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A Little Harmless Obsession

Page 12

by Melissa Schroeder

  Why had she put herself through this? Oh, she had thought it would teach Evan a lesson. Smart move, Maylea. Seriously, who was she fooling? They both knew she was going to say yes, but she figured at least this way he knew she wasn’t a pushover. And now she was too tired to function. For the first time in her adult life, she seriously thought about lying and calling in sick, but it would do no good. Until she agreed, she would get no relief.

  With slow movements, she got out of her car and slammed the door. She was half way to the back entrance when she realized she had forgotten her purse. She cursed, did a one-eighty and trudged back to her car. After grabbing her purse, she headed back to the entrance. She found mail already delivered, a large envelope addressed to her on the back stoop. Odd, but then it was too big to fit in their box outside and sometimes they delivered mail early.

  She unlocked the door, slipped through and remembered to flip the lock when she was inside. Chris was a bear about security, especially since the incident. If he were to pop in today and find the door unlocked, he would throw a fit.

  Dropping her purse on the desk in the office, she grabbed a letter opener and pulled out the contents of the envelope. Pictures landed on the desk face up. Her breath clogged her throat as she recognized her front porch and the man there with her. In red marker there was a single word written across the glossy paper. Whore.

  Chapter Twelve

  Evan’s heart hammered against his chest, his blood blazing through his veins as he strode into the Honolulu Police Department. He wanted to smash something, beat it to a pulp. He’d been at the Aiona house when May called her father to tell him what had happened, and he had immediately left. Her father acted as if it were no big deal, probably because May told him it wasn’t one. But dammit, it was. This was the third time in less than a month she had been targeted. When he had called Chris, he could tell his friend was more shaken up than May’s father. When Evan had said he would go to the police department to check on her, Chris had been relieved.

  The need to punch something, to tear someone to shreds still burned in his gut. It took every bit of his control to keep himself from acting on the need to destroy. The days of using his fists were long gone. Since he’d learned to manage his anger, he had never allowed anything to push him this close to the edge. But with May being threatened, possessiveness and a need to protect held him by the balls.

  He needed to keep it under control. He couldn’t let this one incident send him over the edge. He had fought long and hard to control his temper, and he would be damned if he would lose it now.

  He couldn’t stop the impotent rage that thrummed through him right now, and when he saw her sitting at a desk drinking coffee, he didn’t slow as he marched toward her.

  Everything in him, the rage, the terror, the feeling of helplessness, came rushing back to him as he neared her. He couldn’t take the fear that tasted bitter on his tongue and stabbed him in the stomach. So instead of comforting her, he attacked her.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  Her head jerked up and her eyes widened when she saw him standing there. Her face was pale and he could tell from her expression that she was barely holding it together.

  “I got a note today.” Her voice was small in the noisy room and that pissed him off even more. When Evan got a hold of the person who’d scared her, he would make the bastard pay.

  “I’ll say.” A detective had come over and it took Evan a moment to realize it was the same man from the night her car had been damaged. “Would you have a seat, Mr. Chambers. I’m glad Ms. Aiona called you.”

  Instead of sitting, he placed his hands on his hips and stared at her. “May didn’t call me.”

  The mulish expression on May’s face said he would pay for this later, but he ignored it. The idea that someone had done something to threaten her again made him want to tear the bastard to pieces.

  “Please have a seat and I’ll try to explain.”

  Evan dropped to the chair and waited.

  “It seems that this person has taken pictures of Ms. Aiona…and you.”

  He shot her a glance, but she was studying her finger nails intently. He returned his attention to the detective.

  “What kind of pictures?”

  The detective cleared his throat. “You were kissing Ms. Aiona.”

  He whipped his head around. “In front of your house?”

  She nodded without looking up. To keep himself from grabbing her and shaking some sense into her, he turned to the detective.

  “What the fuck are you going to do about this?”

  The man grimaced. “I offered to have a police detail protect Ms. Aiona—”

  “As you should.”

  “And she refused.”

  Again he stared at the woman who had been driving him out of his mind. She was looking at him now and lifted her chin.

  “You idiot.”

  “I don’t need protection all the time. I did ask for someone to drive by the house several times during the day, and Chris is going to update the cameras around the perimeter.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “I didn’t ask.” Her voice raised so high, several people turned to look at them. She apparently noticed it too and her face flushed. “I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”

  She strode away and he turned back to the police detective who held up his hands. “Hey, don’t give me a look like that. I tried to talk her into it, but she said she doesn’t need it except at home, although we are going to have more drive-by patrols of Dupree’s parking lot.”

  Evan nodded.

  “I have to ask…do you have anyone who would want to harm you?”

  “There are a lot of people who don’t like me, but I can’t think of anyone who would have known I was at May’s the other night.”

  The detective nodded. “Okay, but if you think of someone, let me know. They didn’t just take photos, they also did some art work. The colored pictures spilled out in front of him. Each one of them with a filthy name, whore, slut, bitch. His blood started to heat again just as May returned. When she saw the pictures she paled. Evan wanted to yell, but he shoved the need down and stepped in front of the pictures to shield her from them.

  “Come on, May.”

  She nodded then looked over his shoulder. “Thank you so much, officer. Please let me know if there is anything else you need.”

  He followed May through the crowded hallways until they got outside. He squinted against the sun until he slipped on his sunglasses. Without a word, he took her hand and tugged her toward his truck.

  “How did you end up here?”

  “I was there when you called. Since your father seemed unconcerned with the fact you have a stalker, I felt I should call Chris.”

  “And he ordered you down here.”

  He stopped in front of the passenger door and released her. “No. I came because I was worried. The moment I heard someone had done this to you I wanted to find the bastard and kill him. Like it or not, I care about you.”

  Her mouth opened, but no words came out before she snapped it shut. He nodded.

  “Yeah, might want to keep whatever you wanted to say to yourself at the moment. I’m not responsible for my actions. I’m barely keeping myself from yelling.”

  He unlocked the door and helped her into the cab of his pickup. By the time he got seated and turned on the truck, she got her voice back.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  The simple statement made him pause. Slowly he looked over at her. “Whether you say yes or no, if that night at Rough ’n Ready had not happened, I would still care about you. A little too much for my own comfort. I’ve been dealing with it for years…and now you can deal with it too.”

  May stared unseeingly out the window, her mind trying to deal with all of the things she had learned this morning. First the creepy photos and now this.

  “What do you mean you’ve felt this way for a long time?”

  He did
n’t say anything as he eased onto H-1 and around a pokey minivan.


  He glanced at her, the irritated look making her smile. The man did not like being backed into a corner, but what man did? Still, May needed to know.

  “I’ve been attracted to you since I first met you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You have not.”

  “Believe me, I know when I’m attracted to a woman.”

  “You treated me like a sister.”

  “Had to. Otherwise I would have had my hands all over you.”

  Again, he left her speechless—which was a hard thing to do. To think he’d been attracted to her all these years… It wasn’t possible. Evan wasn’t the sort of man who would keep his attraction at bay. He tended to live life to the fullest, which meant enjoying pleasures. He’d dated several women who worked at Dupree’s.

  “You never asked me out for a date. And you can’t tell me it was because I worked at Dupree’s. You dated enough of the women there, including skanky Lee.”

  His lips twitched, but he didn’t take his gaze from the highway. “Skanky Lee. That about sums up her character.”

  “I did fire her for stealing.”

  Evan grunted and pulled to a stop when they reached the traffic lights that led to Hawaii Kai.

  “What are we doing here? I need to get back to work.”

  “Chris doesn’t want you back at work today. He wants you to take the day off.”

  She frowned and crossed her arms. “I can work. I’m not some wilting woman who can’t handle this.”

  He growled. “Jesus, May, give it a break. No one thinks you’re weak.”

  “I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m shirking my duties, that’s all.”

  “Chris said if you came in today he’d fire you.”

  Instead of heading into Hawaii Kai, he turned on a street that lead up to the few houses on the cliffs…where he lived.

  Her heart hammered against her chest as he turned onto his street. Everything in her tensed, her mind whirling with the possibilities.

  “W-what are we doing here?”

  “We are going to get a few things straight.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Every nerve in her body shimmered in anticipation as he slid from his seat and then rounded the hood to her. He opened the door, grabbed her arm, then yanked her out. He slammed the door behind him and dragged her to his front door.

  Once they stepped into the foyer, she sighed. Even with her hormones doing the mambo, she definitely could appreciate this house. May knew he had bought it in horrible condition and spent two years doing the remodel, and it showed. The hardwood floors gleamed. The soothing earthy colors exuded a male elegance she had not expected. But she didn’t get the chance to appreciate the beauty. He gave her enough time to pull off her shoes then he dragged her down the hallway to what she expected was his bedroom. Her pulse doubled and her palms began to sweat. When they reached it, it wasn’t what she expected and it must have shown on her face. He chuckled as he released her.

  “Were you expecting a dungeon?”

  She rubbed her wrist. “No…it’s just so calming.”

  Several different shades of blue were filtered throughout the room. Earth tones were used here too, but in contrast to the living area, this room immediately relaxed her. Of course, that was if she ignored the California King bed in the middle of the room.

  “I haven’t agreed to anything.”

  He quirked an eyebrow.

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, you knew the answer was yes.”

  He nodded, but he said nothing and continued to stare at her. His gaze roamed over her body, licks of heat following in its path. Holy mother of God. He had yet to touch her and she could feel the rise of heat in her blood. Hell, even without checking she knew her panties were damp.

  “You didn’t contact me when you found those pictures.”

  For a moment, her mind stuttered to a halt at the change of subject. She was trying to control the need to jump his bones and he was talking about the pictures.

  She shook her head. “Chris drove up right after I opened them. I called the police, then went and made my statement.”

  “I know what you did. What I want to know why you didn’t contact me?”

  She shrugged. Something rumbled in his chest that sounded like a growl and his nostrils flared.

  “That is not acceptable.”

  “I just didn’t think about calling you.”

  He didn’t say anything for a few moments. “I should have been the first person you called.”

  She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to argue with him, but he stopped her when he grabbed her chin. “Don’t. Don’t make excuses or tell me you just didn’t think it was important.”

  She ground her teeth and kept silent.

  “While your father seems very nonchalant about all of this, I’m not. This is stalking and from now on, you will tell me if you ever get something like this again.”

  Authority rang in his voice, and she could not help to react. She nodded, held mute by the intensity in his gaze.

  “You knew you should have called me, first thing. That’s why you weren’t happy to see me at HPD.”

  She said nothing, because they both knew it was the truth.

  “You promised me the other night you would call if anything happened. You disobeyed me. For that, you will be punished.”

  “That doesn’t seem right.”

  He grabbed her chin again. While his touch was firm, he did not hurt her. She could tell from the intensity in his eyes that it was taking all of his control to keep his temper at bay.

  “I didn’t ask your opinion. I’m now giving you a direct order not to lie by omission. I want to know right away.” She looked over his shoulder at the wall and he sighed. “You are just not going to give in.”

  He released her chin and took a step back.


  The command caught her off-guard and she stood motionless.

  “When I give an order, I mean it. Strip.”

  Everything in her tightened as she lifted her hands to zipper of her dress. Her fingers were shaking so badly, it took her a moment or two to get a good grip on it before she could pull it down. Her head was buzzing and her whole body tensed, ready. With a wiggle, she let the dress fall in a pool at her feet. She did nothing else and was rewarded with a quirk of his lips.

  “You learn fast, Maylea.” His voice had roughened, deepened. “Step out of it.”

  She stepped to the side of the fabric and fought the shiver of delight that danced through her. She normally would have been self-conscious standing in only her bra and panties, but with Evan’s hot stare roaming over her, she felt sexy. Just the way his gaze roamed over her made her feel like a goddess. She thanked the good Lord that for once she had chosen the right thing to wear. For some reason that morning her hands had gone to the red lace demi-bra and lace thong.

  She moved to unhook her bra.


  The command had her dropping her hands.

  He stepped closer, so close she could feel his breath feather over her skin as he bent his head to her neck.

  “You always smell so delicious, May. So many times I just wanted to start licking you at your toes and work my way up all your luscious skin.”

  She trembled at the hot words, at the desire threading through his voice. He skimmed a finger over the sensitive skin of her breasts.

  “So delicate. If I had known you were wearing things like this under your clothes, I’m not sure I would’ve lasted this long.”

  He slipped her fingers between her breasts then down her torso to her pussy. She was already damp there. Her juices had started churning the moment he’d told her to strip. He moved his fingers over her, pressing against her slit. The silky fabric clung to the dampness as he pressed one finger between her folds.

  “Ahh, you really do like this. I would have never known you were made to be
a submissive in the bedroom. Dreamed…hoped…fantasized about it, but I never thought it would happen.”

  Need dripped from his voice, feeding her own. He slipped a finger up over the top of her panties and over her mound.

  “God, you’re amazing.” He moved behind her and with one hand, he easily undid her bra. It slipped off her shoulders, down her arms to the floor. A fresh wave of cool air hit her breasts. Her nipples hardened. Keeping one hand in her panties, he slid the other up to her breast. His front was against her back, his hardened cock easily felt through his jeans.

  “I don’t know if I have ever known a woman who was so responsive, in such a need for fucking as you.”

  May never cared that much for dirty talk in the bedroom. It had been a turn off for her, but then, it was always expected of her. Men usually expected her to take the lead and be naughty. This was different. When Evan said things like that, her whole body responded, begging for his touch.

  He cupped the fullest part of her breast, his fingers pinching her nipple. The stroke had heat shooting through her blood. The light trace of his fingers had her going crazy, needing more, needing to feel his fingers slip into her. But he didn’t give her the satisfaction. He kissed her neck as he continued his assault, his tongue moving over her flesh, his teeth nipping at her earlobe.

  She moved against his hand and he immediately drew it out of her panties, then dropped his other from her breast. She moaned in irritation.

  “You are not in charge. I thought you learned that the other night, but I see you need more instruction. Remember, your pleasure is for me to give to you, for me to build. You are under my command.” With one last nip to her neck, he stepped away from her. “You broke your word. After today, you won’t think of doing it again.”

  His dark promise had her heart galloping and every bit of moisture in her mouth drying up.

  “Take off your panties, then go to the dresser and put your hands on the top.” She didn’t move at first, so he added. “Now, May, or your punishment will be worse than what I have planned.”


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