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Alien Romance Box Set: The Euthenian Battle Complete Series (Books 1-4): A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Warrior Romance

Page 18

by Ashley L. Hunt

  She managed to choke out, “You built this, Caleb? Alone?”

  “My brothers helped me some, but it was mostly me. Do you like it? It matches the surroundings. Don’t you think?”

  “It does, yes. I like it. You made it, so I like it.”

  The closer they got, the more things she saw wrong with it. Cracks in the mud let in small pin holes of light. Emerald knew if light could get in so could insects. She hated insects.

  They pulled up; Caleb got off the equine then held his hand out to help her. He surprised her as he scooped her up and carried her into the darkness of their new home.

  “It’s a tradition to carry your wife over the threshold.” He put her down after he brought her inside.

  Emerald saw nothing but dark shadows. He lit up a lantern, making the inside appear. She looked down and found red dirt covering the floor. “I’ll sweep this out straight away, Caleb. Where might your broom be?”

  “No, silly! It’s a dirt floor. Like one of the latest things people do now. It’s pretty, right?” He gestured to the walls. “See how it matches the wood?”

  “You’re right, it does.” She ran a hand through her hair and tried hard not to break down and cry. “It’s larger than it looks like it is from the outside. What about some walls to break up the rooms, Caleb? Are you building them later?”

  “I like the place all open. No little rooms, just one big one. You can set up your kitchen where ever you’d like to. You can move the bed around to where ever you like. The beauty is you can do with it, however, you like to with no walls to get in your way.”

  Emerald looked around the shack he built with no windows or floors or separating walls. Then she realized one very important thing was missing. “The bathroom! Where is it?”

  Caleb’s eyes sparkled at her as he answered, “I bathe in a natural spring in the red forest.”

  “Okay, what about going to the bathroom, Caleb?” She began to twist her hands in front of her.

  “I go in the woods, you can too.”

  Her unhappiness at his words began to show on her face. She felt her bottom lip beginning to quiver as tears threatened. “Perhaps a quick walk around the outside.” She spun around to go outside before he could figure out she was about to burst into tears.

  She turned and walked back in quickly as he was quickly at her side. “I’ll go with you.” She didn’t want him to see her crying.

  Emerald acted if some dust from the floor had kicked up into her eyes, she used her sleeve to dry her eyes. “You know I really should just put my things away. Is that lump of old blankets where we’ll be sleeping?”

  He nodded and she swallowed hard. This was going to be much harder than her life had been.

  “How long have you lived here?” she asked as she placed the bags she’d brought on the ground near the make-shift bed.

  “I haven’t. I’ve been at my parents’ house. I was waiting for you until I moved all the way in. I have more things to pick up from their place tomorrow.” He sat on a small wooden chair.

  “Oh! Good!” She sighed. “Okay, so we’ll have some more things.”

  “Of course, we will, wife,” Caleb said with a chuckle. “What do you take me for, a cheap man?”

  “No, of course not. So, for tonight, dinner. Where is the food?”

  “I need to set up your kitchen. There’s a box here with some things for that. Where do you want me to set that up at?”

  “Anywhere is okay,” she answered.

  His eyes leveled on her as he said, “I want you to decide, Emerald.”

  Her words came out quietly, “Over here by the table and chairs.”

  Emerald was unsure how she was going to take living in this new place in this way. One thing was for sure, the lack of a bathroom was going to make life so much harder.



  Emerald sat in a chair at the small table, watching Caleb as he lit some wood on fire in the middle of the floor. “Is it safe to have a fire inside a house?” she asked.

  “There are so many cracks in the mud holding the logs in place no carbon dioxide will build up. Don’t worry, you’re not with an idiot.” He stood up and went to retrieve something from his bag. He turned back and smiled at her as he held out a dingy cloth. “Dinner, dried jerky, and some bread my mother made this morning. I’ll get some water from the stream. I’ll be right back,” he said, as he walked out the door into the dark night.

  It had fallen dark so quickly. Emerald supposed it was due to the eclipse of the second sun. The fire made things look a little better in the flickering light. Her stomach was growing tighter as she knew what was about to happen.

  Caleb’s cheeks had flushed several times as she caught him looking her over when he thought she wasn’t looking. She had to admit she had looked him over as well. His clothes hid a lot about him she was sure. His forearms were tightly muscled so she knew his biceps had to be nice as well.

  Emerald had grown up on the bovine farm, she was aware of how intercourse went. It was usually fast, and the female avoided it every time in the animal world.

  Would he be quick and then it would be done?

  A naked man was not a sight she had seen. She’d seen male animals, so she had an idea of what there was to see. The sound of his boots as he walked up to the open door of the shack stopped her from thinking any longer.

  He walked in and handed her a wooden cup, full of water. His smile was so big she thought he must be proud of the stuff so she took a sip and found it refreshing and tasted good. “It’s really good.”

  “The water here is filled with minerals and is supposed to be real healthy for you. It’s one of the reasons I chose this area to build on. You have the forest to hunt in and the waters in the different ponds you find in there to fish in. You can plant a garden to get your vegetables in. I have some seeds I’ve been saving and we can make a garden together. Maybe we can start that tomorrow after we return from my family’s place.”

  Emerald was somewhat relieved. “It’s nice to know you’ve made a plan for us. I know we all came to Euthenia to lead a simple life, but some modern things are good too. Like a bathroom. It would be nice if we could add one, even if it’s outside.”

  He smiled and laid a blanket out by the fire and looked at her with fire in his deep green eyes. “If you want one then you will have one, my queen.”

  “That’s nice to hear. You and I can make this happen together. I have a feeling you’re a man I can put my trust in.” He sat on the blanket and patted the space next to him.

  She went and sat with him and found herself eerily calm as he made her feel a bit protected and his size made her feel as if he could keep her safe.

  Remembering the hook and strap in all the Euthenian homes and how her father kept one in his, a thing not all Earthlings accepted about the Euthenian lifestyle, she looked around for and did not find.

  Tensely, she asked, “Caleb, do you not believe in the hook and the strap?”

  Caleb shook his head. “I do not! This world is so much older than ours, but that practice is positively barbaric. You need not have any fear I will be giving you lashes when you do something which displeases me, Emerald. If you and I have any things we need to work out, we can talk about them.”

  “I have to tell you that relieves me greatly. My father was fond of the strap and me and my mother felt it’s sting more times than I care to recall. If that is behind me, that is fantastic news.” She laughed and fell back on the blanket. Her heart felt free with the news and then he was over her. Smiling down at her.

  Her heart stopped beating as his eyes had grown very dark. “The hour is late and we have to be up at dawn's first light. We should go to bed now, wife.”

  The gulp she made was loud and he laughed as she blushed. “Okay,” she said in a whisper.

  He stood and pulled her up. “I’ll make this relatively painless.” He smiled after he said the words but it did little to make Emerald feel better about w
hat was about to happen to her.

  Caleb unbuttoned the buttons on the bodice of her dress as she tried hard not to allow her body to shiver. His hands were large and he was having trouble with the dainty things. “Shall I do that?”

  He gave her a nod and stepped back to allow her space. She finished what he’d started and pushed the dress from her body, leaving the dark blue material in a heap on the ground. Red dust puffed up as it hit the floor and she coughed.

  Not a stitch was under the dress and she stood naked in front of him. She stepped out of her shoes and went to lie on the pallet of blankets. He pulled his clothes off hurriedly and went to stand over her.

  His large cock was at full attention and her eyes were large. “Caleb, that will never fit.”

  “Don’t worry, it will.” He moved in next to her and placed his hand on her breast. “These are lovely. May I?”

  Her nose wrinkled as her face squished up as if she’d tasted something sour. “May you what?”

  “Suckle it,” he said as he looked confused. “Do you have no idea of the things that come along with intercourse, Emerald? Were you not taught by your mother?”

  She shook her head. “Guess you have to do that, Caleb.”

  “Then just lie back and close your eyes and get ready for a trip to Heaven, wife.” He smiled and squeezed her breast.

  “Heaven? So, it feels good then?” She was confused. The animals never seemed as if it felt good.

  “I guess I’ll let you be the judge of that, Emerald.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  Not like the peck he gave her after they were married. A real kiss. A solid kiss. A kiss which took her breath away. When he finally released her she looked up at him and batted her eyelashes. “That was magnificent!”

  “You liked that, then you’re about to love this.” He placed his mouth on her breast and nipped it, making her squeal.

  Then she moaned as his tongue ran over it and his hot mouth sucked it. The other breast he took in his hand and rubbed it, giving it gentle squeezes now and then.

  Her body was building up heat, her insides were quivering, and she felt she wanted even more. His mouth was taking her to a place she’d never been. He moved his body over hers and shifted to kiss her lips again.

  She squirmed a little as she felt him pressing his large appendage to her small opening. He pushed until he moved inside her sending a white-hot pain through her. But the pain ebbed shortly afterward and an intense pleasure began.

  Her body moved with his, and she was surprised by how hard they were both breathing. Moans erupted from them and at least, she was unaware of them leaving her mouth.

  His hands stroked softly over her body and his lips grazed her neck as he moved over her. Something inside her was building and she had no idea of what was about to happen.

  When she climaxed, she found herself shouting his name over and over. His body went taught and a wet heat filled her. She knew then it was his seed which poured into her.

  Her body naturally milked his large appendage, pulling every drop of the life-giving liquid from his loins. Her heart beat like never before and her mind was quiet, nothing mattered but how their bodies responded together.

  After a dep, long breath, she managed to say, “Caleb, that was awesome. We have to do that a lot. Please say we can!”

  His deep chuckle shook her body and he kissed her softly on her lips. “If that’s what you want, my princess.”



  Emerald opened her eyes to find herself in complete darkness. The fire had gone out, leaving it pitch black. A stickiness between her legs made her shudder at the thought of what she would find there once the sun came up. Deep breathing, she heard next to her, letting her know her new husband was asleep.

  Caleb’s breathing changed. He turned over and threw his arm around her, holding her to him. A loud clap of thunder crashed and the sound of rain, falling hard on the thatch roof rang in the air. Emerald stiffened as Caleb moved closer to her.

  “It’s just a storm, don’t worry, Emerald. I’m here.”

  “I’m okay. I feel safe here in your strong arms, Caleb.”

  He pulled her up onto his chest, then wrapped his arms around her, protectively. The sound of his heart beating filled her head as she lay on his chest. His breathing fell back into a regular rhythm as he fell right back to sleep.

  I’ll be able to hear the sound of his heart beating like this for the rest of my life. He smells like the forest. His skin is so soft on mine. His breath is warm on top of my head, moving my hair slightly.

  Before she knew it she’d fallen asleep in the tight protection of her husband’s arms.


  The sound of thunder in the distance brought Emerald back into a state of consciousness. No heartbeat met her ears. No soft chest rose up and down, slowly with the deep breaths of sleep her husband took. Looking over, she saw her husband was no longer in their straw bed. Then the door opened and in he walked, dressed and carrying a pail. “Good morning, sleepyhead. I brought ya some water to clean yourself up with.

  Holding the blanket to cover her and blushing fiercely, she sat up. “Thank you, that was thoughtful of ya,” she managed to choke out.

  He placed the pail down next to the bed. Sitting next to her, his long fingers reached out and touched her cheek, rubbing it as he looked at her. With his other hand, he brushed her hair back, then leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  Emerald’s body responded to his touch immediately and she made a small moan.

  Caleb made a little groan and pulled his mouth from hers. “I’m afraid we have no time for that this morning. We have to get to my parents’ place early. I’ll give you some privacy. Don’t take too long, I want to get going. We can eat breakfast with my parents if we get there in time.” He strode from the dark home, tiny slivers of gray light filtering in through the cracks in the walls, all the light she had to clean and dress by.

  Emerald hurried as she washed, finding herself disgusted by the mess his attention to her had left. The dried blood was worrying to her, and she hoped nothing was permanently damaged. Dressed and hair brushed and braided, she walked out, finding her husband brushing his equine’s mane.

  “I’m ready,” she said.

  His eyes went wide as he took her all in, and then a smile flowed over his plump lips. “You look very pretty, Emerald. My brothers are going to be so jealous.”

  “I’m glad my appearance pleases you,” she said shyly, pulling out the hem of her white cotton dress which went to her knees. A new pair of strappy white sandals she wore and a white ribbon held her braid in place.

  Taking her hand, he led her to the side of the wagon. The touch of his hands on her waist sent a flurry of butterflies through her stomach, as he lifted her up, placing her on the seat of the wagon, then he climbed up next to her. Their legs touched, Caleb’s eyes went to them, placing his hand on Emerald’s knee, rubbing it gently. The butterflies flew higher in her stomach, threating to fly right out of her mouth.

  Caleb tapped the reins and the equine moved, making the wagon he’d attached it to lurch forward. Emerald’s hand grabbed his leg to steady herself. Caleb grinned, then seized the moment to place a quick kiss upon her cheek.

  Blushing, she removed her hand, rubbing her cheek where he’d left the tiny kiss and smiling with the memories of their wedding night.

  How sweet he is!

  Caleb chatted away as they rode the half hour’s ride to his family’s place. Emerald listened intently as he told her story after story of his brothers and their shenanigans.

  The appearance of Caleb’s family’s home let Emerald know immediately why he considered the thing he built such an impressive work of architecture. His home was a series of small shacks, which surrounded an open area, where the family congregated to cook, eat and socialize with one another. It was dirty and completely unsanitary. A large carcass of some type of animal was hanging on a line at the edge of the ungodly circle

  There was a variety of people of various ages who lounged about the area, sitting or lying on different filthy pieces of furniture. No one had any real interest in the newcomer who was Emerald.

  Except on old woman. She came up to Emerald, eyeing her up and down. Emerald looked at Caleb, realizing he was nervous. She wondered why he would be nervous. It was his mother after all.

  Looking back at the woman, whose hair was hanging in limp, oily, gray strands, around her deeply lined face, she realized his mother was a bit angry. “So this thing cost you two swine and a fowl? Your brothers never paid more than a fowl for any of their wives and that was good enough for them. You, though, you’ve always had to have things a little bit better than what we gave you. Ungrateful is what I’ve always said about ya,” Caleb’s mother said as she squinted her eyes at him.


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