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Stay the Night: A Navy Seal Erotic Romance (Take a Chance Book 4)

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by Caridad Piñeiro

  “Hey, my super hero,” she teased and nipped at his lips.

  Lord, but she made him feel super and invincible and that anything was possible.

  He rolled her beneath him and she welcomed him, guiding him to her center and cradling his hips as he eased inside.

  He didn’t move at first, content to just be joined with her, but need soon took over.

  As urgent and edgy as their lovemaking had been the night before, this morning’s loving was slow and replete with tenderness. Full of leisurely kisses and unhurried caresses as passion built and then overwhelmed them.

  After, they lay tangled together again, relishing the peace as the sun rose higher and the room grew bright from the light that spilled in from the balcony doors.

  He could imagine waking like this every morning, with her tucked against him as all that golden light promised a fresh new day and an ocean breeze wafted in to blow away any troubles.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked and smoothed a hand across his chest.

  For some reason, he wasn’t quite ready to open himself up to the possibility of all those tomorrows together. Not just yet, although he couldn’t say why.

  “I thought I saw a sticky bun shop on the way in last night or was I dreaming?”

  “You weren’t dreaming. It’s just a block or so from the traffic circle,” she said and lazily stroked her hand across his chest again.

  “How about you make some coffee and I’ll go get us some buns?”

  With a brief kiss across her forehead, he hopped out of bed, got dressed, and hurried out the door.

  He needed to take a brain-clearing drive to sort out all the emotions he was feeling and try to make sense of them. It was too soon a turn from feeling like an trespasser in her life to accepting that there was a place for him there after all.

  He nearly ran down the stairs, snagged his keys from by the front door, and rushed down the hall and out to the garage.

  Elena’s brand spanking new SUV was parked next to the cloth-covered hulk of his decrepit old Falcon. In a way, the cars were like the two of them. Elena with her sleek and sexy new persona and him, battered and bruised by war and his absence in her life. Definitely feeling way older than his years from all that he’d seen and done.

  He grabbed hold of the non-descript gray cloth and hesitantly removed it from the automobile. Each tug of the fabric revealed another piece of gleaming paint and chrome.

  Shock and awe were the only words that flitted through his brain at the sight of the Falcon.

  Someone had faithfully repainted the car in the original colors of sea foam on the body and off white on the roof. All of the chrome had been cleaned and was rust-free, although some pieces could still suffer being re-plated. Inside, the off white leather on the seats showed some signs of age and wear, but it had been carefully patched to hide the places where seat guts had once poked out. The dash was likewise clean and shiny with not a hint of dirt or blemishes.

  I’m an ass. A fuckin’ major league ass, it finally occurred to him as he nearly strangled the cloth covering in his hands.

  She had known how special the car was to him even though it had little commercial value.

  She had known how important the idea of having their own home was to someone like him, whose family could barely scrape together enough to keep a roof over their heads.

  Across the long distances and the many months spent apart, she had been faithful to him and welcomed him home with open arms. Had given all to him while he had kept his distance from her, emotionally and even physically.

  He was a big bad ass Navy Seal who could take care of himself and yet the only thing he wanted more than anything was the strong, independent, and caring woman who had protected one very important thing: his heart.

  He dropped the cloth and his keys and rushed back into the kitchen where she stood at the counter, her hands braced on the edge as she stared out the window into the morning sun. The rays bathed her face, silvering the glistening trails of tears that she hastily wiped away at his abrupt entrance.

  “Sorry. I didn’t expect you so soon,” she said and with shaky hands, she grabbed the guts for the coffee machine and started prepping it.

  “I never left,” he said as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry I’ve been pushing you way, only . . . I was scared. Afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore and I couldn’t handle that.”

  She turned in his arms and cupped his face in her hands. She met his gaze and said, “Of course I want you. I love you. I’ve loved you forever, Rafe. I was afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore.”

  He shook his head. “Why would you think that?”

  With a sheepish shrug, she looked away and said, “You only married me on account of the baby and with him gone, why would you stay with me?”

  He closed his eyes and muttered a curse before dipping his head down so she couldn’t avoid him. “Because I love you. I have since the fifth grade when you chased away those bullies who were making fun of my hand-me-down clothes and smelly lunch. Marrying you was the happiest day of my life, even if it didn’t happen the way I had imagined.”

  The first hint of a smile teased the corner of her mouth. “How did you imagine it?”

  “In a church with lots of flowers and all our families. A big party afterward. Not a quickie thing at City Hall like we did.”

  The smile blossomed across her features and her dark brown eyes glittered with joy. “I like that idea. Maybe we could do it when you’re done with your enlistment?”

  “Or I could re-enlist for another tour. There’s a really big bonus if I do that and the money would really help with the renovations.”

  Her smile dimmed and sadness crept into her gaze. “Is that what you want? To go back again?”

  Big brave man had to finally face the thing he feared the most. “What do you want?”

  Her gaze swept over his features, searching, but then she wagged her head and let out a rough sigh. “What I want is to have you home, Rafe. With me. Here. I want to renew our vows with a big church wedding and have a huge party here at the house to celebrate.”

  “In our home,” he said, finally acknowledging what he should have from the first.

  “Yes, in our home,” she repeated and kissed him, opening her mouth on his and welcoming him home yet again. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, giving him a full body hug, and desire roused in him once more, surprising her.

  “Again?” she said with a wide-eyed chuckle.

  He rubbed his growing erection against her belly playfully. “I think that in the next few weeks, I want to make love to you in every room in our home. This way no matter where you go, you’ll think about us until I’m back for good.”

  She shook her head and smiled brilliantly. Tears once again came to her eyes, but they were tears of joy. “Rafe, I think about you every minute of every day, but I kind of like your idea about christening each room.”

  “Do you?” he said with a grin and another rock of his hips against her.

  “Yeah, I do. And there are lots of them thankfully.” She slipped her hands between them to undo his zipper and release his dick. Stroked it before wrapping her hand around him and urging him to bend slightly while she hiked one thigh up along his leg.

  He bent slightly and grabbed her buttocks in his hands. Urged her to him and eased inside.

  A tiny gasp and moan escaped her and he stilled, met her gaze. He wanted to be connected to her in every way possible. Wanted her to know just how much she meant to him and how much he was looking forward to their future together.

  “I love you, Elena. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I love you, Rafe. I’ll be counting the days until you’re home again.”

  “Me, too.” He shifted so that she was braced against the wall, but moved his hands to bracket her back and protect her.

  His gaze never left her face as he withdrew and then filled her again, e
ach stroke as strong and sure as the love they had just declared. Her eyelids drifted closed as passion built with his movements, but he wanted to see her go over. Wanted her to see him as he lost himself in her amazing embrace.

  “Open your eyes, Elena. I want to see what you do to me. I want to watch you come,” he said, his voice rough with the emotion and desire twisted together inside his heart and gut.

  She slowly opened her eyes. They were wide and dark with want and longing. So much so that he could see his reflection in them and his own need.

  He worked his hips harder, driving into her. The force of his thrusts rocking her against his hands and the wall. Each powerful stroke pulling satisfied sounds from her that only stoked his yearning until he could no longer hold back.

  With one last intense surge, he came inside her, spilling himself deep. Resting his forehead against hers as she tightened her hold on his waist with her legs and released a long moan of satisfaction.

  For long moments they just stayed there, until the trembling in their bodies and the weakness in his knees forced them to untangle themselves.

  With her legs on firm ground, Elena wrapped her arms around him and held on, needing to be with him for just a little longer.

  “Maybe we should have stayed in bed all day,” she said, reluctant to break away from him.

  He chuckled and nipped at her lips with his mouth. “Remember my plan. Every room, although not in just one day. As it is, I need rest and some food, but not in that order.”

  “How about you got get those sticky buns and I’ll make some coffee. Get dressed.”

  “Yeah, I think you should, otherwise we might not get anything done and I know you wanted me to help you pick some paint colors. And the tiles,” he said with a snap of his fingers, remembering what she had said the night before.

  “You could even help me paint. You’d be amazed at how much I’ve learned to do around the house.”

  He shot her a sexy grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “If it involves you running around in nothing but a tool belt, I’m game.”

  She chuckled and smoothed her hand across his chest. “If you’re a good boy, it just might. But first the sticky buns. I need the sugar rush to get me going.”

  He pointed at her and winked. “I’m going to hold you to that promise about the tool belt.” A second later, he was zipping up and with a quick, hard kiss, he left her standing by the sink, butt naked.

  She stood there for long moments, considering all that had happened in the last twenty four hours. Feeling not only physical satisfaction, but a lightness in her soul and heart that only he could bring. Any doubts she might have had before his arrival were gone and she was thankful that he had stayed the night so they could exorcise the fears they both had harbored for so long.

  She snagged her nightshirt off the floor and slipped it back on. Put up a pot of coffee and set the table, looking forward to not only spending the day with him, but starting their new life together.

  Chapter 9

  Seven Months Later

  Brigantine, New Jersey

  Rafe stared at his friend, thinking that he might have lost his mind. “Are you crazy? Do you know how hard it will be to pull this off?”

  Marine Lieutenant Trevor Mason only smiled. “You said you wanted to make this wedding big and special. What could be more special than a military wedding?”

  It would be special, he thought. “It’ll be tough to whip up enough of us in only two weeks. We don’t all have leave at the same time.”

  Trevor wagged his head. “Have some faith. There’s me and Jase. Your new boss is retired Navy, isn’t he?”

  He was and so far, Mark Smith seemed really pleased with his work. Nodding, he said, “That’s only three.”

  “Four with Maggie’s sister. She’s an Army Staff Sergeant and she’ll be home in a week for good.”

  “We need six officers or noncoms, don’t we?” he said, getting excited about the idea of surprising Elena with something that different for the renewal of their vows.

  Trevor clapped him on the back. “I’ll watch your six. Give me a week and I’ll have the other two guys for you and get everything straightened out at the church.”

  * * *

  Trevor had dipped into his trust fund and flown in two of his Seal Team members to complete the arch of sabers. He’d also gotten permission from their local priest to form the arch inside the church.

  “I really appreciate you all doing this. I think Elena will really be surprised,” he said as he gazed at the men and one woman gathered in the church for a dress rehearsal. He held out his hand to introduce himself to Maggie’s older sister Bridget, the Army Staff Sergeant Trevor had mentioned two weeks earlier.

  “I appreciate you doing this,” he said.

  She smiled and dipped her head. “Anything for a fellow service member.”

  The smile just brightened otherwise gorgeous features and it was obvious she had caught the eye of every single man in the room as well as his new boss and friend, Mark Smith.

  The handshake they shared as Mark introduced himself went on far longer than necessary, causing a very becoming blush to color Bridget’s fair complexion and bring out a dusting of freckles along her cheeks.

  When Bridget finally and reluctantly released Mark’s hand, she said, “Thank you for asking me to be part of this. It’s been a little weird being back on the block.”

  “I’m sure we can get you used to civilian life in no time, Staff Sergeant,” Mark said and gazed at her in a way that said he’d be more than happy to help her make the adjustment.

  “All right, let’s get this drill going before Elena arrives for the main dress rehearsal,” Trevor said, in best man command mode.

  Rafe was grateful for him and Jase, his other friend Marine Lieutenant friend, who were keeping everything in order for him.

  He’d had too much on his plate the last few weeks what with starting a new job, helping Elena with the plans for the wedding, and getting the house in shape for the big celebration afterward, a combination reception and house warming.

  They skipped through the usher duties since they would do that anyway with Elena in less than an hour. Instead, they focused on the orders for forming the line for the arch, the commands for raising the swords and after, the traditional greeting for the bride.

  Not that she was being welcomed to the Navy as was normally the case since she’d already survived nearly six years as a Navy Seal wife. But he knew that the brotherhood he’d established with his team and men like Trevor, Jase, and Mark was one that would last far beyond the years he’d served.

  After a few runs through the routine, Jase clapped his hands and said, “Ooorah, men and Staff Sergeant. It’s looking great. Let’s get everything cleared out of here since the bride-to-be should be arriving shortly.”

  Trevor and Jase collected the swords that the local priest would safeguard in his office until he and Elena had left the rehearsal. The men and Bridget would pick them up tomorrow when they arrived for the wedding in full dress uniform.

  Jase had just stepped into the back with the priest when the door to the church opened and Elena stepped in with her bridal party and parents.

  His gut clenched at the sight of her, even though she was only wearing jeans and a lightweight sweater in deference to the chill of the late April night. Luckily they were forecasting weather in the sixties and lots of sun for tomorrow’s big event.

  A perfect day for the two of us to start the rest of our lives as man and wife, he thought and walked toward her, a broad grin on his features.

  Elena caught sight of Rafe as he peeled away from the men and woman that would be his groomsmen. They all bore the stamp that said military, but Rafe still stood out from them as he always had.

  Big, handsome, and incredibly sexy as he swaggered down the aisle to meet her.

  As he neared, he held out his hands and she slipped hers into his. “I can’t believe this is really happening,” she said.
/>   “It is, Elena. It’s what you deserve for all that you’ve done.”

  “What we deserve, Rafe. Are you ready to do this?” she said and shot him a half glance, suddenly afraid that after all the years and all the waiting, it wasn’t really going to happen.

  Rafe pulled her forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. He tucked his head tight to hers and whispered, “I’ve never been more ready, Mrs. Castillo.”

  Relief knifed through her. She turned her head and grazed a kiss along his lips before stepping away. “Then let’s get this party started.”

  He grinned, did a mock salute, and hurried back to the front of the church where his groomsmen waited. Her father and mother took a spot on either side of her, and her sisters and friends got in line for the walk down the aisle.

  From somewhere up in the church loft, the organist started to play the Pachalbel Canon they’d chosen for the entry of her bridal party. One by one her sisters and friends marched down the aisle, so slowly it seemed that Elena wanted to drag them down so that she could do her walk and meet Rafe up at the altar.

  Calm down, girl, the little voice in her head said and she shook her head ruefully.

  It was hard to calm down when what they had waited and worked so long and hard for was so close at hand.

  Somehow she didn’t race up the aisle, but kept a sedate pace in time to the bridal march.

  At the altar, Rafe held out his hands once again, a devilish look in his hazel-green gaze. With a quick glance at the priest, he said, “I know this isn’t part of the ceremony, Father, but I just can’t wait.”

  He hauled her close and kissed her hard, opening his mouth on hers and dragging her tight to his body.

  Her mind and body reacted to the intensity of his kiss and she met his mouth over and over again until a loud cheer erupted from his groomsmen.

  “Oorah, welcome to the Navy.”

  They broke apart, smiling, and the priest chuckled and said, “My son. Save that for later.”

  “I most definitely will, Father,” Rafe replied and tucked his hand into hers.

  She tightened her hold on him and repeated the vows they had taken so long ago. Vows they had kept over the long years of separation. Vows which would carry their love faithfully into their future lives together.


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