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Stripper Confessions 1: The Complete Series

Page 4

by Solae Dehvine

  “Oh my God! Please don’t stop!” She begged and I had no intention of stopping.

  I could eat her pussy forever. She tasted like cotton candy and her pussy smelled of fresh roses. I sucked her until she busted her sweet nectar on my face. Here I was fantasizing about Lightning when I got the next best thing. And I didn’t even have to fight to get her.

  The Morning After


  My pussy was throbbing so hard that it woke me up. I then knew something happened last night. My head was pounding, but the lips, I still felt them everywhere. Half sleep the lips were on my legs and thighs, kissing me. As I tossed and turned under the covers. I then felt tongues everywhere. Wet and sloppy tongues licking me everywhere below the waist. Hearing the door slamming I was jolted from my dream. I jumped straight up in the bed knocking all the tongues and lips out of my mind. It was morning and Club Fantasy was gone.

  Usually by the time Lauren got home I was awake and fresh out of the shower. Today I somehow overslept. I’m not sure if it was the drinks or sex that made it hard for me to wake up this morning. I hoped to be out of the house and at school when Lauren got home so I wouldn’t have to face her until later. Unfortunately, Lauren’s heels clanked on the floor. My time had run out. There was no avoiding her now. I prayed she wouldn’t come into my room ready to talk this morning, I wasn’t prepared to lie.

  I stopped breathing as I heard her getting closer. She stopped right in front of my door. From my bed, I could see the shadow of her shoes. I closed my eyes praying harder, I’m sure God was mad at me right now, but I prayed anyway. Somehow my prayers were answered when her shadow disappeared and I heard her footsteps moving down the hallway towards her room. I didn’t let out a sigh of relief until I heard her turn on the shower.

  The sun shining through the window was exposing me. Shedding an unwanted light on me and the mess that is now my room. My head pounding wasn’t helping me get out of bed. My brain wanted to beat its way out of my skull, making the sunlight damn near unbearable to look at. I tried to look around to see the time on my clock, but it was covered with my clothes.

  My room was usually tidy with everything in its place, but today it looked like a tornado had hit it. Last night I was so nervous as I got ready. I switched outfits four or five times. Clothes everywhere proved my indecisiveness. I changed shoes just as many times and I had jewelry everywhere. I knew what to wear to church, school, and even on a date. But I had no idea what to wear to work as a stripper.

  Lauren finally helped me pick out an outfit to wear on stage as well as clothes to wear in and out of the club. But if every night looked like this then I would need a maid to clean up after me.

  My phone started ringing, I knew exactly who it was, and I had to answer it. I jumped out of bed totally naked searching through the rubbish for my phone. Lifting up clothes I found my phone in my purse under my computer desk.

  “Morning Mommy,” I greeted my Mom as if I had been up for hours instead of being hung over and being awake for only ten minutes.

  “Good Morning Sunshine.”

  Every morning my Mom called me. It was our time to catch up on what happened the day before.

  “How’s your morning going? How was your first night at the new job?” She asked me as I took my purse and went back to the safety of my bed before I collapsed on the floor.

  “Too early to tell,” I laughed.

  I lied and told her about a job to avoid her questioning later. To my mother I now worked at a hotel overnight.

  “Well you be careful working at night. There are a lot of crazy people on the third shift.”

  She could say that again. I thought back to Donita and how she attacked my pussy like a Lioness to fresh Gazelle meat.

  “You’re right Mommy. Who's taking you to treatment today?” I changed the subject.

  The less I had to lie about my job the better. Getting her talking about something else would turn our conversation around.

  “Oh, I’m catching a cab today. I know you have class and can’t take me.”

  My Mom had cancer treatments. Very expensive cancer treatments that she had to have every week since the cancer came back.

  “Are you sure you will be okay?” I was back in bed under the covers. Sitting in bed with pillows propped up behind me I pulled the money from my purse. I managed to bundle it all up and throw it in my purse before I left the club. It was a wonder I made it home as drunk as I was. She explained that I didn’t have to worry about her, wouldn’t she do that for me? I was an only child, my Dad passed away years ago. There was just me and her, and that’s all we needed.

  “I have to get my Meds refilled today.” I knew what that meant. More money. Luckily I had done pretty well last night. I didn’t expect the dollars to fall for me like they did. Nobody knew that I was almost ready to throw up before I went out on that stage. “I don’t quite have enough money. I might try to skip a few days and wait until next week.”

  “NO! I have the money. You go ahead and get your prescription.”

  The last thing she needed was to go without her medicine. I wasn’t sure how much I had from last night, but it was enough to cover her medicine.

  Knocks came to the door. That made me almost drop the phone.

  “Mom, let me call you back. Love you.”

  I hung up before hearing her response.

  “Come In,” I told Lauren covering my chest with the sheet. The money now covered my bed like a blanket in small bundled up bills. I was trying to straighten out the dollar bills before counting.

  “Hey sleepy head.” Lauren said coming in my room with her robe on and a towel tied around her head.

  Lauren looked like she had a full eight hours of sleep, despite being up all night. I admired all the energy she had, I hoped I could be like that when I got deeper into working at the club.

  “Hey,” All I could do was smile at her as she tried to find a seat in my mess of a room.

  I waited for her to say that she knew everything. About Donita eating me out in the Black room.

  “You tore shit up last night,” she smiled at me as if she knew nothing.

  That was a relief. Donita told me to keep it a secret between us. But I knew that the club was nothing but a glorified high school. I just smiled back at Lauren. I didn’t have much to say. I was preoccupied with pretending to count the money.

  “Well, I wanted to come in here and talk to you about a few things before we went through our day. You know we have a meeting at the club at five o’clock right?” I nodded yes.

  “Is something wrong?” She asked me, but I could barely look Lauren in the eye. I felt like she already knew.

  “No, just hung over. Those drinks truly hit me when I got off stage,” I lied. She laughed that off taking my story as the truth.

  “Well, let me start with the club politics. Carl just wants you to be straight with him. Make sure you don’t do any side work like parties before telling him first.” I nodded as she spoke. Everything made sense, and most of it I heard her say before. Stay away from the creeps, keep my money on me at all times, and keep it professional. Those were all rules I could follow.

  “I think I can handle all that,” I told her as I finally got all the bills straight and started counting. Seeing all the money was like a Tylenol to my headache. I wasn’t tired anymore and my head stopped pounding. The only thing that I felt was hunger, hunger for more money.

  “Now here is the hard part. The bitches that work at the club,” Lauren said as I kept counting. “Especially one bitch in particular. Her name is Donita, but they call her Sugar n Spice.”

  I almost dropped the money out of my hand as I asked, “What about her?”

  “She’s bad news. Stay away from that BITCH!” I had to laugh at how serious she looked.

  “No, explaining. Just stay away from her?”

  Lauren didn’t look happy that I wasn’t taking her seriously. She crossed her arms looking at me as if I was a stranger, but she
didn’t know Donita had licked me from my ass to my appetite last night.

  “You gotta give me something better than that Lauren. You know how sometimes you can act like a stuck up Bitch and rub people the wrong way.”

  It was true. Lauren was always acting better than other people. You probably would never see her in the same clothes twice and had a credit card with every department store in town which she told everyone about.

  “Well what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Lauren stood up from the computer chair. She looked like she was ready to dive over the mess in my room and kick my ass. All I had to defend myself was a stack of money and my purse.

  “Not trying to be mean but I’m telling the truth. You’ve been that way since high school.” Despite the fact that she was still a student she always like throwing up that she was a soon to be a doctor. She wasn’t even in medical school yet.

  “What the fuck does high school have to do with you staying away from a crazy bitch at the club?”

  She was staring at me with a glare that would have set anyone on fire.

  “But you’re not saying why she’s crazy? You’re the one acting crazy.” I told her getting out of the bed and grabbing my own robe which was the only thing in my room that was where it was supposed to be handing on a small hook by the door.

  “Wait a second. What happened at the club last night and why the fuck are you naked?”

  “So it’s a big deal that I’m naked in front of you now. What the fuck is wrong with you


  She didn’t say anything, she tilted her head to the side looking at me as if I were a science experiment she was trying to decipher.

  “You didn’t answer my question. What happened last night after I left you?”

  “I finished talking to Carl then I left. Hell, I was so drunk I almost called a cab.”

  I looked her dead in the eye when I said it. They say if you’re lying that is the best way to make people believe you.

  “Something doesn’t seem right about your attitude today.”

  “Well I have a hangover, my head hurts, my Mom has to go to treatment today and excuse me, , but it’s not so easy to take your clothes off for money. I need to wrap my mind around all this.” That was the truth, besides the fact that I felt dirty from my rendezvous last night. Donita seemed good and friendly to me.

  “She is a freak. She has a fetish for girls because her boyfriend used to beat her ass. She will use you, act like she loves you, fuck your brains out with her dildo then hang you out to dry.” Lauren was almost screaming when she finally explained.

  “Well that’s all you had to say. I’ll stay away from her. You could have told me five minutes ago that she fucked you up,” I said turning my back.

  I’m not sure why I felt like being so mean this morning, but Lauren was getting on my nerves. All this time she acted like she was better than me. Now I can make money just like her.

  “Fuck me? She never fucked me. I have heard and literally seen her do it to other girls. I fucked her before she got the chance. Her customers adore me now so stay away from her. She’s going to be leaving the club soon anyway.”

  “Cool, I’m going to go take a shower.” I left her in the middle of my messy room looking confused and angry at the same time. I made three hundred dollars on my first night, and I only performed for a few minutes.

  Closing the bathroom door I looked at myself in the mirror. Yes, I looked tired with small bags under my eyes and my hair looked like untamed animal fur, but at least I had money. I could pay my Mom’s Meds and eat decent food this week. My pussy still throbbed bringing me back to reality. Looking down at my thighs I saw red marks on my legs. Donita left marks from her hard sucks to my thigh.

  “That bitch just might be crazy,” I said to the bathroom as I turned on the shower.

  If she was crazy that’s OK because I was not a lesbian nor did I want to become one. That was a one night only affair. I let my robe drop to the floor as I stepped into the shower. I made the water hotter as I used the soap to scrub every part of my body. It felt good to have my pussy ate by a woman, but that would be the first and the last time for me. Being with Donita last night is one of those things I will take to my grave.

  Home Sweet Home


  “There my little man is.” I stretched out my arms as my son jumped on me for a hug as I walked through the door. Getting home in the mornings after the club wasn’t the end of my day, I still had my son to take care of.

  “Hey Donita, your home.” Jenn my roommate turned babysitter said from the kitchen.

  “Mommy, I made this for you last night.”

  My little Sebastian was still in his pajamas holding up a finger painting. The sky was blue, and the grass was green. He even had a sun that was bright orange. I hadn’t even taken off my coat yet, but I gave him all of my attention.

  “Oh my goodness. This is beautiful.”

  He smiled showing me all of his teeth and the spaces were some of his baby teeth had fallen out. He looked like me with a mixture of his Dad. But it was the good part of his Father, not the evil and abusive kick my ass part.

  “Go change into your clothes that I pulled out for you. Almost time to get to school.” I said hugging him again and taking the picture from him.

  “Okay Mommy,” he said running off.

  He was such a good child, he listened so well and was a genius at school. But my baby isn’t typical; the Down Syndrome was what made him different. As I hung Sebastian's picture on the refrigerator, I thought of how I needed to pay his tuition. I spent countless amounts of money on his education. I read dozens of articles that said he could lead a healthy adjusted life if he had early intervention. Every time I dropped my ass on stage or sucked a dick for money, I did it for him.

  “Hey, how was your night?” Jenn broke into my thoughts. She was in front of the stove cooking breakfast as she did every morning.

  “Work was work,” I told her giving her a smile.

  She accepted that as an answer and didn’t ask any more questions. She kept cooking which I was thankful for, she cooked, cleaned, and watched Sebastian while I worked and I allowed her to stay here rent free. It had worked out so far.

  “How was he last night?” I always asked her, but it was always the same. She gave me a look as if I already knew.

  “He slept through the night. I got him up this morning, and he brushed his teeth. Everything is OK as usual.” She said placing eggs on a plate.

  “Good,” I knew that Sebastian being taken care of at night was one thing that I didn’t have to worry about.

  “Sebastian, you ok in there?”

  “Yes. I’m a big boy,” he told me as if I didn’t know.

  “Yes you are sweetie. Your breakfast is ready.”

  I worked hard and paid well to teach him to be independent. Sitting down at the kitchen table, I took off my coat and tore into the pile of mail that had accumulated the last few days. Usually I ran around all day chauffeuring Sebastian to school or running to a client’s house. I rarely had time to do regular things like open mail. That’s why Jenn was so essential to help with the things I didn’t have time for.

  I sifted through the mail as Jenn floated around the kitchen. I wanted to tell her about my night. How I finally got closer to getting that bitch Lightning. Watching her buzz around the kitchen putting dishes in the dishwasher and wiping off the counters I knew I couldn’t tell her about my night life. She knew I stripped, but that was as far as it went. We were roommates, but we were more like employer and employee. I figured it was best that she knew as little as possible.

  “Mommy how do I look?” I stopped daydreaming for a moment to pay attention to Sebastian. At five, he was actually efficient at dressing himself. Today he had on a pair of khaki pants and his blue uniform shirt with a long sleeve shirt under it.

  “Perfect son. Good job!” I said putting my hand up to give him a five. “Now sit down so you can eat your brea

  He did as I said with Jenn placing a plate with eggs, turkey bacon, toast and a small bowl of fruit in front of him. That was another expense that I endured was nutritional food. But nothing was too expensive for Sebastian.

  Back to the mail, I separated the bills from magazines and advertising crap. Going through everything I saw a letter that was more official than the rest.

  State Corrections Department was typed on one of the envelopes. I tore it open and read the letter with my heart racing.


  “He’s up for parole,” the words escaped from my mouth. I wasn’t talking to anyone in particular, but I couldn’t believe it.

  “Who?” Jenn asked me as she cleaned.

  I said nothing. A simple glance at Sebastian told her that my ex, Sebastian’s Dad, was up for parole.

  Jenn’s face turned grim. As if she had seen him hit me all those times. Like she was there when he threatened to shoot me when Sebastian was a baby. Or as if she was there when he pushed my head into a wall and knocked me unconscious. That was the last and the final straw, the occasion in particular that lead to him being locked up.

  “Mommy, I’m done,” Sebastian alerted me.

  “Good son. Go brush your teeth again and get your backpack. Time to go to school.”

  “Yeah,” he screamed running to the bathroom.

  Sebastian listened so well, I thanked God every day that his form of Down Syndrome wasn’t as severe as others. Watching his little legs run away I went back to scrolling down the paper looking for a date, a point of contact, or something. At the bottom of the letter it gave a date and how I could go about contesting the parole. I had about three months to send in a letter, I could even show up to the hearing if I wished. As much as I didn’t want Daryl out of jail, I didn’t want to see him face to face.

  “So when is it happening?”

  “A few months. I have to send in a letter and call this number to get it contested.” I didn’t look at her when I said it. I didn’t feel like crying but somehow she knew.


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