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Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One

Page 25

by Zev Chafets

  on Obama

  on R. H. Limbaugh, Sr.

  Limbaugh, Johannes Michael (first Limbaugh in America)

  Limbaugh, Julie (cousin)

  Limbaugh, Marta (wife)

  Limbaugh, Michelle (wife)

  Limbaugh, Millie (mother)

  Limbaugh, Rush Hudson

  on abortion

  on Abu Ghraib

  on affirmative action

  on Afghanistan surge

  on AIDS

  anti-corruption campaign

  anti-Semitism accusation

  apolitical period for

  audience, growth of

  awards to

  on big government

  Limbaugh, Rush Hudson(cont.)

  and Bill Clinton

  and Bo Snerdley (James Golden)

  and Clinton/Bush election (1992)

  on communism

  and congressional elections (2009)

  conservatism in writings of

  at Conservative Political Action Conference of the American Conservative Union Foundation

  conservative thinking, influence on

  conservative views on air, early years

  on crime



  on Democratic Party/liberals

  Dittoheads, profile of

  on Drive-By Media

  drug use


  on economy

  on education

  as El Rushbo

  on environmental movement

  Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network

  Excellence in Broadcasting tour

  family/background information

  on feminism

  on gay marriage

  gender gap and listeners

  and George H. W. Bush

  and George W. Bush

  girlfriend (Kathryn Rogers)

  as GOP de facto head

  -Gore debate

  Harry Reid letter auction

  on health care reform

  on Henry Gates incident

  hospitalization (2009)

  on immigration reform

  on Iraq war

  and John McCain

  on judicial activism

  Kansas City Royals job

  on labor unions

  on leadership

  liberal media opinion of

  liberal view of

  Limbaugh Letter, The

  Magic Negro (Obama as) controversy


  Michael J. Fox parody

  misfired humor, examples of

  on moderate Republicans

  on multiculturalism

  on NAACP

  national show

  New York establishment, reaction to

  and Obama. See Obama, Barack

  Operation Chaos

  Palm Beach, move to

  Palm Beach residence

  Palm Beach studio secrecy

  personality traits

  political figures, comments on. See individuals by name

  and presidential primary (2000)

  racial bias

  radio as preferred media of

  radio broadcasting, early interest

  radio jobs, early

  as radio pioneer

  Reagan as hero

  religiosity of

  and Republican congressional election (1994)

  Republican roots of

  Rush to Excellence tours

  St. Louis Rams bid controversy

  satire, examples

  satire/comic spots, development of

  SeeTold You So

  on sexual behavior

  social and family life

  on Sotomayor nomination

  Sunday NFL Countdown issue

  targets/themes of

  on taxes

  and Tea Party movement

  on televangelism

  35 Undeniable Truths column

  35 Undeniable Truths of Life

  TV show

  and Vietnam war draft

  Wanda Sykes on

  Way Things Ought to Be, The

  and William F. Buckley

  See also specific topics and persons

  Limbaugh, Rush Hudson, Jr. (father)

  Limbaugh, Rush Hudson, Sr. (grandfather)

  Limbaugh, Steven N., Jr. (cousin)

  Limbaugh, Steven N., Sr. (uncle)

  Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies

  Limbaugh Letter, The

  Liston, Sonny

  Little, Rich

  Live with Regis and Kathie Lee (TV program)

  Louis, Joe

  Lowry, Rich

  Lugar, Richard

  Lujack, Larry “Superjock”

  Luntz, Frank

  Lupica, Mike

  MacBeth, Jesse

  McCain, John

  campaign, failure of

  as GOP spokesperson

  on immigration reform

  Limbaugh’s view of

  view of Limbaugh

  McClatchy. K.

  McConnell, Mitch

  McDonnell, Bob

  McHugh, John

  McLaughlin, Ed

  McNabb, Donovan

  McNair, Steve

  McNeely, Roxy Maxine

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Maddow, Rachel

  Magno, Joana

  Maimone, Mike

  Malcolm X

  Marconi Radio Awards

  Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation

  Marr, Bruce

  Martin, Chuck

  Martin, Joseph

  Matalin, Mary

  Matthews, Chris

  Mays, Mark

  Meadows psychiatric hospital


  Drive-By Media

  elite, political affiliations of

  liberal compared to conservative (1988)

  liberal media on Limbaugh

  liberal talk radio attempts

  Media consumers, informational/ educational level of

  Media Matters

  Mencken, H. L.

  Michaels, Al

  Michel, Bob

  Miers, Harriet

  Mondale, Walter

  Morris, Dick

  Morrison, Toni

  Mosbacher, Robert and Georgette

  Mull, Johannes


  Limbaugh on

  Limbaugh racial bias

  Musial, Stan “the Man”

  Nathan, Bob

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame

  National Review

  Nevitte, Neil

  Nichols, Terry

  Nickell, Frank

  Nightline (TV program)

  Nixon, Richard

  No Child Left Behind

  Nordlinger, Jay

  Obama, Barack

  black dialect/gestures by

  failure, Limbaugh’s hope for

  FOX News assaults on

  health care reform

  and Henry Gates incident

  Limbaugh’s view of

  Magic Negro satire

  as “Messiah”

  Official Obama Criticizer

  and Operation Chaos

  outreach to Republicans

  presidency, assessment of

  remarks about Limbaugh by

  and Sykes at WHCA dinner

  teleprompter use

  Obama, Michelle

  DNC speech, mockery of

  slave blood

  O’Brien, Larry

  O’Donnell, Brett

  O’Donnell, Norah

  Ohlmeyer, Don

  Oklahoma City bombing

  Oliver, Marie Watkins

  O’Neill, Rose

  Operation Chaos

  O’Reilly, Bill

  Owens, Bill

  Palin, Sarah

  Parker Meridien Hotel

  Pataki, George

Paterson, David

  Pat Sajak Show, The (TV program)

  Paul, Ron

  Pawlenty, Tim

  Pelosi, Nancy

  Pence, Mike

  Perkins, Marlin

  Perot, Ross

  Plouffe, David

  Podhoretz, Norman

  Povich, Elaine

  Powell, Colin

  endorsement of Obama

  on Republican Party

  view of Limbaugh

  Project Dignity

  Project Vote

  Radio Equalizer

  Radio Hall of Fame

  Ray, James Earl

  Reagan, Ronald

  Fairness Doctrine, repeal of

  as George Gipp

  immigration policy of

  letter to Limbaugh

  Limbaugh’s view of

  Reaganism, Limbaugh on return to

  Reid, Harry

  Limbaugh auctions letter from

  Religion, Limbaugh on

  Reno, Janet

  Republican Party

  approval of Limbaugh

  election of 1994 victory

  GOP spokespersons

  and Limbaugh family

  Limbaugh as GOP de facto head

  moderates, Limbaugh on

  portrayal by liberal media

  Powell on

  Reynolds, Joey

  Rhodes, Randi

  Rice, Constance

  Rich, Frank

  Richards, Ann

  Richardson, Marvin

  Robertson, Pat, compared to Limbaugh

  Robinson, Eugene

  Rogers, Kathryn

  Romney, Mitt

  Rook, John

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rose, Charlie

  Rosow, David

  Rostenkowski, Dan

  Rothman, Stanley

  Rove, Karl

  Rueseler, John

  Rush to Excellence tours

  Russert, Tim

  Rusty Sharpe Show, The

  Safire, William

  Sahl, Mort

  St. Louis Rams, Limbaugh rejected from purchase bid

  Sajak, Pat

  Sanchez, Rick

  Sanders, Bernie

  Scalia, Antonin

  Scarborough, Joe

  Schafley, Phyllis

  Schakowsky, Jan

  Schneider, Bill

  Schroeder, Pat

  Schultz, Ed

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Scott, Dred

  Scozzafava, Dede

  Scully, Dr. Mark

  Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act (2007)

  SeeTold You So (Limbaugh)

  Seebaugh, Jan

  Segal, Nathan

  September 11 attacks

  Shanklin, Paul

  Shapiro, Mark

  Sharpe, Rusty, Limbaugh as

  Sharpton, Al

  dialect of

  Limbaugh’s racial bias, reaction to

  Limbaugh’s view of

  view of Limbaugh

  Shock radio

  Shuster, David

  Shuster, Stan

  Silver, Ron

  Sixta, Michelle. See Limbaugh, Michelle (wife)

  Slater, Michael

  Smith, DeMaurice

  Snerdley, Bo. See Golden, James “Bo Snerdley”

  Solid Rockin’ Gold Show

  Sotomayor, Sonya, Limbaugh attacks on

  Sowell, Thomas

  Specter, Arlen

  Spitzer, Eliot

  Spring Fling

  Steele, Charles

  Steele, Michael

  Stem cell research

  Stern, Howard

  Stewart, Jon

  Stumwasser, Steven

  Sullivan, Jeremy

  Sullivan, Tom

  Sunday, Billy

  Sunday NFL Countdown

  Surnow, Joel

  Sykes, Wanda

  Taft, Robert

  Tapper, Jake

  Taxes, Limbaugh on

  Tea Party movement

  Televangelism, Limbaugh on


  FOX News

  Limbaugh on

  35 Undeniable Truths column

  35 Undeniable Truths of Life

  Thomas, Clarence

  Thomas, Evan

  Thompson, Fred

  Thurmond, Strom

  Trilling, Lionel

  Truman, Harry

  Twain, Mark

  Van Susteren, Greta

  Varsity Barber Shop

  Veblen, Thorstein

  Villaraigosa, Antonio

  WABC, Limbaugh at

  Waco, Texas, massacre

  Wallace, Chris

  Wallace, George

  Wallace, Mike

  Warner, Mark

  Warwick, Dionne

  Washington, George

  Washington, Martha

  Waters, Maxine

  Way Things Ought to Be, The (Limbaugh)

  Webber, Vin

  Welfare, Limbaugh on

  Welfare reform

  White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, Sykes on Limbaugh

  Whitman, Slim

  Wilbon, Michael

  Will, George

  Williams, Dave

  Wills, Maury

  Wilson, John K.

  Winfrey, Oprah


  Wolff, Michael

  Women, gender gap and listeners

  Woodruff, Norm

  Wright, Jeremiah

  Young, Steve

  Zakaria, Fareed

  Zerin, Dave

  1 There were also profound differences. Mencken was a transcendent stylist but a terrible public speaker. He was an aggressive enemy of clericalism and gained his greatest lasting fame by ridiculing primitive, Christian anti-evolutionists at the 1927 Scopes “Monkey Trial.” But Mencken was far more reactionary that Limbaugh ever dreamed of being. The Sage of Baltimore was an outright racist who believed that blacks were inherently and permanently intellectually inferior. He was also a misogynist, an anti-Semite, a proponent of racial eugenics, a militant anti-Communist, and, during World War II, a sullen “neutral” who found Hitler no worse that Churchill or Roosevelt.

  2 Limbaugh told me that he is planning to write another, tentatively titled The Back Nine, which will discuss the lessons he has learned about friendship and success. God only knows how many of those he can sell.

  3 According to New York Times reporter Mervyn Rothstein, writing in Cigar Aficionado magazine.

  4 In 2009, while testifying before Congress, Gore was asked if he would personally benefit from policies he was advocating for. Gore said he was proud to be in business and invest his money according to his beliefs. “If you believe the reason I have been working on this issue for thirty years is greed, you don’t know me.” Like all self-testimonials, this was not dispositive.

  5 Mencken never forgave Roosevelt for the humiliation. When FDR died, Mencken wrote in his diary that Roosevelt had “every quality that morons esteem in their heroes.”

  6 Michael Fortier served for approximately eleven years and was eventually released into the FBI’s Witness Protection Program.

  7 Media Matters tried to correct its initial mistake by saying that Limbaugh had referred to phony soldiers (plural). Limbaugh responded by posting an ABC News Report titled “Phony Heroes”; the story of Pvt. Scott Thomas Beauchamp, whose grisly first-person accounts of the war in Iraq were challenged, causing the New Republic to admit that it couldn’t stand by the articles it had published; and the fact that one of the spokesmen for Vietnam Veterans Against the War had later admitted lying about his service record.

  8 In 2007 Air America was bought by progressive politician Mark Green and his brother Stephen. It didn’t help much. In the spring of 2008, the network’s New York station, WWRL, had a 0.5 Arbitron share of the audience, which comes pretty close to radio silence.

  9 The disproportion of male consumers of talk and satire does not appe
ar to be ideological. The Daily Show audience had a 2-to-1 male-to-female ratio; The Colbert Report, 62 percent to 38 percent; and NPR, 58 percent to 42 percent. The O’Reilly Factor audience is only 53 percent male.

  10 According to Quantcast.

  11 If anyone still needs evidence that the national press corps and the professoriate of elite universities are overwhelmingly liberal, and vote heavily Democratic, the data can be found in the Appendix. The data on the comparative educational level of media consumers can also be found there.




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