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Angel of Darkness Books 6-10

Page 40

by Mackenzie Morris

  Naomi pulled the ropes off. "Get him to a healer immediately."

  Oviel caught Xair as he slid off of Naomi's back. "I'll tend to him. Nimiel, Jaylen, get into my tent now!"

  Xair grunted from the searing pain as he was carried into the tent and laid down on the blankets on his stomach. The air in the tent already smelled of various tonics and medical alcohol that had been prepared ahead of time by the healers for just such an occasion. He buried his face in the soft pillow and braced himself for what was coming. Someone forced a stick into his mouth and told him to bite down on it.

  "What are you?" Oviel asked someone behind him, sounding cold with disapproval.

  "I'm a faerie. My name is Shane and I can heal people. Let me help. First, we need to clean the area and remove the bullet."

  Jaylen let out a tiny squeal of excitement. "Shane! It's been so long. I was scared something might have happened to you. How have you been?"

  "Better than the rumors of your mental health, Jaylen. What part of rest and relax don't you understand, honey?"

  "I'm trying, but you know how much I have to deal with now. Please, can you stay and help us?"

  "I will do my best. I owe you that much."

  Xair stayed there on the bedroll as they all worked on his wounds. It took every bit of his strength and fading energy to cling to consciousness, but he somehow managed to keep his eyes open. He was clenching the blankets in his fists and grinding his teeth against the wood as they ripped his already traumatized flesh open and extracted the lead bullet from deep in his muscles.

  "There." Jaylen set the bullet down on a metal tray with a clinking sound. He reached over and took the stick out of his mouth. "Xair, say something."

  He gasped for air as he took a breath between waves of agony. "I'm awake."

  "Good. Stay that way. Would you like for us to bring your wife in here to be with you?"

  Xair looked up from the bedroll. "What?"

  "Amari. Don't you want to see her? We'll give you some tonic for energy so you can stay awake a little while longer." Jaylen asked.

  "She's alive?"

  "Yes, of course." Jaylen said as he smeared a glob of sticky healing salve over the deep injury. "Her sickness was healed by the assistant healer. Oh, and there's something else you need to know. Amari is pregnant. You're going to be a father."

  All of Xair's relief turned to anxiety as his smile faded from his face. "How did this happen?"

  Oviel began sewing up the wound. "You know how it happened. Come on, Xair. This is a beautiful thing. It's a blessing from Sola herself. Why aren't you happy?"

  "Just in shock, I guess. I . . . I don't know what to say."

  Jaylen leaned closer to him and whispered forcefully in his ear. "You're keeping this one. Don't even try to get rid of it, or you will be fighting me. We both know that you aren't in any condition to be fighting me."

  Xair slowly nodded his head in silent acceptance. What choice did he have? Not only that, but something had shifted inside of him. He almost . . . wanted that now. Seeing so much death and destruction made him want to see life and growth instead. When delicate footsteps filled the tent, Xair sat up with the help from Oviel to see the pale woman in a light pink gown with her hair on top of her head in a tight neat bun and silk tied around where her eyes had once been.

  "Amari. Amari, I'm back." Xair weakly took her in his arms and buried his face in her hair. "Oh, my Ili-Anan. You smell so good. I have missed you more than you will ever know."

  Amari took his hand in hers then guided it to her lower stomach.

  Xair's eyes softened as he watched his wife. "I know you're pregnant. You know they're not going to let me do what I normally do. And honestly . . . I think I'm ready now. I think I'm prepared to be a father. Even though this child will be albino, I want this. Over the past few days, I have come the realization that no human should be treated as any less for any reason. We are all humans and we all deserve the same rights as anyone else. This baby deserves the chance to live."

  Amari smiled the biggest smile Xair had ever seen from her. She brought his hand to her lips and began gently kissing each of his fingers.

  "Once I'm better, I am going to perform the ivy ritual on you. Then I am going to spread the word of Sola's grace. I am her prophet, so I must tell everyone. She is alive. She needs help. I have been chosen."

  Chapter 17

  One Month Later

  Xair slowly circled around his undressed wife with a long vine of ice ivy in his hands. His wound still hurt, but the soreness was beginning to fade and he could walk without the help of a cane anymore. It had been a long month of recovery. His magic had fallen completely dormant, much to the cackling delight of Krivel and the other demons who were trying their best to make Xair's life a living hell. But today was not the time to be thinking about all of that turmoil. This was a sacred and joyous moment for him and his wife.

  He spoke the long-lost words of his people as he wound the ivy around Amari's pregnant belly that had grown enough to be noticeable in everything she wore. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her extremely pale skin glistened in the pale golden and darkening orange mage-glow of evening. Her long white hair was undone and hung around her hips where he knelt on the purple blanket near the riverbank.

  Once her stomach was completely covered in the velvety ivy leaves, Xair knelt before her and took her face in his hands. "My beautiful Ili-Anan, your belly has been wrapped in ivy and I have spoken the words of the blessing ritual. There is one final step to ensure the health and beauty of our child. Will you accept these gifts?"

  Amari nodded her head.

  Xair reached over to his backpack to retrieve a small wooden box engraved with Ka'taylin runes. He opened it to reveal one whole vanilla bean, part of a honeycomb, and seven roasted cocoa beans. After grinding them together with a smooth stone, he placed a small dab of the sticky mixture onto his wife's lips. Xair took out a small glass chalice then filled it with river water and added the ingredients. Once it was a liquid, he raised it to Amari's lips for her to drink it.

  "There's the Ka'taylin. He's performing some kind of demonic ritual. I told you he was lying!"

  Xair turned to see the guards from Pink Tree in full plate armor with their swords drawn. Two men in the long pale yellow robes of the church with sun sigils embroidered on their chests were with them. Priests. So it seemed that the church was very much alive and well after the Wolfekin Inquisition had been purging the land of paladins and clergymen. It was comforting to know that the light could endure even in the darkest of times. "Can I help you gentlemen?"

  The younger priest crossed his arms on his chest and scowled. "We are from the clergy in Pink Tree, now known as Ilyan, the reborn capital of Vilyron. We priests are here to snuff out any threats to the true scriptures that have been upheld by King Jaylen and Seraph Jeremiah. What are you doing out here?"

  Xair set the cup down and brushed the tiny bits of gravel from his robe as he stood to address them. "I was performing a sacred ritual of my people. Do not be afraid. I am not hurting her. She is my wife and she is with child. I appreciate the work you do for the church. I am recently converted myself. I am Sola's prophet."

  "Yes, so we've heard. Far too many of our citizens have complained about you and your lies."

  Xair took a step back. "Lies? They're not lies. I am the prophet of Sola. She spoke to me in the temple of the Arcanas. I have been spreading the word of Sola to everyone who comes to this camp. They need to know that she is alive and that she needs our help!"

  One of the guards motioned to Amari. "Priests, take care of the woman. We will escort the Ka'taylin back to camp and meet with King Jaylen to figure out what steps will be taken next. Xair Korvin, you are under arrest for apostasy, blasphemy of a false prophet, murder, and crimes of a racist nature against Northerners. Come willingly and we will give our king a say in what is done with you."

  * * *

  Xair was pushed roughly into Jaylen's tent where t
he king was busy drinking peppermint tea and looking over the construction plans for the new armory. Xair didn't waste any time in trying to explain himself before the guards made up some awful lie. "Jaylen, I didn't do anything wrong. Tell them. I'm the prophet of Sola, but they don't believe me. Did you send these people to come arrest me?"

  Jaylen set down his tiny porcelain teacup then stood up. "What is the meaning of this interruption? Can't you all see that I am terribly busy at the moment?"

  "We found this Ka'taylin performing some kind of demonic evil ritual down by the river with demonic ingredients. When we confronted him, he became belligerent and attacked us."

  "How dare you?" Xair snapped at them. "I did no such thing. You asked me to come with you so I did. I was merely trying to explain that nothing I was doing was evil or demonic. I have every right to continue the traditions of my people within the sanctity of my own marriage. The woman I was performing that ritual on was my wife. She fully consented to everything. What I was doing was the farthest thing from demonic. Those ingredients? Vanilla, honey, and cocoa beans. I hardly see how those are demonic. I do not understand the issue here. I am the prophet of Sola!"

  "Yes, you've said that. Far too many times, if you ask us. You've been preaching your filth to everyone you come in contact with. You are butchering the scriptures and the holy name of Sola herself. You should be ashamed of yourself for sullying the minds and souls of these believers. We know you're lying, Ka'taylin."

  Xair began pleading. "I'm not lying. Sola spoke to me. I am her prophet. Everything I say is true."

  "King Jaylen, do you believe him?" The guard asked.

  Jaylen sighed. "Not really, no. I think Xair is tired and in need of rest. He has gone through some very traumatic experiences lately with little sleep and he is still recovering from a grievous injury. His mind is playing tricks on him."

  "Then we will take him to our dungeon below the Ilyan courthouse to await his trial."

  "What?" Jaylen asked. "What trial?"

  "For all of his transgressions against the crown and against Northerners. Here, your law, Your Majesty." The guard pulled out a scroll of parchment from his bag and unrolled it. "Surely you remember this."

  Jaylen quickly glanced over the document. "Law Against Ka'taylin Aggression? This is awful and ridiculous. I would never sign anything like this."

  Zeriel took the parchment from the guard then studied it closely in the lantern light. "This is your handwriting and your signature, Master. I would know it anywhere."

  "And it's his royal seal as well."

  Jaylen held up his hand to look at his signet ring. "I never take this off. Who could have stolen it from me when I was sleeping if Zeriel sleeps in my bed with me?"

  "Either way, it is the law and we are here to enforce the law. Once a Ka'taylin shows aggression or commits a crime against a Northerner, he is to be swiftly punished."

  "What crime has Xair committed?" Jaylen asked.

  "The murder of fourteen slavers at the farm he was being held at recently."

  Jaylen turned to Xair with shock written on his face. "Xair, you didn't."

  "Of course I didn't!" Xair tried to pull his arms away from the guards. "A slaver named Kyle killed all those men. Not me. He turned on his own family to save me."

  "That sounds highly unlikely, doesn't it, Your Majesty?" The guard mocked. "A slaver slaughtering his own family just to save a rune-skin slave?"

  Jaylen's fist tightened. "Don't call him that. Xair, tell me what happened."

  "I was-"

  The guards twisted Xair's arms behind his back then secured enchanted golden shackles around his wrists. "You can tell your story in court. We don't want to hear any more of your lies. As of this moment, you are an enemy of Vilyron and an enemy of all Northerners. You are hereby stripped of any rights and privileges you may have had. You are required to remain silent until you face the judge for your crimes."

  "What are you doing?" Jaylen asked, his anger flickering to life inside his bright blue eyes. "Let him go. He's done nothing wrong."

  "Even if he somehow is innocent of those murders, he is still a lying heretic. You know what happens to heretics, Your Majesty. Be grateful that you have been pardoned of your own apostasy that was brought about by this monster's influence. The people have spoken their fears about this false prophet. They are terrified. You lost your kingdom once. Do not make the same mistake again."

  Jaylen's voice cracked as he screamed at them. "What are you talking about? Xair had nothing to do with me leaving the church. You can't actually be pinning that on him!"

  The guards drew their swords then pointed them at Jaylen. One of them closed his eyes behind his helmet as he spoke softly yet authoritatively. "We must quell the fears of the people and make an example out of this heretic before more decide to follow his foolish teachings. False faith is worse than no faith. Forgive us, Your Majesty, but we do not want to see our country fall again . . . especially not to a rune-skin spy working for Eternal Eclipse."

  Jaylen lunged forward as the ethereal wings spread from his back and his magic surged to life, but Zeriel quickly grabbed him and covered his mouth with his hand. "Jaylen, don't! I promise we will find a way to save Xair. We don't need a riot!"

  Jaylen's wings and magic faded away and he locked eyes with his friend as Xair was led away in chains. He pried Zeriel's hand away from his mouth. "Xair, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I will fix this."

  Xair stared back in disbelief as the feeling of betrayal passed over his purple eyes. "Why? Jaylen . . . I thought you were my friend."

  One of the guards slammed the pommel of his shortsword into the still healing wound on Xair's back. "Silence, rune-skin."

  Xair cried out as his legs buckled under him, but the guards dragged him away into the night. "Jaylen! Don't let them hurt me. You know I'm not lying. Please help me!"

  Zeriel held his Master back as he spoke to Xair. "I am sorry, Xair. Justice will be served. We will sort this out, but you need to comply with the guards and the laws of this kingdom. Everything will be all right. I promise."


  Angel of Darkness

  Book Nine


  Copyright © 2015 by Mackenzie Morris

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  One Month Later

  "Immediate execution."

  The elderly judge in his long pale yellow robes nodded his head. "Thank you, Seraph Nimiel. Your vote has been entered. Seraph Jeremiah, please stand and give your vote to the court."

  After the young seraph with the blonde hair, boyish features, and crown of black roses sat back down next to him, Jeremiah stood up from the wooden bench where others were sitting as well. The diamond studs in his ears glimmered in the mage-glow that danced in the crystal chandeliers hanging along the ceiling of the small barren courtroom. His hazel eyes were cast down on the wooden floor to avoid making eye contact with anyone. "I don't want to do this."

  "You already agreed to give your opinion in this case." The judge leaned forward in his high-backed chair behind the pulpit that was engraved on the front with with a sun sigil and framed by grape vines. "As one of Vilyron's most prominent officials, we need you to be one of the ones to hand down this sentence."

  "Very well." Jeremiah looked up with tears swelling in his eyes as he twisted the sleeves of his grey canvas coat. "I'm sorry for this. Immediate execution."

  Xair stared straight ahead from where he was chained by his wrists and ankles to the defendant's chair next t
o the judge. His midnight black skin was accented by the coarse white tunic and pants of the prisoners. His white hair had grown out a bit during the past month of being locked inside a lightless cell for all hours of the day and night with little interaction except for the guards that brought him stale bread and water once a day. A permanent band of enchanted gold encircled his right arm above the elbow to ensure that he could not summon his demons or cast his magic. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from weeks of restless sleep and malnutrition.

  There was nothing he could do besides sit there and watch his friends betray him. Xair did his best to show no signs of emotions. He was a Ka'taylin man, and Ka'taylin men were bred and trained to never show weakness. While he remained stoic on the outside, his purple eyes revealed the inner struggle he was fighting to fend off the growing desperation. He hadn't heard from any of them during his imprisonment, so he had no idea what to expect during this trial. Xair certainly had not been expecting this. When the guards led him into the courtroom and he saw the angels sitting on the side of the prosecution and avoiding looking at him, he knew what was coming.

  "Fallen Angel Oviel, it is your turn to address the court."

  The older angel in a turquoise robe stood up and pushed his long white hair nervously out of his face. "My vote is for immediate execution, Your Honor."

  "Very well. Fallen Angel Zeriel, please enter your vote."

  Zeriel stood and smoothed his long black coat with the ruby buttons. "Your Honor, can I address the accused for a few moments before I give my vote?"

  The judge sighed. His chair creaked as he leaned back and rested his bony hands on his rotund stomach. "Make it quick. I don't want to keep the executioner waiting."

  "Of course." The black-haired angel slowly walked up to the defendant's chair then looked into Xair's eyes. "Xair, Jaylen doesn't know we came here and agreed to do this. Under normal circumstances, we never would have even thought about doing this to you. But we can't take any chances. This isn't about your race or your past actions. This is about keeping the citizens of our rebuilding kingdom under control and safe. We all know that you did not murder those slavers. We know that you adamantly believe that Sola spoke to you. However, we cannot expect everyone to believe that. More than all of that combined, you agreed to help Carvael open the Draconia Lexicanum. How could you do that? If Eternal Eclipse gets their dirty hands on the information in that book, this war is over. We cannot allow you to give Eternal Eclipse anything. You are a liability at this point. If it takes this to ensure we save Aldexa . . . then my vote is for immediate execution. I'm so sorry, Xair. We will take care of your wife and baby."


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