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Pleasures of Promise Lake

Page 20

by Marti Shane

  “Fuck buddies?” He didn’t like the word coming from her mouth.

  “I have an older brother.” She reached over and started the truck. “They’re grown men. Let them be.”

  About fifteen minutes before midnight, Jake did just that. As Sam and Mick danced in their LBDs, Jax and Travis mingled with him in the crowd. He was always worried about Jax coming out in their sleepy Southern town. Not that Jax couldn’t defend himself physically, but he liked the soldier glued to his hip. Travis eased into conversations easily with their lifelong friends and employees.

  “No way!” Travis’s hand shot in the air, waving someone over through the crowd. “Nick’s here.”

  Nick wore a suit like a second skin, people parting to let him pass. Women whispered in small huddles as he walked by, oblivious, or maybe not.

  “You came,” Jake greeted him with the obvious.

  “I got to thinking you might do something cliché.” He touched his thumb to his ring finger. “Didn’t want to miss the show.”

  “I told you, man,” Jax laughed. “Predictable.”

  “Don’t want to be cliché,” he answered Nick. “Plus, I think she’d make a run for it.”

  “You never know.” Nick took a drink from the passing tray. “But I wouldn’t recommend an audience this big.” He gestured to the two-hundred people filling the banquet room.

  Mick pulled Sam towards them by their linked hands. Her black silk dress tied around her neck while Sam’s cut low. Sam showered Nick with affection, elated he was here. Jake’s parents took the stage, corralling the crowd for the traditional countdown. They pushed their way to the front, spacing around Sam. Guests were closing in towards the stage, and he could see the panic in her eyes.

  They didn’t usually join his parents on stage, but he gestured to Mick to lead them up. Sam was stiff beside him as they took the small set of stairs.

  “Just giving you some space,” he whispered at her ear as they filed up on stage. “No one’s getting on one knee.” She laughed nervously before she visibly relaxed.

  “Ten, nine, eight…” They joined in the count with sea of faces smiling back at them. Ring or no ring, there was nowhere he’d rather be--Sam gazing up at him as they counted. This was a great start to the next year.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sam hit her favorite stretch of Promise Pike, enjoying the rush as she opened the throttle. Mick was beside her, egging her on. Her dash read seventy-five, which she knew from the feel. The sun was bright and conditions perfect for the first time in weeks. Giving in to her craving, she let go of the rules. She didn’t eye the dash, just leaned into the ride and let the engine soar.

  The several mile stretch was flat and straight with hardly any cars ahead. She grinned at the whoosh every time they passed one, making it seem like they were sitting still. A truck pulling on to the highway hadn’t accounted for their top-end speed. Experience kept her from over-correcting as she took the oncoming lane. They whipped around the truck with ease, the maneuver heightening the thrill.

  They backed off about a half mile from the turn. Jake had become a Ninja whisperer, able to tell her speed by the sound. They popped a few wheelies down the drive, canopied with oaks producing fresh leaves for spring.

  Normally, she welcomed spring. The last four years, spring marked the end of her semester and she had looked forward to Mitch leaving for Spring Training. She wasn’t looking forward to Jake leaving in a few weeks. He wanted her to move in with him, but they hadn’t talked about it in over a month. Her fault, mostly.

  She’d warned him off at New Years, Nick suggesting he wouldn’t be surprised if Jake proposed. She’d told a little white lie, surprised he didn’t catch on. Never once had she talked about her work, but he bought it. None of her clients were proposing that night, but the little lie gave her a chance to call in the cliché it was. Now she thought Nick could’ve had it wrong, which would be a first. Jake hadn’t brought up their future at all.

  Sam showered with the bathroom window open, the weather too good not to let some inside. Wrapped in her favorite plush towel, she combed through her wet hair. Helmet head wasn’t an attractive look, but the ride was worth it. She was sated, like after sex. Once Jake started his season, she was going to need to do a lot of riding.

  She startled as the cabin screen door slammed, and slammed again. She clutched her towel at her breast, rushing out of the bathroom door. Jake was stomping down the porch steps, his shoulders hunched and arms bowed as he went for her bike. She glanced to the counter, her key gone and now clutched in Jake’s hand. She’d only gotten to the door when he fired it up, taking off towards the shore.

  Sam pushed through the screen, shoving her feet in her flip flops by the door. She wasn’t off the steps before he popped up on the back tire, hopping off as he shoved. The engine screamed at final boost of throttle, the bike steering off course and crashing into the water on its side.

  “Jaegar!” His head snapped around to her voice.

  He resembled a bull on two legs, a ring in his nose the only detail missing. His chest heaved as his stare pierced through her, but she wasn’t scared. She barreled toward the lake even though she was sure there was no salvage at this point. Red’s chuckle carried over the water from the boathouse. Observing what the commotion was all about, he shook his head and walked back inside. It wasn’t like Jake hadn’t warned her at least a dozen times, but she wasn’t sure why the sudden follow through.

  “You were going at least a hundred.” He pointed at her and back towards the pike. “What if someone was coming in the other lane?” Realizing he was one of the cars they’d zipped by, she understood where the rant was coming from. He continued to shout as she stomped across the grass and straight into the frigid lake.

  “You freakin’ hothead!” She assessed the damage, the tank half-submerged and spitting steam. Jake’s fists were clinched at his sides, and his strong jaw clamped down tight.

  “That truck pulled right in front of you.” He continued his rant.

  “We went around him.” She gave her handle bars a tug. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Not a big deal? What if someone was in the other lane?”

  “It’s a motorcycle, Jake! I don’t need that much room.”

  “I thought I was going to see you splattered, right there on the Pike.”

  He waded toward her, planting his big body between her and the bike. His wake soaked the hem of her towel, the weight unraveling the tuck at her breast. His piercing stare went molten, searing her flesh. She didn’t bother with being modest, anyone watching could look away.

  “Do I look splattered to you?” she asked, palms up at her sides. He reached for her towel, but she backed away. She splashed water across his chest, then again on his face. “You need to cool off.” She laughed, watching his adrenaline drain. “You can’t buy me a Ninja and expect me to drive it like a moped.” The lake floor deepened under her feet, the water rising over her breast. She kicked off, body adjusting to the temp as she treaded with her arms and legs.

  Jake dove under the water, his hands seeking her hips and gliding up her chilled skin as he surfaced in front of her. She wrapped herself around him crossing her ankles behind his back. His temper was gone, and she knew he was struggling not to smile. She loved how he blew a fuse but never brewed.

  “I love you,” she confessed, pleased he didn’t act surprised. The emotion finally overwhelmed her, breaking free from her lips. Loving him was as easy as it was terrifying, because she couldn’t be without him.

  “I love you, too. Don’t scare me like that again.” She cupped his chin, turning his face to her bike half afloat.

  “You know I’m going to buy a faster one now.” She said, turning his face back to hers.

  “Why do you have to go so fast?”

  “Ask the man who stands in front of baseballs clocking a hundred.”

  “That’s different. I’m serious. Why do you push so hard?”

just wired that way.”

  “You’re not invincible.”

  “I know, but I’m really good. An inexperienced rider would’ve overreacted and overcorrected. Just because you’re not paid to do something doesn’t mean you’re not at the top of your game.” She waited as he mulled it over, hoping they could move past this and never have this argument again.

  “You did good,” he agreed with her. “You both did.”

  “If you rode with us more you wouldn’t worry so much.”

  “Exposure therapy?”

  “Beats cryotherapy,” she said with chattering teeth, the lake temperature too cold to stand. They swam for the dock, Mick walking down the planks carrying a stack of towels.

  “We could’ve sold tickets if we knew you guys were putting on a show,” Mick said. Sam looked back to the B&B, guests lining the screened porch. Feeling less bold about her nakedness, she offered Jake the ladder first.

  “Ladies first,” he teased, even though he’d never let her flash the crowd.

  “You’re lucky I didn’t paint that yet.” Mick shoved him when he topped the ladder. “And I’ll buy her a new one if you don’t.” They held towels to shield her as she climbed out, shivering when the sun went behind the clouds.

  “I can buy my own bike.”

  “No one’s buying a bike.” Jake peeled off his shirt, goose bumps scattering his thick chest. Sam shot Mick a warning glance.

  “Too soon?” Mick asked.

  “Sam’s in time out.” He draped a towel over her shoulders, leading her down the dock. He wasn’t over it, but what did she expect? He knew he overacted and for once he was the one needing to catch up. She’d give him a few days, especially since he was leaving for New York.

  Hours later, she laid sprawled over Jake. Her limbs were lifeless, and she couldn’t form words. His hand trailed up and down her spine as his heart thumped in her ear on his chest.

  “Come with me to New York.” She wanted to say yes, especially lying in his arms. Spring training was around the corner and she wanted to spend every minute she could.

  “How about Atlanta?” she countered, not wasting her breath on an excuse. He knew Valentine’s Day was a big work day for her and hadn’t requested she take it off. “I’ll take you to the airport.”

  “You want to drop by Sluggers for a burger? It’s my tradition.” Her heart ached at the thought of Sluggers. Gram’s passion for baseball plastered the walls and she was sure Otis hadn’t changed a thing.

  “Mine, too,” she agreed, thinking how happy Gram would be to have them sitting side by side at her bar. “It’s a date.”

  At the airport, Sam stood to the side after passing security. A few fans recognized Jake. His sexiest athlete photo shoot was viral to promote his appearance on Patti Patterson.

  “Babe, can you snap a shot with their phone?” he asked her. She could snap alright.

  “Sure.” She tried using only her fingertips, knowing it’d be rude to wipe it down with a wet nap. Watching through the screen for them to position next to her man, she snapped a few clicks. Jake was too nice, accommodating the line starting to form. “I’ll meet you there,” she mouthed, thinking ahead if they wanted to eat before he had to get on his plane.

  Sluggers was packed when she got there, but not the usual crowd. The place looked the same, just as she’d hoped. Women topped the barstools, a U-shape full of WAGS wannabes measuring each other up.

  “Your man’s gotta be more discrete.” Otis appeared at her side, guiding her by the elbow through the stench of hair product and perfume. “I appreciate the plug for the bar, but he can’t expect people not to show up and invade his space.”

  “He posted something online?” She glanced around to the tables and booths. His face was everywhere. People brought things for him to sign. Sam glared back at the bar, catching her reflection in the mirrored back wall. Her face was among her competition’s, the overly primped and plumped bitches there for her man. Jealousy had a bitter taste on her tongue as the first one tossed and petted her hair as Jake walked in.

  What was he thinking? Sam read the post on Otis’s phone. Yeah, he was looking forward to his favorite spot for a burger and a beer. He’d even posted something sweet about Gram. His eyes found hers, apology written all over his face. There were no open tables, so Sam put in Jake’s order to go. She pulled out her phone, messaging the valet. Might as well leave, he’d have no time for her.

  Jake moved from table to table, signing autographs and taking pictures with his easy charm. The women remained perched at the bar, pretending they weren’t on the prowl. The irony was hilarious, because those very bar stools were why Jake and Sam were together today. He won Gram over first and, in the process, came to know her. He’d called her that night in Boston for help because Gram bragged on her so much. She was miles apart from those women, sipping mimosas while they waited to be noticed.

  She was starting to see spring training and the upcoming season in a whole new light. Jake was more than a hometown celebrity she’d gotten to know. His fame was on a national scale, which wasn’t that common in baseball. She had been raised by a baseball fanatic, but most people can’t name five players from the major leagues. They play ten times the games compared to the NFL but only do half the ticket sales. He was in the top one percent of the league even though he’d never won a World Series. Hell, he’s never made it to the World Series. His talent mixed with his looks and dugout antics helped fill the stands. Otis provided a brief enough distraction for Sam to give Jake his food and say a quick goodbye.

  “I’m sorry about this. I love you.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. She felt the daggers shooting over from the bar, making her smile a little inside.

  “Don’t ignore the bar,” she said against her will, but her professional side kicked in. “They each have a digital footprint bigger than Texas. You want it to all be good for the team.” She winked at him, willing to share for the sake of the enterprise he supported. Several of her clients owned professional sports teams. The players are the product and their best marketing tool. “Love you.”

  She purposely passed the bar on her way out, regretting her wardrobe choice of jeans and tennis shoes. Regardless, she felt ten feet tall. They had another gorgeous day of weather, the sun beaming overhead as she approached the valet. Handing over her ticket, the guy grinned ear to ear.

  “Jake told me to give you this.” He reached under the counter, then placed her helmet and jacket on top. “And this.” He produced a key. He walked her past a row of cars to a bright red Ducati Panigale V4 S. “These aren’t even out yet. Your man’s got the hook up.” She was too excited to think of all the reasons she’d fire the kid if he worked for her. Mr. Jaeger instead of Jake and calling him her man were just two. Her phone rang through her helmet as soon as she straddled the Italian leather seat. It couldn’t weigh but three hundred pounds she thought.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” Jake said when she picked up.

  “You’re unbelievable,” she gushed.

  “Let’s hear it crank.” Sam heard women’s voices in the background, one of them asking if he bought her a car. “Ducati,” he corrected her. “It’s a bad-ass motorcycle.” At least he knew his audience. Sam cranked, the high-performance engine echoing through the garage. “Keep it under a hundred ‘til you get to the Pike.” She could hear the smile in his voice. She revved the engine, hearing her two favorite sounds--Jake and the Ducati he’d given her-- all caught up from yesterday. “I love you. Be safe.”

  “Always,” she assured him, hearing the women gush how sweet he was. “Love you, too.” Those words leaving her lips topped the thrill of opening up on the Pike. Jake set something free inside of her like nothing she’d ever felt. He got her, because he knew everything. She’d told him everything and he was still here. She backed the bike from her parking spot, the power begging to be unleashed. The Pike would have to wait, there was something more important she needed to do.

  Chapter Twenty-Five
  Jake was never going to live this down with the team. His touched-up photo with his new title of sexiest athlete was on the green screen behind Patti’s head. Her set was decked out in red for Valentine’s Day, roses spraying from a vase on her desk. She motioned for him to take a seat as the audience quieted down, screams and cheers turning to the rustling of taking their seats. His ears rang from the music and cheers, amping his pulse. Patti scolded a few girls still letting out sporadic screams.

  “Ladies, damn! Your boyfriends are watching.” She played to the camera, shaking her head. “It’s Valentine’s Day for God’s sake.” She turned to Jake, playing it up as she gave him a once over. “Nah, I don’t get it.” She shook her head. The audience laughed, Jake joining in. All he could do was laugh, the sexiest athlete thing embarrassing as hell.

  Patti continued her antics, pulling at the lapels of her blazer a few times, complaining about the heat. When she popped the button, Jake saw what she wore underneath. The crowd erupted as she revealed her NY Yankees tee and then settled in her seat. She was fun, spinning her coffee cup around for the NY to face him as he settled across from her on the couch. The crowd settled as she stacked her note cards against the desk, the Yankees logo printed on the back.

  “So, you follow the Rangers?” he asked, knowing she was a die-hard Yankees fan. “Me, too.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she agreed sarcastically. “The New York ones. They call ‘em the Yankees here.” Her finger stabbed her desk.

  “Ohhhh, because you’re up North? That’s clever. Yankee Rangers. Makes sense.”

  “Well, at least you’re funny.” She played to the audience. “Cuz you ain’t that pretty.” She gestured between them. “Funny kids have more friends than pretty kids anyway.” Patti’s smile was bright, reaching her dark eyes as she took her digs. “I mean… I’m black, gay and funny so that trumps what you’ve got going on.” Her hand gestured to all of him and then the shirtless snapshot of him behind her head. She was an attractive woman, completely comfortable in her skin. “I’m just kidding. You’re obviously beautiful and adored.”


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