Book Read Free

My Favorite Mistake

Page 3

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “I did.” She tapped the photo. “Delete.”

  “Don’t get rid of all of them.” He pointed to one of the images of him on the balcony. “In that one, you’d think I’m a model.” He scooted closer and bit back a gasp. He barely recognized himself. Between the great lighting, the pose, and her ability to photograph him, he looked awesome. “No one will believe that’s me.”

  “The Aura Sportswear Group will love these,” Molly said. “Correction, Iris will love them. You’ll get that date after all.”

  Iris. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in her. She resembled a model, with her long blonde hair and slender frame. She dressed to impress and her business sense with Aura was sharp, but he didn’t have much in common with her. Not like with Molly.

  “Let’s worry about her later.” Austin pointed to another image, then trailed his fingers over the edge of the laptop screen. “I like this one the best.” He liked the way he looked with Molly. Wasn’t that how things were supposed to go? Her beside him and making him better? Then why did he feel the need to keep things platonic? Because he feared if they mixed work and play again, he’d ruin the best relationship of his life.

  “That’s got me in it.” Molly moved the photo file to a separate folder. “I guarantee they won’t want that in the campaign.” She selected one of the pictures of him on the bed and adjusted the sharpness. She added a blurry frame around it then drew on the image. “Thinking of you.”

  “Nice. Like a postcard.” He rested his head on hers. “Molls, this is why we work so well together. You know what to do and know how to tell me what to do.” Why wouldn’t she just tell him to get his head out of his rectum and admit he liked her? He had no idea.

  “I had you pose. It wasn’t that hard.” She clicked the save button and switched to a photo of him on the balcony. “Make it black and white, add a haze to the edge,” she said, explaining her process as she went. “I want this one, the last one and another to round out the presentation. Which one?”

  “Undecided.” He stared at the thumbnail images. Christ. Molly could use any of them, really. She’d captured the essence of the company—free-spirited comfort and accessibility—and enhanced his appeal. If she’d gone into professional photography, she could’ve made a mint with her artsy pictures.

  “Yeah, I’m not sure, either.” Molly drummed her fingers on the laptop keys. “How about the one where you’re glancing over your shoulder at me?” She lined up the images. “Yes?”

  He hadn’t noticed that particular shot before, but yeah, she’d made him look hot—again. “Go with that one.”

  “Cool.” Her fingers flew over the keys as she added type to the image. “And send.”

  “Send?” He frowned. “Sent what?”

  “The proposal. Iris should have it in her hot little hands as soon as the email arrives.” Molly closed the laptop. “I need to plug this in.” She left the bed. “I kill more batteries working on photos, but it’s fun.”

  He pieced through what had just happened. She’d already submitted their work to the client. Damn, she was efficient. If the client didn’t like the direction she’d given for the apparel campaign, then they were blind and he’d have to get with Molly to come up with a plan B.

  “Austin? Your phone is buzzing. Want it?”

  His phone? What the hell? Why was it making any noise? He’d thought he’d turned the setting to silent. “I guess.” He wasn’t sure who’d be calling him and didn’t really want to take the call. Truth be told, he preferred the quiet with Molly as opposed to anything else at the moment.

  She strolled over to him with the device and plopped it in his hand. “For you.”

  “Thanks.” He glanced down at the number. Melinda Trail from Aura. Shit. He scrambled off the bed and escaped onto the balcony. He watched the traffic below and listened to the waves lapping at the lakeshore. “Ms. Trail.”

  “Hi, Mr. Dean. I’m glad I reached you. I just opened my email and looked over this proposal. I have to say you and Ms. Neff work fast, but you’re good. This is exactly what Ms. Sommerville wanted,” Melinda said. “We’d like to meet to sign the contracts as soon as possible—say, tomorrow morning around ten?”

  “I believe Molly and I will be available, but you’ll have to contact Lee.” He pumped his fist. He owed Molly big time.

  “Of course,” Melinda replied. “Now, the reason I’m expediting this is that the Aura Group is having our yearly gala to announce which charities we’re funding. We’d like to announce the new ad campaign and possibly post a couple of these photos. Is that more incentive to get the contracts signed?”

  “I— Yeah.” Austin froze. Use the photos? Those were just for suggestion. “Molly used those as recommendations. I’m sure there are better models out there.” Especially since the gala was the next night. Christ. He didn’t want to see himself in poster form. Sure, he had a healthy self-image, but there was something intimate about what he’d done with Molly. He wasn’t sure he wanted to share that intimacy with the world.

  “True, but Ms. Neff did such a wonderful job it’d be a shame to waste them,” Melinda said. “I highly expect we’ll reshoot the photos for the actual campaign and have updated clothing in those shots, but for now, these are more than effective.”

  He agreed the images shouldn’t be wasted, but he wouldn’t give the green light without talking to Molly first. “I’d like to discuss that with my partner.”

  “Of course. I look forward to hearing from you before the morning. Good evening.” Melinda hung up, leaving him in silence.

  Austin gripped the railing and stared at the white cap waves on the lake. He and Molly worked fast, but the contracts never came through at that speed. Usually, they were on to the next project and almost done while the first job was finalized. He dialed Melinda’s number and waited for her to answer.

  “The Aura Group, this is Melinda Trail speaking. How may I direct your call?” she asked.

  “Hi, this is Austin Dean. We just spoke.” His hands shook. “I have a question or two. Number one, the gala is a black-tie affair, correct?”

  “Yes. When the meeting takes place in the morning to sign the contracts, the invitation will be delivered. Consider it on the way.”

  He peeped through the glass doors to Molly. She’d rolled onto her side and clutched one of the pillows. His? He kind of hoped so.

  “Question number two, are we to bring a plus one or only us?” He’d asked the question in the most awkward fashion. “I mean, Molly and I should arrive together, correct?”

  “We want to recognize both members of the team but would prefer you not to bring a date,” Melinda said. “Ms. Sommerville would prefer you to come alone.”

  He paused. Wait, didn’t they want to recognize both members? “Ms. Sommerville? I thought you said we were both invited. I’d like to bring Molly. She did most of the work.”

  “We like to keep the security tight at the gala and to limit the number of attendees. It keeps the evening more quaint and exclusive. Who doesn’t like exclusive?”

  “I guess you’re right, but I’m not sure why that means Molly isn’t invited.” His heart sank. She was being left out again.

  “She can come along, I suppose. I’ll let the coordinators know.”

  How nice. He groaned. “Thank you. Ms. Neff and I will be there.” Once he conned Molly into going along with him.

  “This change won’t pose an issue with the proposal or the contract?” Melinda asked.

  “No. It should be fine once you’ve run it past Mr. Lee.” His boss would be thrilled that someone from the company would be at the gala. He’d also love that they’d nailed the account. But Austin didn’t appreciate Molly not getting the same rewards he’d been offered.

  “Wonderful. Good evening,” Melinda said and hung up.

  Austin leaned against the railing and blew out a long breath. He’d have to tell Molly—not like he’d keep this kind of information to himself. They were going to a gal
a. He’d have the chance to see Iris again and Molly in a gown. He chuckled. Part of him wanted to see Iris, but the rest of him couldn’t wait to see Molly all dressed up. Was he foolish for his interest in both women? Probably. He needed to make a decision and fast. If he tried to string them along, he’d end up on the losing end. Besides, he couldn’t handle not having Molly in his life. He pushed off the railing and headed back into the suite.

  Molly tipped her head and smiled. “I hadn’t realized how tired I was until I stretched out.” She waggled her fingers. “Gonna join me?”

  “You bet. That’s a comfy bed.” He crawled onto the bed and tossed his phone onto the mattress. He didn’t cuddle up to her. Instead, he rested against the headboard and crossed his arms. He wasn’t sure how to tell her the good news. Why? He’d been the one invited—not her and not right away. He’d angled to get her in but he doubted she’d believe him.

  “What?” She sat up and finger-combed the loose strands of hair from her face. “What’s wrong? Having second thoughts?” She rolled her eyes. “I know. You’ve got a hot date or something. This was too good to be true.” She scooted to the edge of the bed. “I’ll go.”

  “No.” He picked at the bedding and watched her. “Stay. I’ve got news and a big secret.”

  “That’s not so bad.” She shrugged but stood. “Spill. Which woman called you for a date? Do I have to play intermediary or bail you out?”

  “No.” He shook his head and clasped his hands together. God, he sounded so lame. How many times had she bailed him out? The more he thought about it, he realized she’d been his salvation too many times. He owed her. Big time. “I—we—are invited to the Aura gala. The big ball thing they throw when they want to let the world know who they’re donating money to. We’re in and you’re coming with me.” Wouldn’t that make her day?

  “How did you—we—get such an invite?” Molly tipped her head to the side. “From the campaign?” She sank onto the bed and stared at him. “Tell me.”

  His heart hammered. “Yeah, we got the campaign. Melinda opened the email and showed it to Iris. They loved it.”

  Her eyes sparkled and she sat up straighter. “That’s awesome. I knew that would be a good angle for them.” Pride shone all over her face. “I’m excited.”

  “We sign the contracts in the morning, but it’s more or less a done deal.” He should’ve been happy but he knew what was coming. He knew Molly. The invitation would’ve made anyone else’s day, but she’d assume the worst. Not like she didn’t have reason—he’d conned her into going to different events because he hadn’t been able to go alone, and because he hadn’t wanted her to be left out. Too many times the clients and their boss had assumed he did the lion’s share of the work. Molly saved his ass routinely. He’d make sure she got the recognition she deserved.

  “A contract now? That’s fast.” She hopped off the bed and did a silly dance where she bobbed her head and pointed toward the ceiling. “We got it, we got it. Whoop!”

  He laughed and joined her. The dance reminded him of someone celebrating a touchdown. Truthfully, they had scored—getting the contract and working with Aura was a big deal. “There’s more. They want to use your photos at the gala.”

  “They want to show you off.” Molly stopped dancing and looked at him. She removed the elastic from her hair and fixed her ponytail then put the elastic back. “I understand.” Her smile fell and the light in her eyes dimmed. “You’re hot and they want to capitalize. It’s a good fit.”

  “I don’t agree.” He tugged her onto his lap. Being with her calmed him yet had him on edge. He wanted to make her happy, not bring her down. “Molls, they want us. Not just me. I’m in the photo, but that’s your work.”

  She stood and turned her back to him. “You’ve been invited. Have fun.”

  “I need you.” He wasn’t lying. She was more than his partner in crime at the ad agency. He liked her and wanted her by his side when he faced the firing squad at the gala. She was his rock.

  “You need me to bail you out. I ran the extra yards to turn in the best proposal, but you wanted this campaign more than anyone because you wanted another chance with you. Well, you got it.” Her tone changed. The pain in her voice was evident. She was getting screwed. He could do something about it—something beyond just insisting she was supposed to come along.

  “No—yes.” Shit. He’d fucked this all up.

  “Which is it?” She faced him. “Am I your prop or your bail bondswoman?” No tears, but her voice cracked.

  “Both—no. Fuck.” He gritted his teeth. “You deserve tons of credit. The whole reason we got in at the gala was because of your photos. Yes, I want you there because you’re my partner, but I said no because I know I’ll need bailing out.” He threaded his fingers into his hair. “I told them we weren’t coming unless we were both included, because this wasn’t all my work. I can’t do this without you.”

  Molly’s shoulders sank. “Shit. Whose pussy did you fill and chill?”

  “That sounds tacky.” Not altogether unlike him, but he’d hoped he didn’t have such an awful record.

  “You’re tacky. You jump from bed to bed,” she snapped.

  “I might have done that in the past.” He wanted to be better. Wanted to settle down. But he couldn’t decide who he wanted to settle down with. Still, he deserved every barb and nasty comment from her. He’d been just as guilty of using her.


  “So I’ve made bad decisions.” He held up both hands. “So what? I’m not perfect and never claimed to be.” Beg me to make up my mind. Force me to admit what you’ve already figured out.

  She shook her head. “Don’t do this. Don’t pander to my ego. I know the score. They liked my photos because the owner already has a thing for you.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks and smeared her makeup. “You only told them I needed to come along because you felt sorry for me.”

  She was right, but he refused to let her know. Was he an ass? Yeah, he was, but he couldn’t help himself. He’d tried to make things right, but nothing seemed to be going according to plan. “Is there anything wrong with me wanting you as my date?”

  “No.” She gathered up her things. “I’m not doing it.” Molly tossed a twenty onto the table then shoved her phone into her purse. “Take the glory. Take the praise. I’m not interested.”

  Fuck. He balled his hands into fists. “I kind of told Mr. Lee we’re dating.” Not a total lie. He’d admitted to their boss he wanted to ask her out because he needed to know if they’d get fired for having an inter-office relationship.

  “You what?” Molly’s lips parted and her eyes widened. More tears slipped down her cheeks and her mascara smeared. “Are you kidding me?”


  She pinched the bridge of her nose. “You did this because the relationship with Mr. Lee’s daughter went south and she realized you’re an ass, right?”

  “I’m pretty sure she knows.” Austin inched toward her. He wanted to gather Molly into his arms and make things right. “Go with me. You did the work and deserve the spoils. Hell, I should be staying home.”

  “But they expect you to be there.” She arranged her bags on her shoulder then tucked her laptop under her free arm. She hadn’t even unplugged the machine yet. “I’m not doing it.”

  “Come on.” He crept closer. “Please? I’m begging.”

  “No.” She started away from the table, but the cable on her laptop stopped her. She groaned as the connection fell away from the machine. Molly placed the computer on the table then unplugged. She tucked the cord into one of her bags. “I’m out of here. I can’t stand being used—again.”

  Fuck it. Austin crossed the room and took her bags and the laptop from her. “I don’t deserve for you to give a shit about me and Aura doesn’t deserve to have you working for them. The whole situation is a happy, profitable accident and I’m benefiting, yes. The thing is, if I’m going to go to this event I need you. I can’t do this alone�
�not because I’m hiding from a girlfriend. Promise. It’s more complicated than that.”

  Everything was so fucked up. She knew him too well and wasn’t giving him an inch. He needed to admit his feelings and be honest with her.

  “Austin. You’re just doing this because I’m the only woman you’ve ever slept with who still talks to you. I might be invited to this shindig, but the only reason you want me as your date is because I’m the one woman there who isn’t a sexual threat or potential partner in the sack. I’m not trying to fuck you. God knows that won’t happen again.” She eased away from him and turned her back to him. Her voice cracked as she gathered up her things. “I’m the best you’re going to hope for, right?”

  She had him nailed and had cut him deep. They’d never sleep together again? Why? Because he’d kept his mouth shut for too long? Duh. He needed another chance to convince her to stick around. He placed her purse and shoulder bag on the table. “You’re the only one I trust.”

  “Trust?” She reached for her purse but stopped and held up both hands. “Why now?”

  “Molls, we can’t lose this client. They’re sending over the contracts in the morning. We get this sorted out, show up at the gala and smile a lot. You might have fun and if you don’t, you don’t have to talk to me ever again.”

  “Oh, I’m already on that.” She grabbed the handle of her shoulder bag. “Just let me go.”

  He’d fucked everything else up. He might as well be honest with her. “Besides the fact that you’re supposed to go because those are your goddamn photos they’re excited about, you’ll help me make the right impression. You won’t try to climb the social ladder on my back. You’ve got heart and integrity. I need you there with me.” To be honest, he was scared to go alone. Scared to admit he’d fallen in love with her and wanted her on his arm. She gave him strength, confidence and made him laugh. “I know I won’t blow it if you’re beside me. I’ll help you pick out a dress and get you all dolled up. Just please say you’ll come with me.”

  “This was supposed to be a good night. A fun time. We have a few drinks, work on this project and get it turned in. Watch a dirty movie, maybe end up making out, but having a good time. Now we get the account and are invited to a ball. I’ve never been to a ball.” Her chin quivered and she closed her eyes. “You want me to go to salve your ego when Iris turns you down.”


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