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Angel of Darkness Books 6-10

Page 49

by Mackenzie Morris


  "I can't hurt them." Jaylen rubbed his bruised knuckles. "I thought if I came here that Finalis would be pleased and he wouldn't hurt them. He wanted me to come here. I was angry at all of you angels for betraying Xair like you did. I had a moment of weakness and let Finalis influence my actions. I thought I was doing the right thing. I hadn't known exactly what I did until I was here and Carvael bathed me."


  "I was so caught up in everything and I-"

  "No. What was that you just said? Carvael bathed you?" Zeriel asked.

  "I don't know. I was in no condition to do anything for myself. I remember staring at the hot water and thinking of how you always bathe me. But when I looked up, my nightmare had come true. It was Carvael. I broke down. Right there in the bathtub, I lost it. I'm surprised you didn't notice."

  "Notice what?"

  Jaylen held out his left arm to reveal the fresh cuts trailing up the inside of his arm. They were thin and done with a steady hand, but they were there. "I guess you didn't have much of a chance to see them in the dark. Once Carvael left, I took a razor . . . and bled out. Finalis was begging me to stop, but I continued. It was a draining feeling, one of emptiness, tranquility, and peace. I was fading away when Carvael came back in and stopped me. That was the first night. I don't remember anything after that until I woke up the next morning. The healers had stopped the bleeding to the point I didn't need bandages. After it happened, I felt so stupid. I was embarrassed that I had ever let things get to that point."

  Zeriel set his teacup down on the bedside table then sat there, studying the man in front of him who used to be an innocent boy. "Jaylen, do you remember a couple years ago when you tried to take your own life?"

  "Far too many times."

  "I stayed by you no matter what. And yet you ask me why I'm still here. Times are too dangerous for me and you to be bonded, especially if we are going to be fighting on the battlefield. But do not take that as a sign of my mistrust or abandonment. I love you. You know that. That has not and will never change. My love for you is unconditional, Jaybird. I am here, despite hating every second of it, because I swore that I would protect you." Zeriel stood up then tightly grabbed Jaylen's wrist. "And that also means that I will protect you from yourself if it comes to it."

  Jaylen's deep blue eyes stared up into the white ones of his angel. "Help me."

  "I will do what I can. I promise."

  * * *

  Jeremiah strutted in front of the camp where everyone except Jaycob, Karix, and Liam were gathered. Those three were busy with personal issues. The rest of the troops and angels were standing at attention as he finished telling them everything they needed to know. The news of Jaylen's betrayal had obviously not had a good impact on morale. The soldiers were downtrodden, stunned, and straight-faced. Their lack of emotion was the most troubling part of it all to Jeremiah. There had been gasps at first, but those soon ended and gave way to this awkward silence.

  He looked up at the tree line to see a flock of black birds fly up all at once as thirteen black horses entered the field. The soldiers instinctively drew their weapons, but Jeremiah held up his hand to stop them. "Hold. They wave white flags."

  "It's Wolfekin, sir."

  "I said to hold. I give the orders here, not you."

  The horses came to a stop in the middle of the camp. One of the Wolfekin Inquisitors dismounted then bowed to Jeremiah. "Announcing Her Majesty Queen Sela of Wolfekin."

  Jeremiah raised an eyebrow as he watched the yellow-haired women in all black dismount her lead horse with the help from her soldiers. A slightly glowing black crystal rested on the twisted circlet around her forehead. "You had better make this visit quick. My men are eager to kill you for some of the things you have done."

  Queen Sela's piercing golden eyes glared at him, but then softened as she let out an airy giggle. "Don't you see my white flags? If I wanted to invade this . . . eclectic little country, I would have brought more than my single squad of royal guards. I have come here to speak with your King Jaylen."

  "King Jaylen is no longer in charge here. I am. Anything you have to say to him will now be spoken to me instead."

  "And you are?" Queen Sela asked.

  "Seraph Jeremiah, commander of this military force and the current leader of this kingdom."

  Her glossy lips spread into a smile. "You do have quite the physique of a leader. Shall I address you as Your Majesty?"

  "No. Please don't. What can I help you with?"

  "Where is you ex-king, then? If I may ask."

  How to explain in a way that their enemies wouldn't take full advantage of it? "He is no longer a member of this force."

  Sela reached out and patted the Seraph's arm. "What a politically-evasive explanation, Jeremiah. Is this your way of trying to cover up the fact that Jaylen defected and joined Eternal Eclipse? Interesting."

  "What do you need?"

  "I came here to propose something that has never been done in the history of Aldexa. I am here to extend the banner of Wolfekin into this country with a promise of mutual defensive forces and supplies that I can see you are in dire need of."

  "Meaning?" Jeremiah asked, growing uncomfortable as Sela rubbed his arm sensually.

  "A partnership. An alliance between Wolfekin and Vilyron. We have been sworn enemies since the days before either one was a country. We were nothing more than warring nomadic tribes of shepherds and trappers bickering over hunting grounds. Today, we face much more than whose herds of deer are whose. Destroying Eternal Eclipse ensures our future. Without its destruction, both of our kingdoms can say farewell to this planet."

  "Don't you usually have a tainted paladin on your arm?" Jeremiah asked. "Aiden, I believe his name was."

  Queen Sela released her hold on the seraph's arm then held her black shawl around her arms. "Yes, I normally would. However, Aiden was recently killed by Eternal Eclipse."

  "In a battle?" Jeremiah asked.

  "In my bed."

  "Oh. I, uh-"

  "Three of Carvael's assassins broke in one night while I was up late doing some research in my library. When I came to bed, I found the bloody mess that used to be Aiden and a note form Carvael himself saying that I would be next if I did not join Eternal Eclipse. I have no allegiance with them any longer. I want nothing more than to see that corrupted archangel's head on a platter."

  "I see."

  "So Jaylen Corrifus joined Eternal Eclipse?" Sela asked. "I never liked that spindly kid, but now I adamantly hate him. Tell me you've declared him an enemy of Vilyron and a traitor."

  "Yes. I have. I had actually just finished briefing the troops about it." Jeremiah scanned over the troops who were still standing at attention during the entire conversation. "Morale seems damaged by the news, but not irreparable."

  "Who else left with him?"

  "How did you know anyone else left?" Jeremiah asked.

  "Usually there is always a follower when a leader does something, even if it is awful."

  "Zeriel, Jaylen's angel. He left as well."

  Sela grinned. "Ah. A natural case, then. I would expect nothing else from a king's lapdog."

  "Shall we move this conversation inside my tent so we can further hammer out the details?"

  "So you are willing to open your mind to this plan?"

  Jeremiah turned towards his tent. "I am not Jaylen. Nor am I a human king of Vilyron. I do not hold to the laws and practices of my predecessors. I hold no inherent grudge or hatred against Wolfekin. If this alliance is mutually beneficial, then who am I to decline it?"

  "Very well, Seraph Jeremiah. Lead on."

  Suddenly, the entire camp filled with gasps, whispers, and cries of surprise. The flapping of wings sent a breeze around them all and the tent flaps waving in the wind. "Seraph number three, reporting for duty."

  Jeremiah spun around on his heels to see the black-skinned man with short white hair, purple eyes, a long purple and golden silk robe, and purp
le leathery dragon wings on his back. His breath caught in his chest as he examined the stranger. "Who are you?"

  The man gave him a glare that could crack stone. "Really? Have I been dead that long that no one can bloody recognize me?"

  "You're a rune-skin without any runes."

  "Yes, thank you for pointing that out in a terribly racist way. I am Ka'taylin. Are you all seriously still not able to tell who I am? Where is my father? I know he's here."

  "Xair?" Jeremiah smiled as he held out his arms. "I was right. It is you! You just look so different without your runes."

  "Yes . . . well, we should get to work. I will let you finish your meeting with Queen Sela. I have an Elder Dragon to find."

  Nimiel ran up to him and hugged him. "Stop, Xair. Just slow down for a minute. We are so happy to see you."

  He pushed the young seraph away. "Says one of the traitors who condemned me to death."

  Nimiel's grey eyes became wet with tears. "Xair . . . no. I made you some food. It's almost done. It's all Ka'taylin recipes. I made it just for you when I figured it was probably you coming back to life to be our seraph brother."

  Xair did not look happy in the least. "It smells bad. You ruined it. I don't want anything you filthy angels have touched."

  Everyone gawked at the third seraph as he stormed off towards the tents. Nimiel's wings drooped as he covered his face with his hands and sobbed.

  * * *

  Xair threw the tent flap open. "Father. How dare you lie to me?"

  Karix was kneeling beside the pile of blankets where the brown-haired boy was motionless. "Hello, son. Welcome back to the world of the living."

  "Why aren't you in you in your dragon form?"

  "It is much easier to care for my mate in this form."

  Xair's anger started to vanish as he watched what was happening before him. "What's wrong with Liam?"

  Liam's hair was matted and plastered to his reddened face with cold sweat. The boy's pale pink lips were parched and barely parted as tiny shallow breaths escaped him.

  "He's dying." Karix squeezed his mate's thin hand. "He was just fine yesterday. Then when we woke up this morning, he was feverish. He tried to eat some pancakes for breakfast, his favorite. But he took one bite then vomited. Blood. He vomited blood. Then he collapsed and lost consciousness."

  Xair noticed the pile of blood-stained sheets wadded up in the corner. "That's a lot of blood."

  "Yes, well, I will leave him to get his rest." Karix stood then crossed his arms. "You look so different without your runes."

  "Yes, I've heard."

  "You look angry. Are you angry, Xair?" Karix asked.

  "You know I'm angry. I don't even know what I am exactly. I have these wings and nothing else, no scales or anything."

  "Are you sure you don't have any scales? You checked everywhere?"

  Xair nervously looked at the ground then held his robe closed around his waist. "Well . . . there are scales somewhere. It's . . . uh . . . Why does it need scales? It's so embarrassing."

  "It's protection. You grow scales over sensitive and vulnerable areas to defend them."

  Xair glared at him.

  "What? It's true. Even Liam is growing scales there. Be grateful. Why are you so angry?"

  "Why am I angry?" Xair shouted. "You have the gall to ask me why I'm angry? Let's arrest you for doing what Sola told you to do then be falsely accused of killing fourteen people, being a heretic, and for simply being the race you are. Then you're locked away for a month in a cell where you are subjected to starvation and isolation and threats from the guards. When you're so broken that you have no choice, you agree to help Carvael just so you don't die to the beating the guards have in store for you. Then you are dragged out of the cell one day and taken into a courtroom where you are forced to sit there as your friends stand up one by one to condemn you to death for the crimes you are innocent of. That is why I am angry."

  "Well, you're here now."

  "Yes, I'm here now. Why don't we discuss that, Father?" Xair asked angrily. "You knew all along that I was going to be reborn as . . . this being. What am I?"

  "As a human, you were half dragon. Therefore, you have a half dragon form as well. Why do you think every male ruler of Ka'tayl has been half dragon? It's insurance. If your human form is killed, you will still have your dragon form to fall back on. It's not the best course of action, but it serves its purpose."

  "I have no runes. I feel so exposed without them."

  "You don't need them." Karix stated plainly. "Leave the demons alone, Xair. This is your chance to start over and do something better than what you had been doing before. Don't you want that?"

  "Not if it means giving up my wife. No one has answered my questions. Where is my Ili-Anan? Where is Amari?"

  "Tell me everything you remember surrounding your death."

  "What does that have to do with anything?" Xair asked, growing impatient.

  "Just tell me. We're taking small steps, Xair."

  "I remember being on my knees and tied to the block with the executioner standing there. I remember Jaylen telling them to stop. Then there was a bright light and darkness. Nothing. Then I woke up inside an egg."

  "And after you hatched, was there a dragon there?" Karix asked, pouring a cup of green tea.

  "A white one with purple spines. It fed me mana."

  Karix handed the teacup to his son. "That dragon's name is Astrinalix. He is an Elder Dragon."


  "And his human form is Amari."

  Xair stared at him with his empty purple eyes. "What?"

  "Amari has always been a dragon."


  "Xair, stop. You're smart enough to figure this out."

  Xair took a sip of the tea with nervous hands. "I . . . wait. Astrinalix? Like the dragon Astrin? The same Astrin who hurt his rider, Jaycob?"

  "The same."

  "And no one knows where he went?"

  "Nope. But you might speak with Jaycob. He could help you."

  Xair's eyes lit up. "Jaycob? He's here in camp?"

  "Yes. He is working for Jeremiah."

  He set the teacup down then spread out his dragon wings as he left the tent.

  Karix called after him. "Oh, and Xair?"


  "Don't try to jump back into this living thing so quickly. I know you're not as fine as you're letting on. Your anger is your way to cope with your emotions."

  Xair gritted his teeth. "I'm fine."

  "That right there is how I know you're not."

  "I cannot be weak."

  Chapter 14

  The soldier in thin brown flexible leather armor with a longbow and quiver on his back entered the tent then placed his fist over his heart in a salute. "Scout Vizix reporting from scout squad one, Commander Jeremiah."

  "Give me your report."

  "Eternal Eclipse troops are on the move from the eastern shores near what used to be Calchedona, sir."

  "Calchedona? Why would they be coming from the east? Never mind. I will have Brinx and her spies dispatched to the area as soon as possible." Jeremiah looked up from his parchment map and nodded his head. "Thank you. Report back to your squad immediately. You will be given field orders within the next hour. Tell Nimiel to bring all his scouts back to the camp. We don't need any men getting caught out there. This is war now. And I doubt Carvael will be taking prisoners."

  "Yes, sir."

  Queen Sela sat in a chair in the corner of the room with a smug grin on her face. Her lace stocking-covered pale legs were crossed and peeked out from underneath her frilly black skirts. "You look so attractive when you're giving orders. You know, I could use a good field commander after this war is over."

  He did his best to avert his eyes from her temptations. "Forgive me, but I have more pressing matters to attend to."

  "That's not what you said last night, darling."

  Jeremiah glared at her. "You say one word about last night and I will kill you

  "So harsh. I love it."

  He rolled his eyes in disgust. Jeremiah did not have time for her with enemy forces growing closer to their borders. "Don't you have your own military to command?"

  Sela's hips swayed as she walked up to Jeremiah and looked him in his hazel eyes. "I do. Why do you think I'm here?"

  "Oh, no. You're not sharing command with me. I don't work well with others. I ruled Purgatory by myself for thousands of years without any help except for a very few occasions. You command Wolfekin and I will command Vilyron."

  Sela's hands moved down to Jeremiah's belt. "We can work together."

  "No. This was not in the terms of our alliance."

  "Do you have secrets to keep from me, baby?"

  He forcefully pushed her away. "Stop. Go back to your troops."

  "Fine." Sela wrapped her shawl around her bare arms then went up to Jeremiah. She placed a tender kiss on his lips then winked at him before leaving the tent.

  Jeremiah rubbed his forehead as the headache grew behind his eyes. What had he gotten himself into? A mistake, a very confusing and desperate mistake that was completely out of character for him. All of those feelings and urges came into play after he fell. He knew these kinds of humanly needs would have an effect on fallen angels, but apparently fallen seraphs were vulnerable as well. He wasn't going to lie about it. He enjoyed the company and the intimacy that he usually would not have been able to understand, but now he felt as if he had been used. There was a hollowness that filled him afterwards that he couldn't get past. He had stayed awake with Sela in his arms and a mind in turmoil. Jeremiah had gotten maybe an hour of sleep and he was feeling it. He would have to make more tea if he was planning on being anything resembling functional on the battlefield.

  Jeremiah walked down the rows of soldiers, checking their armor and weapons. Most of them had new chainmail or some that had been repaired by Trevor, who had been hard at work and getting only a couple hours every night. Still, there were some with only parts of their armor or rusted blades, so it was a work in progress. They would have to make due with what they had. He walked up to the man in the leather jacket with the curly mustache. "Leader, how are your troops?"


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