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Two Wolves and a Librarian [Werewolf Castle 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Adams

  “Don’t stop now. Put your fingers right inside,” Flynn said in a sleepy, husky voice, as she opened her legs for him.

  “And Kiril, give me your cock. I want to suck you.”


  Her eyes were open and her hips moved purposefully, trying to draw his fingers deep inside her body. He and Kiril grinned at each other, and Kiril kneeled up on the bed, putting his cock at her mouth.

  Magnus stroked around her pussy with his fingers as he watched Flynn grasp Kiril’s dick and feed it into her mouth. The lady obviously knew what she wanted so who was he to say no. He crawled lower down on the bed, pushing the sheet right back, and buried his mouth in her cunt for the second time that night. She tasted just as good this time as she had the first, and already her honey was flowing. He licked along her slit, nibbled her labia, and flicked his tongue over her clit, before settling down to eat her out.

  But he wanted to touch her as well so he gripped her ass and tilted her pelvis up to his mouth. The more he held her the more she wiggled her ass, until he realized she wanted him to touch her there as well. The gel was still on the nightstand, so he coated his fingers in it, and slid one inside her rear passage. She pushed back against his hand. Well that was interesting to know indeed. His little librarian liked being ass fucked.

  Soon Magnus had a rhythm going with three fingers in her cunt and two from the other hand in her ass. Kiril had straddled her body and she was sucking his dick. From Kiril’s moans she knew what she was doing there, too. So Magnus concentrated on her cunt, occasionally bending right over to flick his tongue across a particularly juicy portion of her lower body. Her hips were rising into his fingers so he slid a third finger into her ass and almost the minute he did so, she came, clenching tight on his hands.

  He dropped lower and bent to lick up her honey as she came, his fingers still inside her ass. By the time he looked up she was swallowing Kiril’s essence as he fucked her mouth. Magnus put his hand on his swollen, aching dick and pumped hard. In only a few minutes his cock shot his seed all over her belly. He came harder and longer than he expected from a mere hand job, but he knew it was because of her. Touching her roused him as no woman had ever done before.

  He pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly, as Kiril cuddled her from the other side. After a few moments, Flynn pushed against them and said, “This time, I’ll shower by myself, otherwise we might end up on a loop that never stops running.”

  He kind of liked the idea of fucking her over and over again, but knew he had to leave her alone. Magnus rolled onto his back and watched her climb off the bed and walk into the bathroom.

  When she came out again she was fully dressed, her hair back up in its updo.

  Magnus sat up fast. “You can’t go home alone. We’ll come with you.”

  “If you come, you know what will happen. Tomorrow is a workday for me. I need to get home and get organized for it.”

  Kiril was already pulling up his jeans, which he’d dropped at the end of the bed after collecting the clean towels.

  “What time do you finish work tomorrow?” he asked.

  “The library doesn’t close until nine and that’s much too late for us to meet.”

  “When do you have a day off? Or start late? Or whatever?” he asked, noticing that Kiril had his shirt on as well now.

  “I have Friday and Saturday off this week, then work again Sunday from ten until five.”

  “Fuck.” By Friday the Alpha might already be here and Sunday was the induction of the Alpha of Germany as Supreme Alpha of Europe. Once their own Alpha arrived their days would be dependent on his needs so there was no guarantee they could even spend Saturday with her. “Our boss will be here by then and we’ll have to do as he says.”

  “It’s not a problem. Tonight was wonderful and I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, but we all knew you were just passing through Stuttgart.”

  She turned and opened the door. Magnus jumped off the bed but he was still naked. Kiril followed her out to the parking lot. He needed to explain to her that he wanted her, that he wasn’t brushing her off. He really couldn’t make plans without his Alpha’s consent. Fuck! Magnus grabbed his pants and ran bare-chested and barefoot after them down the flights of stairs and to the parking lot.

  She was already getting into her car, Kiril standing beside her, as Magnus ran across the cold ground. “What’s your cell phone number? As soon as we know our times we’ll contact you,” he said.

  “I usually leave my phone switched off. We aren’t supposed to have them in the library. It’s better this way. I have a wonderful memory of you both.”

  Magnus stood there, his mouth hanging open as she pulled out of her parking space and left the hotel.

  He turned to Kiril. “Well, that went well. Not.”

  “Yeah. We need to talk to the Alpha and tell him about Flynn.”

  “And find out when he’s arriving. But not until after we’ve gotten his house for him.”

  “Damn. I’d forgotten about that.”

  * * * *

  Kiril was relieved when the very first house they looked at the next day was perfect for the Alpha and the people from their pack to stay in. He and Magnus had already checked the neighborhood and cross streets, which had enough traffic for them to hide among but not so much they’d be stuck in a traffic jam if they needed to leave in a hurry. The house itself had five bedrooms and a study, which they could put a few mattresses in for unmated men, leaving the living room free for the Alpha to use as a conference room.

  Magnus insisted they still look at the other two houses they’d picked out as well, and either of them would have been all right, but the first one was perfect so they signed the paperwork to rent it for two weeks, which should be more than long enough.

  Magnus rang the Alpha immediately to tell him all their news. He put the phone on speaker so Kiril could hear every word and answer, too, if he wanted to. Kiril knew he would. Magnus was always considerate.

  “The house sounds excellent. We’ll be flying in Saturday afternoon. I want you both to meet us at the airport with two hire cars. Fast, but inconspicuous cars.”

  “Yes, sir. Sir, we’ve found our mate. Can we bring her? She could drive our car and that way Kiril and I wouldn’t need to make an extra journey.”

  Kiril hoped they didn’t sound lazy. He didn’t mind the extra journey at all, and could even circumvent it by driving to the airport early and then hiring the cars. But they both desperately wanted to be with Flynn and she had said Friday and Saturday were her days off. Which meant she couldn’t go to the induction service. That was a shame, but then again, maybe it was too soon for her to see a werewolf ceremony anyway.

  They also intended to be at the library when she finished work at nine tonight and to spend all day tomorrow with her. Or, as much of the day as the Alpha didn’t require them for.

  “Tell me about your mate.”

  “Her name is Flynn Jensen. She’s a librarian,” said Magnus.

  “She saw two of the German werewolves in wolf form at the national park and thought they were beautiful. She wasn’t at all scared,” added Kiril.

  “So you haven’t told her you’re wolves?”

  “No, sir,” said Magnus.

  “You may bring her to the airport and to the inauguration. Tell her it’s for the new international CEO of the company. That’s virtually the man’s role, anyway. Since you worked for him from time to time you should know which people it’s safe to introduce her to, and there will be many other humans there as well, I expect. There certainly were at the late Supreme’s memorial service.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Kiril and Magnus spoke together. Kiril felt a weight ease from his heart. It looked as though the Alpha was going to be very supportive of their romance. Now, all they had to do was find a way for her to get Sunday off work. Surely one of her colleagues would be prepared to swap a shift with her. Although maybe if they had kids they’d want to be home on a Sunday. Kiril
felt worry trickle down his spine. He knew there wasn’t a very big staff at the library. Well, hopefully she could arrange to come. Her friends would know an inauguration service was something special and not to be missed.

  Kiril jumped, guiltily realizing he’d been lost in thought instead of listening to the rest of the phone call. He looked up at Magnus.

  “What say we go and buy the food now? We’ll check out of the hotel, shop for the food, and get the house ready for the boss. We can stay there tomorrow, hopefully with Flynn.”

  “Um, I missed the last bit of the conversation.”

  “The Alpha just told us to make the house ready for them. We can easily do that and still be back at the library before nine.”

  “Okay, let’s check out of the hotel first, then. How many people are we catering for?” asked Kiril.

  Magnus shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t ask. We’ll work on what he originally said. Maybe fifteen, sixteen, all up. And then we meet Flynn and tell her we’re free to spend all of tomorrow with her.”

  Kiril’s dick stood up at that thought. “We can take her out for lunch and dinner and whatever else she wants. And then we’ll have an entire empty house to play with. We can fuck her in every room.”

  “Only if she agrees to be with us. She ran out on us last night remember?”

  Yes. He did remember. But that had been a misunderstanding. Surely they could explain everything to her and sort it out tonight. And then they’d have three days with her if she came to the inauguration as well.

  * * * *

  Flynn was normally very even tempered. She’d never been a drama queen or a pampered princess. Her mother’s health had always been fragile. Her mother was one of those unfortunate people who caught every bug that was going around. Colds, flu, gastro, eye infections. If there was an infection in the community, no matter how careful her mother was to wash her hands and not breathe in other people’s germs, she inevitably became ill. That was one reason Flynn liked reading so much. She could sit quietly and let her mother rest, while she herself disappeared into another world full of life and adventure.

  Today, however, she felt out of sorts and grumpy. Now she’d had a real-life adventure and had to put it behind her and cope with her boring work life. No. Not boring. Peaceful, organized, predictable, rational. Which was a real shame because she wanted to see Kiril and Magnus again. She wanted them both to fuck her again. But it wasn’t to be and she shouldn’t complain. She’d had far more from them than she’d expected already and she always knew they were only here for a short time.

  But oh, how she missed them already. She desperately wanted to run her hands over their muscular bodies one more time. She hadn’t even sucked Magnus’s cock and she was sure he’d spank her if she asked him. She’d just have to imagine it herself in bed tonight.

  Once again Ann had hurried home early, as soon as she’d dimmed the lights to let the patrons know it was time to pack up. There’d been a group of school children sitting at one of the tables so Flynn went to the table and checked they hadn’t left any papers or pens behind, then pushed their chairs in neatly and picked up the trash basket to empty it into the big one in the workroom. She walked around the building checking no one was still inside, turning off lights as she went, while Dave closed down the borrowing system computers.

  Together they exited via the staff door, Dave turning to check the lock had engaged behind them. Flynn stopped. Standing right there were Kiril and Magnus. Kiril was holding a single red rose in his hand, which he offered to her.

  Flynn’s breath caught in her throat. “Thank you,” she whispered. She lifted the beautiful flower to her nose and sniffed its sweet scent.

  “The ceremony to induct the new international CEO will be on Sunday. Would you be able to exchange shifts so you can come with us?” asked Magnus.

  “We really want you to come,” added Kiril.

  “I—” Flynn stopped. She would like to spend more time with them. There was nothing she’d rather do than be with them. But then they’d go home and she’d be alone again.

  “I’m off Sunday and Monday. I’ll do Sunday for you,” said Dave.

  Flynn turned to look at him. He had a big grin on his face so she knew what he was thinking. It wasn’t all that far from the truth either.

  “Thanks, Dave. That’d be great. I owe you one.”

  Dave kept grinning as he walked across the parking lot to his car. Flynn turned back to look at Magnus and Kiril. “You do know what he’s thinking, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Yeah. That we’re about to take you to bed and fuck you until you can’t stand up straight. We’d really like to do that, too. Can we?” asked Magnus.

  “If I’m coming to this ceremony with you I have to be able to stand up by Sunday.” She couldn’t help the smile that kept trying to tip the edges of her lips upward. She didn’t care how often they fucked her. She just wanted them to do it again. And again. Although she really ought to be capable of walking by Sunday.

  “It’s a deal. Actually we have a few chores to do for our boss on Saturday anyway,” said Magnus.

  For a moment Flynn thought that meant she only had this night with them after all, but that didn’t matter. She’d thought she would never see them again.

  But then Kiril added, “That will just be a little break for us. Then we’ll fuck you again.”

  Flynn laughed. Oh she did like these men. She was so glad they’d come back to be with her tonight. Then she thought, why not ask? “And if I’m naughty will you spank my ass?”

  She heard both men gasp. At first she wondered if she’d made a mistake, but then Magnus said, “With great pleasure, little one.”

  “The house isn’t very far away. Follow us,” said Magnus as both men walked her across to Oscar.

  * * * *

  The men hadn’t said much about the house they were renting, only that their boss wanted his people all together, so she wasn’t surprised that it was a big house. For a team she guessed there’d need to be several bedrooms and bathrooms. There was a four-car garage, and she was a bit nervous about putting Oscar in it. “What if Oscar drips some oil? You might lose your deposit.”

  “There’s a pile of old newspapers with the kindling in the box next to the fireplace in the living room. I’ll put some papers under him. Where does he drip from?” asked Kiril.

  “His front middle.”

  Both men stared at her. Okay, so it wasn’t a technical term but it was the correct place to protect the garage floor.

  Magnus crawled under Oscar with a pile of newspapers and she was content. Likely he wouldn’t drip oil. He didn’t always do it. It was just that she really didn’t want to spoil the floor of this garage.

  There was a door into the house from the garage, which took them into a laundry room. Flynn noticed the men were quite fussy about locking the garage door, then the door into the house, but she supposed that was natural seeing as it was not theirs and they wouldn’t want to be responsible for anything going wrong.

  “Have you eaten? Do you need a snack? We’ve bought plenty of food ready for when everyone arrives,” said Kiril.

  “No. I’m fine thanks. When are the other people coming? Are they driving here? You said it was a full day’s drive, I think.” She wasn’t actually sure. But she thought that’s what they’d said. She’d gotten the idea their home was down near Bulgaria.

  “We’re picking them up from the airport Saturday and have to hire a couple of cars for them so we don’t need to get out of bed until midmorning Saturday, which gives us plenty of time to play as well as sleep,” said Magnus.

  The men guided her to the farthest bedroom, which they’d apparently chosen for themselves. She recognized Magnus’s luggage.

  “Were you serious about having your bottom spanked?” he asked.

  “Hell, yes.”

  “What about sex toys?” asked Kiril.

  She felt her face heat up. “I have a few at home. Nothing very adventurous th

  “I bought you a set of nipple clips today. Will you wear them?”


  “Good. Why don’t you get undressed then and we’ll play a little game.”

  She crossed her arms. “Only if you both get undressed as well.”

  “Little missy really does want her ass paddled until it’s red raw.”

  “Hey, fair is fair. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and all those old clichés,” she said, wondering how far she could push Magnus before he really did spank her.

  Four hands gripped her and flipped her over. Before she could draw breath, Magnus was sitting on the end of the bed, her long skirt was pushed up over her head, and her panties were being pulled off her legs. A big, hard palm smacked down firmly on her ass, and then again. Damn that felt good. Better than ever she’d imagined it would feel. She relaxed across his lap and let him spank her, aware of honey dripping from her pussy and her nipples pebbling inside her cotton bra.

  For a moment, she wished she’d worn her only good lace bra, but then she decided it’d be better to keep that for Sunday for the special ceremony. Her ass was feeling very hot now, but Magnus stopped punishing her and began kissing the base of her spine. The wetness so close to the hot skin made her shiver with lust.

  Then four hands were pulling her skirt and shirt off, unsnapping her bra, and removing her shoes. Kiril turned her to face him and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Just as it started to feel really good he stopped and attached the nipple clip to her. Oh, that’s right. I’d forgotten about that. He repeated the action on the other side, tightening the tiny screw until it bit, but in a way that added to her lust and excitement. Finally he dropped to his knees and tongued her clit. Her eyes opened wide as he attached a clit clamp to her hot little nub. Now that’s one thing I hadn’t thought of. But it feels good.


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