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Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1)

Page 5

by Michelle Heard

  “I’m going to go if you don’t need anything else,” I say, my voice tight from all the tension in the room. I take a step closer to the door, and for a moment it looks like Falcon wants to say something else, but instead, he just nods.

  Rushing out of the room, I place my hand over my thumping heart. “I wonder what that was about,” I whisper as I step into the elevator.

  It’s been two days since the almost kiss, and a day since I was almost hit by Falcon’s phone, and I have to admit, I’m feeling stressed out by it all.

  It doesn’t take much effort to avoid Falcon, and I think the reason for it is because he’s avoiding me as well. For some weird reason the thought of Falcon avoiding me sucks.

  Feeling uneasy because of everything that’s happened the past couple of days, I decide to put on my sneakers and go for a jog. Jogging always helps me find my balance again.

  Dressed in my running gear, I head towards the trail, which starts behind the restaurant on campus. I haven’t had much time to explore yet, and as my feet steadily thump over a wooden bridge, a smile begins to form around my lips. All the trees and bushes bathe the trail in a deep green, which makes the air feel fresher.

  I make my way up the trail until I reach a look-out point with a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. Taking a moment to stretch, I drink in the sight before me.

  This is what I needed. I’m going to make this a part of my daily routine from now on.

  Being mesmerized by nature, I think back to the conversation I overheard yesterday. Falcon must be under a lot of pressure. Until I saw that side to him, I always thought he was just another one of the spoiled students, but board meetings? Power of attorney?

  I’m pretty sure Julian is his older brother. Mom mentioned the name before. It didn’t sound like there was any love between them.

  Sadness creeps into my heart for Falcon.

  What kind of life does he really live?

  Coming to this school, all I saw was the wealth the other students were born into.

  Yeah, you might have judged them all a little too harshly.

  Might have? A little?

  I shake my head lightly, disappointed in myself.

  Dad always said money is the root of all evil, and it’s only now that I’m beginning to understand the true meaning of those words. These students don’t have the freedom I have. They have to act a certain way that’s acceptable to the standards of their wealth bracket.

  It’s really sad. What’s the use of having so much money if you can’t enjoy life? Letting out a sigh, I make a resolution to judge less and to understand more.

  Checking my watch, I notice I’ve been out here for almost an hour. I stretch one more time to warm my muscles again and begin the jog back toward the campus.

  As I’m coming around a bend, I spot Grayson standing to the left and move to the right side of the trail so I can jog by him. The peaceful moment I just had is tainted by an irritating feeling which I always get when I see the guy. Besides him coming onto me every damn chance he gets, annoying the ever-loving shit out of me, I can’t say there’s anything I like about him.

  “Hey,” he says as I’m about to pass by him.

  “Hey,” I mumble back, keeping my eyes on the path ahead. The last thing I want to do is give him a reason to strike up a conversation with me.

  To my dismay, he falls into step next to me. “Not every day I get you alone.”

  I ignore his words, doing my best to not let my irritation show on my face.

  Reaching out, he takes hold of my forearm, and I have no choice but to stop when he pulls me to a halt. “You know, for a freshman, you have a lot of attitude.”

  I clench my jaw, so I don’t retort with, ‘For a senior you think you’re entitled to a lot of liberties.’ Instead, I pull my arm free and say, “I have assignments waiting, so you’ll have to excuse me.”

  I take a step forward but stop when Grayson moves to block my way.

  My patience begins to evaporate and my annoyance spikes. “I really don’t have time for this, so I’m just going to be blunt. I’m not interested in you in any way.”

  When I try to get around him, he matches my step to the left, blocking me again. “I didn’t ask whether you were interested in me.” The hurt tone of his voice contradicts his words.

  He takes a step forward, closing some of the distance between us, but I take one backward, which makes a frown settle on his forehead. “I go hunting with my father,” he randomly states, and it takes me a moment to understand what he’s saying. “You want to know what’s the most exciting part?”

  “I’m not interested,” I repeat my words from earlier.

  “The hunt,” he continues. The corners of his mouth turn down in a haughty sneer, and it makes the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “There’s nothing like the thrill of a chase and you making me chase after you only reminds me of it.”

  “I’m not making you do anything. Seriously, I’m not playing hard to get. I. Am. Not. Interested. In. You,” I enunciate the words. Damn, I’ve never met someone with such thick skin before.

  His hand shoots up between us, and wrapping his fingers around the back of my neck, he yanks me closer.

  Cheese. He had cheese for lunch.

  The smell of his breath makes my stomach turn.

  “Impossible,” he whispers, and when the blue of his eyes darken to midnight, I feel a sensation of apprehension slither down my spine. “Girls like you never say no to someone like me.”

  “Girls like me?” offended, I spit the words out.

  “You all want a taste of a man who’s way above your shitty little lives.”

  Holy crap, this guy is conceited and egotistical to the point where he’s ludicrous.

  He begins to lean in as if he’s going to kiss me, which has my self-defense roar to life. Bringing my hands up between us, I push against his chest while moving to the side so I can pull my neck free from his hold. He only budges a couple of inches, but then I feel his muscles tense under my palms, and tightening his grip on the back of my neck, he pulls me toward him until his mouth smacks hard against mine.

  There’s a moment in every situation where you realize your mistake – I shouldn’t have even talked to this guy because he’s the type who twists your words into what he wants to hear and believe.

  Knowing things are about to get seriously out of hand, and I can’t have that alone in the woods with this creep, I shove as hard as I can while twisting my body away from his.

  I manage to free myself from his hold and try to dart away, but he grabs hold of my t-shirt, and in the process of yanking me back to him, I hear my sleeve rip.

  The bastard!

  “What’s your damn problem?” I snap at him. His grip on my arm is so tight, I only end up hurting myself when I try to wrench it free. “You’re hurting me, Grayson. Let go.”

  Tilting his head to the right, his eyes narrow on me. “Do you think you’re in a position to tell me what to do? It must be true,” he tsks, shaking his head.

  “What?” I almost growl the world because I’m seriously losing my temper with this jerk.

  “That blondes are dumb.” The sneer on his face deepens, only making him look more arrogant.

  As if that’s possible.

  Having had enough of this creep, I try to pry his fingers away from my arm with my right hand, and when it doesn’t work, only making him chuckle, I dig my nails into his skin.

  “Fuck,” he snaps, but at least his fingers spring loose, and I use the moment to put as much distance between us as I can. Sprinting down the trail, I’m only aware of the fact that I have to get back to the campus, not having any time to think about my emotions or what just happened.

  I’m so freaking focused on running as fast as I can that I let out a scream when Grayson plows into me from behind.

  Shit, he’s faster than me.

  Wrapping his arms around me from behind, he drags me off the trail. Being dragged bac
kward, it feels as if the woods are swallowing me whole as the trees close in around me.

  Oh, God. This is bad. Really bad.

  I start to struggle in his hold, doing my best to throw my body forward to where the trail is. I can’t let him drag me into the woods. God only knows what will happen then.

  While struggling, I accidentally slam the back of my head against his chin, but it works because his arms slacken their hold on me and I manage to dart forward.

  My breaths explode over my dry lips, burning down my throat while my heart is pounding like crazy in my chest.

  Run, Layla!

  My panicked inner-voice spurs me on as I rush over the unsteady ground while dodging trees.

  Roots slow me down, and feeling frantic and distressed, a cry escapes me when Grayson grabs hold of my ponytail.

  “You’re asking for trouble,” he growls while hauling me back.

  I lose my footing and crash into the hard ground. Within seconds, Grayson is on top of me, making fear explode through my body. Pinning me down with his weight, he grabs hold of t-shirt and rips it in the front which exposes some of my sports bra. His mouth comes brutally down on mine and not thinking twice, I sink my teeth into his bottom lip. I get the desired reaction as he pulls away.

  Brushing his thumb over the broken skin, he glares down at the blood on his finger.

  “Bitch, you actually bit me?”

  “You’re sick,” I scream angrily as I crawl away from him. I climb to my feet when he grips hold of my shoulder. Fear and anger swirl inside of me, creating a dizzying storm of emotions. He raises his hand, and before I realize what’s happening, the clammy skin of his palm connects with my cheek.

  I hear the slap, but it takes a stunned moment before I feel the sting spread over the side of my face.

  A stunned moment in which he grabs hold of the front of my torn t-shirt while raising his hand again.

  But it’s only a moment that’s quickly shoved aside by a rage I’ve never felt before.

  He slapped me.

  Seeing red, I bring my knee up between us. When it connects with his groin, I feel some of the vulnerability he made me endure, give way to courage and determination to save myself.

  Bending over with his hands cupping his groin, he lets out a pain-filled groan.

  “Don’t ever touch me again,” I hiss enraged before turning around and quickly making my way back to the trail.

  As I reach the trail, I hear his footsteps crunching right behind me, and it only spurs me on to push harder. Just before the bridge which leads to the back of the restaurant on campus, I hear Grayson roar, “You’re going to pay for that!”

  His hand smacks the back of my head, and as I lose my footing, he shoves me forward, making me fall onto my knees. The impact shudders through my body, and it burns where the skin has been scraped off my kneecaps.

  Before I can manage to get up, Grayson grabs hold of my ponytail and yanking me to the side, his fist connects with my jaw, right beneath my ear. A buzzing sound fills my hearing, and a sharp pain shoots through my head.

  Dazed, a desperate feeling bleeds into my soul.

  Get up and run away.

  The words lend strength to my legs, and as I push up, I blindly lash out, scratching every surface of exposed skin I can find. Halfway up, I somehow manage to head butt, Grayson. The impact only dazes me more, but I refuse to give in to the frenzied terror whirling in my chest.

  As I repeatedly lunge forward, hitting and clawing at Grayson, I feel animalistic. I feel the need to inflict as much pain on him, as he has inflicted on me. I want him to feel the same fear and vulnerability he made me feel by trying to use his strength as a man against me.

  I never thought I’d be this kind of person.

  I used to be the kind of girl who runs to jump on her bed after switching off the light.

  I used to be the kind of girl who runs from a wasp while screeching, ‘you win… you win.’

  Feeling absolutely sickened by what’s happening, I shove Grayson roughly away, then set off running. I push myself forward and only feel a sliver of the brutal tension ease when I near the dorms.

  “Layla!” Kingsley’s panicked voice penetrates through the shock, fear, and maddening rage I’m engulfed in, and it acts like a switch which instantly drains me of all my strength.

  My legs feel wobbly as I slow down and when I come to a stop, I reach out and grab hold of Kingsley’s shoulders so I won’t crumble to the ground. Tears burn the back of my eyes, and I begin to shiver as if I’m freezing.

  “What the hell happened?” she asks, the blood draining from her always rosy cheeks.

  I open my mouth, but instead of words, only a sob comes out. Kingsley pulls me against her, and when her arms fold tightly around me, I let the tears fall. After the horrific encounter with Grayson, I finally feel some sense of safety in her arms.

  “I’m going to fucking sue you! Look what you’ve done to my face.” Grayson’s roar behind me brings the panic and fear flooding back through my veins.

  Letting go of Kingsley, I glance over my shoulder as I dart to my left and into The Hope Diamond so I can get to the safety of my room, but end up slamming into someone else.

  “Layla?” Lake’s voice sounds distant.

  It must be the distress making me dizzy. I don’t think I can fight for much longer.

  The thought makes a helpless feeling swamp my heart.

  Somehow, I manage to focus on the face in front of me. I see the soft brown eyes and they’re in total contrast to the blue ones which will be haunting my nightmares from now on.

  I grab hold of Lake’s shirt and force the words past the lump of fear in my throat, “Help me.”

  Feeling drained of all my strength, I need someone stronger than me, and I’m hoping to God Lake will be that someone.

  Lake brings his hands to my face, and cupping my cheeks, he leans down to look at me. Worry fills his eyes as he takes in my haggard state.

  “What happened?” I see the words forming on Lake’s lips, but I can’t hear them past the rushing in my ears as the shock from the ordeal begins to set in.

  Staying close to Lake, I turn so I can point a trembling finger to outside. When I see Kingsley screaming at Grayson, guilt ripples through me.

  I just left her out there with him.

  Lake pulls away from me, and it draws a whimpering sob out of my burning chest. The trembling in my body increases uncontrollably as my eyes stay glued to Lake, where he’s jogging to Kingsley’s side.

  When Lake’s fist makes Grayson’s head snap back, my vision begins to blur. Exhausted to my core, the last of my strength fades from my legs.

  As darkness creeps in, arms come from behind, wrapping around me they keep me from going down like a ton of bricks.

  Chapter 6


  “Have you heard from Julian again?” Mason asks while we’re going down in the elevator.

  The doors slide open as I answer, “No. I still can’t believe he thought I’d give him power of attorney over my shares.”

  “Yeah, that was a bold move.”

  Stepping into the foyer, I see Lake talking to someone. “He’s going to be late for dinner with his parents,” I mention. Lake left the suite ten minutes before us for his usual Wednesday dinner appointment. I’m surprised to still find him here because he never keeps his parents waiting. Lake darts forward and breaks out into a jog.

  Yeah, get your ass to the restaurant.

  The thought freezes in my mind when my eyes land on Layla’s tearstained face. Her body shudders with every sob leaving her.

  What the fuck?

  Her hair is a mess, and her white and blue shirt is ripped in the front. It takes a moment for me to process what I’m seeing.

  Red bruises on her way too pale face.

  Wide eyes, unfocused and wild with panic.

  Leaves in her hair.

  Scrapes all over her legs.

  My eyes travel down her body,
and with each bruise and blood splatter I take in, merciless anger grows inside of me.

  Somehow, I manage to move forward so I can get to her. Unsteadily, she turns away from me, and I reach her just in time as her legs give way. Wrapping my arms around her from behind, I hold her to me, so she doesn’t fall to the ground.

  My eyes meet Mason’s before we both look to where Lake is hitting Grayson.

  “I have her. Go help Lake.” The words sound weird as if it’s not my voice leaving my lips.

  As Mason rushes toward the doors, I loosen my hold a little, so I can move around Layla. Tilting my head to the side, I try to get a better look at her, but her hair is a mess and hiding the left side of her face.

  “What happened?” I ask, and bringing a hand up to brush her hair out of the way, I freeze when she flinches.

  The severity of the moment hits me right in the gut, making it feel like my breaths are getting stuck in my throat. I’ve lived a sheltered life and never had to deal with something like this before. I have no fucking idea how to handle this situation. Emotions begin to intensify deep within my heart, ranging from protectiveness to worry.

  I struggle to stay calm, and I’m just about to ask again when her eyes focus on my face. She hiccups past the sobs, “Falcon.”

  Moving slower this time, I bring a hand up and gently tuck the wild strands behind her ear. Seeing the other bruise on her jaw makes my anger spike rapidly.

  Assuming Grayson has something to do with this, I ask, “Did Grayson –” The rage makes me sound angry as fuck, and not wanting to frighten Layla more, I clear my throat before whispering, “Did Grayson do this to you?”

  She begins to nod, but before she can answer me, a commotion behind us scares the shit out her. Grabbing hold of my jacket, she steps right into me, hiding behind the little protection the fabric offers. Her reaction makes my protective side explode to life like never before. A door slams closed behind us, making Layla startle again. I wrap my left arm around her shoulders, and place my right behind her head, wanting her to feel some sort of safety in my arms.


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