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The Peacemakers

Page 39

by Jim Roberts

  It wasn't too late. If his men reached him soon, he could chase the tank down from the air...

  −if they didn't manage to figure out the Gorgon's offensive weaponry in time.

  * * *

  "LOOK OUT for that building!"

  Joe shouted impotently as Krieger crashed headlong through what was once an old convenience store. Under the massive tonnage of the Olympus tank, the structure was completely obliterated.

  "Sorry 'bout that! New driver!" Krieger said, adjusting the controls.

  For the past five minutes, they had been making a mad rush through the devastated ruin of the downtown. The chase tank had abruptly dropped off the heads-up-display.

  Where had it gone? Joe put it out of his mind for the moment. He continued to hail the Colonel, but received no response.

  Behind Joe, Jade had found a very large book that contained, what appeared to be, the tank's user manual. She was paging through it as fast as she could, trying to find anything that could help them. Rourke helped Brick bandage his arm, tying a clean bandage around it from the first aid kit in his pack. Due to the lack of room, Sarah was left holding the large mutt, Bowser.

  All together, they were a very odd bunch.

  The comlink on Joe's ear suddenly chirped. His heart leapt.

  "Colonel is that you?" Joe said, holding the comm down to speak.

  "Negative, my man. This is Packrat in the Spirit Walker, who am I speaking to?"

  "This is Sergeant Braddock. Packrat! Where the hell are you guys?"

  "About a hundred miles north-northeast of Sadoma."

  "Put Corporal Callbeck on the line."

  "Hold on." There was a sound of the call being transferred.

  Krieger hollered over to Joe from the pilot seat. "My friend. I think we have big problem!"

  "Not now!"

  "Joe you might want to look at this." Jade said, pointing at the holo display.

  Joe turned to see what was so important.

  His blood flowed cold in his veins.

  What looked like the entire Olympus military was following them now. He counted ten Hyperions, flying through the buildings above them. There were also a multitude of Chimera drones, following closely as well.

  Sarah stared at the holo. "Oh my god!"

  The comm in Joe's ear squawked again. This time it was Danny Callbeck's raspy voice.

  "Joe, it's Danny, what's going on?"

  "The Barbarian's been shot down. Everything's FUBAR Danny! We need your help now!"

  "What do you need?"

  "Get Doctor Yune to send a message to the UN station commander on the South African border. Tell them Musabe is dead and that the Olympus contract is nullified. Once they know, they will enter the country and begin Peacekeeping operations. Understand?"

  "Copy that Joe."

  "Hurry Danny! The Colonel needs help. His last transmission said the Barbarian went down two miles or so south of Sadoma. Get there as fast as you can!"

  "Understood. What are you going to do?"

  Joe looked over his team. In their eyes he saw resolution and strength. They knew the odds. Joe was not going to let them down.

  "We're going to make some angles; stop these bastards from reaching the crash."

  "Copy that Joe. Keep in touch, out!"

  Joe signed off the comm, cocking his head towards the Russian. "Alright Krieger. We need to make some angles between us and these assholes. Find a way to engage the offensive systems!"

  "Good idea my friend," The Russian said, pushing the controls harder. The speedometer was reading forty mph, even on the uneven terrain of the downtown district. With a flick of the gestural interface, Joe pulled up the GPS on the holo display. A 3D visual of Sadoma laid out before him. With no time to be impressed at the advanced technology, Joe found that he could chart a course using his finger to trace an outline through the city towards the south perimeter.

  "Joe!" Jade shouted behind him. "I found how to activate the weapon systems!"

  "Good going! What do we do?"

  "The co-pilot seat is the primary gunner position!" Jade leaned forward and pressed two switches on the copilot dashboard.

  A computerized voice sounded through the cockpit. "Railgun activated. Fusion battery at full power."

  The HUD in front of Joe abruptly changed color to a bright pink. A virtual simulation of the area surrounding the tank appeared in the screen, as well as a targeting reticle.

  "Alright, let's see if this is as easy as it looks." Joe moved his hands along the holographic interface. Above them, they heard the mechanised sound of the railgun turret move.

  Krieger shouted from his seat, "Joe, they are firing on us!"

  The tank rocked violently as several thermal bolts from the tailing Hyperions' began raining down on them. Several bolts blasted against the remnants of a broadcasting tower only a dozen or so feet from the tank. The massive surge of energy crippled the base of the structure, causing it to tip over and smash into pieces mere feet from the Peacemaker's tank.

  "Come on tovarisch! Get lead out, or whatever phrase is!"

  Joe sucked on his bottom lip, trying to align the targeting reticle on the nearest Hyperion. It was amazingly difficult due to the aircraft's maneuverability.

  "You can do it, mate!" Brick said from his seat.

  The reticle aligned with the obsidian dragonfly VTOL. Joe squeezed the trigger. The tank jostled as the massive cannon turret fired. The Hyperion caught the arc of electromagnetic energy through the pilot canopy. In the holo-vid, the Peacemakers watched the VTOL explode in a bright shower of flame and debris. All at once, they shouted in delight.

  "Good shot comrade, but there are many more!" Krieger said, pointing at several incoming aircraft on the HUD.

  For the next five very long minutes, the tank barreled through the downtown district. Joe managed to tag two more Hyperions with the railgun, sending them crashing into the street below. The remaining Hyperions held back cautiously. The railgun had far more range than the VTOL's thermal weapons, and the Hyperion pilots seemed unwilling to bring their aircraft to an effective distance.

  Eventually the GPS showed Joe they were reaching the edge of the Hatfield district. None of the soldiers had ever thought they would return to the scene of Olympus's greatest evil, but there they were.

  The holographic imaging laid out the area in vivid detail. Almost no structures still stood. Corpses littered the streets everywhere. Joe managed a quick glance back at Brick. Sarah clutched the SAS man's unwounded arm tightly, the memory of the horrific attack still vivid in her mind. Joe gripped the firing control tighter. He could feel the pain and anguish of the souls that had died here in the last twelve hours, crying for vengeance.

  He would deliver it, cold and bloody.

  Joe fired again and again, sending blinding arcs of energy back at the attacking Olympus VTOLs. Another Hyperion fell from the sky, smashing hard into the ruins of the abandoned district. Abruptly, the remaining VTOLs began to slow, temporarily giving up the pursuit.

  "You did it Joe!" Jade cheered from behind him, grabbing his shoulder.

  The moment of celebration was staunched when a loud thud resounded on the topside of the tank. Everyone looked up in wonder.

  Suddenly, a bright red katana blade plunged through the osmium armor and into the cab. Jade narrowly missed being skewered by the razor sharp sword.

  Joe shot a glance at Krieger.

  The super soldier.

  By some insane twist of fate, he'd caught up with them.

  "Do something Krieger!" Brick called from the backseat.

  "Hold horses! I think I see button I haven't pressed yet!"

  Krieger flipped a small orange colored switch on tank control panel.

  "Booster Rocket Initiated." The computer voice chimed.

  With enough force to push everyone back against their seats, the tank exploded forward, nearly doubling its speed. Krieger fought to regain control of the machine, his strong arms wrestling with the gr
ips of the steering column. The red katana sword jostled violently, before being yanked back out.

  "He's still above us Joe." Rourke shouted, preparing to duck in case of another sword thrust.

  Krieger smiled from the pilot seat, "Not for long!"

  The Russian pulled back on the brake. Everyone slammed forward from the massive drop in speed. In the heads-up-display in front of Joe and Krieger, they saw the large form of the super soldier pitch off the tank to land directly in front of them.

  "Got you, comrade!" Krieger put the pedal to the metal. The tank roared forward, slamming into the obsidian soldier hard. They felt a very clear *clunk* sound, as if they had just run over something under the treads. The Russian guffawed, "One less ninja robot to deal with, huh?"

  "Don't get cocky." Joe said, focusing on the way ahead. The tank rushed past one final desolate street before entering the massive cornfield beyond.

  "I have the Barbarian in sight Joe!" Krieger shouted triumphantly.

  Please hold on, Colonel, thought Joe. We're almost there.

  * * *

  TITUS SWORE as he watched the Gorgon tank exit the city into the cornfield beyond. He was now situated in the RIO seat of the lead Hyperion, having been picked up from the wreck of his own armored vehicle two minutes prior. He had watched Prometheus attempt to cut open the Peacemaker's own vehicle and be summarily run over for his trouble. Now, the tank was barreling through the field at nearly 100 miles per hour, thanks to the rocket booster engine equipped on the Gorgon's exterior.

  "Forget the tank! Get to the crash site, now!" Titus barked to the pilot. It didn't matter now. If he could beat the tank to the crash site, there was still a chance he could retrieve the Code.

  "Sir, there is an incoming communiqué from Legate Tiberius. Patching it through now."

  No! Not yet!

  On the viewer of the holo screen in front of him, the cold, ashen face of Tiberius, second in command of the Olympus PMC, came into view.

  "Tribune Titus. Explain yourself immediately."

  "I have no time to speak, Legatus. We have shot down the CIA aircraft and are in the process of retaking it as we speak."

  "Is it true Musabe is dead?" Tiberius's voice, incapable of emotion as it was, still bore an underlying menace to it.

  Titus wasn't sure how to respond. He needed to buy time.

  "Yes, but−"

  "But nothing Tribune! The UN security council has heard of his death. United Nations' tanks and personnel have entered the country. You have failed."

  "The Code is within my grasp, Legate! Do not−"

  "Enough! You have wasted too much time. I will be at your position in five minutes. You are to pull back to sector 324 to begin Olympus withdrawal from−"

  Titus hauled back and smashed the holographic interface. The image of Tiberius derezzed.

  I am not beaten! Titus clenched his fist. They had taken everything from him: his future, his woman. Whether he retrieved the Code or not, he would send every one of the CIA dogs straight to hell to dance with the devil himself.

  Chapter 33

  End Game

  The Spirit Walker, Zimbala Airspace

  "Corporal, you have to see this!"

  Whisper moved into the cockpit of the stealth Osprey to see what Packrat was calling him about. The Spirit Walker pilot had avoided flying directly over Sadoma on its southbound approach, instead choosing to skim the outskirts of the city at 12,000 feet. The sun had begun to rise on the long night, spreading its early golden light across the African country. As they flew past the city, Danny's breath caught in his throat.

  Stretching from the downtown district all the way to the southern border of Sadoma was complete devastation. The Hatfield district was totally destroyed.

  "By the spirits of my forefathers..." Whisper's voice could barely express the profound horror of the destruction he witnessed.

  Ahead of them, Whisper saw a long trail of debris and wastrel, spread across the cornfields to the south of the city. For what looked like at least half a mile was strewn all matter of mechanical debris, still burning. At the end of the trail laid the crippled front half of the gutted Barbarian. As they closed in, Whisper was able to see small tongues of flame spitting from the open exterior of the aft section of the aircraft.


  People were still alive down there!

  He modified the magnification of his helmet vision by twenty-fold. He saw the surviving Peacemakers firing at what appeared to be a wall of Centurions, hiding behind ballistic shields.

  From the brunt of fire the crew of the Barbarian were taking, Whisper knew they wouldn't last much longer.

  "We need to get down there and help them!" Whisper said.

  "Can't!" Packrat replied, shaking his head. "I count eight of them VTOLs down there. They'll chew us to shreds in seconds!"

  Whisper wasn't going to accept that. "Then bring us to 8000 feet."


  "I'm getting out."

  "Okay. Wait...what?"

  "Just do as I say. Depressurize the aircraft at 8000 feet. Once I'm out, land as close as you can risk to the south of the Barbarian. I'll hold off Olympus and give the survivors time to reach this aircraft for evac."

  Orchid and Doctor Yune had both been listening to the exchange from the rear of the Spirit Walker.

  "Dan...Corporal, it's a war down there!" Orchid said, her voice pleading, "You can't go alone!"

  Whisper moved out of the cockpit and into the aft section of the Spirit Walker. He passed by both of the crewmembers without a word, heading to the side door of the aircraft.

  "Corporal, talk to me!" Orchid was almost yelling now. Whisper's beetle shell helmet turned to look at the iron-willed woman he'd grown to accept as a trusted comrade.

  "In this Unit, we're never alone. Those people down there need me. Do as I say−help with the evac and get everybody over the border."

  Packrat's voice came through the intercom in the cabin. "Moving to 8000 feet now. Cabin depressurizing."

  Whisper gave a quick nod to Doctor Yune. The CIA engineer smiled and closed his eyes in respect.

  A voice from the rear section of the aircraft called out to him. "Good luck, Callbeck."

  Whisper turned to look at Agrippina, still chained at the back of the plane. She was watching the events with great interest. "Come back alive, huh?" She winked.

  Whisper didn't reply. Instead he nodded and pressed the switch to open the port side door of the Spirit Walker. It quickly slid down. Below them, the battle for the Barbarian raged hot. He leaned out, preparing to make his descent through the sky. Orchid moved up and placed a hand on his arm.


  Whisper met Orchid's eyes with his faceless helmet.

  She smiled.

  "You are all right, Corporal Callbeck. Don't die on me, huh?"

  Inside the helmet, Danny smiled back. "You're a good soldier, Private Yuanza. Take care."

  She threw her arms around his metal body. He met the embrace, holding his comrade close for a brief second.

  "Everything will be fine, Private." he said, releasing her and prepping the suit for the trip down. "Your spirit is strong. I trust you. Get our people back home."

  He was about to jump when he remembered something. He reached into one of the utility pockets of the Whisper suit. He pulled forth the caribou bone charm. Whisper handed it to Orchid.

  "If I don't make it, give this to Joe."

  Orchid took the carving, clasping it tight in her hand. She nodded.

  Without another word, Whisper hurled himself from the hovering Spirit Walker to the battle below.

  He was going to help his mates down there and that was all there was to it.

  He would live or die this day saving their lives.

  When the altimeter in the helmet HUD reached 6000 feet, he activated the suit's patagium flight system. The intricate network of webbing between the feet and legs sprang forward to create a parasail that allowed him to glide tow
ards the ground.

  He arched his body forward to increase his speed.

  The ground rushed up faster and faster.

  Danny's heart pounded.

  Time to level the playing field.

  * * *

  FALCO HID behind one of the ballistic shields dropped by an unlucky Centurion. The poor fool had stuck his head too far out and caught a slug straight in the visor. Of the three squads of twelve armored troopers Falco had under his command, six soldiers had been killed.

  But he knew he was winning.

  The group of holdouts hunkered in the gutted aircraft were quickly losing the will to continue. The one-eyed Olympus veteran knew it was only a matter of time. He ducked back just as a slew of assault rifle bullets etched their way across his shield.

  "Keep laying it on, men! We almost have them!"

  * * *

  COLONEL WALSH leaned hard against the fuselage of the Barbarian, hacking violently. When he removed his hand, a splotch of blood remained. He swore and spat a mouthful of red onto the ground. He had lost all but seven of the techs. His people were frightened and running low on ammo. The Centurions were beginning to advance on the grounded C-17.

  The Colonel knew that the end was coming.

  The Code.

  He stumbled backwards to the locked safe beyond Yune's broken workstation. While the remaining techs put fire down on the advancing Olympus forces, he removed a key from his trench coat. Sliding the small tubular object into the locking mechanism, he activated the retinal scan. The safe was operated by its own power source, separate from the Barbarian. The laser made a quick pass of Walsh's retina. The red light on the safe turned green and the Code containment box unlocked. The Colonel flung the door wide.

  Inside was the thing Olympus would kill for.

  The Code of War. Sitting innocently in its diagnostic sleeve used by Yune to try and decrypt its secrets.

  Walsh snatched the disc from the socket and stuffed it into his jacket.

  "Everyone listen to me!" Walsh called out to the remaining Peacemaker survivors. "We're going to fall back into the aircraft−make our last stand up on the flight deck. If they want us, they'll have to come and get us!"


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