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My Favorite Mistake

Page 8

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Come over tonight and we’ll discuss the details.” Iris caged him in her arms. “All night long.”

  “I’m busy.” Austin shrugged away from her again. “I’ve got a date.”

  “You’re here with me. Forget her.”

  “No.” Austin strode away from Iris. He’d wasted enough time with her for the moment.

  “You’ll lose the account,” Iris called. “If you go home with me, I’ll make sure you won’t regret it.”

  Part of him wanted to chase the fame and everything Iris was offering, but the rest of him wasn’t ready to walk away from Molly. He wasn’t ready to trade his integrity and hard work in the advertising business for a romp in the hay with Iris. But what if they lost the account? What about Molly? He doubted she’d put up with him acting on impulse rather than using his head. She’d never speak to him again.

  Which was he willing to lose—a fling and a short-term job with the woman he wanted to fuck or the friendship and connection with the only woman he’d ever been emotionally faithful to?

  Iris stepped into his path and stopped him. “What are you going to do?”

  “I need to take care of something.” He’d left Molly alone for long enough.

  “Here.” Iris tucked something into his coat pocket. “I’ll see you later when you’ve made the right decision.” She walked away, wiggling her ass with each step.

  Austin groaned. He doubted he’d see Iris later—at least not in the way she wanted. He maneuvered through the dancers to Molly. The models eyeballed him then left.

  “What was that about?” Austin asked. He hoped the irritation wasn’t evident in his voice.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.” Molly smoothed his lapels and patted his chest. “I assume you’re leaving. No problem. I’ll get a ride.”

  “With one of the models?”

  “You saw that?” She shook her head, but the corner of her mouth kinked. “It’s nothing. They seem to think I can make them look the way I did with you. I told them it wouldn’t happen.” She squeezed his hand. “Have fun with Iris tonight. You deserve it.”

  As Molly eased past him, he snagged her in his embrace and escorted her to the foyer. He needed some privacy and the party wasn’t going to be enough.

  “What are you doing?” she asked and tumbled into his arms.

  “Getting us a room.” Austin ducked into the coatroom. He closed the door and flipped the lock into place. “Better.”

  Molly snorted. “What if someone wants their coat? You’ve put this place out of commission.”

  “They’ll live.”

  “Brother.” She sighed and brushed her hair from her eyes. “Look, it’s no big deal. Iris is pretty and she’s your key to bigger things. I get it. I don’t know if it’ll last beyond one of your famous quick turns, but if this makes you happy, then do it. I’ll even stick around a while in case you need a backup plan. Seems that’s my other strength.”

  “Nope.” Austin held her to his chest and swayed with her to the muffled music coming from the main room. He hummed along with the tune. “I’m good.”

  “So I’m the plan until she’s free.” Molly pulled away from him.

  He wasn’t letting go so easily. He spun her around then tucked her to his chest again. She was his best partner.

  “What are you doing? You’re supposed to be going, not dancing with me.” Molly laughed and fell into step with him. “Won’t Iris be upset?”

  “I have no idea, but she’s probably pissed.” He shrugged then dipped Molly. “I believe I said I was here with you. A man without integrity would leave his date behind in favor of another woman.”

  “Integrity?” She rested her arms around his neck as he swayed with her. “Or are you hiding from her?”

  “Molls.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I didn’t beg for you to be invited because it was a good business transaction, or because I wanted a date. You deserve to be here. Those are your photos all over out there.”

  “I see.”

  “I like you, Molly,” he blurted. His spirits lifted and his heart filled with desire for her. He’d finally been honest with her and that honesty felt good.

  “Austin, you like me in the office and when you need an ego boost.”

  She’d cut him down to size, but he refused to give in. “I like you in my arms the best.” He captured her mouth in a kiss and swallowed her moan. The passion he’d felt grew stronger, along with their connection. His cock thickened behind his zipper. He needed her. Right now.

  Molly broke the kiss and put her hands on his chest. “We can’t do this again. We work together.” Her voice cracked. “I can want this to happen for the rest of my life but I’m practical. I know you. You’ll find someone else and I’ll be tossed overboard again. I can’t do that.”

  Austin bowed his head. The full weight of his past decisions bore down on him. He’d treated Molly poorly and she deserved better. He checked the lock on the cloakroom then leaned against the door.

  “Let me out.” Molly reached for the lock, but he stopped her.

  “I never said you weren’t enough.”


  “I like when you say my name.” He kissed her again. He’d never get enough of kissing her. “Love it,” he murmured. She was his drug and he’d been crazy to think he could possibly give her up.

  “How do you do that?” Molly wobbled in his arms.

  “The lock?” He pulled her across the small room to the alcove. Even if someone barged in, they wouldn’t see him and Molly right away. “I worked at a theater while I was in high school. Spent a summer here during college. We’ve got about ten minutes before someone checks.” He pinned her between his body and the wall. “I might be the biggest jerk and unworthy of your attention, but you’ve got my heart in your hands.”

  Molly kissed him with gusto and popped the button on his tuxedo pants then unzipped him. Without breaking the kiss, she eased his cock out of his trousers.

  Austin groaned into her mouth. Fuck. With her hands on his shaft, he’d come too fast. He palmed her ass and feathered kisses over her lips, cheeks, chin and neck. Between nips on her skin, he said, “I’ve got a rubber in my coat. Inside pocket.” God knew if he tried to retrieve the condom, he’d fumble.

  “Always prepared?” Molly continued to stroke him but managed to locate the condom with her free hand. She held up the foil packet.

  “Something like that—I wasn’t a scout.” He hiked her skirt up over her hips. The moment he touched her smooth skin again, his heart hammered. God, she was delicate, but so strong…and not wearing any panties. “You went commando?”

  “Not at first.” Molly stopped stroking him and her cheeks tinged red. “I had lines and took them off. You weren’t looking.” She shrugged and her eyes widened. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  “It’s a very good idea.” He took the condom packet from her long enough to rip it open then sheath himself. “Wet for me?” He should’ve said to hell with the other women and followed his heart to Molly a long time ago.

  She nodded. “I can’t wait.”

  “Me, either.” He turned her around and wrapped one arm around her to steady her. He nuzzled her neck and lined his dick up with her slick cunt. She hadn’t been kidding. Damn, she was ready for him.

  “Austin.” She flattened her palms on the wall. “Hurry.”

  He eased his cock into her pussy and paused just a moment to savor the tight fit. He scraped his teeth over the side of her neck. “Yeah,” he whispered.

  Heat enveloped him as he started to push into her. His world spun and rational thought left his head. He should’ve been with her from the start. She met him thrust for thrust. He tingled from his head to his toes. Christ, she overwhelmed him. He moved her skirt out of the way and strummed her clit.

  Molly whimpered. She kept up with his rhythm, making a more perfect cadence between them. She muffled her groans against her arm and arched her back. The slight change
in angle sent him deeper into her body.

  “I’m there,” Molly murmured. “Right there.”

  “Then come for me, babe.” He wasn’t far behind her in the orgasm department. “Come apart for me.”

  Molly shuddered and tensed around him. She clawed at the wall. Although she’d muffled her whimpers, the moment the climax overtook her, he knew.

  Austin pumped his hips. He couldn’t hold on any longer. “Fuck,” he bit out. “Jesus.” He slammed into her and filled the condom with his seed. He shivered with her and managed to add a couple of extra thrusts as the orgasm washed over him. He panted against the back of her neck. He couldn’t see her eyes but didn’t doubt the love flowing between Molly and him. She owned his heart and soul.

  He kissed her shoulder then eased his softening cock from her pussy. Her skirt fell into place around her hips and covered her most intimate areas. Good thing. He didn’t want anyone else to see the special side of Molly—that was only for him. He removed the condom and shoved his dick behind his zipper.

  Molly turned around. Her eyes widened again and her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out.

  He paused. God, she was beautiful. He’d seen her flushed and frazzled after a long project, deep in peaceful sleep and at ease in front of clients, but the flushed and glowing post-sex look knocked him off his feet. Her makeup had smeared a bit, but he’d never seen anyone more attractive. Being with her and making love was crazy, but right.

  “Austin.” Molly nodded and the color drained from her face. “Someone’s trying the lock.”

  “Shit.” Austin ensured her dress was back in place and that he’d zipped his pants before he flipped the lock.

  The door opened. A man dressed in a tuxedo frowned in the doorway.

  “Mr. Finch,” Austin said. He grinned and looped his arm around Molly. “I’m glad you got the door open. Remember how it used to stick?”

  “I thought I had it planed,” the usher said. “How long were you stuck in here?”

  “Not long.” Austin clapped Mr. Finch on the shoulder. “My fiancée was upset and we needed a moment to talk. The window was already drawn, so I shut the door. Go figure, the locking mechanism decided to stick. I wasn’t worried because I knew you’d come to the rescue.”

  “Is she— Are you okay?” Mr. Finch swiped his gaze over Molly. “Hon?”

  “Austin was being a jerk, but it’s worked out,” Molly said. “Thank you so much for helping us.” She eased away from Austin and left the cloakroom.

  Was she being demure? Or just scared? Austin wasn’t sure, but he’d use the rest of the night to make things up to her. He clapped the usher on the shoulder again. “Thank you.” He winked. “Saved my life and my ass.”

  Mr. Finch shook his head and laughed. “I can’t fire you now, but I swear, son, you’ll get caught sooner rather than later.”

  Maybe I already am caught. Austin nodded. “Thanks.” He strode out of the cloakroom to where Molly stood. “Why don’t we head home?”

  “They haven’t done the presentations yet.” Molly hesitated. “Or did we miss them?”

  “I have the feeling Iris wasn’t planning on recognizing anyone from CDL.” No, she’d had other ideas and he’d refused to play along. “I’m tired of being here.”

  “I am, too.” Molly tucked tightly to his side as he escorted her from the building. Once in the limo, she rested her head on his shoulder and placed her hand on his thigh. He loved how she could be sweet and romantic one moment then turn on the heat the next.

  Austin breathed a sigh of relief once the limo started moving. He didn’t want the night to end but he sure as hell wanted away from the Aura gala. “Come over.”

  “So I can play the role of your fiancée?” She patted his knee. “I’m not comfortable with that fib.”

  “I was thinking you could come over so we could talk.” And play engaged couple a while longer, yes. Mostly, he wanted her with him.

  “Oh.” Molly sagged against him.

  “I’ve got wine and we’ve got Sunday off. I thought maybe you could come over. We’d talk, drink…see what happens.” Christ, he wanted to fuck her again, but not in the limo. “Tomorrow we can do whatever we want—you said you wanted to visit that little amusement park down at the harbor. We could forget the world for a day and have fun. Yes?” Anything to keep her in his arms a while longer.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Probably,” he replied. He’d been called worse over the years. “The jury’s still out.” He rode in silence with her for fifteen minutes until the limo stopped. He glanced through the window and recognized the surroundings. “This is my place. Care to join me for an adventure?”


  He understood her hesitancy. He’d never invited her over before. “I’m clean. Promise.”

  “I’ve already slept with you twice in the space of two days.” She twined her fingers together. “It’ll probably happen again.”

  “I’m being honest—I’ve been good and I don’t want to go home without you.” He held out his hand. “Please?”

  Molly met his gaze. After what seemed like an eternity, she grasped his hand. She permitted him to escort her from the limo to the apartment building after he paid the driver.

  “You’re finally allowing me to visit you at the new apartment.” Molly tucked herself into the corner of the elevator car. “Seems nice.”

  “When we got the Ribbs Barbecue account and were given the ginormous bonus, I put mine into the down payment for this place.” He pressed the button for his floor. “I wanted something a little bigger than the last one and nicer, too.”

  “I see.”

  “Not yet you haven’t.” He grinned and reached for her. He wouldn’t be happy until he had her in his arms. “Molls. I made a mess of the evening and I’m trying to make it up to you.”

  The car stopped and the doors opened. Austin nodded. “I’m one of five on this floor. Last one’s mine.”

  Molly eased out of the elevator and made her way down the short corridor. She didn’t say anything as he unlocked the door. She wandered into the apartment, moving silently around the space.

  “Well? Does it pass muster?” Austin shrugged out of his tuxedo jacket. “It’s a little on the bland side.”

  “You have a balcony.” Molly peeked back at him and grinned. She kicked out of her shoes. “I bet it’s beautiful out there.”

  “I wouldn’t know.” He’d only been out there twice. “If you’ve got suggestions for making this place a little more homey, I’m all ears.” He twisted the lock on the balcony door. “Wouldn’t want to help me make this place better, would you?”

  Molly slipped past him and stepped onto the balcony. “You can’t see anything.”

  He eased up behind her and embraced her. “It’s dark and my side faces the lake. We could try again in the morning.”

  “Deal.” She shivered. “Chilly up here, isn’t it?”

  “Come inside with me.” He led her into the apartment and shut the door. He still couldn’t believe she was in his home. “Wine?”

  “Please.” Molly rubbed her bare arms. “I forgot how cold the nights get.”

  He draped his jacket across the back of the couch then headed into the kitchen. He popped the cork on a bottle of rosé and poured the wine into two glasses. He offered her one. “I have a few ideas to warm you up.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure we’ll get around to that soon enough.” She sipped the wine. “You need Christmas lights or something cheery around here. You’re right—it’s too plain.”

  “Christmas lights would look cool. They’re good mood lighting.” He plopped onto the couch. “Sit.” When she did, he relaxed a bit more. “Seems like forever ago that we first came to the city.”

  “Ten years.” She tucked her legs up under her skirt. “We were so young.” She sipped more of the wine and sighed. “I wish I’d brought a bag or my phone. I left all of it with Remy.”

  “He’s trustworth

  She toyed with the stem of the glass. “He is.” She swirled the wine around the goblet. “I feel so out of sorts right now.”


  “This is not me.” She swept her hand over her gown. “The hair, the makeup…this dress. You know me. If I’m not in my jeans and superhero T-shirts, I’m not happy.”

  “And you’re not happy?” He took the glass from her and eased across the couch. “You still look fantastic.”

  “I feel silly.” She groaned and stood. “I’m wearing a dress that’s God only knows how expensive and I have no clue how I’m going to afford it.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Then there’s the fact I had sex in it. If this dress is a rental, I so owe more than the dry cleaning fee.”

  “Don’t worry about the cost.” He snagged her against his chest. “Consider it my gift.”

  “Gift?” She whipped around in his arms. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Depends on who you talk to.” Austin shrugged but didn’t let go of her.

  Her eyes widened and she gasped.

  He cupped her jaw in both hands. “Babe, you’re fine.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll never understand you.” She shrugged away from him. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “Molly.” He sank onto the arm of the sofa. He didn’t understand. Why wasn’t she seeing his gift as a good thing? He wanted to treat her and show her a good time.

  “Austin, you could have any woman. You could be on Iris’ arm right now and have the world at your feet.” Molly toyed with the platinum drop on her necklace. “If you feel sorry for me, I need to know.”

  “I don’t pity you. I paid for that dress because I knew you didn’t have anything to wear to the gala. I know you. You’re a denim and sweatshirt girl. There’s nothing wrong with that—you like to be comfortable. But you couldn’t wear a hoodie to the gala.”

  “I’d like my hoodie right now.”

  “Hold on.” Austin scrambled off the couch and into his bedroom. He understood part of her problem. She wasn’t comfortable. Truth be told, he wasn’t either. He pulled one of his long-sleeved T-shirts and a pair of sleep pants from his dresser. “Molly?”


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