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Page 15

by K. Webster

  The door bursts open and we both jerk apart. His friend Nick takes in the scene and his goofy grin falls.

  “Did I interrupt something?” His brows furl together. “Rylie?”

  I give him a little wave. “Hey.”

  He turns an accusing glare to Hudson. Before he can open his mouth, Hudson takes a step toward him, his shoulders tense. The testosterone in the room is suddenly thick and palpable as Hudson silently challenges Nick to say something.

  “We were going to grab burgers if you’re hungry,” I chirp, hoping to distract him.

  “Uh, right,” Nick says, stepping back. “Burgers sound good. Jada and Caitlin invited a bunch of us to the lake again.”

  I wince at hearing Jada’s name.

  “I think we’ll pass,” Hudson says, sensing my unease.

  “I think you should go,” Nick bites out, his gaze darting my way.

  He knows. Just like Aunt Becky knows. I can feel it.

  “We’ll go. I was just trying to console Hudson. He’s had a bad day. That’s what sisters are for.” I beam, hoping to convince him I’m merely doing my sisterly duty. “We’ll go.”

  Nick, clearly smarter than he looks, glances over at the disheveled sheets and the discarded towel Hudson used to clean us up with. The room smells like sex, no denying it.

  “Right,” he utters, his lip curling up slightly as if he’s disgusted. “Probably a good idea.”

  Hudson looks over his shoulder at me and I flash him an encouraging smile. A smile that says we need to do this to show him we’re simply a normal brother and sister who aren’t fucking.

  “Fine,” Hudson agrees.

  Nick gives a slight shake to his head but says nothing else before stalking out of the room.

  So much for being careful.

  By the time we make it to the lake, it’s dark out. About twenty vehicles are parked at a clearing near the water. People are laughing and drinking near a bonfire. During dinner, Hudson and I played it safe. Eventually, Nick calmed back down. I think we’ve convinced him because he goes back to being his usual jokester self. Hudson is stiff but forces himself to joke around with Nick as though our secret isn’t a thick fog hanging around us.

  “Nick!” a girl yells as she runs our way. She throws herself into his arms and kisses him. The girl is drunk already.

  “Hey, Caitlin. Missed you, beautiful,” he says, his hands on her ass as he carries her off.

  Hudson and I exchange relieved looks.

  “Long time, no see, stranger,” a sultry voice says from behind us.

  I turn to see a pretty blonde walking our way.

  “Jada,” Hudson greets.

  My entire body grows tense as I wilt in her presence. She’s prettier, has much bigger breasts, and has had my brother’s dick in her mouth. I’m jealous and hate her. No denying that.

  “I’m Jada,” she says, extending her hand to me.

  “I’m Hudson’s…” I pause. “Sister.”

  Her eyes widen. “So nice to meet you. For a second, I thought you were Amy.” A giggle escapes her, making her boobs bounce with the movement. It makes me want to drag Hudson far away from this woman.

  I shake her hand despite not wanting to. “Nope. Just Rylie.”

  “Rylie came to visit,” Hudson says as his palm rubs up and down my back. “If you don’t mind, we’re going to find someplace quiet to talk. Things are hard since losing Mom and Dad.”

  Her brows scrunch together. “Of course. I’m so sorry for what you’re both going through.”

  I give her a pleasant smile but then let out a breath of relieved air when she walks off.

  “I hate her,” I hiss under my breath.

  Hudson shoots me a hot look. One that says, You have nothing to worry about because it was you I was inside a couple of hours ago. “Come on.”

  I follow him to where someone has a big water cooler sitting on the back of a tailgate. Something tells me it’s not filled with water, though. Hudson pulls two Red Solo cups from a bag and sets to filling us up on the mystery liquid. He hands me my cup and I take a sip.

  “Tangy,” I say and shudder. “And strong.”

  “Don’t drink too much, lightweight.”

  A couple of guys walk over to us. We spend the next hour chatting and hanging out. One can’t keep his eyes off me, though. As they talk about baseball, I find that Hudson has moved to stand almost completely in front of me.

  “Find something interesting?” Hudson snaps, interrupting the one named Brian to glower at the one beside him. The one who keeps staring at me I’ve learned is Logan.

  “You don’t have to hide,” Logan says, grinning at me. “I don’t bite.”

  “Don’t talk to my sister.” Hudson is tense and after several glasses of the mystery punch, he’s feeling the effects of the alcohol and is poised for a fight.

  “Hudson,” I murmur and clutch onto his T-shirt from behind.

  Logan chuckles. “Protective older brother. I get it. I won’t hurt her. Just wanted to get to know her.”

  “No,” Hudson barks.

  I flash Logan an apologetic look, but he smiles, undeterred. Great. Wisely, he only chooses to check me out when Hudson isn’t paying attention. Feeling uncomfortable, I take to sucking down my drink. Everything is becoming blurry around me.

  “Nick says everyone has to get naked and in the lake,” Jada says as she approaches. She peels off her shirt, baring her breasts to our little group. Brian curses in appreciation and Logan starts tugging off his own shirt.

  Jada’s eyes are for my brother only as she seductively starts pulling down her shorts. Hudson turns to look at me. “We’re not going skinny-dipping. Not with that asshole eyefucking you every second.”

  “Hey, Rylie,” Logan calls out to me as he drops his shorts. I get an eyeful of his junk before I quickly look back up at Hudson.

  Hudson’s jaw is clenched and he’s seething with fury. “I’m going to kill him.”

  Discreetly, I grab his wrist. “It’s fine. Let’s do this. We’re supposed to not be attracting attention to ourselves.”

  I step away from him and pull my dress off. Hudson’s stare is predatory as he watches me undress. I’m not confident being that Jada and her porn star tits are only a few feet away. Thankfully, Brian tosses her naked ass over his shoulder and runs out to the lake with her. It leaves Logan, proud and naked, to loiter nearby.

  “It’ll be fine,” I whisper. “Now get naked and stay close.”

  He yanks off his shirt and then pushes off his shorts. His cock is erect as his gaze roams hungrily over my nearly naked body. With shaking fingers, I take off my bra and panties. Logan lets out an appreciative whistle.

  Hudson cracks his neck and if I don’t get him into the water soon, he’s going to kill Logan.

  “Race you,” I tell them both before taking off running.

  By the time I reach the lake, I see nearly everyone already out in the water. People are squealing and laughing and having a good time. I splash into the water and then dunk myself. It’s cold and my nipples harden immediately. Logan and Hudson both make a beeline for me. Where Logan’s gaze is playful and flirtatious, Hudson’s is manic and furious. I want to crawl into Hudson’s arms and tell him to calm down. To kiss him until he does.

  Jada wades over to us and stands so that her big tits are out of the water for all to see. I remain under the water to my chin. I’m not even close to looking as good as she does naked. So I hide. Logan inches closer.

  “How old are you? You’re not jailbait, are you?” Logan teases.

  A possessive palm grips my ass and I flash Hudson a shy smile. “I just turned eighteen last week.”

  Logan grins. “Then you’re most definitely my type.”

  “I have a boyfriend,” I blurt out.

  Hudson squeezes my ass.

  “I have a girlfriend,” Logan throws back at me. “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

  “Speaking of girlfriends,” Jada says, her
voice sultry as she regards my brother. “Are you still with Amy? We could always pick up where we left off last time.” She comes to stand close to him, her boobs brushing against his muscular arm.

  “I’m seeing someone new,” Hudson says. “I love her. I’m going to marry her.” The fierce bite in his voice leaves no room for argument. Jada opens her mouth but then wisely swims over to Brian and starts flirting with him.

  Logan takes a deep breath and sinks under the water. For a moment, we’re alone. Hudson’s palm on my ass is comforting. It’s discreet, but we both need the touch. Something grabs me by the ankle and I scream before I’m taken under.


  He drags me away beneath the surface, his palms greedily groping me. I thrash back to the top and gasp for air, frantically searching for Hudson. I hear Logan gasp for air behind me before his strong arms lock around my middle. Back down into the water we go. His cock is hard pressed against the crack of my ass. Panic surges through me as I worry what he’ll do. Surely he wouldn’t. But then he’s poking at me with it.


  I scream and thrash as I fight to break the surface again. People are laughing thinking we’re playing. Just as Logan’s arms go around me again, he’s ripped away from me. In the moonlight, Hudson’s face is positively murderous. He grips Logan by the throat in his left hand and starts pummeling the hell out of him.

  Punch. Punch. Punch.

  His arm is poised for another hit when Nick and Brian pull them apart. Logan’s nose bleeds and he glowers at Hudson. “What the fuck, man?”

  “Nobody touches her,” my brother hisses. “She’s my little sister.”

  “Get her out of here,” Nick growls, disgust dripping from his tone.

  Hudson grips my wrist and starts hauling me from the lake. As soon as we’re standing on the banks, he drags me past the bonfire. We scoop up our clothes along the way and then I’m hurrying to keep up with him as he weaves between parked cars as he looks for his truck. Once we reach it, he throws his stuff into the back and then does the same with mine.

  “Did he hurt you?” he demands, his palms sliding to my cheeks. He tilts my head up so he can look at me.

  “No,” I assure him. “He was rubbing himself against me and it freaked me out.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill him,” he roars and starts back toward the lake.

  Dripping wet with fury gleaming in his eyes, he looks like a monster. A monster that would destroy someone like Logan. I can’t let him do that because they’ll take him to jail. I need him.

  I grip at his shoulders and then latch onto his neck. “Don’t leave me.”

  His eyes, hot with anger, drop to my lips. I lick them to entice him. A growl resounds from him before he attacks my mouth. The violence of his kiss nearly knocks me off my feet. When my knees buckle, he hooks an arm around my waist and walks me back to the truck. My breasts are pressed against his muscled chest and his hard cock throbs between us.

  He yanks the door to his truck open, using it as a shield to hide us and then he breaks our kiss. “Bend over,” he orders.

  I bite my lip but turn around to obey him. With my body folded over his seat and my ass prone to him with people not far away, I feel completely vulnerable. My pussy is slick with want and I wiggle my ass, eager for him to fuck me.

  With one hand, he fists my wet hair. Using the other one, he guides his cock into me. I cry out when he tugs my hair so I’m fully standing. From this position, I feel completely full of him and at his mercy. His hand slides around to my front and massages my clit as he thrusts into me from behind.

  “Unh! Unh! Unh!” My sounds are feral and uncontrolled. I know I should be quiet, but I can’t. Not when he fucks me like it could be the last. As my orgasm nears, my legs begin shaking wildly. “Unh! Unh!” Our bodies are still wet from the water and slap together noisily.

  Someone could see.

  Someone could hear.

  “You’re fucking mine,” he hisses against the side of my head.


  His hand slaps over my mouth, stifling my scream as I come. I’m dizzy and losing all sense of reality. Before I’m even done coming down from my high, heat floods into me, marking me from the inside.

  Always the best part.

  The heat of him surging into me.

  My legs keep buckling, but he never lets me go. His cock slides out of me and then he eases me down to rest on the seat. The moment his heat is gone from behind me, I choke on a sob. I want him close. I need his comfort.

  “Here, heathen,” he says softly. “Let’s get you dressed.”

  He helps me pull my dress on, forgoing my panties and bra. The material sticks to my wet skin, but I’m thankful to be covered from possible onlookers.

  “Get inside the truck,” he tells me.

  I scoot to the middle and he climbs in with me. The door slams shut, but he makes no moves to drive off. He lifts his arm and then tucks me against his chest. Beneath his strong arm, it feels safe and warm. I don’t ever want to leave this spot.

  “That was careless,” he murmurs. “I shouldn’t have done that with them so close.”

  I palm his chest that’s now covered in his T-shirt. “But I needed that.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “I needed that too.”

  We’re silent for a while. The sounds of the other partygoers can be heard not too far away as they laugh and yell.

  “It’s like I have a fever around you,” he admits with a whisper.

  “We didn’t find a cure,” I say as my eyes droop with sleep. “We just got sicker.”


  The drive back to campus the next morning is awkward. Nick sits in the passenger seat nursing a hangover and keeps shooting glares my way. It’s pissing me off. I haven’t touched Rylie once during our car ride, no matter how difficult it is not to. Her thigh rubbing against mine is enough to make me lose nearly all focus.

  “I need to go grab a change of clothes and then maybe we can go get breakfast,” she says cheerily, looking way too beautiful for seven in the morning. Her hair has air dried and is wilder than usual, but her brown eyes are bright and happy. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. And mine.

  I park close to her car at the school and then climb out. She bounces off and I watch her as she leaves.

  “You’re fucking your sister.”

  I snap my head to meet Nick’s accusing glare from across the hood of the truck. “Excuse me?”

  He rounds the front of the truck with fire gleaming in his eyes. “You’re fucking Rylie, you sick fuck.”

  I stalk over to him and my chest bumps against his. “I’m not fucking my sister, dickhead.” I glower down at him. I’m slightly taller and definitely stronger.

  “Don’t lie to me, Huds,” he snarls. “I walked in on you yesterday. The room smelled like your baby sister’s pussy.”

  I shove him hard and he stumbles back. “Talk about my sister again,” I threaten. “I fucking dare you.”

  He stomps back over to me. “You’ll go to prison for this shit. They’ll rape you in prison for being a sister fucker. They’ll—”

  I shove him again, this time hard enough his ass hits the pavement.

  “Hudson!” Rylie is now behind me and tugs at my arm. “Stop!”

  Jerking my head to meet her gaze, I hiss at her. “He’s accusing me of fucking you!”

  Fear flashes in her eyes and she shakes her head. “W-What? Don’t be gross, Nick. You’re misunderstanding. Hudson and I wouldn’t do that.”

  Nick gets back to his feet. “I know what I saw. I know what I fucking heard. And I smelled sex!”

  I start for him again, but Rylie pushes past me, putting herself between us.

  “Nick,” she says softly. “You’re drunk still and tired. He’s my brother. We are not having sex.”

  His fury melts away as confusion sets in. “But I—”

  She clutches his shoulders. I want to pry her hands off him, but I let her handle this. My w
ay of handling it would be smashing his skull in with my fists. “But nothing. I have a boyfriend named Travis. Hudson is on again and off again with Amy. He’s protective over me because our parents recently died. Please understand.”

  He swallows. “Whatever. I’m going to bed.”

  As soon as he’s gone, I point at the truck. “Wait here. I’m getting us a hotel room for the night but need to grab some clothes first.”

  “Don’t antagonize him,” she says. “Just get in and get out.”

  I give her a clipped nod and trot off after my once best friend.

  Just get in and get out.

  I wake to the sound of an air conditioner humming as it kicks on and it takes me a moment to realize I’m in a hotel room. Rylie’s naked body is draped over mine and she snores softly. I stroke her silky hair and wish for a million more moments like this one. Moments where we can freely be together without fear of prying eyes and accusations.

  I’m still pissed over Nick.

  He has no right to get into my business.

  Rylie stirs and lets out a soft moan that speaks straight to my cock. After we left Nick, I booked a hotel room and we spent the rest of the afternoon eating takeout and having sex. My sweet girl is beyond tired and yet my body still craves her, even now. She rolls over onto her stomach, her body all sprawled out. I love what a wild sleeper she is. Sitting up on my elbow, I start pressing kisses along her spine. When I get to the little dip of skin at the base of her back right above the swell of her ass, she twitches.

  She’s awake.

  Good, I want to taste her.

  A gasp escapes her when I kiss down the crack of her ass. My tongue is curious and I lick her pussy from behind. Her scent is clean from our shower and I want to dirty her up. I want to smell her arousal. I want to fucking bathe in it. She groans when I grab a handful of her ass and pull it to the side. My nose nudges against her ass as my tongue seeks to plunge inside her cunt.

  I playfully nip at her pussy lip. “I want to take every part of you. I want in here one day.” A loud moan rips from her when I run my tongue along her puckered hole between her ass cheeks. I let the saliva from my mouth run out and drench her hole as I tease it. Her arousal becomes potent and I can smell it in the air. “You want that,” I observe.


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