection in the water. "I'm not trying to do all of these things. They just happen to me. Believe me. I want this to be over just as much as you do. I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. This is all my fault."

  Zeriel poured water over Jaylen's head. "It's not your fault."

  He wiped his eyes on his hand. "Then why does everyone hate me? Now Nimiel wants to kill me too. We were friends. I can't keep doing this, Zeriel. Every day, it seems like there is something new and important that I have to deal with, something that I brought about in some way and it's up to me to fix it. Why me?"

  "Why any of us?" Zeriel asked, rubbing soap over Jaylen's shoulders. "These are tumultuous times that we all have to deal with. We will get answers. Don't worry about that. We all believe in your ability to make things right. No matter what darkness you have to go through, I am certain that you will come out of it stronger and valiant."

  "I wanted to ask you something. If I've removed myself from the church, is it okay if I live life like a regular man? A man not bound by the rules of the Holy Order?"

  "If you're asking for my permission to be with Kato physically, then I'm not going to tell you what to do one way or another. That decision is up to you and Kato. But I won't be angry if you do choose that it is the path for you to take."

  The door opened as Kato stepped into the room. "Can I speak with Jaylen in private?"

  "Uh, sure." Zeriel wiped his hands on a towel then left the cabin, closing the door behind him.

  Kato picked up the towel then wrapped it around Jaylen as he stood up. "Your centaur friend is nice and funny."

  "I don't know much about her, but she claims to be Jeremiah's friend after he rescued her."

  "She told me you were flirting with her."

  Jaylen went to the dresser and began drying himself off. "I . . . no."

  "Don't lie to me. You didn't do anything. It's okay, I don't mind. It's not like we're married or anything."

  "But we are courting, aren't we?" Jaylen asked, pulling on his underwear and a pair of leather pants.

  "I guess."

  "Kato, I may not live for very much longer. I want to enjoy what I can until that day that I reach the end of it all."

  "What are you saying?" Kato asked.

  "I'm not bound by my vows anymore because I'm not a paladin. The average age for marriage in Vilyron was fifteen years old. I'm seventeen now and without the need to marry anyone of nobility now, I'm ready and willing to take that step. And just for your information, no, I haven't had anything to drink this time." Jaylen took her hand and knelt down on one knee in front of her. "Kato, I love you. I want to spend the last bits of my life with you by my side. Let's be happy together, fully together. Marry me and let us finally have each other."

  "I will marry you. I will."

  Chapter 4

  The Veil. The boundary between Heaven and Hell where no human soul could stay for more than a week without deteriorating. It was the sanctuary where demons went to get away from the harshness of Hell while not venturing out into the human world. It was where Holy Angels would go to experience more than the peaceful stillness of Heaven. It was the closest someone could get to Purgatory while still alive.

  Below the singular ball of white light that hung in the sky, forests of mangled and twisted trees stood out from the misty air. Herds of white deer-like creatures and slender white lizards ran around the multi-colored giant gemstones that dotted the land all the way to the horizon. Cold blue fires blazed in the valleys and around the square black buildings, but didn't ignite anything in their paths. Birds were singing from the tops of the bare black trees, their haunting song in a minor key that sent a deathly chill down Jaylen's spine.

  Jaylen clung to Zeriel's side just like he did the first time he came here after escaping The Cleansing. For some reason, he didn't feel like he was fading away this time. "Zeriel, I feel different."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I feel whole, not like the first time. Is this my actual body?" Jaylen asked.

  "Yes. Because of your recent transformation into the Angel of Darkness, you are now able to bring your body with you. You aren't human anymore."

  "I see."

  "But don't worry. You're like me, Brinx, Oviel, and Jeremiah now. You get to go places where the others can't. That's why we had to leave them back on the ship."

  The angel with the long white hair patted Jaylen's shoulder. "Don't worry, Jaylen. You are safe with us."

  "Thanks, Oviel. Let's just get this over with as quickly as we can."

  "Don't worry." Jeremiah took the lead towards the large black building lined with pillars of blue flames that reached to the flat roof. "Everything will be worked out. Right, Zeriel?"

  "Right. I have them."

  "Have what?" Jaylen asked.

  "I have what we need. Everyone will understand in time." Zeriel pointed towards the sky where a black bird swooped down through the misty clouds. "What's that? Xair?"

  "Xair?" Oviel looked surprised as the raven landed on Jaylen's shoulder. "You're alive?"

  "Yes. I'm alive. Go ahead and laugh. Mock me like I know you want to do."

  "Why would we mock you? Wait. Don't tell me you're stuck like that."

  Xair ruffled his feathers. "Yes. I am stuck in my raven form while I perform a very long list of tasks given to me by the Arcanas in my homeland in order to atone for what I've done. I may never be in my human form again."

  "Does Amari know you're alive?" Oviel asked.

  "I would rather she believe I'm dead instead of being forced to deal with having her husband so humiliated like this."

  "You haven't told your wife?" Jaylen asked. "Xair, you have to. You are coming back to the ship with us after we are finished here. Then you are going to reunite with your wife no matter what form you are in. Don't you understand how much she needs you? In case you've forgotten, she is blind and mute. You are the only one who knows how to take care of her and communicate with her. You're her world. Don't hide from her and make her keep suffering."

  Jeremiah walked through the grey sand of The Veil and stopped in front of Jaylen. His eyes narrowed as he grabbed the raven from his shoulder and
shook it. "Xair, you are a Ka'taylin man. You are sworn to defend your wife. Don't make me put you in a cage like a good little birdy."

  "Ah!" Xair screamed and flapped his wings in an attempt to dislodge himself from the seraph's tight grasp. "Okay! Okay. Let me go."

  "You promise that you'll go back to Amari and take care of her?"

  "Yes! Just stop shaking me!"

  "How did you know we would be here?" Jeremiah asked as he placed Xair back on Jaylen's shoulder.

  "I didn't. I came here to rescue Liaxa on my own."

  "Really?" Zeriel asked. "What can you do in that form?"

  "I don't know, but the Arcanas added it to my list this morning, so I had to come do whatever I could do. They don't give me any help or advice, just an endless list of things to accomplish any way I can."

  Jeremiah tapped his fingers on his lips as he pondered out loud. "The Arcanas want you to save a succubus's life?"

  "You're as surprised as I was. But I am in no state to be questioning orders given to me by the Arcanas. I do what they want or I die a very painful and slow agonizing death."

  Oviel motioned to the courthouse where the voices could be heard. "Shh, shh. Listen. Everyone is gathered inside."

  "Already?" Jaylen asked.

  "Yes . Oviel . . . I'm sorry." Zeriel turned around and secured golden enchanted shackles around Oviel's wrists in one fluid movement.

  Oviel held up his bound wrists. "What is this?"

  "You're staying here. We know about what you've done to Liam. It is beyond unacceptable. You will be locked away then wait alone until your own trial."

  "You can't leave me here. They already have Liaxa to deal with."

  Jeremiah stepped forward to a nearby crystal and waved to someone. "Which is why I have already made plans for a prisoner exchange. Turns out that they want you more than they want Liaxa. You stormed Heaven, stabbed the archangel, and now you have been abusing a fourteen-year-old boy who has already been mated with a dragon. Liam belongs to Karixlesminatim, not you."

  "But you've got this all wrong. I didn't hurt Liam."

  "Really?" Jeremiah asked. "That's not what I saw last night when I watched what had been recorded in those magical emeralds in his eyes."

  The color drained from Oviel's face. "What did you see?"

  "Enough to convict you and have you destroyed at the hands of the Holy Angels. This is your second offense of this kind and this one is ten times worse than when you slept with your paladin, Gawain."

  "I didn't do anything wrong with Liam. I swear it!"

  "It's too late for your lies, Oviel." A bald dark-skinned angel with white wings that were speckled with orange spots stepped forward with his silver bow drawn. "Come with me and face justice for your crimes."

  Oviel was reduced to begging. "Andre, please don't do this."

  "It has already been done." The angel motioned behind him as two other angels escorted the purple-haired succubus to them. Andre handed his bow to one of the angels then unlocked the shackles from around her wrists. "Here is Liaxa, in one piece as promised."

  "How could you?" Liaxa asked as she stepped past Oviel. "Liam trusted you. He's a child. You know how awful his life has been. How dare you do this?"

  "I didn't do anything. The truth will come out."

  Andre pointed towards the courthouse. "Take the prisoner to the interrogation room. We need to extract every bit of information from him no matter how long or painful it gets. Oh, and Seraph Jeremiah?"


  "Thank you for your good work. Sola will be pleased."

  "You've spoken with Sola?" Jeremiah asked with anticipation flickering in his hazel eyes.

  "Archangel Carvael has appointed me to be her attendant. No one else gets to interact directly with our goddess. She has many wonderful things to say about you, but there was one thing she asked me to warn you about. Don't forget that Divinus and Finalis are your problems to deal with, and you're running out of time."

  "I am aware." Jeremiah growled.

  Oviel glared at Jaylen then at Zeriel and Jeremiah. "You betrayed me."

  "Oviel, don't do this here." Jeremiah snapped. "I am protecting Liam."

  "Protecting him from what? I am the one who has been protecting him. These accusations are lies and nothing more."

  "Enough!" Andre pushed Oviel towards the guards. "Strip him and search him. Then I want him in interrogation. I don't care if it takes all night. I want the truth. And trust me, Oviel. I always get the truth."

  "You would humiliate me like this, Andre?" Oviel asked. "You know who I am. You know what I've done for Heaven, what I've done personally for you."

  "None of that excuses your actions recently. These are very serious charges, Oviel. You will be treated just like every other angel who is facing the Angelic Court as a criminal. Humiliation should be the least of your worries. You should have asked Zeriel what it's like to be naked in chains on your knees in front of all of the Holy Angels who have held you in such high regard." Andre turned to Zeriel with a snarky grin on his face. "Fond memory, Zeriel?"

  "Just take him. We're leaving. Thank you for keeping Brinx out of court, Andre."

  "My pleasure. Oviel's time in court will be more than enough to distract them all. By the time we are finished with him, no one will even remember your sister being involved in the burning of Heaven."

  Oviel's pale eyes turned glossy and dark with pain. "You sold me out? You sold me out to protect Brinx! You all knew it was a lie. I've never hurt Liam!"

  Zeriel crossed his arms, showing no sympathy for the angel who had helped raise him. "We only agreed to this after evidence came to light. It works best for everyone involved. At least your crimes have given Liaxa and Brinx freedom."

  The desperate angel's wings fluttered weakly in protest. "But I'm innocent. This is my second offense. They will kill me."

  "Then you should have thought about that before you hurt Liam. We're finished talking." Jeremiah waved his hand dismissively. "Take him away, Andre."

  "Very well." Andre snapped his fingers and the guards dragged Oviel off towards the courtroom.

  Zeriel stretched his wings out. "Well, back to the ship now?"

  "Why didn't you tell me what you planned to do with Oviel?" Jaylen asked.

  "We needed to make sure it went off without a hitch. The less people who knew the true reason for coming here, the better chance it had of succeeding."

  Jeremiah stopped and tilted his head curiously as he spun in a circle. "Uh, guys?"

  "What now?"

  "The rift is gone."

  Jaylen looked around in the mist. "What?"

  "I could have sworn it was right here, but now there's nothing."

  "I thought this one was permanent."

  "It was. I don't know what to do. I guess you all can stay here and I'll go search for another opening."

  Brinx held out her arm to stop Jeremiah from leaving. "Stop. Look over there on that hill between the two trees closest to us."

  Jaylen squinted and held his hand above his eyes to block out the hazy mist. As his eyes scanned across the wooded hill, he spotted a quick spark of light magic that sprung up from the gnarled and twisted black briar bushes. Before he could point out his finding, a group of six angels in heavy armor flew up from the bushes and surrounded them.

  One of them stepped forward. "Surely you didn't actually think that all of us Holy Angels would stand by and let Finalis leave our grasp."

  Jaylen instinctively clutched his cloak tighter to hide the black X on his chest where his sun sigil used to be.

  "Oh, Jaylen, we already know about you. Finalis has embedded himself in your soul and as an apostate, we cannot let you leave here." The angel unrolled a scroll of parchment then read from it. "Jaylen Corrifus, you are under arrest for apostasy, abandoning the sacred vows of the Holy Order, consulting with demons, harboring a warlock, piracy, theft, blasphemy, heresy, assault on Archangel Carvael, and high treason against Heaven itself. You will be taken to
the courthouse here where you will be interrogated thoroughly before you are left to await trial. Come peacefully and we allow your friends here to leave unharmed."


  "Careful, young Corrifus. You don't understand the full gravity of your situation. We have ways of making you comply with our wishes."

  "Is that a threat?"

  "Very much so." The angel held up a golden whistle on a chain.

  "What is that?" Jaylen asked. "What are you doing?"

  "I have my soldiers stationed in the skies over the Onyx Sea. They have Captain Kato Vallen's ship surrounded and they are poised to strike in a moment's notice. You wouldn't want your lover to face an untimely death at the hands of angels, would you?"

  How could they? "You can't do that."

  "You don't know who I am, do you?" The angel asked. "Zeriel, why don't you explain my position of authority to your ex-paladin?"

  "His name is Holy Angel Enforcer Ikiziel. He is the head of Heaven's Guardian Angels."

  "Guardian Angels?" Jaylen asked, growing more and more confused in the chaos. "I thought guardian angels protected orphans."

  "Those are stories. Heaven's Guardian Angels guard Heaven from threats. If they're here, you have been deemed a threat. Don't mess with them. Am I correct in that, Jeremiah?"

  "Very much so. I will not fight against the Guardian Angels and neither should anyone else. Enforcer Ikiziel, you have my full cooperation. If Jaylen Corrifus refuses to go with you on his own accord, I will do my part to make him go with you."

  Zeriel stepped in front of Jaylen and spread out his black wings. "Then you will have to go through me."

  Enforcer Ikiziel didn't seem fazed. "A fallen angel? You do not stand a minute sliver of a chance against us. But, if you insist, we will be glad to cut you down where you stand."

  Jaylen placed his hand on Zeriel's shoulder. "I will go."


  "Yes. I swore that I would protect Kato. I will face Heaven's courts for whatever crimes they accuse me of if it means keeping Kato safe. Now, let me by. Zeriel, protect Kato. Keep her safe. If I don't come back from this . . . if they kill me, tell Kato I love her."


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