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Two Wolves and a Librarian [Werewolf Castle 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Cara Adams

  Suddenly he knew what he had to do. “Kiril and I are going to bite you, Flynn. You are ours. You belong to us and nothing will ever change that. When we come we’ll bite you and you will be ours forever.” He pulled on her hair, tilting her neck back hard so he could see her eyes.

  “Blink if you agree.”

  Magnus held his breath. No mating could take place without the woman agreeing. Shape-shifter law decreed that if a partner was unwilling the mating was invalid. Of course, Flynn didn’t know they were shape-shifters or that this was a mating, but she was completely capable of agreeing to being bitten.

  As always, she thought before she answered. He loved that she gave considered responses, replies that were meaningful and not just given without contemplation. But this time his heart was pounding so hard, he was so desperate for her to agree, the few seconds she took before she answered nearly killed him. But she did blink and she tried to nod despite his fist in her hair.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

  Any restraint he might have had disappeared the moment she blinked. He held her hips and pounded into her, jackhammering his dick as deep as it would go on every stroke. Kiril matched him thrust for thrust, pumping up into her cunt with so much power the bed was rocking.

  Then her ass gripped his dick so hard he wondered if it would break. Her entire body shook and instantly his cum burst from him with no thought or input from him. Magnus lifted her hair from her neck and bit down hard right where her head and neck joined, tasting her blood, sucking it deep into his mouth wanting to brand her, mark her forever as his. And all the while his seed jetted into her ass, his cock pumping with every heartbeat.

  He licked over the fang wounds on her neck, soothing the bite, although she was still rippling from her orgasm so it shouldn’t have hurt her. On the other side of her neck Kiril was doing the same thing.

  Reluctantly Magnus pulled out from her and unlocked the handcuffs then massaged her shoulders before removing the ball gag. He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, then picked her up out of Kiril’s arms and carried her into the tub. Kiril followed him, climbing into the tub and leaning against the wall to support Flynn while they soaped her and rinsed her.

  He kneeled in the tub to wash her legs and feet and couldn’t resist licking her clit and her cunt. She always tasted so good. Even though he’d just fucked her he wanted her again. He didn’t understand how she aroused him so painfully all the time, just from being there, but his lips pulled on her clit and his hands widened her thighs as he buried his face in her core and determined to give her a third orgasm.

  “Come on, Flynn. You’ve had three orgasms before. Just a little one this time. You can do it.”

  He looked up at her face and her eyes were closed. Kiril had his hands on her breasts and his mouth on her neck, so Magnus drove his tongue into her cunt, tasting her honey. He used his thumbs to stroke the soft inner flesh of her thighs as he licked, nibbled, and sucked at her cunt, eating her out and loving her taste as more and more cream filled his mouth.

  When she came he was as hard as a rock again, and fisted himself spraying his seed onto her belly, wanting to mark her, to claim her yet again.

  Kiril had his dick resting in the crack of her ass and now he pumped hard against her skin, spraying his seed on her still-pink ass. Magnus jumped up and captured her mouth with his. “Taste yourself on me. You are ours, Flynn. Every inch of you belongs to us.”

  * * * *

  Kiril woke early on Sunday morning, but a lot of other people were already up and about as well, as this was a very busy day.

  First, he and Magnus had to take Flynn back to her apartment so she could get changed into her clothes for the inauguration ceremony.

  “I can go by myself. You don’t need to come with me. Just tell me what time you want me back at the house,” she argued.

  “We want to be with you. We want to protect you,” Kiril said.

  It was clear she didn’t think she needed protection, but Kiril knew there were still potential problems from the Alphas who had wanted to be Supreme but had not won the ballot. The Alpha of Turkey had invited many Alphas to Izmir, a beach resort, and had wined and dined them hoping to influence them to vote for him. The Alpha of Vojvodina had also done his best to buy votes. Kiril knew the Alpha of France had wanted the position as well, although he didn’t know what he’d done to win them. But all in all, until the Alpha of Germany was instated with the reins tightly under his control, Kiril preferred that his woman was safely by his side.

  And he knew Magnus agreed one hundred percent with that plan.

  So they followed her beat-up little car back to her apartment, parked their SUV, and escorted her up the stairs into her home.

  “Pack a few changes of clothes for work as well. That way you can stay with us for the next few days,” said Magnus.

  “Yes. About that. When do you return home and why did you bring your toy box here with you?” she asked.

  Kiril blinked. He hadn’t even thought about the fact Magnus had his toy box. But neither of them had thought to bring hiking boots. It was a little bit inconsistent. Except, he couldn’t imagine Magnus without his toy box. It was as much a part of him as his cell phone.

  “My toy box is very special to me. It’s filled with things I have thought about, planned scenes with, have really carefully chosen. Sometimes I would spend an entire day in an adult store and come out having bought just one thing that seemed perfect. As you know, we drove here, unlike the others who flew in. So we had the truck and plenty of space to pack whatever we wanted to. Likely I brought too many clothes with me, and I packed the newest true crime novel as well and haven’t even opened it. Although it never occurred to me to pack hiking boots.”

  “And going back to your home?”

  “We haven’t been told but I expect the boss won’t stay long. He may even be flying out tomorrow although we hired the cars for a week and the house for two weeks. But we’ll be asking to stay here to spend more time with you.”

  Kiril watched her face and she seemed content with that reply. She turned and disappeared into her bedroom. Suddenly he hated to be apart from her and followed her. The sight of her bed just made him want to throw her down on it and fuck her brains out, but he knew that wasn’t an option until after the ceremony this afternoon.

  “Can I help you?” he asked.

  “No, I’m fine. This won’t take very long.”

  He leaned against the wall watching as she took a long gray skirt and pink shirt out of her closet and laid them on the bed. She added two sets of underwear to the pile, then took a brown suit from a hanger and folded it neatly. From her dressing table she took out some small items, which she dropped into her purse, then she picked up a pair of brown pumps.

  She stood for a moment as if thinking, then opened another drawer and took out an unopened packet with a pair of stockings in it and put that on top of the pile. Finally she picked up a shopping bag and put everything in it, the shoes on the bottom and the suit on top. “That’s it. I told you it wouldn’t take long.”

  “I enjoyed watching you. Everything you do is so purposeful and coordinated. You’re always graceful and never waste any motions,” Kiril said, crossing the room to pull her hard against his body for a kiss. He couldn’t resist grinding his aching cock against her, even though he knew that was the closest he could come to using it today. He picked up the shopping bag, marveling at how few things she’d packed for a couple of days. He was almost certain most women would have filled an entire suitcase with things.

  “You can leave your car here and come back in ours,” said Magnus.

  Flynn looked at him frowning. “I start work at eight tomorrow morning. If I don’t have Oscar, one of you will need to drive me there by a quarter to eight.”

  “I always wake up early. I can do that,” said Kiril.

  “We’ll both come. And we’ll both be there to collect you after work as well. What time do
you finish?” asked Magnus.

  “Seven o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.”

  Kiril stared at her. “You work very long hours—eight ’till seven three days, and eight ’till nine three days.”

  “Sunday is only ten until five though.”

  “Just as well,” said Kiril. But then he added, “I guess a library is like a store. People have to be able to visit it after they finish work in the evening and on weekends.”

  Flynn smiled at him. “Exactly.”

  Magnus guided them out of her apartment and down the stairs. “Let’s have an early lunch before we go back and get changed. I expect Yerik will want to talk to us before we leave as well.”

  “Is there anything I need to be aware of? Things I should or should not say or do?” Flynn asked.

  Kiril hadn’t thought of that. There was the whole risk of her finding out about them being shape-shifters of course. But they’d pledged their love for her. Some would say they’d already mated her as they’d bitten her and she’d accepted their bites. He wasn’t actually sure of the legality of that as a mating. But it certainly proved their intentions very clearly. They could mate her properly once she knew about them being werewolves.

  “If there is, Odette will tell you and the other women,” said Magnus holding the SUV door open for her.

  * * * *

  When they returned to the house, the garage door was open and several of the men were fussing around the cars. Most of the men who visited the library talked about cars, so Flynn thought nothing of it. In the house another group of men were sitting in the living room watching horse racing on the television.

  “Join us, Magnus, Kiril. The women have taken over all the bathrooms, and I expect Flynn will steal yours as well,” said Dominik.

  That worried Flynn. She’d brought some makeup and jewelry with her, but she didn’t really own anything fancy. At least she’d brought her stockings. She almost hadn’t, thinking no one would notice. Not that they were fancy exactly, it was just that she almost never wore them. In summer she preferred to have bare legs under her skirts, and in winter she wore warm socks and leggings. It seemed stupid to her to buy stockings that often seemed to ladder so soon, it was almost like throwing her money away.

  Her skirt was midcalf length, so her bare legs would have been visible, which was why she’d packed her stockings. She had very little jewelry, just a gold necklace and earrings. Well, it’d have to do. She just hoped Odette wasn’t cross with her and that Mr. Vulf didn’t think she’d let his group down. Flynn sighed. She had a little bit of money, enough for a pretty dress, but she would be crazy to spend it on clothes. She had everything she needed already. Her suit would be fine. Hopefully.

  Flynn took the time to shower again and shampoo and condition her hair. It was very fine and tended to be a bit “flyaway” but she’d brought a whole packet of hairpins, which should control it. Once dressed and ready she walked out to the living room. All the women were there and some of the men. She looked critically at the other women’s clothing. Odette was in a severe navy blue suit, with a white lace shirt peeking out at her neck. It looked really good with her iron-gray, bob-cut hair.

  Damask was wearing an ankle-length gold dress with a fitted jacket of the same fabric. It looked spectacular with her waist-length red hair loose and flowing down her back. Leonie was wearing navy blue, the same as Odette, but hers was a pantsuit in a masculine cut. But even with her short blonde hair no one would mistake her for a man. Flynn heaved a sigh of relief. Her clothing didn’t look out of place.

  “That dress is very pretty, Damask,” she said.

  “I thought one of us should be the girly girl. Leonie insisted on wearing her shit-kickers, which meant she needed to wear pants to hide them,” Damask explained, while Leonie lifted the cuff of one pant leg to display the sturdy boot she had on.

  Odette’s comment about wearing shoes she could run in came back to Flynn. “Are you expecting trouble at the ceremony?” she asked.

  Damask and Leonie looked to Odette, obviously deferring to her to answer the question.

  “Not expecting, precisely, but when all this testosterone is assembled in one room, a woman is wise to keep her options open,” Odette said.

  Okay, that made sense. Construction was a man’s world so it was only to be expected a lot of men would be present. But surely most of them would bring their wives or girlfriends. It was Sunday, so most people wouldn’t have to work.

  Before Flynn could frame a question in a way that made no judgments, Kiril and Magnus entered the room, both looking very smart in dark suits, button-down shirts, and neckties.

  “You look lovely,” said Kiril kissing her neck.

  “I love those earrings,” added Magnus putting his arm around her waist.

  More people arrived and Dominik began sorting them out into the various cars and giving orders to the drivers. Magnus was sent off to drive one of the hire cars, Jairus the other, and Kiril their own SUV. Dominik, Uwe, and Stefan rode shotgun in each of the vehicles, and everyone else was in the backseats. Yerik and Odette were separated and Flynn found herself in the backseat of a car tucked between Odette and Brody.

  When they arrived at the conference center, the drivers let them all out at the entry, then took the vehicles away to park them. Stefan took Odette’s arm and Brody hers as they merged into a group once again. Brody’s touch on her arm was firm, indicating quite clearly that she should follow his lead, but there was nothing sexual in it. Flynn wondered how hard it would be to find parking. She had never been to this particular building before, but there were no signs pointing to an underground parking lot. Likely the men had Googled the nearest place.

  Inside Flynn simply walked and stood as the group dictated, smiling and looking around her as unobtrusively as possible. As Odette had suggested, there were a lot of men there, but also women as well. Possibly only one third of the guests were female though, and she didn’t see any children at all. Perhaps the invitations had specified children would not be welcome.

  Dominik and Yerik chose seats for them all about halfway down the room, but instead of filling an entire row, they sat in a block on the aisle with Yerik and Odette flanked by Dominik and Stefan, Damask and Flynn bracketed by Uwe and Brody, and Leonie, Grigori, and Roman behind them with seats saved for the drivers.

  At first the ceremony was very interesting, with the new CEO speaking about himself and his achievements, and then a video showing some of his projects. To Flynn’s surprise there wasn’t all that much about things his construction company had built, but more about his extended family and his workers. When the video had begun she’d expected an endless procession of high-rise tower apartment blocks, or perhaps bridges and roads, but instead he concentrated on people. Flynn thought that was both unusual and very self-effacing of him. The man must really put a high priority on relationships.

  The video ended and the CEO stood up again. “Having received twenty-seven of the fifty-two available votes—”

  “That is a lie. You couldn’t have. I had twenty votes and the Alpha of Vojvodina had fourteen. The Alpha of France did not say but he must have had at least his own vote, which makes thirty-five accounted for, leaving you a maximum of seventeen. Seventeen, not twenty-seven. That means I had the most votes and I am the new Supreme Alpha of Europe.”

  The speaker was a rotund man with olive skin and black hair. He had no microphone but his voice boomed out and filled every corner of the function room. No one could be in any doubt about his words. Not that she understood all the details. However the basic premise was quite clear. He said he’d won, not the man on the stage.

  The dark-haired man bounded up onto the stage and waved his hand at someone in the audience. “I am the new Supreme and I demand you acknowledge that here and now.”

  Half a dozen men began pushing their way toward the stage, only to have another group of men jump up from the back row and intercept them.

  Uwe tapped Flynn’s shoul
der and whispered, “If the shit hits the fan, grab Damask, run outside, and get a taxi to the airport. Jump on the first airplane no matter where it’s going and get Damask to send the Alpha a text message once you arrive.”

  Flynn nodded, not wanting to annoy Uwe, but she decided they’d get a bus to her apartment instead. It would be just as far away from any trouble and a whole lot less expensive. Besides, she doubted she had enough money on her to buy an airplane ticket anywhere, much at all. She expected there’d be some shouting, maybe even some pushing and shoving, but nothing more. Everyone here was an adult after all. But it was fascinating that apparently the voting had been rigged. That sounded more like something that would happen in some third world country than in a major construction company.

  The dark-haired man started shouting again, and this time he was joined by a tall, lean man, apparently the company leader in Vojvodina, who was corroborating everything the dark man had said.

  Then the room exploded with noise and fighting. Flynn twisted in her seat just in time to see a group of men race through the big entry doors and jump on top of the men in the center aisle. Uwe pushed her off her seat onto the floor, with Damask landing half on top of her and Brody leaning over them protectively.

  “Fucking hell!” said Damask, untangling herself from Flynn.

  The noise in the room now reached an unbelievable level as people everywhere were yelling at each other, joining the fight, or screaming at those fighting to sit down and shut up. Flynn peeked out over the back of her seat, and it seemed to her as if most people were throwing punches. The room was a melee of sound and moving bodies. Flynn almost burst out laughing as an older man across the aisle from her methodically took off his suit coat, unknotted his necktie, undid the top button of his shirt, rolled up his shirt sleeves, then launched himself onto another man, throwing punches with the same precision as he’d used to take off his coat.


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