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Angel of Darkness Books 6-10

Page 64

by Mackenzie Morris

  The camp erupted in frantic whispers.

  Jaylen clasped Kato's pendant in his hand as he started pacing in front of Jeremiah. "Absolutely not. I don't know where Zeriel is. I wish I did. I need him, but he's not here. This isn't about him. This is about you betraying our allies. Now what do you think they're going to do once they find out that their queen is dead by your hands? Not only will we be facing Eternal Eclipse, but we will have to deal with Wolfekin as well. We can't face both forces."

  "Why the sudden moment of lucidity, Jaylen?" Jeremiah asked. "Huh? You haven't spoken this competently in months."

  "You want to know why? Because I'm fighting back. I refuse to let Finalis overtake me. Especially if he's not a part of me, I will not let him control me. I'm dying because of my fight, but I will fight nonetheless. I would rather die as Jaylen Corrifus than an unthinking, unfeeling slave for that twisted bastard."

  Trevor pushed Jaylen out of the way to point his war hammer at Jeremiah. "Let me bash his skull in, Jaylen. Let me do it! He will pay for killing my son."

  "Not yet. We need him for his seraph key." Jaylen turned to face the crowd of onlooking soldiers and angels. "Listen to me. I am taking back what is rightfully mine. By blood-right, I am the king of this country, so you will all revere me as such. I'm done playing these petty game of control and twisted laws. This is reality, even if many of you choose to ignore it. We are facing annihilation. I do no know what each of you stands for. And I couldn't care less. But I do know what I stand for. I stand for freedom, for tolerance, for hope. I fight for hope for the future of the children who have been enslaved, the babies who will never know happiness, the boys and girls of this world who are forgotten and left to die because society deems them unworthy. I fight for justice, true justice that is unsullied by pomposity and greed. I fight for the basic rights of every man, woman, and child. I fight for angels, for demons, for centaurs, elves, Ka'taylins, Hillmen, Islanders, Northerners, elves, and anyone else with a heartbeat and a mind. If you have a soul, I am fighting for you!"

  The soldiers held their spears and swords into the air in silent solidarity as they listened to Jaylen's words.

  Jaylen stepped up onto a nearby log close to the bonfire then placed his fist over his heart. "This is what I am fighting for. Every single person here, no matter of age, race, or gender, knows that our days are numbered. Those precious days are about to ripped from us if we do not take control of ourselves and stop standing around doing nothing as Carvael and his demons continue to drive us apart. Since when do soldiers and angels abandon the weak and the helpless? All this bickering and finger-pointing is doing is harming the innocent people who depend on us to save this country, save their lives, and save the last scraps of humanity and dignity we have left in this world. I know I'm not perfect. If I was, I wouldn't have this."

  Gasps filled the camp as Jaylen ripped his tunic open to display the black X, his apostate mark, on his chest. Jeremiah looked down at the ground. Brinx cried louder as Oviel quieted her. Trevor threw his war hammer to the ground then stormed off into the darkness.

  Jaylen placed his hand on the mark as he spoke to them all. "This does not define me. Like an irreversible scar, this is a symbol of what pride and hubris can do to someone. I have faults. I have more faults than most of you here. I will admit that. But what I will not admit is that I feel controlled by it. Because every day of my life, I struggle to break past it. I want to leave that behind, but I can't. We face the same odds today in this war. I won't stand up here and lie to you all. If we accomplish anything in this war, it will be a miracle from Sola herself. We are outnumbered, we are overpowered, and we are only a fraction of what Vilyron used to be. But we don't fight for glorious battles or to be written into history books."

  Jaycob stepped forward from his tent with his fist raised in the air and a smile on his face. "What do we fight for?"

  Jaylen returned the smile. "We have all lost loved ones, friends, and family to this mess. I will not sit here waiting to be attacked while our brothers and sisters are dying out in Cilona, in Calchedona, in Kervlin, on Krenoa Island. People are being attacked on a daily basis all over Aldexa by the demons Carvael unleashed, the demons I was was forced to help unleash. Now is our time to stand up and do something. For far too long, the righteous and self-proclaimed holy people of this universe have relied on others to fight their battles for them and to do their dirty work. They instead wanted to stay in their luxury where they felt safe while the world crumbled down around them. That is not the world I want for the future of humanity. If we are the righteous and the holy, then we must be the ones to carry the light of Heaven as we march into battle to slay the evils of Hell. We are the chosen ones, Sola's blessed army. She has spoken that I am the man to lead us. And lead you I shall."

  The soldiers began cheering and calling out to him. "Tell us the plan, King Jaylen!"

  He met eyes with each and every person there as he addressed them. "We will mount our dragons, gather our allies, brandish our weapons, then we will storm Heaven. With the seraphs at our sides, we will find Sola's cage and release her. There will be blood. There will be death. But there will be something else as well. Victory. We will bring the sun back to this world! We ride at dawn. I need our supplies packed and ready to go. Leader, I need you to brand over the marks on anyone you find who has been marked by these demons. Start with Jeremiah. Brinx, I know you're hurting and grieving right now, but I need your help."

  The angel stood and dried her tears. "Yes, sir?"

  "Get me a report on the location of Naomi and the cavalry that was with her. I need an estimated time of return. Then get Trevor back here and have him finish those swords. We need all the weapons we can get our hands on. Xair, you will be in charge of keeping Ulon with us. We have to have all three seraphs to unlock the cage. Jaycob, I need you to be in charge of keeping the demons, especially Shane the faerie under control. Do whatever you can to get more of those golems up and running. I also need-"

  "What can I do to help?"

  Jaylen turned to face the man with the curly black hair. As soon as he looked into his eyes, he knew who he was, but he had to hear it. "Who are you?"

  "I'm James Vallen. Your brother-in-law. It's so good to meet you. Where is my sister?"

  "James, Kato . . . Kato was killed by Divinus."

  James's eyes flashed orange as he doubled over in laughter. The deep voice that took over chilled Jaylen to the bone. "Oh, Jaylen. It's been far too long."

  He gasped and drew his longsword from his hip. "Divinus! Get out of him."

  "Never. I like it in here. But I want to be inside you even more. Come on out, Finalis, my brother."

  Chapter 14

  The bandages held Zeriel's white wings tightly against this body so they would be hidden underneath his long black cloak. His boots had been exchanged for thick socks that covered his feet yet made almost no sound as he walked along the glossy path leading up towards Heaven's golden gates. As he got closer, he pulled the hood down to hide his face and to keep his breath from fogging in the cold air. It was unusually icy, so he had to be extra careful and take his time. If he was to slip, his instincts could take over and his wings would extend to catch himself from falling. But that would give away his identity and cause a scene.

  Zeriel was about to be making much more than a scene if everything went his way. It was his father's birthday, so he wouldn't miss it for the world. And he knew exactly where Carvael would be on his birthday. This was his one and only chance to deal a fatal blow to Eternal Eclipse's forces and to open the way for Jaylen and the seraphs to get to Sola's cage. The only person who know what he was doing was Jaylen, who he made swear that he wouldn't speak a word of it. Once he was done here, everything in Aldexa should be ready to go for them to make their final moves. The end was approaching. And Zeriel was looking forward to it more than anything.

  The guardian angels in their white plate armor held up their silver bows and drew back glowing arrows as he g
ot closer. "Halt. Unauthorized entry is prohibited. State your name and your business in Heaven."

  "My name is not important. My business . . ." Zeriel thrust his hand into the air where a crack of lightning spread across the sky. In a flash of bright white magic, his shotgun appeared then dropped down into his hands. He pointed it at the angels. "My business is death."

  The angels dropped to the golden street with glowing holes in their chests.

  Zeriel slipped the shotgun under his cloak then pushed the elaborately carved gate open. Too easy. Carvael's barrier was the next obstacle he had to face. But there was one thing his father didn't know. Either that or he had conveniently forgotten. Zeriel owned this place. He stopped in front of the shimmering barrier that covered the majority of Heaven. Rolling his eyes, Zeriel stepped right through without even disrupting the flow of the magic.

  Once Zeriel was walking down the main streets between the colorful cafes and flower gardens, his eyes darted from side to side, keeping alert to any movements. The streets were abnormally quiet, even for a night in Heaven. Where were all the angels? Then he remembered. They had fallen and died all over Aldexa. It was sickeningly haunting to know that the bustling crowds of perfumed angels carrying bouquets of roses, piles of fluffy white mana, and chalices filled to the brim with thick pink ambrosia as music would play in the warm air that was never too hot or too cold were now gone, perhaps eternally.

  Now the pillars were covered in dust and cobwebs, the streets were tarnished and filthy, the sky was hazy with smoke, and the courtyards were filled with broken glass. The gardens had been trampled or were black with soot from fires. The library at the far end of the street was damaged and holy papers were being tossed in the breeze. To see the place in such disrepair was concerning. But it also made Zeriel realize just how much was at stake in this war. If Vilyron lost and Sola was never released, then things would only get worse. All of Aldexa would eventually end up like this.

  The only place that was still preserved was the temple. As Zeriel drew closer, he heard the cheering and the applause over the violin music from inside. Light spilled out from the open doors. So that was where the party was. His feet barely made a sound on the marble steps that led up to the doors. Steeling his heart and holding his breath, Zeriel pushed the giant double doors fully open and stepped into the middle of the holy sanctuary.

  Everyone stopped. The music stopped. The cheering stopped. It was as if time itself stopped. All the angels in their fine regalia with gemstones and pearls, their extravagant finery, and flashy make-up on their faces stared at him in their stunned silence. Glass fountains of wine and ambrosia were flowing freely next to the piles of smoked meats, seafood, delicate flaky pastries, and exotic fruits. Scantily-clad male angels wearing nothing but gold and silver chains around their waists were straddling other angels or had been engaging in all manner of salacious activities. Some were naked, their bodies sticky with wine or chocolate syrup. Feathers, various alcohols, and scraps of food littered the floors and were smeared on the walls.

  Zeriel's anger only grew upon seeing what had become of Sola's holiest sanctuary. What had once been the place for prayer and worship was reduced to a heinous mess of lust, sin, and selfish exuberance. It was sickening. It was repulsive. It was rage-inducing. He scanned over the crowds of sweaty and drunken angels until he spotted the sheen of golden wings on the grand staircase at the back of the main room. Carvael.

  The angels remained frozen in place, but began whispering amongst themselves as Zeriel walked past them. Some of them pointed at him or tried to wipe away the filth and products of their shame from their bodies. Others simply sipped their wine with their eyes cast down to the dirty floor. They were blushing and trying to avoid direct eye contact, fully aware of their hedonism and the defilement of the place they had sworn to protect.

  Once Zeriel was standing in the circular antechamber where the frescoes of vineyards and wheat fields covered the tall walls, he stopped at the foot of the carpeted staircase. The light from the pure white mage-glow on the enormous crystal chandelier above him cast a gentle light down on him. "Happy Birthday, Archangel Carvael."

  Carvael turned around from where he had been studying one of the oil paintings of a sunset over an ocean. He sipped his glass of ambrosia with an eyebrow raised. "You have my thanks, stranger. Though, I do not think I've made your acquaintance."

  Zeriel peered out from his large black hood. "No? Why don't you tell me what is going on here? Isn't this Sola's holy sanctuary?"

  "It's simply a bit of fun and innocent debauchery, stranger. You are welcome to join in on the festivities. There are plenty of angels for your choosing. Grab a man and have fun."

  He threw up a little in his mouth.

  Carvael started his descent down the grand staircase with his wings outstretched. "This is my domain, free from the rules and the pointless laws that once governed this place. How can Heaven truly be Heaven if carnal pleasures and base necessities are ignored? This is a declaration of my new regime. Under my rule, Heaven will thrive and prosper in all the ways it needs to do so."

  "Sounds . . . grossly overwhelming."

  "Some might say that. But you are demon, are you not?" Carvael asked. "I seen no wings, so you can't be an angel. We can always use some incubi to liven up the party."

  "I am no incubus."

  "No? Let me see . . . an elf? Are your ears folded up inside that hood of yours? Or are you a creature from The Rift? Either way, welcome to the new Heaven. Have a drink and take one of the boys to the back room for a bit."

  Zeriel felt his father brush past him then stop.

  Carvael clinked his fingernails against his glass. "Though, we would all like to see your handsome face. You'll never get anywhere in this society without your name and a pretty face. Who are you?"

  Zeriel scoffed. "I knew you hated me, but I didn't think you had lost such interest in me that you would forget your own son's voice."

  "Oh? Well this is a new development, to be sure. Let me guess. You taped down your wings with bandages to disguise yourself? I must admit, I expected this day to come. But I certainly didn't imagine you making the mistake of confronting me face to face. Didn't you hear? I can destroy Finalis for you and save Jaylen's life. Don't you want to go on living with that boy you've fallen head-over-heels for? There would be a mansion up here in Heaven for you and him both to live out your lives in all the glory and the decadence this place has to offer. That would include complete amnesty for both of you, of course. And all you have to do is bow to me, Zeriel. Surrender your power and end this petty fighting down in Aldexa. No more lives have to be lost. Peace is what your ultimate goal is anyway, right? Why not secure that peace without bloodshed?"

  "Peace without bloodshed." Zeriel shook his head. "You mean contrition. You expect me to grovel before you and confess my need to be cleansed for my sins."

  "The only way to receive your atonement is through submission, Zeriel. Even when you were a fledgling, you never understood that. All you wanted was the flashy life with the jewels and the men at your window at night. You loved all that attention, but you never had to work for it. You never sacrificed anything in your life. You were the Prince of Heaven, so you were manicured and pampered from the day you were born. Then you decided on your own to go get yourself a paladin despite my warnings. You found out real quickly that human men didn't take well to your attitude. I'm glad Doran put you in your place."

  Zeriel bit his lip as he remembered all those days at Doran's side with the abuse and the demeaning words. Most of all, he remembered that night that forever scarred him.

  "You were weak, but in your suffering, you became stronger. Every soul can become great through pain, hard work, and punishment."

  "Are you saying I deserved to be raped by my paladin?" Zeriel asked, feeling suddenly dirty and defiled.

  "I wish he had done it sooner."

  That was it. "How many?"

  "How many what?"

  Zeriel dre
w his shotgun and spread his wings, breaking through the bandages and sending his cloak flying across the room. He spun around and pointed the barrel at his father. "How many holes do you want in your face?"

  Carvael calmly finished off his ambrosia then held the glass up in the mage-glow. "Isn't it inspiring how heat can turn sand into glass? It goes from being coarse, unrefined, and worthless to being a smooth and beautifully-crafted masterpiece, fit for even angels to drink from. It saddens me. It truly saddens me, Zeriel, to know that you will always be sand. You will be gritty and filthy, only used to be walked over by man and beast alike. You will never be the delicate masterpiece I was trying to shape you into." He crushed the glass in his hand then dropped the shattered shards to the marble floor. "Pity."

  "I asked you a question."

  "The holes? Ah, yes. Such crude threats from a crude man. Do what you want. In the end, my death won't mean much, if anything. Truly, did you think that I was ever the brains behind this little war? Please. Spare me your misplaced admiration. You're going about this all wrong, my dear boy. In order to keep a snake from biting, all you have to do is chop off the head. The rest of the body is useless. But we are poisonous and deadly, so you only get one try. If you miss or chop off the tail, you're a dead man."

  Zeriel's grip tightened on the shotgun. "You know what? I've killed a few snakes during my time in Aldexa. You're right."

  Carvael smiled. "I knew you'd understand."

  "Oh, I understand perfectly well. You are absolutely right about the snakes." Zeriel tossed his shotgun up into the air where it vanished. He held out his arms as his eyes began to glow with an otherworldly light and the building shook. The glasses on the tables fell over and shattered. Paintings fell from the walls. The angels in the main room screamed and shouted in their fear. Zeriel rose from the floor, surrounded by bright light. "I found the best way to kill snakes is to destroy the entire thing at once."


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