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Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1)

Page 8

by Michelle Heard

  Do I really care about her?

  “Damn, has there ever been a time I actually cared about a woman?” I try to think back but come up empty-handed.

  “Don’t overthink it,” Lake calls from the other side of the door. “If you want my opinion, I think the two of you would make a great couple. She doesn’t take your shit.”

  I yank the door open and glare at Lake. “I don’t want your opinion.” Slamming it shut again, I scowl at the wood.

  She doesn’t take my shit. I’ve never seen her back down from a fight.


  “Yep, told you,” Lake chuckles.

  Chapter 9


  Walking into my legal writing class, I glance at Serena, where she’s standing upfront.

  Why did she have to be the TA for this class?

  I sit down next to Kingsley and open my laptop. “Is she giving class today?”

  “Yep, we’re fresh out of luck,” Kingsley mumbles, but then a wide smile stretches over her face. “There’s a party this Saturday. You’re coming, right?”

  “A party? I haven’t heard anything.”

  “Just a soiree the Academy hosts, but it will be nice to mingle with everyone.”

  “Yeah, this place can use a party. It’s only been two weeks since classes started, and I’m ready for summer break again.”

  “You and me both,” Kingsley chuckles.

  Serena begins the class, and even though I don’t like her much, I have to admit she’s good at presenting the lecture.

  When the lesson comes to an end, Serena says, “Have your assignments in the Friday before Thanksgiving. It will count twenty percent toward your final mark.” Her eyes sweep over the hall, then stop on me. “Layla, come see me.”

  Noise fills the hall as all the students get up. I glance at Kingsley. “Why would she want to see me?”

  Kingsley gets up and places the bag strap over her shoulder. “I have no idea. I’ll go order food for us, so we can eat outside. Meet me in the park behind the pool house.”

  “Okay.” When she starts to walk toward the aisle, I quickly add, “Get me a chicken sandwich, please.”

  “Got ya.” Kingsley waves then takes the stairs down.

  I reluctantly pack my things in my bag before I go down to where Serena’s waiting. Stopping in front of her, I wait to hear what this is about.

  She crosses her arms over her chest and lets her eyes travel over the length of me before saying, “We haven’t had time to talk. I’ve asked about you in my social circle, but no one knows of you. Who are your parents? How did you get into Trinity? Why do you have a room in The Hope Diamond?”

  I blink a couple of times as she fires one question after the other at me.

  “This is why you held me back?” I ask. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you well enough to discuss my personal life with you.”

  Feeling annoyed, I begin to walk toward the exit, when Serena calls out, “I get a feeling you’re hiding something, and I will find out what it is.”

  “Have fun with that,” I call back then walk out of the class.

  Damn, I wasn’t expecting her to be so confrontational. What if she finds out I’m only here because Mr. Reyes gifted me the opportunity?

  When I leave the main building, I see Falcon and the guys standing by a sports car. I rush over to them, needing to make sure they’ll keep my secret.

  “Guys?” The three of them glance at me at the same time, but Lake’s the first to smile. I look around to make sure no one else will hear, then ask, “I just wanted to make sure you won’t tell anyone who my mother is. You’ll keep it a secret, right?”

  “What’s in it for me?” Mason asks, leaning back against the car. Honestly, I’m starting to think I imagined Mason being nice to me the night of the attack, and that my first impression of him was right. Who is he really? The asshole or a nice guy who’s only hiding behind a façade to keep people at a distance?

  Falcon shoves Mason against the shoulder, and with a scowl says, “Go lean against your own car.”

  My eyes move to Falcon, and I can’t help but remember our encounter at the pool. I’ll never forget his abs, or his golden skin, or those muscles, or… damn, he was a picture of perfection.

  Shaking my head and clearing my throat, I quickly avert my eyes before I’m caught staring at him.

  “As long as you’re a good assistant your secret is safe,” Falcon says, making me forget about not staring as I frown at him.

  “You’re bribing me?” Wow, I didn’t see that coming. I thought we were past all of that and we were becoming friends.

  “Ignore Mason and Falcon. We’re not going to tell anyone,” Lake answers me.

  “Thanks, Lake,” I say, and feeling confused from the hot and cold behavior I’m getting from Falcon and Mason, I walk toward the park where Kingsley is waiting.

  That didn’t help at all. Now I’m more worried about my secret than before I asked them.

  The rest of the week went by without anything out of the ordinary happening, which I’m super grateful for. I’m back into my routine, and I haven’t heard any more rumors about Grayson’s leaving or about the so-called relationship Falcon and I have.

  Yeah, right. If anything, he’s only been ordering me around more. Every single day I have to run to the library for him, and at the rate he’s ordering coffee, I’m pretty sure he’s going to overdose on caffeine soon.

  My phone beeps where it’s on my dresser, but I first finish pulling on my jeans before checking it.

  Come shine my shoes.

  I swear I can feel my one eye starting to twitch as my temper sizzles to life.

  Shine his damn shoes? What the hell do I look like?

  “Yeah, I was wrong. He’s still a jerk,” I grumble as I shove the phone into my pocket and leave my room so I can go up to his suite.

  After getting in the elevator, I scowl at the numbers as they climb higher.

  I seriously need to talk to Falcon about this assistant thing. It’s starting to interfere with my study time.

  Stepping out, the frown on my face grows with every step closer to his door. By the time I reach his suite, I’m so damn annoyed, I bang on the door.

  The door’s yanked open and Mason glares at me. “What crawled up your ass?”

  I take a deep breath, trying hard to reign in my temper while I match Mason’s dark look with one of my own. I don’t bother answering him and step inside the suite.

  “Just shine them here. I need them in ten minutes,” Falcon says while coming out of a room on the left side of the suite.

  My lips part and I forget to blink when my gaze lands on him.

  It’s moments like these I wish I had a photographic memory. Bare chest. Snap. Suit pants, unbuttoned and hanging loose on his hips. Snap. Snap. Bare Feet. Snap.

  Sigh. He might be a jerk, but he’s one hell of a hot jerk.

  “Layla?” Falcon slightly tilts his head, and the corner of his mouth begins to lift.

  Ugh, then he adds the sexy smirk.

  I begin to blink rapidly and glance around the room. “Where are the shoes?”

  Falcon gestures in the direction of the lounge, and I notice the brown leather box on the coffee table.

  “Don’t scratch them.” With the warning, Falcon goes back into his room, giving a quick view of his well-toned back.

  Damn, those shoulders.

  Mason lets out a smirk while closing the door. “You have some drool there.”

  “Huh.” I glance up at him with a frown and stupidly wipe over my mouth with the back of my hand before I realize he’s pulling my leg.

  Well, that wasn’t obvious at all. Way to go, Layla.

  I sit down on the couch and pull the box closer. When I take the lid off and see the shoes which don’t have a speck of dust on them, I grumble to myself, “He’s just baiting you, Layla. Don’t fall for it.”

  I glance at Mason, and when I see him smirking at me, I pick up the one sh
oe and make a show of blowing the invisible dust off it, before doing the same with the other shoe.

  I cover the box and get up. “All done.” Waving at Mason with a smile on my face, I walk right by him and let myself out.

  After having to clean Falcon’s already pristine shoes, which must cost more than my entire wardrobe, I’m not really in the mood for a party.

  I’ll just make an appearance for Kingsley then go crawl into bed and binge-watch a show.

  I take the short route to the main building, past the back of the library. The second I step onto the paved path a couple of meters from the entrance of the hall where the party is being held, I come to an awkward halt.

  A girl glides past me, dressed in nothing short of a ballgown. As my eyes flit from one student to the next, I gulp because they’re all dressed in formal wear.



  I hear someone laughing to the right of me, and feel like dying of mortification when I see Lake and Mason walking my way.

  “Don’t laugh,” I scold them. “I’m dying of embarrassment here.”

  Stopping next to me, Lake places an arm around my shoulder. He presses his lips together, and his eyes begin to water from the effort to not laugh right in my face.

  “That’s not any better,” I complain.

  He throws his head back and laughs so damn hard, it draws unwanted stares in our direction.

  “Stop, Lake,” I hiss under my breath, lightly slapping him on the chest.

  He finally contains himself, then pulls me along as he begins to walk back to the dorms. “You’re so damn adorable. Come on, I’ll be your fairy godmother for tonight.”

  “While the two of you play dress up, I’m going to find something stronger than the damn coffee Falcon has been shoving at me all week,” Mason grumbles.

  I don’t get to ask Lake what he’s planning because he pulls out his phone and begins to make various calls. We reach The Hope Diamond just as Kingsley comes out of her dorm.

  “Layla,” she calls and waves at me before she crosses the road. “Why aren’t you ready? We’re going to be late.”

  “I was ready,” I mutter. “You didn’t tell me it’s a formal event.”

  “But…” Kingsley frowns, looking baffled, “I said it’s a party.”

  “That back there,” I jab a thumb over my shoulder in the direction of the hall, “is a formal event. Where I come from a party is casual with drunk students doing stupid things they regret the next day.”

  Once the words are out, I realize my mistake.

  Kingsley frowns and asks, “Where are you from?”

  “Let’s get Layla changed first then you can continue the conversation,” Lake tries to save me.

  The three of us go up to the suite, and while we wait for whoever Lake called to arrive, I decide to be honest with Kingsley. She’s earned my trust over the past couple of weeks, and I’m sure she won’t judge me.

  “Kingsley,” I sit down next to her on the couch, and turn slightly toward her, “I want to tell you something.”

  “Sure.” She smiles brightly as if she’s already forgotten our conversation from ten minutes ago.

  “My mom is a PA for Mr. Reyes, and my dad is a… ah, let’s just say he’s a travel blogger. I don’t come from a wealthy family. Mr. Reyes gifted me the opportunity to study at Trinity,” I blurt the truth out before I lose my nerve.

  Kingsley remains quiet for a moment, and it’s not helping the anxiety I feel.

  “Okay,” she finally responds. “I don’t care about stuff like that, Layla. But I can see how it can be a problem where the other students are concerned.”

  “Especially Serena,” I mention.

  “Yeah, especially her. We’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t find out,” Kingsley agrees, then adds, “My family hasn’t always been wealthy, so I’m the last person who will judge anyone because of their bank balance.”

  “Thanks, friend.” I reach over and give her hand a squeeze, appreciating her even more than before we had the talk. A knock at the door ends the conversation, but I do feel better not keeping it a secret from Kingsley anymore.

  Lake goes to open the door, and soon the suite looks like it’s being converted into a fashion house. Kingsley claps her hands like a little girl, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  She lunges forward and grabbing the dress hanging closest to her, she swings around and shoves it into my arms. “Try this one first.”

  My eyes bulge as I take in all the dresses. “I’m not going to try them all on. We’ll be here all night.”

  “True,” she agrees, and biting her bottom lip, she begins to take a closer look at each dress. Picking another three from the wide selection, she lays them over the back of the couch. “Just try these three. Give that one back.”

  I do as she says, and grab the first one. It’s silver, and once I’ve squeezed into it, my eyes drop to my chest. The material hangs so low and loose if I have to bend forward it will be a free view for all.

  I open the door slightly. “Psst… Kingsley.” When I get her attention, I gesture for her to come inside.

  Just like Lake did earlier, Kingsley presses her lips together to keep from laughing. “Oooh… with a push-up bra, you’ll have some serious cleavage.”

  I begin to shake my head, giving her a no-way-in-hell-look.

  “Fine, no showing off the tatas. Let me grab the next dress.” She darts out of the restroom, and a couple of seconds later shoves the next one at me.

  It’s a blush pink ruffles gown and once I have it on, a smile forms around my lips because it’s really pretty. I turn slightly so I can see it from behind. It’s laced up at the back, showing off skin, but it doesn’t bother me.

  I open the door and walking out, I adjust one of the ruffles.

  Lake is the first to notice me. “Yep, that one.” Holding up a finger, he walks to where boxes line the dining table. “This pair will complement the dress.”

  “You look gorgeous,” Kingsley gushes then frowns at Lake. “Let me see them first.” She peeks into the box before looking at Lake with huge eyes. “Damn, you’re good. Valentino is always a winner.”

  Lake lets out a chuckle and walking over to me, hands me the box. I sit down on the couch and taking a heel from the box, I have to admit they are gorgeous.

  Four inches. I’m sure I can manage it without falling flat on my face.

  The blush color Nappa leather around the edges of the black heel gives it the perfect finish to match the dress I’m wearing.

  I slip them onto my feet and carefully get up. After taking a couple of steps, I smile at Lake.

  “Beautiful,” he compliments me with a warm smile which reaches all the way to his eyes.

  “My hair and other stuff okay?” I ask. I didn’t do anything fancy with my makeup, and my hair’s just hanging in loose curls down my back.

  “You really look stunning,” Kingsley gives her opinion. “Let’s get going, or we’ll be very late. I’ll let you all out,” she says to the team Lake called on for help.

  While Kingsley is busy, I walk closer to Lake and placing a hand on his shoulders, I stretch up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Lake. You’re always saving me.”

  “You’re welcome.” His eyes focus on someone behind me, and I’m assuming it’s Kingsley, but then he says, “You’re back. Did you forget something?”

  Glancing over my shoulder I see it’s Falcon, and I feel something ripple through me because he looks devastatingly handsome in the navy tuxedo he’s wearing.

  “Am I interrupting something?” he asks, his eyes moving from me to Lake.

  “No, Lake was just doing me a huge favor,” I answer, not wanting any misunderstandings. Looking back to Lake, I smile, “I’ll see you at the hall. Thanks again for everything you do for me.”

  While I walk to the door where Falcon is still standing, Kingsley’s head pops up behind his shoulder. “You coming?”

.” Falcon’s eyes glide over me, and when he doesn’t move out of the way, I stop in front of him. “Can I squeeze by quickly?”

  He nods slightly and turns sideways, which means I literally have to squeeze by him. The aftershave he’s wearing smells so damn good, and I take a deep breath. The hair on my right arm feels as if they’re hypersensitive when I brush past him.

  Every time I see Falcon, my attraction toward him grows, and I seriously don’t understand it because he infuriates me way more than the scarce moments we manage to get along.

  Last week when he held me until I fell asleep feels like a distant dream.

  Chapter 10


  Fuck my life, her dress isn’t helping.

  I’ve been fighting this damn attraction between Layla and me all week because let’s face it, us dating will create one hell of a shit storm. Mother will have a heart attack and Father… I’m not sure what his reaction will be if I date his PA’s daughter.

  I stare after Layla as she walks with Kingsley to the elevators, and practically drink in the smooth pale skin of her bare back like a drowning man.

  “How long do you intend on fighting your feelings?” Lake asks, and leaning against the wall with his shoulder, he crosses his arms over his chest.

  “What feelings?” I mumble, my eyes rushing back to Layla. They’re waiting for the doors to open and she laughs at something Kingsley says.

  How can someone get more beautiful every time you see them?

  Lake waves his hand in front of my face, yanking my attention to him. “What feelings?” he asks, giving me an incredulous look. “I thought we had this talk. Are you still going to deny it?”

  “Nope, I’m just going to ignore it,” I say, and walking into the suite, I go to my room to grab my phone where I forgot it on my bed.

  “Why?” Lake asks the second I come out of my room.

  “Because it won’t work.”


  I give Lake a look as we leave the suit. “Drop it already.”

  Again he begins to form the word with his mouth.


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