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Wanted: Engineer (Silverpines Series Book 11)

Page 8

by George H. McVey

  They sat and ate and then packed up and laid back on the quilt to await the stars. As Jeremiah hadn’t brought out the cake yet they lay there talking. “I’m glad you came back, Jeremiah.”

  He smiled and stroked her face as he looked into her blue-grey eyes. “I’m glad I came back too, Maude. I’d always meant to come back, I just somehow got busy working and it never happened.”

  Jeremiah pulled her close and kissed her. As she responded to the kiss he deepened it, demanding she open her mouth to him allowing him to taste her. As she melted against him he marveled at how they fit together. His hand pulled the pins from her hair letting it fall free and he marveled at how soft it felt in his hands as he let them become tangled in it. His mouth left hers and traveled to that spot under her ear on her neck as he began to press kisses there. Maude shuddered against him and made little moaning sounds in the back of her throat. Soon his lips were traveling down the length of her neck as hers were doing to his as well. His hands were rubbing her back and up and down the sides of her body. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her even closer.

  Without even realizing it his fingers began to work at the buttons up the back of her dress and it wasn’t until he felt the heat of her skin through her camisole that he realized what was happening. He quickly sat up and moved away. “Maude, I need to take you home right now.”

  She looked at him, her own eyes hooded with desire dark as a stormy sky. “What? Why Jeremiah?”

  He stood. And stepped even farther away from her. “Because I refuse to do anything that we will both regret and if we stay here we will both regret it later.”

  She looked at him, still caught up in what had been happening between them. “I won’t regret anything.”

  He reached down and pulled her to her feet, turned her around, and buttoned up the back of her dress. Then turned her back around to see the shocked look on her face. “Yes, you would and so would I. When we go to our marriage bed, Maude Jones, we will be pure but only if we leave now! I’ll speak to Edith and Ethel when we get to Howard House and inform them that our wedding is Sunday. Until then, I suggest we stay in the company of others.”

  She nodded and this time he knew the redness in her cheeks was shame the same as him at what they’d almost allowed to happen here under the stars. He picked up the picnic basket to carry back to the buggy and Maude clutched the quilt to her chest like a shield. He’d messed up. He’d allowed himself to get too caught up in how right she felt in his arms and he’d almost destroyed what was so precious to him. He quickly helped her into the buggy and then harnessed the horse and drove her home. Neither of them spoke all the way back, and when they got there Maude jumped from the buggy and ran inside.

  Jeremiah walked to the door but before he could open it, Ethel jerked it open and had her rifle pointed at him. “What did you do, boy?!

  He raised his hands. “It’s not what you think, Ethel. We were sparkin’ and things almost got out of hand. I was coming to tell you and Miss Edith that I’m heading over to Pastor James’ home. Maude and I will marry Sunday after church.”

  She glared at him. “Why wait if you sparked so hard she runs to her room unwilling to look at me and Edith; maybe you need to be taking her over there with you and saying them vows tonight.”

  “Because nothing happened. We came back to ourselves before it did and she wants all her sisters there for her wedding. We all know that won’t be possible tonight.”

  “I don’t care about none of that; if you need to make things right we go tonight.”

  Maude’s voice came shyly from half way down the stairs. “Jeremiah is telling you the truth, Miss Ethel, there is no need for us to go tonight. Sunday is soon enough.”

  Ethel looked at her. “You’re sure, Maude? If you anticipated…”

  “No line was crossed, just a couple buttons undone before Jeremiah stopped us. He stopped us, Miss Ethel, I’m the shameful one here.”

  Edith took her into her arms “Nonsense, I dare say we’ve all lost our head a couple of buttons worth in our day.”

  “Edith Howard, I did no such thing!”

  “I know different, Ethel Howard! There was that time at the spring cotillion.”

  “Hush now, that ain’t the point.”

  “It is the point. We all are tempted; the good thing is you both resisted the temptation. Sunday will be soon enough. But you will stay in public together with a chaperone until then.”

  Jeremiah nodded. “Yes ma’am, you’ll get no argument from us.”

  Edith hugged Maude and then Jeremiah. “I for one am proud of you both. You resisted temptation, then have made arrangements to avoid it and correct the situation. Right Ethel?”

  The other woman sighed. “Yes. While better to never get into a tempting situation you are handling it properly. But boy, I better see you leave here and stop at the parsonage, or so help me God, I’ll march you over there at gunpoint.”

  “I’ll go now if you’ll allow me one moment alone with Maude.”

  Ethel’s eyes narrowed. He sighed. “I wish to apologize and make sure she is alright, Miss Ethel.”

  “Fine, but I’ll be watchin’.”

  He nodded. “I thank you for that.”

  The two sisters retreated into the kitchen. “I’m sorry, Maude.”

  She looked at him and her cheeks turned red. “I’M NOT.”


  “I’m not sorry you stopped us; but I’m not sorry for one kiss. Sunday can’t come soon enough.”

  He smiled and pulled her into his arms for a sweet kiss. “On that I agree.”

  “That’s enough, boy!’

  He sighed and released her. “I should go see Pastor James.”

  Maude smiled at him and nodded. His hand stroked her cheek and he turned to leave. As the door was closing he heard Ethel say. “Come into our room, Maude, it’s time for Edith and I to explain some things to you.”

  He blushed, having heard just the day before Ella Grace warn Maude to expect this talk. Thank goodness he was spared that one.


  Sunday found Maude sitting in the back of the church in the blue dress she had worn the first day Jeremiah had come to town. He had asked her Friday night if she would wear it as her wedding dress, and Katie had quickly taken it and sewn the three lace hearts that the Howard sisters had made from the only piece of their own mother’s wedding dress they’d been able to salvage after their wagon train ride west. She was sitting in the back covered in a cape, because Katie had insisted that even though he’d seen it before, Jeremiah couldn’t see her in it today until the wedding. She tried to pay attention to what Pastor James was saying but all she could do was stare at the spot where Jeremiah was sitting next to Nathan Ryder. She knew the famous marshal had agreed to stand up with him at the wedding and she loved that her man was accepted by men as powerful and yet Godly as Nathan. Soon he’d be her husband. That was both exciting and scary. She was about to get married to the boy she always knew was meant to be hers.

  All of her orphaned sisters wanted to stand with her, well accept for Josie and Sophie, they had no clue what was going on. She was honored that so many wanted to stand with her. So as not to offend any of her sisters she’d asked Tonya to stand with her. Besides her sisters and Betsy, she was her best friend.

  She’d insisted that both Howard sisters walk her down the aisle since Mr. Howard wasn’t around to do it, and while they’d tried to argue it wasn’t necessary, she knew they were pleased. So when Pastor James prayed the benediction prayer and then smiled at the crowd, she and the Howards stood and moved to the doors. She took off her cape and laid it over the back of the pew.

  “I have a special treat for all of you today. As has been happening so often in the last few weeks, our church and community is being blessed with another wedding. The Howard sisters have invited you to stay today, as I’m told a marriage, fourteen years in the making, is about to happen. Our newest returning citizen, Jeremiah Henderson, is mar
rying our own Maude Jones.”

  With that, Nathan and Jeremiah stood and took their place in front and Tonya hurried back to stand in front of Maude, blocking her from Jeremiah’s view. On the down side it also blocked him from hers. She had yet to see more of him than the back of his head in his suit. He was handsome in his everyday wear, but she wanted to have a chance to see him dressed up too.

  Abby began to sing, and Tonya looked at her and smiled. “Wait until I’m in front then you follow, okay?

  She nodded as Edith gave her the same white silk flowers Ella Grace had carried. “You ready, girl? We don’t have to give you to him if you aren’t ready.”

  She smiled, knowing that Ethel was purposely being surly to keep her own tears at bay. Edith was already a weepy mess. “I’m sure, Miss Ethel.”

  The matron sighed, “Yes, I guess you are. Well we aren’t, you know? Edith and I, we aren’t ready to have our first three girls all find husbands and leave us. What will we do when Katie’s ad starts getting letters?”

  “Become grandmothers and help us learn to be mothers as good as ours have been.”

  The older woman grimaced and wiped at her eye. “You stop that. Don’t you make me a weepy mess like that one!” She nodded at Edith. Then Maude kissed both their cheeks and looked up and caught sight of him. Her breath caught in her throat. “Oh MY!”

  Ethel chuckled. “Yes, he cleaned up nice, didn’t he? Let’s get you to him, precious one.”

  They walked the aisle but Maude would remember none of it. All she would remember was his smile and the complete and utter devotion to her in his hazel eyes. Then they were there standing in front of Pastor James. “Who gives this woman to this man?”

  The two women who together had been her mothers said: “My sister and I do.” Then they both kissed a cheek and turning together, they went to sit with her sisters. Maude felt Jeremiah take her hand and step closer to the Pastor, his eyes never leaving hers. Her whole world had shrunk to those hazel eyes and the promises they held. Promises of love, of protection, of a family of her own. Then all too soon she said I do and a ring was slid over her finger, then came the words she’d waited since she was six to hear: “I now pronounce you man and wife. Jeremiah, you may kiss your bride.”

  Jeremiah took her in his arms and pulled her close. She fit against his body like she belonged there and then his lips took hers and she was home. An orphan no longer but a woman with a real name, not an alias. Maude Henderson, wife of Jeremiah. He released her lips and the church clapped as they turned to be presented. “Mr. Ryder has graciously invited everyone to celebrate with Jeremiah and Maude at the inn, so without further ado let me present to you Silverpines Mr. and Mrs. Henderson.”

  Then they were walking down the aisle to congratulations. Once outside her sisters swarmed her to see the ring. It wasn’t fancy because Jeremiah knew her, she was a simple girl who wanted simple things, just a plain gold circle but what it represented her sisters alone knew what that meant. Each of them longed for the same thing: a real family. Oh they would always have each other, but they were a family of the heart; that ring meant she belonged to someone. Even little Ivy and Rose understood that desire.

  Then her husband was there, his arm around her, leading her to the inn where the town was coming to greet them and celebrate with them. But suddenly she didn’t want to celebrate with the town, she wanted to be alone with her husband without interruptions. Jeremiah must have seen something in her face or else that thing she’d seen so many couples do, that communication without words had happened, because he leaned close and whispered to her. “Me too, Maude. But we have to be hospitable just a little while longer. Then we can celebrate alone.”

  She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder as they walked through the town. For once she could be as close to him as she wanted, not having to worry what the fence line thought of it. Today it was allowed, maybe even expected. Because today was her wedding day.

  Jeremiah was through. He’d been patient and had sat and ate with everyone, and then as was expected he and Maude had danced together, then he’d had a dance with Edith, then Ethel, then all of Maude’s “sisters” much to the joy of Rose and Ivy. He even took a quick turn around the floor holding tiny Sophie and Josie so that Katie could dance with a few gentlemen. But he’d been patient long enough. It was his wedding day and he wanted to be alone with his wife. So as the next waltz was started he took Maude in his arms and pulling her closer than was decent in public, he began to dance with her. He’d eaten, he’d danced, everyone and their cousin had toasted them, now he was going to make his escape and take his wife with him. So he began to maneuver them to the doors and the sweeping staircase beyond them. He danced Maude right to the stair where he swept her off her feet to her shriek of surprise and started climbing to his room on the third floor. “What are you doing, Jeremiah, everyone’s watching.”

  “Let them watch. I’m done sharing you today, Maude.”

  He carried her up the stairs and to his door. He fumbled the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, getting it open and then he stepped across the threshold into his room and kicked the door closed. There he let Maude slide down his body and when her feet hit the floor, he captured her mouth in a kiss that left her no doubt what was on his mind. He demanded her attention and he had it. She melted even closer to him and he started to pull the pins from her luxurious chestnut colored hair, letting it fall loose around them and ran his hands through its silky strands.

  When they finally broke apart for air her eyes were as dark as before the storm with her need and desire matched only by his own. “Please Jeremiah, no more waiting.”

  Deliberately he let her feel his hands as they slid down her back ever closer to her backside and when he reached the last button on the back of her dress he began to deliberately unbutton it. As he looked into her eyes, “No more waiting, Maude.”

  Later as they lay in bed her head on his chest, he sighed. “I love you, Maude. Thank you for waiting on me.”

  She looked up at him and smiled before kissing his neck. “Thank you for coming back to me just in time. And… she hesitated and bit her lip, “Thank you for waiting the other night. I’m glad you stopped us when you did.”

  He smiled. “So am I, but I’m even more glad that we don’t ever have to stop like that again. It was the right thing to do and I will always strive to do the right thing for you, Maude.”

  She wiggled against his side and kissed him again. “Always?” He smiled before pulling her against him. Always, and he set out to show her just how much he meant it.

  Much later as she lay by his side sleeping Jeremiah finally got his wish and wrapped his arms around his wife, listening to the sounds she made in sleep. This was where he belonged. Right here holding this woman for as long as they both breathed. A peace and contentment he’d never known settled in his chest. Yes, he was finally whole. What had always been missing was finally found. He lay there holding her as she slept and he felt his body, and spirit connect to hers. He became aware of her in a way he’d never been before. He remembered once as a child when Nugget Nate had told someone that he always was aware of where Penny was, even when they were apart. He’d never realized the old mountain man had meant it. He knew not every couple had that kind of love, but he also knew that if she were to leave and go somewhere else he would be able to just walk straight to her. He was “aware” of her in a way that brought him wonder. She opened her eyes and looked into his. “You feel it too, don’t you?” She nodded and put her hand on his heart and took his and placed it on hers; he marveled as it seemed they even beat in time to each other. She smiled. “God gave me my one desire. You as my family. We are one, you and I, for as long as we both shall live.”

  He nodded, not sure how he knew she was right but he did. He marveled anew at the wonders of their love then turned his attention to the woman whose heart literally beat in time to his. Finally slipping into sleep knowing she was right there where she belonged beside h


  Maude, Ella Grace, and Tonya stood inside Maude’s house while Betsy sat on the new settee in Maude’s parlor. She’d been Mrs. Henderson for a week now. Today was moving day. Her house was clean, the furniture had been delivered and she had worn Jeremiah out the last two days putting it just where she wanted it. Everything was perfect except her bathing room and water closet. The plumbing had been held up in Portland and wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow, but Jeremiah promised her that he and Nathan and Clay Cutler would start installing it as soon as it arrived. She didn’t care, there was the old privy out back and she had informed her husband that they were moving in today. She kissed him as he went to meet with the miners that were starting to arrive and get them and their families into housing, then she went down and informed her sister and brother-in-law that she and her husband were checking out.

  While Michael pretended to be upset at losing their business, Ella Grace was ecstatic that her sister was finally her neighbor. So when she’d proposed tea that afternoon, Ella Grace was the first to agree to attend. Betsy was feeling better since a lot of the stress of the last few months was gone with Lunsford being on the run and Jeremiah agreeing to handle the day to day business at the mine and getting it back open. Hattie had agreed to allow Betsy to be up and about as her stress levels came down but did make her promise to not overdo it and take it slow. She’d been able to attend tea and tour the house. “I know it’s not as big or fine as Sewell House or even your place, Tonya, but I think it’s perfect for Jeremiah and I.”


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