Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2) Page 10

by Quinn Ashwood

  "So he doesn't know about the rose, but he remembers the legend? Wouldn't he still try to do something?" I inquired.

  "He remembers the tale I told him, which again doesn't insist that the child was ever born after the woman was frozen. I left the tale at that part, and he must have assumed what could have happened with the lingering memories of his past life. As another precaution, we've sealed that side of him that was causing the mental distress. The seal has been there since the incident, and it seems to be intact."

  "Does he know of the seal?" Camilla asked.

  "No. We've told him he'll receive treatment due to his episode to ensure his mental stability is secured. If you know Xavier, his knowledge is everything to him, and he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to secure it versus losing it from his outburst," Alicia answered.

  "Wow...that was a lot," I admitted, feeling a headache coming on. "Xavier is the reincarnation of the Light King. Rainer's the reincarnation of the Dark King. I'm the frozen babe who was left on the lower lands. My mom is somewhere and we're unsure if she's alive or dead. Xavier has to stay in school so we won't trigger an outburst and basically repeat history...and my head hurts," I finally admitted.

  Rainer frowned and pulled me to rest against him.

  "I think that's enough for tonight," he suggested. "At least Rosadette knows of her heritage and the circumstances that led her to this point in time. She also now knows that this kingdom is hers."

  "Indeed," Sera agreed. "Which means you have to be careful with your emotions here, Rosadette."

  "Why?" I asked.

  "You're the heir of these very lands," King Emmanuel declared. "Sera may be the current queen who aids in the kingdom's survival, but you are the root of this kingdom. The love bestowed upon you from your father’s side of darkness, while the power and rooted abilities of your mother is connected to the lands we walk upon within this kingdom.”

  "Wait. Doesn't that mean that Rainer is technically Rosadette's dad?" Camilla brought up. I actually cringed at the idea, and Rainer did the same as we both looked to Camilla, who shrugged. "What?! Doesn’t it?"

  "I don't think you guys realize that fae reincarnation is different from human reincarnation," Sera acknowledged.

  "It is?" I asked, feeling a little more comfortable about lying against Rainer.

  Sera nodded. "Human reincarnation promotes the soul that was slain to return. Fae Reincarnation doesn't promote that. When you are reincarnated, the soul is fresh. That new soul is given the traits of magic and memories of the old soul, which frees the previously lived soul to ascend up for judgment. The memories and powers descend with the new soul and only if circumstances allow it will the memories be triggered. The traits will mingle with the new individual and merely boost them versus fighting to make the individual who he previously was."

  "Basically, Xavier's cold personality is his own trait while his desire for knowledge and perfection is a trait of the King of Light," Alicia voiced. "Versus Rainer's own quality of being observant and shy, while the King of Dark's trait was having a bit of a double personality."

  "You have a double personality?" I inquired and then pouted. "Actually, don't answer that. You kind of do."

  "How do I have a double personality?" he whined.

  "You have a good boy complex," Camilla pointed out.

  "And now you're all sexy, protective hotness with a bad boy complex that would bring all the fae to the yard," I continued.

  He groaned and looked at his parents. "That's not true!"

  "Well…" Sera smiled sheepishly as King Emmanuel shrugged.

  "The truth hurts sometimes," he muttered and Sera nervously laughed.


  "Mom! Dad! I demand better answers!" Rainer complained.

  "He's more worried about having a double complex," Camilla muttered and shook her head. "At least he's a new soul and ain't your papa." She winked at me as I cringed again.

  "That's a disgusting thought I'd like to get rid of, thank you very much."

  "Let us rest. We've talked enough for today. Tomorrow we'll regroup and determine the plan for this summer before school begins. Sounds like a plan?" Sera concluded.

  "Yes," we all agreed.

  I'm the only heir of the Rosadette Kingdom...and this is my home.

  A Summer Journey To The Lands That Raised Me

  "How are your breasts bigger than mine?"

  "Gah! Camilla! Stop squeezing them!" I huffed and splashed her with water which helped me wiggle out of her hold. She muttered something about getting payback as I swam to the corner of the mega royal bathing house for royal females.

  After our long talk, my head was pounding like crazy, to the point that I'd asked for some sort of medication to help with it. Sera suggested I used the royal bath, which aided with all physical and emotional problems the body could be facing.

  The waters were filled with healing magic properties which basically made it a magical pool of rejuvenation. It was normally used for royals to heal any aching body parts after strenuous movements such as working out.

  Or sex, from what Camilla voiced when we left on our own.

  Rainer wanted to talk a little more with his parents and Alicia regarding Xavier and the potential plan for Year Two at Fae Rose Academy because he didn't approve of him attending.

  I didn't agree with attending Fae Rose with Xavier present but after the huge revelation and past history of what potentially could have been the trigger of Xavier’s mental breakdown, it now made sense.

  The mental seal they had implemented would close off the influential side that came from him being reincarnated. The fact that he'd have no memory of my rose being in his possession would ensure he'd at least leave me alone.

  He thought he was an ass for attacking me during his mental breakdown, and his parents were doing him a favor by keeping it private.

  It seemed like a solid plan, but it didn't get rid of the fact that I'd still have to be in the same school as him, which only left me a little more anxious regarding my future.

  I hadn't told Camilla about what Rainer had told me in the washroom. That if I couldn't handle attending, he'd drop out with me and offer the best resources to help me learn and grow on our own.

  To be offered the opportunity gave me a bit of peace of mind, but the idea of giving up also annoyed me. I didn't want to be a coward and throw away one year of school. Even with the burdens that came with adjusting to a new world, I'd learned so much about myself as well as my family heritage that I'd always craved.

  The real truth behind my birth and family circumstance only reinforced what I had to do - I have to continue attending Fae Rose Academy.

  I'd have to force myself to face my fears, but that meant I'd have to learn how to become even stronger while accepting my roots.

  "Hmph. You're lucky I love my current shape, or I'd beat out those breasts of yours!" Camilla huffed and swam over to relax next to me. Seeing her up close in this new appearance was still taking me a bit to get used to. She just looked banging hot, but I guess all fae looked that way when you were blessed by Mother Universe herself.

  The only difference was now I'd been given the privilege to see it myself.

  "You're somehow still two inches taller than me," I acknowledged, which made her grin in triumph.

  "True, but you're curvier! I can eat all the cupcakes in the land and not gain weight."

  "What a problem to have," I said with intense sarcasm, which had her laughing before she sighed.

  "How are you feeling?"

  The way she asked was in seriousness as she opened her eyes to look over to me.

  "I'm not sure how to feel yet," I admitted. "Everything is kind of fresh. Like holy shit, I survived Year One of Fae Rose Academy, only to almost die from the headmaster’s son, who's actually the reincarnation of my family's killer and essentially the reason for all my suffering. The only real benefit of all of this is knowing my boyfriend isn't actually my dad and that I have bigger boob
s than my best friend."

  Camilla gave me a look before an appreciative smile graced her perfect lips.

  "You're taking it a lot better than I would have in your situation. It's a lot of information to carry, but it's good that it came out. You were told the truth, which is something that may not have occurred if the right people didn't inform you," she admitted.

  "People would actually try to cover it up?" I inquired.

  Camilla nodded as her gaze seemed far away.

  "You're getting a small fraction of how dangerous the fae world is, Rosadette. Outside of the academy and kingdom walls is a world that isn't as perfect. It's brutal, savage, and littered with fae who want nothing but power. It's all about war and who will come to the good side or the bad side."

  "Why do I have a feeling in this world, the good side may not be the same as those in a fairy tale, where they actually want the good for all of their kind?" I offered.

  "That's exactly what it is," Camilla admitted. "You're surrounded by two sides that have their own views of life and don't care about the 'ifs' or 'buts'. It's their side or the highway, and that's the problem we face with only two kingdoms."

  "Why didn't they ever rebuild the Kingdom of Darkness?”

  "Well, one of the main problems is having a queen to run it," Camilla revealed.

  "There's no one who can? Alicia runs what is still the Kingdom of Light. Sera runs this kingdom, which is technically mine. Couldn't she return with King Emmanuel to rule the Dark Kingdom?"

  Camilla shook her head. "All kingdoms have to be ruled by a female. Since Mother Universe is a female who fuels Mother Nature herself, it became known that the queens of the kingdoms had a better connection with the lands than the men. It's far easier for the lands to respond to their call, and thus, it was made that the queen would rise to the throne and aid in stabilizing the fae kingdom with her magic, while the king would be her supporter, protecting the kingdom by training himself and the fastest warriors and guards in shielding their queen. Think of it like the queen is the Rose of the Kingdom, and it's the duty of those who live within that kingdom to protect her. Similar to a game of chess with the queen being more valuable than the king."

  She lifted her hand up from the steamy waters, the beads of water flowing out of her hand being swarmed with darkness as they floated through the air to make a castle that looked to be frozen on the outside.

  "Seraphine’s element is light. She was indeed living in the land of darkness, but by the time the royal couples were chosen to stand alongside the king and queen for guidance, there were no restrictions on what element they were. It's the same way that Alicia is of light but can also use a bit of darkness, versus her husband, who is mostly of dark fae magic. They're only ambassadors of the lands because they were chosen by the king before he perished, but there will soon come a time where they'll have to step down, just like Seraphine."

  We both turned our attention to her dark ice castle.

  "The problem they currently face with the dark kingdom is that it's frozen in ice. From Seraphine's explanation, no one can melt the ice. They've tried and but it's impossible, and no one with shadow magic is strong enough to connect to the land's call."

  "When did she speak about this?" I inquired.

  "When you and Rainer went to the restroom," she replied. "Until they can find a way to melt the ice, the land of the dark kingdom will remain frozen forever. They have a bit of a theory, but it's rather up in the air."

  "What's the theory?" I asked.

  "Two theories," she corrected. "The one they're kind of hoping for is that you'd grow strong enough with your fae magic to thaw through the ice. The land would recognize your magic since it's connected to your late father. However, you're still new to all of this, and even if you grow stronger, the very action would take a lot of magic and control. That means it could take years to do," she admitted.

  "Alright, we'll make that plan B," I suggested. "So what’s the other option that we're hoping will be Plan A?"

  She smirked at my comment but frowned as she muttered, "Your mother returns to the land. She was the only other one who was able to control all three lands."

  "She can control all three?" I gasped.

  Camilla nodded. "From the impression I got, she was able to control the Kingdom of Light as well, but she never really showed her capabilities there because she didn't like attending there alone. She also worried that showing how capable she was would tick off the King of Light and make her even more of a threat. The King of Darkness had already seen what your mother could accomplish and encouraged it. To have a woman aid the kingdom to flourish into something more divine was something he took pride in, so it would make sense that she'd be able to thaw out the ice. However, there's obviously the main fact that she's still missing and we're not even sure if she's alive."

  "Ya..." I trailed off and thought about it. "Never mind. Let's save that for Plan B."

  Camilla reached out to pat my shoulder. "We'll locate her somehow. I think we'll just have to keep our heads high and focus on priorities. I'm sure that if Mother Universe wants us to discover your mom, we'll find her when we least expect it. Just like how that guard somehow found your mother holding you and thawed the majority of her out of the ice. Don't you think it's intriguing that I, Rainer, and Xavier were around two at the time you were thawed out?"

  "Very intriguing," I admitted. "Guess everything does happen for a reason."

  "Let's not think about it anymore," Camilla encouraged as the dark kingdom morphed back into water and dropped into the bath. "We're on summer vacation! Which means you having sex with Rainer!"

  I almost choked on my saliva.

  "Who the hell made that a goal for summer?!" I shrieked.

  "Oh, c'mon. You two could barely keep your hands off of one another! Like woot. Talk about CONNECTION!" she hollered, which made me splash more water at her.

  "Oh shut up!"

  "We were all waiting to hear the creaks in the bed, and for the kingdom to shake! Alicia said Sera was afraid of leaving for her meeting cause she thought you'd break the whole kingdom down!"

  "O.M.G. What's wrong with all of you?!" I exclaimed and shook my head at the thought. "We weren't going to do it like some wild horses!"

  "Sure," she drawled out. "From the way Rainer’s been looking at you, I think it's taking all his manpower to keep his hands off you."

  "Isn't that...like so fast?" I suggested. "He just got my rose and I'm gonna hop right into his bed?!"

  "Um yes?" Camilla looked at me like I was crazy. "That's actually how it's supposed to be, but of course Xavier fucked up, AGAIN!" she emphasized the last word. "When your rose is connected to someone, your romantic connection is supposed to be through the roof. I'm talking, locked in whatever room you find yourselves in, and playing the ‘I’ll Make Love To You' song for hours to cover up all the moans and screams of pleasure!"

  "You're not serious. Can't be serious." I shook my head. "You sound drunk!"

  "Fae are very sexual creatures, my dear friend. When you hit it off with the person you love, that’s it. You're set for life. The sex will always be on fire! You also have to acknowledge that you were the one to choose Rainer, so if you can't keep your hands off one another, that shows that Rainer's feelings for you are just as intense as yours are for him."

  "Is that why he can also speak into my mind?" I inquired.

  "You have connected telepathy already?" she countered.

  "I guess. If that's what it's called."

  "You're basically soulmates," she declared. "With everything we just found out, that kind of makes sense. If Xavier's past soul hadn't conducted that spell to give him a chance at love again, your rose most likely would have been with Rainer to begin with."

  "Would that have been a good thing? I wonder." I thought about it.

  "To be honest, I don't think so," Camilla commented. "Rainer wasn't a 'good boy’ back when he was younger. I don't think he would have valued you and your rose a
s he does now."

  "Really?" I pondered about it. "But he tried to love Esmeralda, but she had trust issues."

  "It takes two to tango," Camilla hummed. "If she had trust issues, that had to do with Rainer's behavior and not Esmeralda’s alone. You should ask Rainer about it tonight."


  "You thought you were sleeping in my guest room?" Camilla laughed. "You're sleeping with your husband!"

  "W-W-We're not even engaged!"

  "That didn't stop all those times he'd sleep in your bed at school by accident," she hummed as she swam over to the nearest steps. She walked out of the bath and looked over her shoulder to give me a wink.

  "This is your chance to get all freaky in the sheets because, after tonight, we're heading to the lower lands and once that's all done, we're training your butt off."

  I groaned at the mere mention of training, knowing that when she meant training my butt off, she literally MEANT it. I'd be sore for days.

  Being sore after good sex would be better.

  "You're thinking about it." She winked as my whole face began to blush.

  "How the hell is everyone hearing my thoughts but me? No. That doesn't make sense, dammit!"

  Camilla laughed and turned around as she crossed her arms over her breasts to hide her nipples. "You'll get there," she encouraged. "I'm glad you're okay, Rosadette."

  "I'm glad you're here, Chamomile," I confessed quietly.

  "You think I'd spend a boring summer without you? I think not. I'll be that lovely third wheel who’s going to ruin every bit of alone time you guys will beg to have on this trip, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. You'll be sick of me by the end of the summer," she said with pride before adding, "Take a little extra time in the bath tonight. Rox knows where Rainer's room is so he'll show you there. Just think of him when you're ready. Try and get some sort of sleep tonight."


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