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Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1)

Page 17

by Michelle Heard

  “I wonder if they’ll ever get along,” I murmur.

  “Who?” Falcon asks, not taking his eyes off the road ahead.

  “Kingsley and Mason.”

  “I’m sure they will, eventually.”

  “I hope so.”

  We pull up to a hotel where the function is being held and getting out of the car, we all gather in front of the entrance before we go in.

  “I have something to take care off,” Serena says, and I let out a sigh of relief as she walks away from us.

  “Thanks for that guys,” Lake mutters sarcastically.

  “Always a pleasure,” Mason teases.

  When we walk into the designated hall, nerves begin to spin a web in my stomach until I see Mom. I wave at her, and when she comes over, I don’t care about keeping up appearances and hug her.

  “I missed you,” I whisper, relishing in the feel of my mom’s arms around me.

  “I missed you, too.” She pulls back and inspects my face. “You’re doing okay, right?”

  I nod. “Yes, I’m winning at this college thing.”

  Mom turns her smile to Falcon, “It’s good seeing you again.”

  “You too, Stephanie.”

  Mom looks back to me, then mentions, “I spoke with your dad. He was a little worried about you.”

  I wave a hand, brushing it off as nothing. “I just missed him. I can’t wait for him to visit.”

  “Only a couple of more weeks,” she reassures me.

  “Ahh… look who finally decided to join us,” Mr. Reyes says as he comes up behind Mom. “Stephanie, I must compliment you on doing a wonderful job raising Layla. She’s quite the woman.”

  “Thank you, Warren.”

  “Good seeing you again, Sir,” I greet him.

  “Father,” Falcon says with a nod.

  “You two enjoy the festivity.” Mr. Reyes takes hold of Mom’s elbow and guides her toward more guests who just arrived.

  Soft piano music plays in the background complimenting the hum of voices as people stand and talk in small groups.

  I lean closer to Falcon and ask, “What are we supposed to do?”

  “Eat, smile, and then we leave after the announcement.”

  “What announcement?” I ask.

  Falcon smiles and gestures to someone. Placing a hand on my lower back, he says, “Let me introduce you.”

  “You actually came,” A man says as he shakes hands with Falcon.

  I immediately see the similarities. They’re the same height and have the same dark hair with sharp features.

  “You must be Layla,” he says, holding out his hand to me. “I’m Julian Reyes, Falcon’s brother.”

  Bringing a warm smile to my face, I take his hand. “It’s a pleasure finally meeting you.”

  “Finally?” He raises an eyebrow and the corner of his mouth twitches. “Does that mean Falcon has been talking about me?”

  The Reyes men all have the same gestures.

  “I’ve only heard good things,” I assure him.

  “That’s hard to believe,” Julian teases.

  “Are you ready?” Falcon asks him.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Julian takes a deep breath then looks around the room. “It’s a little of an anti-climax now that the day is here.”

  “How so?”

  Holding up a glass with amber fluid, he explains, “It feels like that moment you get your first car. There will never be a moment like it again. I’m sure I’ll hate being the chairman six months from now.”

  Falcon lets out a chuckle. “Rather, you than me.”

  Someone catches Julian’s attention. “It’s time.” He smiles at me. “It was nice meeting you. I’m sure we’ll see each other in the near future.”

  I nod and watch as Julian walks to the front of the hall where a small podium stands. Mr. Reyes is already behind the glass structure. He looks at Falcon and indicates for him to come up front.

  “It will only take a minute. Get something to drink while you wait,” Falcon says, and adjusting his jacket, he walks to the front.

  Kingsley comes to stand next to me and hands me a flute. “Don’t get your hopes up. It’s not alcoholic.”

  I take it from her. “Damn, so much for hoping, but thank you, my friend.”

  “What was it like meeting Julian?” she asks.

  I shrug as I take a sip of the drink, but the second it hits my taste buds, I cover the glass and spit it back out. I rush to the restroom and quickly rinse my mouth.

  That was really stupid of me. I should’ve known anything bubbly in a flute would be apple juice.

  “Are you okay?” Kingsley asks.

  I pat my mouth dry, then answer, “Yes, it was apple juice. I’m allergic to strawberries, and apples are from the same family, so I just avoid it.”

  “Shit, I didn’t know. Can you have grapes? There’s chardonnay with a grape flavor being served, as well. I can get you one of them.”

  “Grapes are safe,” I smile.

  We go back to the hall, and as we walk in, Mr. Reyes says, “Thirty-two years.”

  Everyone grows quiet and turns to face the front.

  Mr. Reyes places his hands on either side of the podium, his head bowed. Julian is standing to his right

  Falcon, Mason, and Lake stand behind them, joined by Mr. Cutler and a man I can only assume is Mr. Chargill.

  “Thirty-two years,” Mr. Reyes repeats, then he slowly turns his head.

  I lean closer to Kingsley and ask, “Is that Mr. Chargill standing next to Mr. Cutler.”

  Kingsley nods, then whispers, “Yes.”

  “Todd, do you remember how drunk we got after we signed our first deal?”

  “You and Asher were the ones who got drunk. I, of course, was the designated driver,” Mr. Cutler calls out.

  “Oh, right,” Mr. Reyes chuckles.

  “I’ll never forget the first deal we signed. It wasn’t anything big, but the pride we felt.” Mr. Reyes looks up and sighs loudly. “Lord, the pride we felt. It was priceless.”

  He bows his head again, and a couple of seconds pass. “The time has come for me to step down as chairman.” Lifting his eyes to the audience, I begin to feel emotional, when he says, “I’m so indescribably proud to announce that I will be handing over the helm to Julian, my eldest. I trust you will all show him the same loyalty which you’ve shown me.”

  Mr. Reyes turns to Julian and places his left hand on his shoulder while holding out his right. As Julian takes his hand, Mr. Reyes says, “Mr. Chairman, I hand CRC Holdings, and its legacy over to you with a peaceful and assured heart.”

  Julian slightly bows his head. “Thank you,” he pauses for a second, “Father. I will do my best to fill the insurmountable space you will leave.”

  A round of applause sounds up, and I grin wide as I join in.

  “I’ll leave you to it then,” Mr. Reyes says as he steps away from the podium to go stand next to Falcon.

  Julian’s eyes scan over the people who have all helped shape CRC into what it is today. “I’ve only been with the company for four years, and there were days I marveled at how my father, Mr. Chargill, and Mr. Cutler managed to handle it for thirty-two years.” He smiles. “Luckily, I’ll have all of you, and Stephanie has agreed to stay on as my assistant.” Julian looks to Mom. “Thank you, Stephanie.”

  Mom nods at him, a proud smile on her face.

  Julian turns, and I’m not sure who he’s looking at, then he says, “Mason, will you join me.”

  Mason glances to his father who nods for him to go.

  “In six months, Mason will be joining us, and after a year, he will be inaugurated as the President.”

  When Mason is standing next to Julian, I wonder what it means for the future of the company that Falcon and Lake won’t be joining them.

  “I count myself lucky to know I’ll have Mason by my side. I’m sure I can speak for both of us when I say, we have great plans for the future.”

  Mason’s mo
uth lifts at the corner, and his eyes show no emotion, as he says, “Definitely.”

  “There goes the future of CRC,” Kingsley grumbles softly next to me.

  Mason gestures to Falcon and Lake, then adds, “Let’s not forget Falcon and Lake. Even though they’re only shareholders, they will play a big part in our future growth.”

  I smile as I look at the future of CRC. “I think they’re all going to make a great team,” I whisper to Kingsley.


  I’m standing with Mason and Lake, watching as the guests enjoy the selection of appetizers and cocktails.

  “I think she’d give Lake a run for his money when it comes to eating,” Mason suddenly says.

  “Who?” Lake asks while trying to suppress a yawn.

  “Kingsley.” Mason gestures toward the banquet tables along the left side of the hall. “That’s her third plate she’s busy loading.”

  I smile when my eyes land on Layla, and she waves at me.

  “Falcon,” Mother says as she comes toward me, looking elegant as always. “Aren’t you going to greet your mother?”

  Keeping up with pretenses, I lean down and brush my lips over her cheek. “Mother.”

  “Doesn’t Serena look beautiful tonight?” she asks, smiling toward the table where Serena is helping the servers arrange the food.

  “I haven’t noticed.”

  A scowl quickly settles on Mothers face.

  “Why is she here, anyway?” Mason asks, much to my surprise.

  “I invited her, of course.”

  Mason ignores the disapproving look on my mother’s face, then states, “She better enjoy it. Once I take over, that will change.”

  “Honestly, Mason. Your aggression toward Serena is uncalled for,” Mother snaps.

  Mason lets out a dry chuckle. “Uncalled for my ass.”

  Mother focusses her dark scowl on him. “It astounds me how Asher and Candice managed to raise such an imprudent son.”

  “Mother,” Julian says as he joins us, “stirring the pot as usual?”

  Gasping, she turns to Julian with wide eyes. “I’m doing no such thing. The boy doesn’t know the first thing about being respectful.”

  Julian smiles politely, and taking hold of Mother’s elbow, he whispers, “Respect is earned. Leave them be and go talk with the other wives.”

  Her eyes dart sharply over us before she gives in and does as she’s told.

  “Wow, she listened. Shows you the power of a title,” Mason mutters.

  I glance over the food area, and not seeing Layla, I keep scanning through the room. My eyes fall on her where she’s standing with Stephanie and Kingsley.

  She drops the plate she was holding, and when Stephanie takes hold of her shoulder, I begin to walk toward them.

  Suddenly Layla sinks to her knees, and panic flashes over Stephanie’s face. Alarmed, I begin to run, and when I reach them, Layla coughs as if something is stuck in her throat.

  “She’s choking?” I ask, moving in behind Layla who scares the shit out of me when she slumps backward, losing consciousness.

  “No, it’s an allergic reaction,” Stephanie says, an urgency to her voice while she digs in her handbag. She pulls something out which looks similar to a marker. “Hold still, kiddo. Mom’s got you.” She places her left hand on Layla’s thigh then jabs the pen hard against the outer side of Layla’s leg. “Five, four, three, two, one,” she counts before removing it. Glancing up at me, she asks, “Has anyone called 911?”

  “I don’t know.” I shift my body so I can slide my arms under Layla, and picking her up, I say, “I’ll get her to the hospital faster.”

  As I turn and begin to run toward the exit, Stephanie calls after me, “Tell them I administered an EpiPen!” The last thing I hear from the hall is Stephanie yelling, “Lake, get your car!”

  Mason darts by me, and I hear him shouting at the valet, “Cars! Now!”

  There’s a rush, and as soon as my car pulls up, Mason opens the passenger door. I set Layla down on the seat and strapping her in, my eyes dart to her face. It looks like she’s been in a fucking fight and lost. Fearing the worst, I run around the car.

  “I’ll clear the way for you,” Mason says as he slams the door shut and rushes toward his Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

  Mason quickly starts his car and shoots past me. As I pull away, I glance in the rearview mirror and see Lake and Stephanie getting into his Koenigsegg Regera.

  I don’t care about speed limits as I press my foot down on the gas, and luckily, the first light is green. We weave our way between the other cars, and nearing a light which just turned yellow, Mason floors it. The Bugatti rockets forward, and as the light turns red, he brings the car to a screeching halt in the middle of the intersection, the ass of the car swerving to the side.

  I fly past him, and he takes off, repeating the action at every light until we finally reach the hospital. Speeding toward the side where the emergency entrance is, I slam the brakes too late and turning the steering wheel sharply, I bring the car to a jolting stop as the left backside hits a pillar.

  I rush out of the car and quickly get Layla.

  “Allergic reaction. Her mother gave her an EpiPen,” I ramble the information to the first emergency staff member I see.

  It feels like I’m caught in a nightmarish daze as I set Layla down on the bed they point out to me. My steps feel unbalanced as I slowly move backward.

  I look at all the people rushing toward her, but I can’t hear what they’re saying as they begin to work on Layla.

  Someone places a hand on my shoulder, and through the haze, I see Mason.

  When Lake comes to stand on my other side, covering his mouth with both his hands as if he’s praying, the thought hits.

  What if I lose Layla?

  Chapter 24


  We’re still standing to the side when I hear a nurse talking with Stephanie.

  “Her blood pressure has come down from one-forty-two over eighty-nine, to one-thirty-three over ninety-three. She’s responding to treatment. We’re going to move her up to ICU so we can keep an eye on her.”

  Stephanie nods. “I’ll go complete the paperwork while you get her settled.” She even smiles at the nurse before she walks over to us.

  How is she so fucking calm?

  My world is lying unconscious on a hospital bed, looking like she’s been beaten to within an inch of her life.

  Stephanie gives me a comforting smile, which isn’t comforting at all, seeing as I can see the worry in her eyes. “She will be fine, Falcon. Don’t worry. She had the EpiPen, and the doctors are taking care of her.”

  “Will –” My voice is too hoarse, and I clear my throat. “Will she be okay?”

  Stephanie looks at the three of us, then points to a waiting area. “Layla will be fine after all the effects wear off. It’s happened before, and as long as we act quickly, she’s fine. Honestly, the three of you look worse. Go sit down. I’ll get you all something to drink after I’ve signed all the forms at reception.”

  We do as we’re told, and when we’re sitting, Lake asks, “Are those normal numbers for blood pressure?”

  “Fuck if I know,” Mason whispers, as he places his hand on my shoulder again as he leans back, crossing a leg over the other.

  We’re all fucking whispering, still scared out of our minds.

  I glance at Mason’s hand, then say, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “It’s not because of you,” he mumbles. “It’s for me. So I don’t do anything stupid right now.”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask.

  “Just crazy talk. Don’t mind me.”

  I sit back and really look at Mason. When I see the lethal gleam in his eyes, which is usually only reserved for West, I ask, “Who do you want to kill?”

  “Serena,” he spits the name out. “She served the dishes. Before tonight, I’ve never seen her lift a fucking finger at any of the functions we’ve attended with her
. She handed Layla that plate. She’s a TA. She has access to student records. My gut tells me she found out about the allergy.”

  “Come on,” Lake jumps in. “I don’t like her either, but that’s pushing it a bit.”

  “My gut has never been wrong,” Mason murmurs.

  That’s true.

  I replay the night from the moment we got to the hall. Serena leaving us to take care of something. My mother not once saying anything about Layla.

  “Are you sure you saw her hand Layla the plate?” I ask to make sure.

  Mason nods while clenching his teeth. “It caught my eye because I thought it was weird that Serena was smiling at Layla.”

  “My mind’s a bit slow. Can you remember if my mother said anything about Layla?”

  All three of us think about it.

  “I don’t think so,” Lake answers.

  “Are you thinking the same thing as me?” Mason asks.

  “I’m too scared to answer that question. I don’t know what I’ll do if we’re right.”

  Mason stands up. “You won’t have to do anything. I’ll handle it.” He leaves the room without telling us where he’s going.

  I turn my head to Lake. “Go with him.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, Stephanie is here, and I’m sure Kingsley will be here soon.”

  When Lake runs after Mason, and I’m left alone, my suspicion begins to grow until an uncontrollable anger’s burning in my chest.

  God help them if they had anything to do with Layla being in the fucking ICU right now.


  Waking up, it feels like my head’s about to explode.

  It takes me a moment to remember what happened, and I’m not surprised when I hear the beeping of machines. Someone’s holding my hand and opening my eyes, I turn my head to the right where I see Falcon sitting next to the bed. He lifts his head and presses a kiss to my fingers before he closes his eyes.

  “I’m okay,” I whisper.

  His head snaps up, and when he sees I’m awake, he darts out of the chair. Sitting down on the side of the bed, he rests his arms on either side of my head and leans in close. The worry etched on his face makes him look older than twenty-two.


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