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Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2)

Page 5

by Quinn Ashwood

  I closed my eyes and allowed myself to wait for my end to finally come.

  "Sweet Rose."

  A voice? A deep sound that seemed to echo in this place of darkness. The cold streak that had reached my neck suddenly stopped, leaving me in uncertainty while my ears seemed to fight hard to hear that voice again.

  Something cool brushed along my forehead, but it wasn't the same cold that fought to destroy me. It was gentle, just like the soft press to my temple. The touch trailed down to my cheek, lingered to press firmly on that spot that ignited tingles through me.

  I realized the cold that fought to contain me was suddenly retreating, as the touch moved to my neck and pressed firmly once more. This touch was so much different; it ignited flames that cast the coldness away and lit my body up from the inside out.

  My stomach flipped like butterflies were fluttering within it, and all my senses were on high alert, but I suddenly felt safe.

  "I'm right here, Sweet Rose." The voice returned, so soft and comforting, like the warmth that wrapped around me and held me closely. My tense body suddenly relaxed, the rigidity fading away as my heart began to settle to a calming rate.

  My breathing suddenly slowed, but it didn't make me anxious.

  Someone saved me from death.

  My world of darkness was growing, but I wasn't afraid this time. I'd been given another chance. An opportunity to see the world through the sight gifted to me.

  Someone wished for me to be blind forever, but that desire was no longer possible. The moment I awakened, I'd see the true world.

  Then no one can stop me. Absolutely no one.

  "Sleep, Sweet Rose. You must rest for me," the deep voice encouraged. His words made my heart swell, my mind encouraging me to do as I was told.

  This voice meant well. Whoever possessed such a soothing yet seductive ability to speak was close enough to my heart to make me listen.

  A savior in the darkness.

  He'd be the one to aid me. To shelter me from the evil that was desperate to keep me shackled. Why I felt that way was one of many mysteries, but I was ready to rest so I could wake up and see this man face-to-face.

  To touch his face, to feel the heat of his skin against my fingertips. To brush my lips against his, and to appease the side I'd come to love and the side that he'd hidden away for my own safety.

  In the darkness, I'd somehow found the light, and it only confirmed one important thing.

  I'm about to start a new journey...a path towards the Purely Divine.

  A tiny poke to my cheek caught my attention as my consciousness roused me from slumber. My body didn't ache, nor was I cold. Whatever I'd been dreaming about must have been a nightmare.

  That left me feeling a little better now that I was awake.

  I should get up.

  My eyes opened slowly, expecting to see the ceiling of my dorm room, but instead, the ceiling was detailed with the finest hand-painted artwork of a field of red roses with tiny bits of gold sparkle.

  The chandelier was also gold with crystal ornaments in the shape of roses. It was amazing to look at as the specks of sunlight danced against its reflective surface, which only prompted the urge to sit up and view the rest of this foreign room.

  Doing exactly that, I was greeted to the sight of a magnificent room filled with fine furniture. There was a theme of ancient royal furniture, complete with the massive, king-size gold bed I lay upon. The golden windows were left open, and that immediately took my attention as I slipped out of bed and walked across the tiled floor with my bare feet to see the vast sky.

  The vast red sky.

  My eyes widened as I took it all in, astonished that the sun could be so bright against a red sky like this. It wasn't a dark red like blood, but one that transitioned to a nice pastel pink in some parts. The sun didn't blend into its calm surface but stood out to continue its duty in giving us warmth and light.

  I immediately knew I was in a castle, and the mere sight of the golden sparkling cement had me speechless. The room was positioned on the back side of the castle, facing a garden laid all out with various sections for different types of floral arrangements. That didn't include the large maze that was decorated with vines and mini roses of various colors or the massive statue of a woman with her leg up like she was dancing.

  The trees far away were vast and exciting, like they held a hidden path of mystery and begged for me to go and discover their treasures.

  Tugging my eyes away, I looked around the room once more, feeling slightly thirsty. When I couldn't find a cup, I decided to head to the washroom, but the golden mirror caught my attention.

  The reflection

  I froze mid-stride at the sight of me, the image I recalled from that feverish dream who looked like an enhancement of who I could be. Here she was; long straight hair that fell down to my waist, the blonde shade almost shiny as it transitioned to a gorgeous red. I could only imagine myself being a full-on redhead, but the two-tone ombre look complemented my tanned, contoured skin and blushed cheeks.

  My lips that I thought were dry from my lack of water were completely smooth in the reflective image as they projected a lovely cherry color that was as striking as my purple eyes with silver rings around my irises.

  I was far taller, standing at 6'0", a height I'd always dreamed of being in comparison to my previous 5'4" height. No matter this new shift, my small waist and wide hips were still present, this new transformation preserving my curves.

  My breasts had grown a bit plumper, the buds of my nipples poking out from the white silky nightgown that hugged my body. It was unnecessarily tight, but it definitely was more seductive rather than attempting to cover one's breasts and butt.

  I had to turn around and look back to see my long legs and my lifted butt, my impressed state only growing because my ass was the definition of squatting perfection.

  Damn...I look good.

  Turning back to view myself once more, I took in my pointy ears, and noticed how radiant my skin was. I felt rejuvenated, not simply because I'd had a good night's sleep, but also the feeling of relief you feel after an extremely rough day when you wake up feeling renewed and ready to kick ass.

  Noticing the robe that hung on a golden hook next to the mirror, I reached for the silky lavender cover-up and put it on so I could at least look decent and not scandalous if anyone came in.

  I was obviously in someone else's house, but I was unsure exactly where this was.

  After another minute of appreciating my new image, my dry throat reminded me of the urge to drink water. Turning around to head to the washroom, I noticed the cup of water on the exquisite nightstand.

  That wasn't there before.

  Walking over to it, I looked to the door as if it had somehow opened without me noticing, but that would have been impossible with the mirror being so close to it.

  Picking the glass up, I sighed at the cool touch of the glass while fighting the urge to shiver. I wasn't going to stop myself from drinking the icy cold liquid, and I chugged it down like my life depended on it.

  With a gasp, it was done, and I frowned because it felt as though it did nothing to aid my dry throat.

  Now I want more. Hmm.

  Placing the glass back down, I looked around as if to locate a hidden fridge or place to put bottles of water, and, returning my gaze to the cup, I realized it was full once again.

  "Huh? How is it full?" I quietly croaked before rubbing my neck as if it would help.

  Without questioning it, I reached for the glass and gulped down the water once again. With another sigh, I felt the relief of quenching my thirst, feeling thankful to whatever was filling this glass.

  "To whatever or whoever filled this glass, thank you very much," I quietly praised as I closed my eyes.

  Lowering the cup once more to its spot, I was ready to explore, but noticed the slight movement in the corner of my eye. Looking back at where the glass was, I noticed a tiny boy with fluttering wings, who had hi
s hands out in concentration as the glass began to disappear.

  The sight intrigued me as I quietly turned around and crouched down, taking a closer look at him. He was lightly tanned, and his hair was shorter on the sides with longer strands combed to one side with a few spiked ones.

  Those strands were cherry red with gold highlights, and he wore a black tank top and red pants that fit his body well. He was slim but his little arms had muscles at his biceps.

  His almost transparent wings fluttered swiftly, and the sight of him reminded me of the fairy that crashed into my forehead when I'd seen Rainer in his different form.

  Rainer. Where is he?

  Deciding to focus on one thing at a time, I continued to watch the cup disappear and the fairy sighed and put his hands on his hips in triumph before turning around.

  He froze at my curious gaze before attempting to hide behind the nightstand lamp.

  Aww. Is he shy?

  "Were you the one who poked my cheek prior to me waking up?" I inquired, followed with, "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. I'm very grateful."

  He poked his head out just a bit, giving me a chance to see his lavender eyes, which were similar to mine, only his had red circles around his irises compared to my silver ones. He seemed relieved by my attention but also nervous at the same time. It was like his emotions bounced back and forth in an indecisive manner, all while he scanned my body as if to make sure I was okay.

  "Hello," I greeted and waved my hand just slightly.

  "H...ello," he mimicked nervously but moved a little further from his hiding place. "Princess Rosadette."

  "I'm no princess." I giggled as I rose up. "But my name is Rosadette. It's a pleasure to meet you."

  He seemed shocked by my words before he came out from his hiding place and bowed.

  "It is an honor to meet you, Mistress Rosadette," he greeted again.

  "I'm a Mistress?" I pondered, which didn't seem right to me.

  Did I have an affair with someone in my dreams or something?

  "My Mistress." He pointed to himself before clearing his throat. "My name is Rox. I'm your fae pixie guide. I'm blessed to you by the Universe and your magic that radiates within you. I was born to aid you in your conquest to grow and become a powerful individual within your society. I was given the task to ensure you're protected while Prince Rainer ensures security is up to standard for the duration of your stay."

  "Security is up to standard for my stay. Where am I?" I pondered before adding, "And thank you for the introduction, Rox. I'm still rather confused and new to all of this, but please be patient with me, and thank you for doing your part to protect me."

  "It's my honor and duty!" he said with more confidence as his shyness began to fade away. He buzzed over to my hand, wrapping his arms around my index finger and tugging me.

  "Please sit as I explain," he encouraged.

  I figured that was the best option seeing as I felt rather tired even though I'd woken up only a few short minutes ago. As I did as he insisted, he buzzed around me before he reached my eye level and gave me a wide smile.

  "You are in the princess chambers in the kingdom of Prince Rainer! He has taken care of you for three days," he began but I interrupted with a gasp.

  "Three days?!"

  I immediately tried to figure out what had happened to begin with to land me unconscious for three days.

  We got the results of our exam, I was supposed to change and get ready to be with Rain and Camilla after we'd seen Alicia. Monica...Xavier being psycho. He froze me. He was the reason my mom is frozen in ice. He tried to freeze me. No. He DID freeze me into a block of ice after I declared we'd never be together. That I hated him. I begged to be with the person who truly carried my rose.

  "I dropped into Rainer's bath and then he showed me my rose. He carries my rose now," I whispered.

  Rox nodded and crossed his arms over his little chest as his eyes seriously looked into mine. "Prince Rainer is now the keeper of your rose, which means the light kingdom has now lost their chance with Princess Rosadette. The chance is now given to Prince Rainer."

  "Light kingdom has lost their chance?" I was confused as to what he meant.

  "It would be best if Prince Rainer explained," Rox determined as he tapped his finger against his lip. "I'll inform him of your awakening!"

  His body poofed, leaving a cloud of purple and gold sparkles in his disappearance. I bit my lip slightly, wondering where everyone else was.

  How's Camilla? Is she okay? Does she know I'm well? How about Alicia? What is she going to do about Xavier? Do I still attend Fae Rose Academy? In fact, how do I adjust to what feels like a whole new world?

  Ensuring I could stand once more, I walked back to the window to view the red sky, the sight I'd seen a few times, and couldn't understand why.

  My sight has awakened. Does that mean this world was always like this prior to me arriving in these lands? If this place is like this, does that mean the human world is seen in a different aspect?

  There was a knock at the door and I turned around in time to see Prince Rainer.

  Dripping wet with a white towel around his waist.

  I had to question the Universe as to why every occurrence I've had with this version of Rainer included him being practically naked.

  Not complaining, Mother Universe. Keep the naked fae coming.

  He seemed to need a few moments to admire me, his eyes eating me up as they scanned me from head to toe and right back up. I licked my lips slowly, though I hadn't realized until the action was already done and Rainer was rewarding me with a slight grin that lightened those handsome features.

  If this was some sort of fairy tale fantasy, why do I feel Rainer would be the deliciously evil villain? The villain is always hotter than the male hero.

  He closed the door and locked it, and I turned to face him as he approached. His wet strands were still dripping with water, not like he cared as all of his attention was on me.

  Normally being the center of attention would leave me anxious or worried that I'd done something wrong, but in this case, I felt empowered by his captive attention. That I could reel this man in.

  This man...who is now mine?

  It seemed like a dream. A true fairy tale that I was destined to wake from. Yet, there he was, now standing before me as he scanned my body up close. I could see his yearning desires, just as the buzzing attraction between us grew stronger.

  I was impressed that this sizzling feeling sparking between us was still so strong, as if our relationship had been renewed but in a new aspect that made me want to roam my hands across the bulky mass of his flesh and lay kisses upon him. I'd never been so sexually charged, and it was rather hard to think straight when all I wished was to have him between my legs, ravishing all my needs.

  His eyes fluttered for a moment, their color shifting from blue to gold, and then to a light red. His breathing had picked up just a bit, leaving him no choice but to take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  "Rosadette." There was that deep voice of his, as I admired his mature, hot body once more. "You’ve got to tone down your desires or we're not going to have a serious conversation," he warned.

  "Hello to you, too," I teased, which made him smirk.

  "Good Afternoon, Sweet Rose."

  Heaven's sake, this man is going to kill me.

  The way he said that humble nickname of mine made my toes curl as I gravitated closer to him. Our bodies were mere centimeters apart, and yet I kept our distance as those color-changing orbs bored into mine.

  "Can I hold you?" His tender request tugged at my emotions, reminding me of how he'd asked the same thing when I trembled in fear after my confrontation with Xavier. Just like back then, I gave him a nod of approval, and that was all it took to be in his comforting, strong arms that held me tightly.

  I lifted my arms to wrap around his bulky frame, my hard nipples pressing against his chest while his groin seemed to press firmly against my lowe
r half.

  His earlier point was rather valid. How were we going to fathom having a proper conversation when I was basically horny and the mere sight of him sent my hormones into overdrive?

  Pulling back slightly, he gave me one long look before he groaned and muttered, "I can't stand this anymore."

  That's all he said before he was kissing me with everything he had. The kiss was just like the one we shared upon the platform where my rose now resided. It was raw, filled with emotion, thrilling with intensity, and seemed to light my entire body up.

  I kissed him long and hard, needing to taste him, to have my tongue in his mouth and enjoy the gasps we made as our impatience got the best of us. Each movement of our lips caused sparks to grow between us, my body growing hot and needing to be pressed against his.

  I was standing one minute, and sinking against the soft red sheet the next, my cover-up gone while my white gown rode up past my hips to my waist. He supported himself with one arm while the other caressed my body tenderly.

  Those strong arms could somehow bring the softest touch to my sizzling flesh. He bit my bottom lip and growled for entry, and I let him because I was desperate to have him explore the walls of my mouth before entwining his tongue with mine.

  I quivered under his hold, not out of fear but out of desire, and it was an exciting and yet scary feeling to experience because everything was moving so swiftly. But it was exactly what I wanted. I moaned quietly, a sound I never expected to experience so soon with Rainer, but here we were.

  In these new forms of ourselves. Making love like this is now our honeymoon night and we were about to start a wild ride of pleasurable activities that would leave me active and moaning all night long.

  He wasn't just pleasing my mouth with his enticing lips, but also gripping my hips as he ground me against him. The only fabric keeping me away from his cock was his towel, seeing as the panties that covered my entrance were soaked with wetness.

  He did it again, teasing me with his hardness as if I wasn’t secretly begging for it, but I felt his hesitation in the air. It was an odd feeling, experiencing the emotion as if it were mine but not. The energy was foreign for sure, and my unconsciousness identified it as his, which left me wondering why he'd hesitate.


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